States consider drug tests for welfare recipients Mar 26 2009

Just say "NO" to government, period.

If more people would stop looking to government to fix everything, then we would not be in the mess we are in

By the way..I believe that people are signing off on theiir right to privacy..that hurts all of us as a nation.

Doing drug tests is an assinine thing to be cool with and plays right into the hands of all those who wish to destroy the US from the inside

Well, as I've said, I'm willing to argue whether or not the government has any business giving out welfare at all, but it's a different thread. This one is about how and why we're doing it, on the assumption that we ARE going to do it. I don't approve of welfare from either a Constitutional or an effectiveness standpoint, but the reality is that we ARE giving it, and there's no point in changing the focus to make it even less useful for the stated purpose.
Exactly. It exists as an entitlement, and its focus is people who are either through no fault of their own unemployed...and the unemployable. It's meant to keep the kids of people who are drug addicted, disabled, mentally ill, etc. from begging food on the streets, pure and simple. It's a way of getting food into those households so what income they do have can maybe be used to buy a pair of shoes, or drive to a doctor's appontiment or job interview. At any rate, it is to make sure food gets into that household.

There are very few welfare recipients with children in the household who barter their foodstamps for cash or drugs. It happens, but it's a limited scam. And of those who do, there is even a smaller percentage who actually barter ALL of that fs allotment. So even if they get $500 in fs, and barter off $150, that's still $350 in food coming into the household that wouldn't be there otherwise.
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And we do look for those people and when we find them, they are disqualified.
Just say "NO" to government, period.

If more people would stop looking to government to fix everything, then we would not be in the mess we are in

By the way..I believe that people are signing off on theiir right to privacy..that hurts all of us as a nation.

Doing drug tests is an assinine thing to be cool with and plays right into the hands of all those who wish to destroy the US from the inside

Well, as I've said, I'm willing to argue whether or not the government has any business giving out welfare at all, but it's a different thread. This one is about how and why we're doing it, on the assumption that we ARE going to do it. I don't approve of welfare from either a Constitutional or an effectiveness standpoint, but the reality is that we ARE giving it, and there's no point in changing the focus to make it even less useful for the stated purpose.

Thats like saying that there is no reason to adjust the sights of a gun since it will be shooting forward anyway. There IS a point. and, that point is to clarify who really needs it as opposed to those who are just looking for drug funding.
And we do look for those people and when we find them, they are disqualified.

Very true. What you are more likely to see are people bartering some of their FS for cash in order to buy non-food items like toilet paper, diapers, toiletries.

My experience has been that people on welfare who take drugs don't usually buy them themselves. Rather, they go to parties or social gatherings with their friends and partake of communal drug supplies.

And again, one does not get people off drugs by slapping them down and starving their children the first time they screw up. If you're going to have a program purportedly aimed at helping people, then administering it from a punitive and hostile standpoint is counterproductive, not to mention ludicrous.
Hence the term "entitlement."

Some are not entitlement programs. For example, TANF is not an entitlement program. Clients have to jump through some pretty substantial hoops in order to be qualified. They must participate in a case plan, they must stay in touch with their workers, they must continue to work towards self sufficiency.

Food stamps is meant to be easy and accessible. It costs less than any of the other programs, but it's the easiest to get and arguably, helps the most. $300 in fs is $300 a month you can use to pay something else. Sure, some just won't apply it to anything valuable...but as I said, people get discouraged when there's nothing the money can make a dent in. So you have $300 after paying the electric bill (to keep the heat on). Your rent is $450, your phone is $50, your gas to go to your Jobs class is $75 a month.

Tell me what the hell you're supposed to do with that money.YOu pay the electric, use it for gas, and there's not enough for rent and the landlord doesn't take partial payments, so you by a little bag and maybe take the kids to a movie. Big fucking deal.
Hence the term "entitlement."

Some are not entitlement programs. For example, TANF is not an entitlement program. Clients have to jump through some pretty substantial hoops in order to be qualified. They must participate in a case plan, they must stay in touch with their workers, they must continue to work towards self sufficiency.

Food stamps is meant to be easy and accessible. It costs less than any of the other programs, but it's the easiest to get and arguably, helps the most. $300 in fs is $300 a month you can use to pay something else. Sure, some just won't apply it to anything valuable...but as I said, people get discouraged when there's nothing the money can make a dent in. So you have $300 after paying the electric bill (to keep the heat on). Your rent is $450, your phone is $50, your gas to go to your Jobs class is $75 a month.

Tell me what the hell you're supposed to do with that money.YOu pay the electric, use it for gas, and there's not enough for rent and the landlord doesn't take partial payments, so you by a little bag and maybe take the kids to a movie. Big fucking deal.

It actually does bother me that they're doing drugs. I'm just not inclined to punish the children for it, nor am I inclined to create a bigger bureaucratic nightmare than already exists simply because of the "gotcha!" desire of some to micromanage people's lives.
No, because your employer doesn't want to fund people who take drugs, and you have no problem defrauding him and taking his hard earned money. But you do have a problem from people who are in an entitlement program, with no requirements as far as drug use goes, daring to take the tiny fraction of money you have donated to the program.

Which you wouldn't be donating at all if your boss knew.

You're a hypocrite.
Very true.
And we do look for those people and when we find them, they are disqualified.

Very true. What you are more likely to see are people bartering some of their FS for cash in order to buy non-food items like toilet paper, diapers, toiletries.

My experience has been that people on welfare who take drugs don't usually buy them themselves. Rather, they go to parties or social gatherings with their friends and partake of communal drug supplies.

And again, one does not get people off drugs by slapping them down and starving their children the first time they screw up. If you're going to have a program purportedly aimed at helping people, then administering it from a punitive and hostile standpoint is counterproductive, not to mention ludicrous.


thats fucking hilarious.. yes yes... those POOOR people sure do have to defraud the tax payer... for toilet paper.


what a crock of shit. If you think that people on FS only smoke when it's passed to them in a circle then it's clear that you would say anything to polish the turd of FS abuse.

For real.. if cops acted like you and baba then we'd have be dealing with an ACCEPTABLE amount of rapes per year.
Hence the term "entitlement."

Some are not entitlement programs. For example, TANF is not an entitlement program. Clients have to jump through some pretty substantial hoops in order to be qualified. They must participate in a case plan, they must stay in touch with their workers, they must continue to work towards self sufficiency.

Food stamps is meant to be easy and accessible. It costs less than any of the other programs, but it's the easiest to get and arguably, helps the most. $300 in fs is $300 a month you can use to pay something else. Sure, some just won't apply it to anything valuable...but as I said, people get discouraged when there's nothing the money can make a dent in. So you have $300 after paying the electric bill (to keep the heat on). Your rent is $450, your phone is $50, your gas to go to your Jobs class is $75 a month.

Tell me what the hell you're supposed to do with that money.YOu pay the electric, use it for gas, and there's not enough for rent and the landlord doesn't take partial payments, so you by a little bag and maybe take the kids to a movie. Big fucking deal.

well, I guess the FIST step is to be realistic about your lifestyle so you might want to rethink living in a condo and driving a fucking beamer.

Oh, silly me.. FS recipients DESERVE a lobster lifestyle!


This is my favorite part of your retarded fucking post...

and there's not enough for rent and the landlord doesn't take partial payments, so you by a little bag and maybe take the kids to a movie. Big fucking deal.

yea bitch. for those of us footing the bill it IS a big fucking deal. OF COURSE poverty money meant to keep you from starving should be used to buy MOVIE TICKETS AND WEED!


You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.
You really are a heel.
You're as cuddly as a cactus,
You're as charming as an eel.
Mr. Grinch.

You're a bad banana
With a greasy black peel.

You're a monster, Mr. Grinch.
Your heart's an empty hole.
Your brain is full of spiders,
You've got garlic in your soul.
Mr. Grinch.

I wouldn't touch you, with a
thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.

You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch.
You have termites in your smile.
You have all the tender sweetness
Of a seasick crocodile.
Mr. Grinch.

Given the choice between the two of you
I'd take the seasick crockodile.

You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch.
You're a nasty, wasty skunk.
Your heart is full of unwashed socks
Your soul is full of gunk.
Mr. Grinch.

The three words that best describe you,
are, and I quote: "Stink. Stank. Stunk."

You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch.
You're the king of sinful sots.
Your heart's a dead tomato splot
With moldy purple spots,
Mr. Grinch.

Your soul is an apalling dump heap overflowing
with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable
rubbish imaginable,
Mangled up in tangled up knots.

You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch.
With a nauseaus super-naus.
You're a crooked jerky jockey
And you drive a crooked horse.
Mr. Grinch.

You're a three decker saurkraut and toadstool
With arsenic sauce.

- Dr. Seuss
Soggy, why don't you tell us what company you work for so we can find out if they receive any government benefits whatsoever. Oh, wait...they do, simply by existing in the USA.
Hey Shogun, I'm scaling back my busking schedule so I can take a job as a janitor. Mopping floors and taking out other people's garbage.

Just thought you'd be interested so you can change up your schtick.

I like this!!! How about we also limit the types of food they can get on food stamps too. I'm sick of people having a cart full of junk and expensive meat and using their Oregon Trail card (FS card) to pay for it. Then when asked to use a club card for discounts, they say nah, not like I'm paying for it. Set it up like WIC.

So now you're advocating what would amount to a sub-agency of FDA in consort with H&W to prepare and maintain an accurate update of "acceptable" food items? Just how big do you want this government to be, hon?

The Food Stamp card still doesn't allow one to buy the toilet paper to use once their filet mignons have passed on.

It's been my supermarket experience that people using the food stamp program do NOT purchase a bunch of "expensive" meat or lobster tails and the like. They do, however, purchase prepackaged junk food because it's CHEAPER, which results in unhealthy eating habits, which results in more trips to the emergency room by those who also can't afford doctors.

I think people like you are so class conscious that you just make up shit. I've never seen one in line in front of me not using the card discount either. Every little bit taken off the total grocery bill helps ADD TO the balance left on the card. Duh...
Father Time: I would be fine with that. Drunks, potheads, deadbeats, no reason they should be slurping booze on one hand and eating paid for steak and shrimp on another.

Xotoxi: just like an alcoholic, someone that needs a buzz always finds money for that high, no matter how broke they are, their priorities are just that poor. Additionally...there is a large market for swapping welfare food for drugs, booze, cigarettes, among lowlifes.

That "market" has greatly diminished with the demise of the actual food "stamps" and issuance of the card instead, which requires a password. Sure it still gets abused, but not nearly as much.

I do have a suggestion that I'll stick in here, and that is if everyone who "thinks" s/he sees abuse of any food stamp or other "welfare" program, then it's your duty to report it anonymously. Having worked in the system a while ago in my state, I can assure you that unless a state is abysmally understaffed, welfare workers are more than happy to check out anonymous complaints. So don't come HERE and bitch. Pick up the phone.
Hey, take the kids and let them be wards of the state. We're already paying for their living expenses, right?

And another "compassionate conservative" speaks. Your motto is I got mine, so fuck everybody else. You're part of the problem, not the solution, and that's why people like you will continue to try to elect like-minded leaders and you will continue to lose.
Oh spare me. Conservatives were resopnsible for the welfare reforms which have been wildly successful, and which Obama is rolling back.
Hey, take the kids and let them be wards of the state. We're already paying for their living expenses, right?

And another "compassionate conservative" speaks. Your motto is I got mine, so fuck everybody else. You're part of the problem, not the solution, and that's why people like you will continue to try to elect like-minded leaders and you will continue to lose.

Back off. You want to attack his individual opinion and position, go right ahead, but lay the hell off of the generalizations about conservatives. We wouldn't be having this hostile backlash against people receiving government assistance if leftists hadn't turned it into the taxpayer-sucking monster that it was before CONSERVATIVES enacted reforms to make it actually useful.
Oh spare me. Conservatives were resopnsible for the welfare reforms which have been wildly successful, and which Obama is rolling back.

Actually CLINTON signed the WELFARE REFORM into effect, Allie.

What he signed into effect was essantially the REPUBLICAN REFORM plan, though.

That's another of those reasons that the Republicans hated him so.

By signing that reform law, he took away one of the favorite talking points.

FWIW, I think it was a fairly good reform for welfare, so kudos to the Republicans for drafting it, and to Clinton for signing it.
Oh spare me. Conservatives were resopnsible for the welfare reforms which have been wildly successful, and which Obama is rolling back.

Actually CLINTON signed the WELFARE REFORM into effect, Allie.

Actually, Clinton rejected the entire idea of welfare reform until the Republican-held Congress forced it on him. Then he disavowed it every chance he got, until it turned out to be a success. That was the point where he and his bootlickers started trying to claim all the credit for him.

What he signed into effect was essantially the REPUBLICAN REFORM plan, though.

At least you admit that much.

That's another of those reasons that the Republicans hated him so.

By signing that reform law, he took away one of the favorite talking points.

Hardly, asshole. You have the Republicans confused with the Democrats, who are more interested in attack strategy than in doing what's right for the country. Welfare reform is one of the few things conservatives will give Clinton credit for doing correctly, although we have no intention of pretending that he wasn't forced into it.

Those who hated Clinton did so because he was an idiot, an embarrassment, and an nth-degree horndog who couldn't keep it in his pants.

FWIW, I think it was a fairly good reform for welfare, so kudos to the Republicans for drafting it, and to Clinton for signing it.

It's actually worth quite a bit that you recognize that it was a good thing.

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