States full of good, REAL Americans sue to end DACA.

We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.


150 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Irish. The Irish are fine.

100 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Germans. The Germans are just fine.

50 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Polish. The Polish are just fine.

The Mexicans will be just fine.
Remind us please of what a "good REAL American" is? Why are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia somehow "special"?
They contain high percentages of White Straight Christian Americans.

You know - the people who founded and built and sustain and own the country.
They contain high percentages of White Straight Christian Americans.

You know - the people who founded and built and sustain and own the country.

Silly person, you think the Cleetus States sustain the country? they're just a third world white trash nation the rest of us have to carry.
We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.


150 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Irish. The Irish are fine.

100 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Germans. The Germans are just fine.

50 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Polish. The Polish are just fine.

The Mexicans will be just fine.

You've always got to have someone to attack, someone to make yourself feel good about yourself.

Ray is that typical sort of person who needs such nonsense.
Real Americans? Natives? You conservative snowflakes are kinda funny, thought you cared about life and children? Those are children wanting a better life at the border. What would that Jesus guy you snowflakes claim to follow say? Or is Trump your new god? seems so.

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken

Put.... the... crack...down!!!!!
They contain high percentages of White Straight Christian Americans.

You know - the people who founded and built and sustain and own the country.

Silly person, you think the Cleetus States sustain the country? they're just a third world white trash nation the rest of us have to carry.
Incorrect. I'm a lifelong resident of northeastern Illinois.

One of those whose taxes prop up your brothers and sisters in The City.

Part of the 77% of the US population who are White.

Part of the 96% of the US population who are Straight.

Part of the 76% of the US population who are Christian.

Or who are otherwise primarily and substantively part of the heritage and traditions of each of those three groups.

You on the outside lookin' in?

Bad luck, that.
Last edited:
So you would send people who have lived their whole lives here back to lands they never knew. How intelligent is this? Get a grip. Many of us are not for unnecessary suffering.

Maybe you stumbled across a deal here. Perhaps we should allow those who have spent their entire lives here to stay, and in exchange, send the rest of them home. I think both sides can agree to that. How about you?

No. I can't. Absolutely not. Since at least the 1950s, the "conservative" dickheads have fought necessary reforms in these countries, while the dickheads who have run the catholic and protestant churches have fought tooth-and-nail over decades every attempt to use available technology to prevent the burgeoning populations of countries that can't sustain them. My father predicted this precise situation back in the 1960s. It was just a matter of time. Now it's time for "conservatives" to face what they were so instrumental in creating and learn their fucking lesson. It's not the DACA kids or families hopping trains to get to our southern border who are to be blamed and be made to suffer. The "conservatives" wanted over-population and now they've got their wish.
Remind us please of what a "good REAL American" is? Why are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia somehow "special"?

For broke loser real American equals white men.

But . . . but . . . only heterosexual men who are not union members, who do not vote for candidates from the Democratic Party, and who believe that women are not real Americans and should be kept as cooks, baby factories, and sex machines, and who bitch that everybody accept them is playing identity politics.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

DACA children are real Americans

Wrong...and most are not children.

He is 100% correct. DACA recipients ARE "real Americans". 900 of them are serving in this nation's military. Did you do that?
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
Thank god for the electoral college
Where the minority holds the majority as a hostage ? Electoral college is for the 17th century. Now the useless part of america is teying to pull the productive majority back....wonderful!!!
It’s the only representation small conservative states have...
They contain high percentages of White Straight Christian Americans.

You know - the people who founded and built and sustain and own the country.

Silly person, you think the Cleetus States sustain the country? they're just a third world white trash nation the rest of us have to carry.
Incorrect. I'm a lifelong resident of northeastern Illinois.

One of those whose taxes prop up your brothers and sisters in The City.

Part of the 77% of the US population who are White.

Part of the 96% of the US population who are Straight.

Part of the 76% of the US population who are Christian.

Or who are otherwise primarily and substantively part of the heritage and traditions of each of those three groups.

You on the outside lookin' in?

Bad luck, that.
They contain high percentages of White Straight Christian Americans.

You know - the people who founded and built and sustain and own the country.

Silly person, you think the Cleetus States sustain the country? they're just a third world white trash nation the rest of us have to carry.
Incorrect. I'm a lifelong resident of northeastern Illinois.

One of those whose taxes prop up your brothers and sisters in The City.

Part of the 77% of the US population who are White.

Part of the 96% of the US population who are Straight.

Part of the 76% of the US population who are Christian.

Or who are otherwise primarily and substantively part of the heritage and traditions of each of those three groups.

You on the outside lookin' in?

Bad luck, that.

Well, I fit your description, except that I don't think that I've ever set foot in Illinois. I've paid plenty of damned taxes in over 40 years of working. I don't know what "heritage and traditions" you are talking about, especially when you refer to race and sexual orientation. Yeah, some Christian, but (emphatically!) not anything to do with graham or dobson or focus on the family or the southern baptist or assembly of god religions.

You stated in #62 that we "sustain and own" this country. How is that? Yeah, I've got some property. I'm fortunate in this regard. You might, as well. Folks who are not white, straight, and Christian do as well. So what?

If you think that you deserve some sort of medal for being white, straight, and christian, being born to the "right" parents, and playing identity politics: great. Drop your pants so we can figure out where to pin it.
They contain high percentages of White Straight Christian Americans.

You know - the people who founded and built and sustain and own the country.

Silly person, you think the Cleetus States sustain the country? they're just a third world white trash nation the rest of us have to carry.
Blue state are the worst off..
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
Thank god for the electoral college
Where the minority holds the majority as a hostage ? Electoral college is for the 17th century. Now the useless part of america is teying to pull the productive majority back....wonderful!!!

And you wonder why real Americans have finally had enough of this immigration bullshit. We LET a few of you Ragheads in...then you badmouth and seek to change our system and the many things which make America the place all you filthy fucks want to migrate to. You really should just shut your fucking mouth, enjoy your free ride at the back of the bus.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.
I wish they were....freeways are jammed. Keep on lying to yourself.

10 million disgusting wetbacks stuffed in a relatively small area...all rushing to those free doctors appointments will clog a few freeways.
Look around, tell me how many REAL Americans you see driving in this’s nothing but anchor babies, illegals and ragheads.
Remind us please of what a "good REAL American" is? Why are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia somehow "special"?

Well, being “American” is often a behavioral thing, a state of mind that you definitely wouldn’t understand.
Illegals and barely legal anchor babies here by illegal means are definitely NOT real Americans. What else can I teach you?

Just what would I "definitely wouldn’t understand"? You can't teach me anything because you are unqualified to teach any American how to be an American. I understand a lot. Yes, my mother's parents were immigrants. My father's great grandparents were immigrants. I don't know what your background is. What makes you so high and mighty?

As a born and bred Jersey Girl, born less than ten miles from the George Washington Bridge, on land walked upon by George Washington and his troupes, I'm calling BS on you.
Too bad someone never explained legal and illegal :auiqs.jpg:

So you would send people who have lived their whole lives here back to lands they never knew. How intelligent is this? Get a grip. Many of us are not for unnecessary suffering.
Yes, you're damn right. I don't owe them anything. I especially don't owe ungrateful fks who protest in America's streets.
I am not impressed by 7 backwards states. I doubt this is being pushed by the people. It is being pushed by racists and representatives are kowtowing to the far right. The Republican Party of Trump needs to die.,

Yes, then that way you can have open borders and this country will too will turn into a shithole.

You are the shithole who is turning this country into a shithole. DACA recipients are more American than you are.

Haha...what the fuck kind of whack-job metric are you using?

American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017
Ungrateful fks illegally here. send them back to their country. They love that flag and not the US Flag. I saw em at the top of the fence with their home country flag. seemed they were showing how proud they were of it. then go there. This country has an American flag, and if they truly felt this was their saving grace land, then they should be waving an American Flag. You leftist fks don't get to make the call.
There IS NO 'DACA'.

Liberals continue to reference an illegal, Un-Constitutional decree by a would-be-Dictator - who admitted himself before he acted that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do what he did - as if it was actual, Constitutional LEGISLATION that was passed by Congress into LAW.

Didn't happen.

Claiming DACA exists legally is like someone standing in front of a RED car and screaming it is blue.

The Judge who recently declared 'DACA' could not be terminated is INSANE and should be immediately dragged from the bench and sent to a mandatory 'Law 101' class and be forced to watch 100 hours of 'School House Rock' - the episode that explains how a bill becomes a law - over and over and over again... :p
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.

Hillary is that you?
Keep it up,the mid terms are right around the corner.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.
I wish they were....freeways are jammed. Keep on lying to yourself.

10 million disgusting wetbacks stuffed in a relatively small area...all rushing to those free doctors appointments will clog a few freeways.
Look around, tell me how many REAL Americans you see driving in this’s nothing but anchor babies, illegals and ragheads.

They haven’t reopened stormfront for you losers?
I am not impressed by 7 backwards states. I doubt this is being pushed by the people. It is being pushed by racists and representatives are kowtowing to the far right. The Republican Party of Trump needs to die.,

I'm sorry,your race card is maxed out.

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