States consider drug tests for welfare recipients Mar 26 2009

ONE OF THE loudest--and most bipartisan--rounds of applause during Bill Clinton's 1993 State of the Union address came when he reiterated his promise to "end welfare as we know it." During the campaign, Clinton repeatedly said that welfare benefits should be time-limited, and that, after two years of job training and education, welfare recipients who can work should be required to do so. "We have to end welfare as a way of life," he told Congress and the nation, "and make it a path to independence and dignity."

Let's not bend the truth too damned far here.
Oh spare me. Conservatives were resopnsible for the welfare reforms which have been wildly successful, and which Obama is rolling back.

Allie is 100% correct in this. Obama is fucking it all up and the conservatives actually worked it right (before Jr but we will forgive his idiotic mistakes as they had little impact in reality). The first George Bush refined Clintons reforms, making them actually work better. Obama is and will fuck it all up. I hope this economic crisis corrects itself soon or most people on here will be bending over.
There hasn't been any repeal or reform of the '96 Welfare reform that I know of.

Of course, I leave open the possiblity that Obama could screw that up but it hasn't happend yet.
There hasn't been any repeal or reform of the '96 Welfare reform that I know of.

Of course, I leave open the possiblity that Obama could screw that up but it hasn't happend yet.

Small changes may not count as reform by most people, but they are still reforms.
There hasn't been any repeal or reform of the '96 Welfare reform that I know of.

Of course, I leave open the possiblity that Obama could screw that up but it hasn't happend yet.

Small changes may not count as reform by most people, but they are still reforms.

Well what are these changes ? I haven't heard of any.

Social Security and Medicare are still considered part of the welfare program in spite of the obvious differences. However, I do not have a list of them off hand, nor do I care to search for online references. I was on welfare and Social Security when some of them were happening so I got all those letters detailing the "changes" made. If someone else wishes to search for them they should be able to find them in law/welfare channels. I rolled my eyes at some of Jr's changes.
Small changes may not count as reform by most people, but they are still reforms.

Well what are these changes ? I haven't heard of any.

Social Security and Medicare are still considered part of the welfare program in spite of the obvious differences. However, I do not have a list of them off hand, nor do I care to search for online references. I was on welfare and Social Security when some of them were happening so I got all those letters detailing the "changes" made. If someone else wishes to search for them they should be able to find them in law/welfare channels. I rolled my eyes at some of Jr's changes.

I'm shocked.
Well what are these changes ? I haven't heard of any.

Social Security and Medicare are still considered part of the welfare program in spite of the obvious differences. However, I do not have a list of them off hand, nor do I care to search for online references. I was on welfare and Social Security when some of them were happening so I got all those letters detailing the "changes" made. If someone else wishes to search for them they should be able to find them in law/welfare channels. I rolled my eyes at some of Jr's changes.

I'm shocked.

Explain which part shocks you please, or are you just trying to insult instead of discuss? Seriously, I am growing bored with that, so I hope you are being honest.
I'm just trying to make sense of how you are bored, but you keep posting here and you claim that you don't have time to go find any facts to back up what you say.

In short, it's a lie.
In fact, let's leave an open invitation for anyone to show where Obama has changed welfare. Let's try to stick to welfare too. I don't want to hear about tax cuts for the poor, I want to hear about these supposed changes to welfare.
I'm just trying to make sense of how you are bored, but you keep posting here and you claim that you don't have time to go find any facts to back up what you say.

In short, it's a lie.

Really ... so passing time posting on a forum is somehow a sign that I am lying. Why would I need to go find facts online, or are you just having a hard time believing anything that happens IRL? I am also not saying I am bored as a whole, just that your failed attempts at insults are boring. I post here between coding, during breaks I take so my mind doesn't overload with those little things you seem to lack, work and hobby. See, that's how you insult and keep it somewhat interesting.
Let's keep the floor open for any information to back up the assertion that Obama has somehow rolled back welfare reform.
Let's keep the floor open for any information to back up the assertion that Obama has somehow rolled back welfare reform.

Aah ... your lack of comprehension is showing. I never said that he was "rolling" anything back, but he is hurting it with his changes. Many benefits are about to be cut, due to a lack of funding, because he is spending money poorly. Next time ... cut to the chase, it would have been much easier to show your misreading of my posts earlier on.
fantastic idea, I have been saying it for eyars....goverment would save money by getting all the deadbeat crackheads waiting for the first of the month for pay day off their lottery
fantastic idea, I have been saying it for eyars....goverment would save money by getting all the deadbeat crackheads waiting for the first of the month for pay day off their lottery

The idea of getting any crack heads off PA is a good one. The question is, do you really think we will save money ?

I have already posted a reasonable cost analysis that puts us about $67,000 in the hole for every 3.5 families removed from the roles due to drug testing.

Can you show that we will save any money ? I'd accept breaking even.

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