States consider drug tests for welfare recipients Mar 26 2009

Its fun watching potheads come unglued as they struggle to justify their existance.


Funny! It does seem like much fun to watch though. These potheads will defend it as if it was their last meal on earth. They start slobbering and cursing all over the boards and screaming civil rights and unconstitutional. They should just have a hit and calm down.

for real.. you dumb knee jerking bastards might want to remember that the guy who posted this thread, and who has been the loudest voice for piss tests thus far, smokes the ganja. Your stereotypes do not apply.

Yes it should include ALL drugs, and that includes alcohol. I support legalizing marijuana, but if you going to take my hard earned money, then you need to be stone (pun intended) sober.

And if you don't live your life absolutely letter-perfect at all times by my particular standards, then by God, your children should STARVE!

Of course, if they were capable of being perfect, they probably wouldn't be needing federal assistance, now would they?

Junkies shouldn't be allowed to harm children the way they do.

You think they'll be harmed less if they don't have any food?
Its fun watching potheads come unglued as they struggle to justify their existance.


Funny! It does seem like much fun to watch though. These potheads will defend it as if it was their last meal on earth. They start slobbering and cursing all over the boards and screaming civil rights and unconstitutional. They should just have a hit and calm down.

for real.. you dumb knee jerking bastards might want to remember that the guy who posted this thread, and who has been the loudest voice for piss tests thus far, smokes the ganja. Your stereotypes do not apply.

WHich is kinda scary. Do as I say, not as I do. It's illegal for you, too, Shogun.
Funny! It does seem like much fun to watch though. These potheads will defend it as if it was their last meal on earth. They start slobbering and cursing all over the boards and screaming civil rights and unconstitutional. They should just have a hit and calm down.

for real.. you dumb knee jerking bastards might want to remember that the guy who posted this thread, and who has been the loudest voice for piss tests thus far, smokes the ganja. Your stereotypes do not apply.

WHich is kinda scary. Do as I say, not as I do. It's illegal for you, too, Shogun.

This thread isn't about the legality of smoking pot. It's about the validity of FS being given to potheads. I am completely autonomous. Way to keep up with the fucking discussion.
I suppose that anyone using US currency to purchase drugs should be drug tested along these same lines. If you buy drugs with our currency, it goes into the black market, just like food stamps do. This idea should get us well on the way to national drug test for all people earning US currency. After all, the government provides you with this tender for LEGAL transactions. Illegal drug money is a huge problem that cost tax payers billions of dollars. Yep. this is the right direction to get on with eliminating money, jobs and food for all drug users.
Or anyone who uses public transportation. Or public parks. Or public programs like UNEMPLOYMENT or SSI. All those people should be drug tested. After all, they're partaking of things provided by tax payers.

Peejay, you made a REALLY good point.
Or anyone who uses public transportation. Or public parks. Or public programs like UNEMPLOYMENT or SSI. All those people should be drug tested. After all, they're partaking of things provided by tax payers.

Peejay, you made a REALLY good point.

Actually, unemployment is already in these drug test bills being considered right now. The spike in claims is largely responsible for this idea resurfacing. The WV bill specifically targets unempoyment claims. Which, of course, goes to what I just said. This gets us right along the way to testing anyone who holds or earns US currency.
this is the dumbest idea I've heard in quite a while. Welfare is one thing but piss tests for unemployment? Come the fvck on! First of all a piss test is about $100 a pop, that adds up quick. Unreasonable search and seizure is unconstitutional for seconds. Unemployment is not a handout, you've already paid into the fund in case your ever jobless, so it's not taxpayer monies for thirds. Whiskey, coke, heroin, pills, anything but weed only stays in your system for 24-36 hrs. Weed stays for about 2-4 weeks. In other words, the worst drugs are less likely to be detected for fourths. And finally, repubs can keep there damn dirty self rightous eyes on there own lives and stop acting like my damn mother. We are adults for crying out loud.
You don't pay in the amount you get back, I promise you. Therefore, anyone who claims unemployment should have to get a piss test every time they get a check. And if they're dirty, no UC!

It's a better idea than the Food Stamp one. The UC guys can then go to their prospective employers with a clean UA. And they've already shown they CAN work.

Honestly, though, it's ridiculous.
I suppose that anyone using US currency to purchase drugs should be drug tested along these same lines. If you buy drugs with our currency, it goes into the black market, just like food stamps do. This idea should get us well on the way to national drug test for all people earning US currency. After all, the government provides you with this tender for LEGAL transactions. Illegal drug money is a huge problem that cost tax payers billions of dollars. Yep. this is the right direction to get on with eliminating money, jobs and food for all drug users.

thats uh... pretty special logic you got there, guy. Pretty long reach to feel like you haven't had your ass handed to you in this thread.

personal income using federal currency is not funded by tax payers. so, sorry.. you fail.
Or anyone who uses public transportation. Or public parks. Or public programs like UNEMPLOYMENT or SSI. All those people should be drug tested. After all, they're partaking of things provided by tax payers.

Peejay, you made a REALLY good point.

we have the option to share parks, roads etc equally as a culture. It doesn't take poverty to enjoy a public park. Food stamp recipients are a SELECT sample of Americans who are enjoying tax based funds above and beyond the common park property that you poor, desperate motherfuckers are using to stretch a point.

Now, don't forget to elaborate on why I am a hypocrite even though I am totally autonomous and do not supplement my pot money with food stamps. I look forward to reading a wonderfully stupid reply from you.
That's what you always say when you lose, Shogun. You stop addressing the topic and start crowing, "You lose you lose you LOSE!" and then go on to roll around in your debate prowess as if you actually won a point or two.

You haven't. If it's good for fs recipients, anyone who gets SSI or unemployment benefits should have to line up too.
Or anyone who uses public transportation. Or public parks. Or public programs like UNEMPLOYMENT or SSI. All those people should be drug tested. After all, they're partaking of things provided by tax payers.

Peejay, you made a REALLY good point.

we have the option to share parks, roads etc equally as a culture. It doesn't take poverty to enjoy a public park. Food stamp recipients are a SELECT sample of Americans who are enjoying tax based funds above and beyond the common park property that you poor, desperate motherfuckers are using to stretch a point.

Now, don't forget to elaborate on why I am a hypocrite even though I am totally autonomous and do not supplement my pot money with food stamps. I look forward to reading a wonderfully stupid reply from you.

Anyone who is enjoying a public park is using something purchased with tax money. Therefore, they should have to submit to a piss test, according to you. To prove they are "WORTHY" of accepting the largess of the working public. Because by golly, if they aren't working, then they have no right to access those things the working public has provided, unless they can prove they aren't "wasting" their money on pot.

That's your logic, not mine.

And you aren't supplementing your pot habit with food stamps NOW. Who knows, you may get a pancreatic tumor, colon cancer, or some circulatory problem which will lay you low in 6 months, and poof...then you're mine.

And you'll be lucky, if you do, that I don't advocate for drug tests. Neither am I a hard ass in any other way when it comes to serving the poor, disadvantaged and sick people who come through my office.
this is the dumbest idea I've heard in quite a while. Welfare is one thing but piss tests for unemployment? Come the fvck on! First of all a piss test is about $100 a pop, that adds up quick. Unreasonable search and seizure is unconstitutional for seconds. Unemployment is not a handout, you've already paid into the fund in case your ever jobless, so it's not taxpayer monies for thirds. Whiskey, coke, heroin, pills, anything but weed only stays in your system for 24-36 hrs. Weed stays for about 2-4 weeks. In other words, the worst drugs are less likely to be detected for fourths. And finally, repubs can keep there damn dirty self rightous eyes on there own lives and stop acting like my damn mother. We are adults for crying out loud.

Actually, you don't pay shit into unemployment. Ignorance will take you many places, dude.

Unemployment insurance is a federal-state program jointly financed through federal and state employer payroll taxes (federal and state UI taxes)[8]. Generally, employers must pay both state and federal unemployment taxes if:

(1) they pay wages to employees totaling $1500 or more in any quarter of a calendar year; or,[8]
(2) they had at least one employee during any day of a week during 20 weeks in a calendar year, regardless of whether the weeks were consecutive. However, some state laws differ from the federal law.[8]

Unemployment benefits - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unemployment Insurance

This is what is so funny about this conversation. MOST of you really don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Bottom line. If you think you paid INTO unemployment and DESERVE benefits then you clearly need to do some reading for clarification.
You are such a fucking idiot. You are contending that because the rest of us are paying for fs, and the people who receive them aren't (which is wrong, many of them do work, btw) then they should have to piss test to receive them.

I said that in that case, they should piss test for UC benefits, and using state parks as well, because nobody pays into UC what they get out of it. It's a pittance we pay, and we get much, much more back if we file a successful claim. So by YOUR logic, people who get UC should be pissing in a cup as well, and any unemployed person who uses a public park (you are aware that the people who use the parks the most are poor and/or unemployed, right? It's free entertainment. They often use food they purchased with food stamps and go camping or day camping. It's one of the last free or nearly free entertainment. Some even live in the parks).
Or anyone who uses public transportation. Or public parks. Or public programs like UNEMPLOYMENT or SSI. All those people should be drug tested. After all, they're partaking of things provided by tax payers.

Peejay, you made a REALLY good point.

we have the option to share parks, roads etc equally as a culture. It doesn't take poverty to enjoy a public park. Food stamp recipients are a SELECT sample of Americans who are enjoying tax based funds above and beyond the common park property that you poor, desperate motherfuckers are using to stretch a point.

Now, don't forget to elaborate on why I am a hypocrite even though I am totally autonomous and do not supplement my pot money with food stamps. I look forward to reading a wonderfully stupid reply from you.

Anyone who is enjoying a public park is using something purchased with tax money. Therefore, they should have to submit to a piss test, according to you. To prove they are "WORTHY" of accepting the largess of the working public. Because by golly, if they aren't working, then they have no right to access those things the working public has provided, unless they can prove they aren't "wasting" their money on pot.

That's your logic, not mine.

And you aren't supplementing your pot habit with food stamps NOW. Who knows, you may get a pancreatic tumor, colon cancer, or some circulatory problem which will lay you low in 6 months, and poof...then you're mine.

And you'll be lucky, if you do, that I don't advocate for drug tests. Neither am I a hard ass in any other way when it comes to serving the poor, disadvantaged and sick people who come through my office.

A park is COMMONLY SHARED accross the fucking public, baba. FOOD STAMPS ARE NOT. Can I have 50 bucks of YOUR food stamps like I can walk into a fucking PUBLIC PARK that you are also enjoying? NO? Then I guess you finally comprehend the difference between parks and food stamps then.

And no, I have never, don't NOW, and WILL never hold my hand out begging for fucking tax based food stamps. Thats what being personally responsible is all about. If the premise of your hypocracy accusation hinges on some nuttjob future possibility then I guess it's pretty obvious why you fucking fail in this thread, isnt it? But, just to drive the point home, stupid, if any of that WERE the case then I would NOT BE SMOKING POT USING MONEY THAT I OTHERWISE NEED FOR FOOD. Hell, you COULD find yourself raped with a giant donkey dick up your ass... does that mean you enjoy rough beast sex? The desperation of your laughable argument pretty much convey that this thread is over for you.

I truly don't give a fuck about your application of policy, baba. I will never have to deal with it. Again, THAT is what personal responsibiliity is all about.

Now, did you want to clarify what, specifically, makes my postition hypocritical or did you just want to grasp at more punchline straws?
As I said. Hope you don't get laid low, lose your job and your ability to work, and have to come dragging your sorry backwards ass into my office. Because then you will be suffering a very scary dose of reality.

Never say never, dipshit. I once made fun of a pizza delivery person. Guess what? Within a year, I was delivering pizzas. I also made fun of someone who had epilepsy once. Guess what? The next year my boy was diagnosed with it.

You don't know what the fuck will happen to you, dumbass, or to what straits you will be reduced.
You are such a fucking idiot. You are contending that because the rest of us are paying for fs, and the people who receive them aren't (which is wrong, many of them do work, btw) then they should have to piss test to receive them.

I said that in that case, they should piss test for UC benefits, and using state parks as well, because nobody pays into UC what they get out of it. It's a pittance we pay, and we get much, much more back if we file a successful claim. So by YOUR logic, people who get UC should be pissing in a cup as well, and any unemployed person who uses a public park (you are aware that the people who use the parks the most are poor and/or unemployed, right? It's free entertainment. They often use food they purchased with food stamps and go camping or day camping. It's one of the last free or nearly free entertainment. Some even live in the parks).

Indeed, unemployed motherfuckers pay LOTS OF TAXES DONT THEY? I tellya! Nothing says TAX HOG like POVERTY! :rofl:

and yes, by taking tax based money they should be forced to take drug tests. For real, the longer you keep confusing a commonly shared park with an INDIVIDUAL BENEFIT of FS the sorrier I feel for you and people who may think you are smarter than the average nugget of shit.

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