States considering expanding Medicaid to address abortion.

Yes, and if these girls and young women would insist that the guy put on a condom, the need for abortion would drop by 95%.
Very well said. Can't agree more. But as a society we seem to be afraid of pushing contraception. Are we afraid of less babies being born? We shouldn't be. Unwanted pregnancies lead to abortion. Contraception is the key.
pro-lifers who essentially want to outlaw abortion in most or all cases also need to be intelligent enough to understand that people are careless, reckless, and make mistakes
They aren't "mistakes." Careless and reckless, yes.

But we have laws that don't allow the excuse that you're careless and reckless. Why is baby killing an exception in your mind
Here's the deal. I agree that personal responsibility and dealing with the consequences of one's actions are valid arguments to make, however, pro-lifers who essentially want to outlaw abortion in most or all cases also need to be intelligent enough to understand that people are careless, reckless, and make mistakes. The question is if you want no abortion at all (or only allow it in cases of rape) and you know a plethora of women will still end up with unwanted pregnanices regardless of all the birth control options, what is your solution other than allowing an abortion or the child growing up in less than optimal circumstances?
You’d have to ask someone who wants no abortion at all (or only allow it in the case of rape) that question.

For my view, I’m OK with the morning after pill, which allows the woman up to three or four days after she was irresponsible to take corrective action. That doesn’t seem to be asking too much.

(Also, IME, a man has NEVER refused to put on a condom if his other choice was no sex at all.)
Very well said. Can't agree more. But as a society we seem to be afraid of pushing contraception. Are we afraid of less babies being born? We shouldn't be. Unwanted pregnancies lead to abortion. Contraception is the key.
I don’t think we’re afraid of “pushing” contraception. The information is out there for anyone to research - easier these days because you can do it on the privacy of your computer instead of having to check out a book from the library and have the librarian give you a dirty look because even though you’re 18, you look like you’re only 15 and she disapproves. (A friend told me.)
Do you want to address the issue? More people are starting to understand that one proper way to address fewer abortions is to make sure women have health care.
Bingo! '
Or in other words, social responsibility of government to prevent the need for an abortion. Thus, reducing the number of abortions.

But does anybody care?
Bingo! '
Or in other words, social responsibility of government to prevent the need for an abortion. Thus, reducing the number of abortions.

But does anybody care?
It’s not the responsibility of the government to prevent the need for abortion, you leftists. It’s the responsibility of the woman engaging in sex, and ideally her partner.
Republicans have been very busy getting rid of such books.
Do you have a link to that. All I've seen is PARENTS trying to stop vile sexual grooming garbage from the hands of THEIR prepubescent CHILDREN.

Try giving this information personally to small children and see what happens to you
Or mandatory sterilization after an irresponsible woman has three kids, all on welfare with different fathers who don’t contribute.
Mandatory sterilization after the first in order to collect welfare. Break the cycle.
Or mandatory sterilization after an irresponsible woman has three kids, all on welfare with different fathers who don’t contribute.
Sieg Heil!

I tried to introduce some sanity into the discussion Lisa, but you weren't interested. Now you've illustrated why you're not interested.
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Bingo! '
Or in other words, social responsibility of government to prevent the need for an abortion. Thus, reducing the number of abortions.

But does anybody care?

Some do and if there is any validity to this article, ones you might not have expected to, might be.
Sieg Heil!

I tried to introduce some sanity into the discussion Lisa, but you weren't interested. Now you've illustrated why you're not interested.
They don’t want to get sterilized….then stop having multiple kids that other people have to pay for. Why are we rewarding irrresponsibility?
Some do and if there is any validity to this article, ones you might not have expected to, might be.
I'm always open to a pleasant surprise.

To me it's as easy as accepting that government has a social responsibility.

But I think we can say that many Americans have no faith in government, and that is part of the reason why we hear the resignation to it being a lost cause.

They can take some responsibility for their lack of caring.

And now, as a Canadian with no dog in the fight, I'll butt out.
They aren't "mistakes." Careless and reckless, yes.

But we have laws that don't allow the excuse that you're careless and reckless. Why is baby killing an exception in your mind

Try again and maybe next time actually answer my question.
You’d have to ask someone who wants no abortion at all (or only allow it in the case of rape) that question.

For my view, I’m OK with the morning after pill, which allows the woman up to three or four days after she was irresponsible to take corrective action. That doesn’t seem to be asking too much.

(Also, IME, a man has NEVER refused to put on a condom if his other choice was no sex at all.)

So you're saying you're for keeping abortion legal?

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