States full of good, REAL Americans sue to end DACA.

You are so desperate to view shit a certain’re fucking lost on this issue...are you claiming the cockroaches don’t get free healthcare and free college / education? Yes or fucking no?

DACA recipients do not get any help from the federal government.

Nice spin...lets try this again.
“Are you claiming the cockroaches don’t get free healthcare and free college / education? Yes or fucking no?”

You realize that YOU are the fucking cockroach in this discussion, right?

Nice spin...lets try this again.
“Are you claiming the cockroaches don’t get free healthcare and free college / education? Yes or fucking no?”

You want to try to phrase the question like a grown up, cockroach?

That’s what I thought.
DACA recipients do not get any help from the federal government.

Nice spin...lets try this again.
“Are you claiming the cockroaches don’t get free healthcare and free college / education? Yes or fucking no?”

You realize that YOU are the fucking cockroach in this discussion, right?

Nice spin...lets try this again.
“Are you claiming the cockroaches don’t get free healthcare and free college / education? Yes or fucking no?”

You want to try to phrase the question like a grown up, cockroach?

That’s what I thought.

You thought you couldn’t phrase the question like a grown up? That’s pretty fucking sad.
Nice spin...lets try this again.
“Are you claiming the cockroaches don’t get free healthcare and free college / education? Yes or fucking no?”

You realize that YOU are the fucking cockroach in this discussion, right?

Nice spin...lets try this again.
“Are you claiming the cockroaches don’t get free healthcare and free college / education? Yes or fucking no?”

You want to try to phrase the question like a grown up, cockroach?

That’s what I thought.

You thought you couldn’t phrase the question like a grown up? That’s pretty fucking sad.

Pretending you don’t understand and using that as a tool to deflect is fucking pathetic. Sack up pussy
When did I say anybody that disagrees with me doesn't know what they are talking about? You call me stupid when you have the comprehension skills of a 10 year old?

The stupid people support Trump? Then thank the stupid people for you getting more in your paycheck every week. Thank the stupid people for electing a leader that's bringing North Korea to their knees. Thank the stupid people when you get a much larger income tax refund for your 2018 return. Thank the stupid people for electing a leader that shooed ISIS out of Iraq. Thank the stupid people for the US no longer having the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. Thank the stupid people for getting rid of the Commie Care fine which was the most anti-American legislation passed in our lifetime. Thank the stupid people for the privacy your daughter gets in school when she uses the dressing rooms or showers, and is no longer in threat of weirdos in dresses eyeing her down.

I don't thank stupid people like you for anything and your post is stupid.

1. For most people, the extra money they get is either unnoticeable or not a game changer. By the end of the special election in Pennsylvania, Republicans stopped talking about it because no one was buying it. The average person will likely see a smaller tax refund since the withholding tables were dropped lower.

The gold standard for tax reform was Ronald Reagan's 1986 reform. He pounded out a bi-partisan agreement with Democrats. This is a poor imitation. It was done in a partisan manner. Limiting the deductibility of state and local taxes was a attack on red states.

Paul Ryan said he could get the corporate tax rate down to 25% based on business tax breaks they had eliminated. They got it down to 21% by taking money from individuals. The standard deduction is not indexed to inflation so it loses a little value each year. Brackets are indexed by the chained CPI which is a lower
measure of inflation than the CPI. Getting rid of the mandate gave them $400 billion which went to businesses as well.

Tax breaks were retained for the rich. The carried interest deduction is a special interest tax cut that was retained even though it should not have. The pass through rate is another break for the rich. The fact is that the rich are already figuring a way to use it. Then we have the tax break for real estate trusts that Paul Ryan and Donald Trump will win on bigly.

This tax reform bill needs to be reformed.

2. Trump deserves no credit for North Korea. He is proving to be more adept than Trump. By holding meetings with the South Korean leader, he has limited some of Trump's options. He closed up a site that was becoming unusable.

3. The reason ISIS is out of Iraq is because the Iraqi army finally got it's act together. The Iraqi army did the bulk of the fighting against ISIS. Trump is about to make the same mistake Obama did. If we withdraw from Syria that allows Russia and Iran to consolidate their position in Syria and allow them to continue their mission in the Mideast. Domination of the Mideast.

4. Obamacare got it partially right. It succeeded in getting more people covered however it needed to be adjusted. The Republicans have tried so hard to pit the poor against people with pre-existing conditions against older Americans. Their goal has been to kick Americans off their health insurance. As a result they have created something worse than Obamacare. Premiums have risen faster under Republicans than Obamacare. What the Republicans have done is disgraceful.

What BS.

I signed up for Commie Care when it first started; that's when my employer dropped it. If not for Commie Care, I would likely still be covered today.

When I called, their prices were outrageous. That's because Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters: shelf stockers, french fry makers, car wash employees. If you had any kind of very low paying job, Commie Care was designed for you. As for us middle income earners (likely Republican voters) we were stuck with the bill; unaffordable premium prices, crappy as hell plans, lack of ability to keep your doctor or healthcare facility.

It did nothing Hussein said it would do. It didn't drop costs, it increased them. Not everybody could be covered, only lowlife workers. You couldn't keep your doctor or hospital in many cases. The most humorous part about the ACA was the Affordable part. You can't tell people that getting crappy insurance coverage that will cost you more than 25% of your net pay is affordable in any way or form. That's a Fn house payment for crying out loud.

Besides vote buying, what was Commie Care all about? It was about creating the most government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voter. Between Commie Care and food stamps alone, DumBama created over 40 million more new government dependents, and that was no accident by any stretch of the imagination.

Isn't it amazing all the great things that happen under Republican leadership that are never the credit of the Republican President? NK is disarming, but no thanks to Trump. ISIS is out of Iraq and running, no thanks to Trump. The cold war ended, no thanks to Reagan. These are all............coincidences.......yeah, that's the ticket!

So if the Republicans are such darn good luck, maybe it's a good idea to keep that luck going. The sad part is because you on the left can't give credit where credit is due, we will always be a more divided nation every year. You leftists just don't have what it takes to admit when you were wrong.

You are the BS artist.

It was designed to fix weaknesses in the current system. Insurance companies who charged high insurance rates for older people and people with pre-existing conditions. The idea of refundable tax credits was not new as it was used to help people who lost jobs to companies going overseas. There is nothing wrong with that model. You may not care about people who are struggling but Americans are compassionate. It succeeded in covering more people.

It clearly needed adjusting as premiums were higher than expected. That should have been the focus of Republican efforts. Yet Republicans were more focused on kicking people off of their healthcare insurance. The fact is that rates have risen faster under Republicans that Obama. Even Tom Price admits the ending of the mandate will drive rates even higher. The only Commie I see is you.

The fact is that Ronald Reagan was 100 times smarter than Trump. He had specific proposals he ran on and could discuss them intelligently unlike Trump. Reagan's tax plan ended the recession. His defense policies led to the demise of the Soviet Union. He could talk about them intelligently unlike Trump. He was even able to make a del with Democrats on tax reform. He didn't insult people personally. He even spoke at the WH Correspondents Dinner. H was not a coward like Trump. Reagan was a great President. He didn't divide Americans. Trump is determined to divide Americans.

The only thing we can agree on is that Reagan was a great President, but not because of how he spoke, but because of his actions.

The biggest problem in our country today is people vote on politicians like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they dress, how do they smile, how do they kiss babies, how good does their family look. Just a bunch of useless characteristics that mean nothing.

I don't want President that looks and talks well, I want a President that's going to move the country forward and takes necessary action when needed. I want one like Trump that goes against the grade of all the professional politicians that got us into most of the trouble we face today. I could care less if our President referes to a leader of a country as Rocket Man. In fact, I find it very entertaining.

Most of the additional people covered went into government programs under Commie Care. Again, it did little for the middle-class worker and certainly more damaging than the way it was before for many of us. You don't solve one problem by creating five more in it's place and call it a success.

As for myself, I'm pushing 60 now, and again, had coverage all of my adult life until Ears became President. Most of my adult life I had preexisting conditions as well. As for insurance companies charging older Americans a higher rate, think again. Commie Care does the exact same thing. Your age IS A FACTOR when it comes to the cost of an insurance plan.

In fact, my father and I were discussing Commie Care the other day. We both have the same dentist. He made a comment on how much more expensive our dentist is today than a few years ago. But I talked with our dentist about it. Commie Care placed so many taxes on the medical necessities that he uses every day that he had no choice but to greatly increase his rates. There is no free ride. Somebody has to pay for all this stuff. Ever see what a veterinarian charges to look at your dog? Ask he or she why they are so expensive.

You have a nerve. Trump is a reality tv star and that is how he runs the White House. He is even worse than Jimmy Carter.

Ronald Reagan was a smart man. He could talk about issues because he understood issues. Trump cannot discuss issues because he is too stupid. Reagan was a voracious reader. Trump has to have pictures to understand. Ronald Reagan took this country forward, Donald Trump has not. Ronald Reagan got tax reform passed working with Democrats. In doing so, he created a stable tax system. Trump has created a unstable tax system by ignoring even moderate Democrats. Reagan was able to push his agenda without personally attacking people. He spent more time poking fun at himself than he did others. Reagan did not hide like a coward and he did several White House Correspondents Dinners. I can remember Reagan standing at the Berlin Wall and saying "Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall." A line that his State Department did not want him to say. Compare that with Trump saying "I've got a bigger nuclear button than you have." It's like comparing a six year old child in Trump to a wise Ronald Reagan.

You are the Commie and a liar. Age was not a factor in Obamacare. A GAO report on one of the alternative GOP plans said that a 64 year old making $25,000 would pay around $13,000 in premiums because of their age.

The fact is that I am not biased. I can look at Obamacare and see that it did accomplish its goal of insuring more people. However I can also see that it needs to be reformed. You are more interested in kicking people off their insurance. Americans are compassionate. Republicans tell anyone who is struggling to drop dead.

Age is a factor. How do I know? Because I have coworkers who do use Commie Care.

Most of my coworkers are younger, and they get a much cheaper rate than the quotes I got. We all live in the same state, the same city, the same everything. The only thing that may be different is how much money I make compared to them, but that's only a small factor because there is little change in those figures.

Don't believe me? Call Commie Care yourself and find out.
You don't become a citizen of this country by sneaking in and proving you are a model citizen. Imagine the chaos if that were the method we used.

The United States is one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to sharing our land with outsiders. We allow over a million immigrants into this country ever year. What other country does that? It's just that we have a way and method to do this orderly because hundreds of millions would love to come here.

The United States is like the best restaurant in town. You have to have a reservation and still wait in line because of the crowd.

The United States is a horrible restaurant because of the hate people like you push. People like you demean this country. People who have made a life for themselves in this country should be allowed to stay.

A man robs a bank for $250k...never gets caught...he’s apprehended years we prosecute him and take the $250k back...or do we look the other way, not prosecute, let him keep the $250k and essentially reward him?
I know, I know....totally different right?

Totally stupid. No one has committed any violence against anyone. These people have grown up as Americans and are more American than you are.
oh bullshit. stop with that nonsense. you act like you personally know all 11 million illegals. fk off. I'm tired of schmucks like you insulting my countrymen. Go to Mexico and live with those better people.

Dude a parasites like you are un Americans. DACA kids are here to stay & you are NOT deporting anybody. They grew here & no where else to go. Most of them have regular jobs & families contributing to our society probably better than you. These people are fully imbedded in system both socially & economically.

2.) I've met a good deal of Blacks, and no I don't like them usually, they are usually very rude, obnoxious, belligerent, aggressive, and of lower intelligence.

Yeah? Try living with them like I do. You'd dislike them even more.

Ray, has it ever occurred to you that the reason why you have a bad relationship with your black neighbors is that you are so fucking racist Archie Bunker would tell you to take it down a notch?

No, it's because of social engineering where Democrats thought it would be a great idea to put the non-working with the working; the lowlifes with decent people; the filthy people with the clean people.

It's how Democrats have destroyed cities and towns all across America by the hundreds.

Garfield Heights?

Just over the city border. Maple Heights.
No, it's because of social engineering where Democrats thought it would be a great idea to put the non-working with the working; the lowlifes with decent people; the filthy people with the clean people.

It's how Democrats have destroyed cities and towns all across America by the hundreds.

Guy, Social Engineering didn't destroy your city...

Capitalism did. After they used it for all it was worth and left the rivers so polluted they caught on fire, they walked away for greener pasture, just leaving the poor minorities and the dumb white trash.... and telling the dumb white trash that they were 'better', because they really need to believe that.

What a dumb comment. You think the rich people control everybody. What brainwashing has done to you is incredible.

In a couple of topics we've discussed the imaginary situation of people separating by party affiliation. There is nothing more I would love to see than that. Democrats on one side of the country, conservatives on the other, and those in between would have to choose a side.

If my side of the country was chosen for conservatives, my city would improve 100% My property value would more than double overnight. We would have to layoff half of our police force. Home alarm systems would take the biggest hit in business. But quality stores would be opening up all over. We could institute Forth of July fireworks again just like we had years ago until the blacks ruined the event with gang fights and riots. The homes that are purple or otherwise badly needed of paint would look beautiful again as they did 30 years ago.

Capitalism did not rob our stores or shoplift them to the point of losing money--lowlifes did. Capitalism did not close down my hardware store and turn it into a Goodwill outlet. Capitalism did not open up our nail salons, cell phone--pager places, dozens of daycare centers, dollar stores on top of dollar stores, check cashing places. It's government we have to thank for that.

What you don't understand about business is businesses open up when there is a market. When the market disappears, or is otherwise too dangerous to conduct business, the businesses disappear.
You realize that YOU are the fucking cockroach in this discussion, right?

Nice spin...lets try this again.
“Are you claiming the cockroaches don’t get free healthcare and free college / education? Yes or fucking no?”

You want to try to phrase the question like a grown up, cockroach?

That’s what I thought.

You thought you couldn’t phrase the question like a grown up? That’s pretty fucking sad.

Pretending you don’t understand .....

I understand you're too much of a hateful, arrested-development loser to simply phrase a question like an adult. Until you decide to communicate like a grown-up, you're just trolling and baiting.
No, it's because of social engineering where Democrats thought it would be a great idea to put the non-working with the working; the lowlifes with decent people; the filthy people with the clean people.

It's how Democrats have destroyed cities and towns all across America by the hundreds.

Guy, Social Engineering didn't destroy your city...

Capitalism did. After they used it for all it was worth and left the rivers so polluted they caught on fire, they walked away for greener pasture, just leaving the poor minorities and the dumb white trash.... and telling the dumb white trash that they were 'better', because they really need to believe that.

What a dumb comment. You think the rich people control everybody. What brainwashing has done to you is incredible.

In a couple of topics we've discussed the imaginary situation of people separating by party affiliation. There is nothing more I would love to see than that. Democrats on one side of the country, conservatives on the other, and those in between would have to choose a side.

If my side of the country was chosen for conservatives, my city would improve 100% My property value would more than double overnight. We would have to layoff half of our police force. Home alarm systems would take the biggest hit in business. But quality stores would be opening up all over. We could institute Forth of July fireworks again just like we had years ago until the blacks ruined the event with gang fights and riots. The homes that are purple or otherwise badly needed of paint would look beautiful again as they did 30 years ago.

Capitalism did not rob our stores or shoplift them to the point of losing money--lowlifes did. Capitalism did not close down my hardware store and turn it into a Goodwill outlet. Capitalism did not open up our nail salons, cell phone--pager places, dozens of daycare centers, dollar stores on top of dollar stores, check cashing places. It's government we have to thank for that.

What you don't understand about business is businesses open up when there is a market. When the market disappears, or is otherwise too dangerous to conduct business, the businesses disappear.

Scarsdale, New York is the richest town in the country.

It also seems to have voted about 75% for Hillary, at least according to this map if you flip through.

Westchester presidential vote
No, it's because of social engineering where Democrats thought it would be a great idea to put the non-working with the working; the lowlifes with decent people; the filthy people with the clean people.

It's how Democrats have destroyed cities and towns all across America by the hundreds.

Guy, Social Engineering didn't destroy your city...

Capitalism did. After they used it for all it was worth and left the rivers so polluted they caught on fire, they walked away for greener pasture, just leaving the poor minorities and the dumb white trash.... and telling the dumb white trash that they were 'better', because they really need to believe that.

What a dumb comment. You think the rich people control everybody. What brainwashing has done to you is incredible.

In a couple of topics we've discussed the imaginary situation of people separating by party affiliation. There is nothing more I would love to see than that. Democrats on one side of the country, conservatives on the other, and those in between would have to choose a side.

If my side of the country was chosen for conservatives, my city would improve 100% My property value would more than double overnight. We would have to layoff half of our police force. Home alarm systems would take the biggest hit in business. But quality stores would be opening up all over. We could institute Forth of July fireworks again just like we had years ago until the blacks ruined the event with gang fights and riots. The homes that are purple or otherwise badly needed of paint would look beautiful again as they did 30 years ago.

Capitalism did not rob our stores or shoplift them to the point of losing money--lowlifes did. Capitalism did not close down my hardware store and turn it into a Goodwill outlet. Capitalism did not open up our nail salons, cell phone--pager places, dozens of daycare centers, dollar stores on top of dollar stores, check cashing places. It's government we have to thank for that.

What you don't understand about business is businesses open up when there is a market. When the market disappears, or is otherwise too dangerous to conduct business, the businesses disappear.

Scarsdale, New York is the richest town in the country.

It also seems to have voted about 75% for Hillary, at least according to this map if you flip through.

Westchester presidential vote

My Pawling, NY has apparently a lower crime rate than the richest town in America, being Scarsdale, NY.

Even though we're not nearly as rich, and have presumably more Hispanics.

According to this Pawling, NY is safer than 92% of towns in the U.S, and Scarsdale, NY is safer than 71% of towns in the U.S.A.

Pawling, 12564 Crime Rates and Crime Statistics - NeighborhoodScout

Scarsdale Crime Rates and Statistics - NeighborhoodScout

Now that just leaves the facts that Scarsdale has a median house price of over 1.5 million vs Pawling with just under a 300 thousand median house price value.

Scarsdale housing market data and appreciation trends - NeighborhoodScout

Pawling, 12564 housing market data and appreciation trends - NeighborhoodScout

LOL @ all those Jewish idiots spending so much more on houses, to live in a less safe neighborhood than they could a little further up here in Pawling.
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I am not impressed by 7 backwards states.

Keep believing they're backwards, we're all expecting you stay away, we have enough free loaders already...

It is being pushed by racists and representatives are kowtowing to the far right.

Nothing "Racist" about enforcing our laws, are you one of the many that does not contribute tax dollars?

The Republican Party of Trump needs to die.,

Such love from a Liberal, you would think understanding the meaning would be your first clue?
This thread needs to get back on topic, please. This is not about religion
This thing is growing...BIG TIME!
Cities throughout the filthiest Blue state in the Union, Mexifornia have had enough of the ‘exceptions’, excuses and states have had enough of illegals....Illegals are no longer welcome here...PERIOD...Good people are done being suckered and taken advantage of...Good people are no longer afraid to talk about their disgust for illegals.
Sorry bottom feeders.
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Americans are willing to extent a hand of help. We are not willing to accept forced changes in our lives in return for doing so.
Well, the Blacks, and Hispanics both came to profit the Capitalist elite for cheap labor.

um, no, the Blacks were brought here in chains... sorry they didn't teach you that in Polish School...

Again, I feel a Polish Joke coming on...

Black slaves didn't provide free labor, they were provided food, and were housed.

Blacks did provide venture Capitalist Cotton farmers, and other venture Capitalist's a ton of money (Greed)

Explain how what I stated is wrong, exactly?

This is basically the same shit you, and your ilk support with the Mexican illegals.

Bring in Black, and Brown people to work the farms, because they work cheaper for mega-bucks, and oh one is Racism, and the other is just Diversity?

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