States full of good, REAL Americans sue to end DACA.

2.) I've met a good deal of Blacks, and no I don't like them usually, they are usually very rude, obnoxious, belligerent, aggressive, and of lower intelligence.

Yeah? Try living with them like I do. You'd dislike them even more.

Ray, has it ever occurred to you that the reason why you have a bad relationship with your black neighbors is that you are so fucking racist Archie Bunker would tell you to take it down a notch?

No, it's because of social engineering where Democrats thought it would be a great idea to put the non-working with the working; the lowlifes with decent people; the filthy people with the clean people.

It's how Democrats have destroyed cities and towns all across America by the hundreds.
No, it's because of social engineering where Democrats thought it would be a great idea to put the non-working with the working; the lowlifes with decent people; the filthy people with the clean people.

It's how Democrats have destroyed cities and towns all across America by the hundreds.

Guy, Social Engineering didn't destroy your city...

Capitalism did. After they used it for all it was worth and left the rivers so polluted they caught on fire, they walked away for greener pasture, just leaving the poor minorities and the dumb white trash.... and telling the dumb white trash that they were 'better', because they really need to believe that.
2.) I've met a good deal of Blacks, and no I don't like them usually, they are usually very rude, obnoxious, belligerent, aggressive, and of lower intelligence.

Yeah? Try living with them like I do. You'd dislike them even more.

Ray, has it ever occurred to you that the reason why you have a bad relationship with your black neighbors is that you are so fucking racist Archie Bunker would tell you to take it down a notch?

No, it's because of social engineering where Democrats thought it would be a great idea to put the non-working with the working; the lowlifes with decent people; the filthy people with the clean people.

It's how Democrats have destroyed cities and towns all across America by the hundreds.

Garfield Heights?
No, it's because of social engineering where Democrats thought it would be a great idea to put the non-working with the working; the lowlifes with decent people; the filthy people with the clean people.

It's how Democrats have destroyed cities and towns all across America by the hundreds.

Guy, Social Engineering didn't destroy your city...

Capitalism did. After they used it for all it was worth and left the rivers so polluted they caught on fire, they walked away for greener pasture, just leaving the poor minorities and the dumb white trash.... and telling the dumb white trash that they were 'better', because they really need to believe that.

Well, the Blacks, and Hispanics both came to profit the Capitalist elite for cheap labor.
So you would send people who have lived their whole lives here back to lands they never knew. How intelligent is this? Get a grip. Many of us are not for unnecessary suffering.

Maybe you stumbled across a deal here. Perhaps we should allow those who have spent their entire lives here to stay, and in exchange, send the rest of them home. I think both sides can agree to that. How about you?

No. I can't. Absolutely not. Since at least the 1950s, the "conservative" dickheads have fought necessary reforms in these countries, while the dickheads who have run the catholic and protestant churches have fought tooth-and-nail over decades every attempt to use available technology to prevent the burgeoning populations of countries that can't sustain them. My father predicted this precise situation back in the 1960s. It was just a matter of time. Now it's time for "conservatives" to face what they were so instrumental in creating and learn their fucking lesson. It's not the DACA kids or families hopping trains to get to our southern border who are to be blamed and be made to suffer. The "conservatives" wanted over-population and now they've got their wish.

Okay, so first you said your concern was for people that spent their life here and this is the only country they know. Now you are admitting you are a liar. That's not your concern at all. Your concern is open borders and allowing anybody that wants to drift in to do just that.

Don't you people ever start to feel guilty about using children all the time to promote your political agenda?

You did not read my post and you did not answer me.. Why did the catholic and protestant fucktards spend efforts over the decades just to create hellish circumstances for the people of central America and now want to abandon their creation. The blame needs to be placed on the people directly responsible for this. Your political and (laughing) "religious" leaders are directly responsible for this situation. The poor people queuing up at the border are not to blame. The roman catholic leadership, the scumbag fundie prots, and the "anti-communists" are to blame for this situation. We had the technology 40-50 years ago to avert this crisis, when responsible people wanted to make sure that people across the globe had access to the technology to control their fertility and the education to know how to use it.

Whatever happend to Zero Population Growth (ZPG)?.

Find these catholics and fundie prots and these "anti-communists" and string them up by their balls. These "conservatives" are directly to blame. There is one woman who is pregnant and at the border with her two children. She is fleeing gang people who threatened one of her children and also a violent husband, who probably forced himself on her to bring about her pregnancy. It's time that we started blaming the right people for this mess. It's time to take responsibility, mister aims-gun-at-camera-because-he-thinks-he's-cool. Stop blaming the victims, who are caught in the middle and have nothing.

WTF does this have to do with Catholics and Protestants? They have no control over what goes on in countries like these.

And how did we become responsible for the plight of the rest of the world? If that were the case, why are not all other countries outside of the US poor and oppressed?

The "Blame America First" charade is over. DumBama is long gone from the White House. It's time for these people of other countries to rise up and take control over their own nations and future. We are not and cannot be the safety zone for every poor slob that decides they are sick of living in the conditions they created, and not want to put any effort into changing them.

Read history. This is one of the greatest failures of the Christian religion. The catholics and protestants had and still have tremendous influence in Central and South America and they are still at it, trying for more overpopulation and poverty. They need to have their faces rubbed into it. Their followers were and are poor and uneducated people who put their trust in them, and instead of leading these people to a better life, caused tremendous suffering, particularly among women..And for no logical reason. There should have been family-planning clinics in all of the neighborhoods decades ago. I'll never forget a neighbor that I had who came from either Honduras or Nicaragua. She told me about life with nine siblings in a three-room house and that she was happy to have come to the U.S., where she had the means to stop at two children.

For these poor people now knocking on our door, it's too late. The damage has already been done. They need a life
Maybe you stumbled across a deal here. Perhaps we should allow those who have spent their entire lives here to stay, and in exchange, send the rest of them home. I think both sides can agree to that. How about you?

No. I can't. Absolutely not. Since at least the 1950s, the "conservative" dickheads have fought necessary reforms in these countries, while the dickheads who have run the catholic and protestant churches have fought tooth-and-nail over decades every attempt to use available technology to prevent the burgeoning populations of countries that can't sustain them. My father predicted this precise situation back in the 1960s. It was just a matter of time. Now it's time for "conservatives" to face what they were so instrumental in creating and learn their fucking lesson. It's not the DACA kids or families hopping trains to get to our southern border who are to be blamed and be made to suffer. The "conservatives" wanted over-population and now they've got their wish.

Okay, so first you said your concern was for people that spent their life here and this is the only country they know. Now you are admitting you are a liar. That's not your concern at all. Your concern is open borders and allowing anybody that wants to drift in to do just that.

Don't you people ever start to feel guilty about using children all the time to promote your political agenda?

You did not read my post and you did not answer me.. Why did the catholic and protestant fucktards spend efforts over the decades just to create hellish circumstances for the people of central America and now want to abandon their creation. The blame needs to be placed on the people directly responsible for this. Your political and (laughing) "religious" leaders are directly responsible for this situation. The poor people queuing up at the border are not to blame. The roman catholic leadership, the scumbag fundie prots, and the "anti-communists" are to blame for this situation. We had the technology 40-50 years ago to avert this crisis, when responsible people wanted to make sure that people across the globe had access to the technology to control their fertility and the education to know how to use it.

Whatever happend to Zero Population Growth (ZPG)?.

Find these catholics and fundie prots and these "anti-communists" and string them up by their balls. These "conservatives" are directly to blame. There is one woman who is pregnant and at the border with her two children. She is fleeing gang people who threatened one of her children and also a violent husband, who probably forced himself on her to bring about her pregnancy. It's time that we started blaming the right people for this mess. It's time to take responsibility, mister aims-gun-at-camera-because-he-thinks-he's-cool. Stop blaming the victims, who are caught in the middle and have nothing.

WTF does this have to do with Catholics and Protestants? They have no control over what goes on in countries like these.

And how did we become responsible for the plight of the rest of the world? If that were the case, why are not all other countries outside of the US poor and oppressed?

The "Blame America First" charade is over. DumBama is long gone from the White House. It's time for these people of other countries to rise up and take control over their own nations and future. We are not and cannot be the safety zone for every poor slob that decides they are sick of living in the conditions they created, and not want to put any effort into changing them.

Read history. This is one of the greatest failures of the Christian religion. The catholics and protestants had and still have tremendous influence in Central and South America and they are still at it, trying for more overpopulation and poverty. They need to have their faces rubbed into it. Their followers were and are poor and uneducated people who put their trust in them, and instead of leading these people to a better life, caused tremendous suffering, particularly among women..And for no logical reason. There should have been family-planning clinics in all of the neighborhoods decades ago. I'll never forget a neighbor that I had who came from either Honduras or Nicaragua. She told me about life with nine siblings in a three-room house and that she was happy to have come to the U.S., where she had the means to stop at two children.

For these poor people now knocking on our door, it's too late. The damage has already been done. They need a life

Wasn't one Leftist idiot arguing the other day that the White nations have too low birthing populations to sustain themselves, and thus we need to take in immigrants?

Now another Leftist idiot is arguing that the Latino nations have too high birthing populations to sustain themselves, and thus we need to take in immigrants?

So, which is it, exactly?

Anything that you can think of where Whites are eradicated, eh?
LOL, a lot of Blacks in those states.

Blacks are the real Americans?

Blacks are pretty anti-American, if I wear American flag hats, most of those who look at it with "Mean stares" are usually Blacks, and sometimes Hispanics, but thus far no Whites.

Anti-American or anti-the America you want it to be?

The whole "we're patriots and everything we stand for is patriotism, and they're enemies and everything they stand for is anti-American" is such lame bullshit.

So, American flag hats piss off a good deal of Blacks I see , because?

Okay, so the U.S.A has a bad blood history with Blacks.

Then why do they stay in the U.S.A, exactly?

Because they've not got anywhere else to go. Their family is in the US etc.

The flag symbolizes the government. The whole flag is political. The 50 stars represent the 50 flags and the 13 stripes the original 13 states.

So, Black countries won't accept Black American immigrants, is that the point you're trying to drive?

So, you're saying the Black countries have a silly thing called immigration control?

You better go screech at those Black countries for having great racist injustices, right?
I wish they were....freeways are jammed. Keep on lying to yourself.

10 million disgusting wetbacks stuffed in a relatively small area...all rushing to those free doctors appointments will clog a few freeways.
Look around, tell me how many REAL Americans you see driving in this’s nothing but anchor babies, illegals and ragheads.

They haven’t reopened stormfront for you losers?

They don't have to USMB has become over the last year a white supremacist haven.

I've noticed the same thing. And every last one of our resident racists support Trump. Sad

When did I say I support Trump much, if at all?

I might've said I supported Trump only slightly over Hillary here, and there, but this really means jack.

I actually have questioned if he's even legit since about August of 2016.

My ;premises was that Trump the big mouth was making us look bad.

My premises was that Trump would be used by the elite, and as the elite to make us look bad.

My premises was that Trump would do nothing, or achieve nothing, and leave us looking bad.

My premises was that how could Trump a former Democrat, who got so rich, be so stupid, and not know when to shut his stupid mouth, once in a-while?

I don't THINK I was responding to you directly. Thanks for the clarification as to your feelings for Agent Orange however, even though you do seem to be somewhat of a Anti-Immigration Nationalist - Am I wrong?
10 million disgusting wetbacks stuffed in a relatively small area...all rushing to those free doctors appointments will clog a few freeways.
Look around, tell me how many REAL Americans you see driving in this’s nothing but anchor babies, illegals and ragheads.

They haven’t reopened stormfront for you losers?

They don't have to USMB has become over the last year a white supremacist haven.

I've noticed the same thing. And every last one of our resident racists support Trump. Sad

When did I say I support Trump much, if at all?

I might've said I supported Trump only slightly over Hillary here, and there, but this really means jack.

I actually have questioned if he's even legit since about August of 2016.

My ;premises was that Trump the big mouth was making us look bad.

My premises was that Trump would be used by the elite, and as the elite to make us look bad.

My premises was that Trump would do nothing, or achieve nothing, and leave us looking bad.

My premises was that how could Trump a former Democrat, who got so rich, be so stupid, and not know when to shut his stupid mouth, once in a-while?

I don't THINK I was responding to you directly. Thanks for the clarification as to your feelings for Agent Orange however, even though you do seem to be somewhat of a Anti-Immigration Nationalist - Am I wrong?

Hitler was extremely bad for "Anti-Immigration Nationalists" like myself.

Trump is still pending for "Anti-Immigration Nationalists" like myself.

But if Trump had a more normal lifestyle, or normal personality, I think he'd do much better for "Anti-Immigration Nationalists" like myself.

So, thus far he seems to be turning off quite a few people that he wouldn't if he was of a better personal background, or social personality.
Not fery smart, are you? nothing I said even addressed did it? I simple pointed out the many flaws in your argument--my family has been here for 200 years on one side..and 300+ on the other...LOL..the Spanish side. I went to war to show my respect for my country. You?

The thing immigration--is, well, legal. Sub-par IQ's such as yourself have constantly tried to conflate the legal vs the illegal immigrant.

Only fools buy that argument....and it usually is a strong indication of cultural bigotry when someone tries to make it.

JC spit on me - maybe I throw shoe at him :wink:

look at the righteous lefturd thinking her words are important or hurting my feelings. turd, you're just that, a turd. i spit at fowl like you. I'm white and I'm proud of it. deal with it loser. I'm a real American
Hitler was extremely bad for "Anti-Immigration Nationalists" like myself.

Trump is still pending for "Anti-Immigration Nationalists" like myself.

But if Trump had a more normal lifestyle, or normal personality, I think he'd do much better for "Anti-Immigration Nationalists" like myself.

So, thus far he seems to be turning off quite a few people that he wouldn't if he was of a better personal background, or social personality.

I'll take your word for it that his message (agree or disagree) would better if he was better.

But he's not better - never has been ... generally a horrible, hateful human.

The wheels are coming off the bus - Both literally & figuratively.
Maybe you stumbled across a deal here. Perhaps we should allow those who have spent their entire lives here to stay, and in exchange, send the rest of them home. I think both sides can agree to that. How about you?

No. I can't. Absolutely not. Since at least the 1950s, the "conservative" dickheads have fought necessary reforms in these countries, while the dickheads who have run the catholic and protestant churches have fought tooth-and-nail over decades every attempt to use available technology to prevent the burgeoning populations of countries that can't sustain them. My father predicted this precise situation back in the 1960s. It was just a matter of time. Now it's time for "conservatives" to face what they were so instrumental in creating and learn their fucking lesson. It's not the DACA kids or families hopping trains to get to our southern border who are to be blamed and be made to suffer. The "conservatives" wanted over-population and now they've got their wish.

Okay, so first you said your concern was for people that spent their life here and this is the only country they know. Now you are admitting you are a liar. That's not your concern at all. Your concern is open borders and allowing anybody that wants to drift in to do just that.

Don't you people ever start to feel guilty about using children all the time to promote your political agenda?

You did not read my post and you did not answer me.. Why did the catholic and protestant fucktards spend efforts over the decades just to create hellish circumstances for the people of central America and now want to abandon their creation. The blame needs to be placed on the people directly responsible for this. Your political and (laughing) "religious" leaders are directly responsible for this situation. The poor people queuing up at the border are not to blame. The roman catholic leadership, the scumbag fundie prots, and the "anti-communists" are to blame for this situation. We had the technology 40-50 years ago to avert this crisis, when responsible people wanted to make sure that people across the globe had access to the technology to control their fertility and the education to know how to use it.

Whatever happend to Zero Population Growth (ZPG)?.

Find these catholics and fundie prots and these "anti-communists" and string them up by their balls. These "conservatives" are directly to blame. There is one woman who is pregnant and at the border with her two children. She is fleeing gang people who threatened one of her children and also a violent husband, who probably forced himself on her to bring about her pregnancy. It's time that we started blaming the right people for this mess. It's time to take responsibility, mister aims-gun-at-camera-because-he-thinks-he's-cool. Stop blaming the victims, who are caught in the middle and have nothing.

WTF does this have to do with Catholics and Protestants? They have no control over what goes on in countries like these.

And how did we become responsible for the plight of the rest of the world? If that were the case, why are not all other countries outside of the US poor and oppressed?

The "Blame America First" charade is over. DumBama is long gone from the White House. It's time for these people of other countries to rise up and take control over their own nations and future. We are not and cannot be the safety zone for every poor slob that decides they are sick of living in the conditions they created, and not want to put any effort into changing them.

Read history. This is one of the greatest failures of the Christian religion. The catholics and protestants had and still have tremendous influence in Central and South America and they are still at it, trying for more overpopulation and poverty. They need to have their faces rubbed into it. Their followers were and are poor and uneducated people who put their trust in them, and instead of leading these people to a better life, caused tremendous suffering, particularly among women..And for no logical reason. There should have been family-planning clinics in all of the neighborhoods decades ago. I'll never forget a neighbor that I had who came from either Honduras or Nicaragua. She told me about life with nine siblings in a three-room house and that she was happy to have come to the U.S., where she had the means to stop at two children.

For these poor people now knocking on our door, it's too late. The damage has already been done. They need a life

There is no overpopulation.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
racist states?? :rolleyes-41:
Where there is a high concentration of racists :)
hahahahahah--I just ---not even 10 seconds ago--posted how the racist/racism words are so popular-misused on another thread people use it so much it means NOTHING.......
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
racist states?? :rolleyes-41:
Where there is a high concentration of racists :)
ooo---you still have explained your ''racist states'''
either explain it with evidence or your post is worthless crap
Blacks are the real Americans?

Blacks are pretty anti-American, if I wear American flag hats, most of those who look at it with "Mean stares" are usually Blacks, and sometimes Hispanics, but thus far no Whites.

Anti-American or anti-the America you want it to be?

The whole "we're patriots and everything we stand for is patriotism, and they're enemies and everything they stand for is anti-American" is such lame bullshit.

So, American flag hats piss off a good deal of Blacks I see , because?

Okay, so the U.S.A has a bad blood history with Blacks.

Then why do they stay in the U.S.A, exactly?

Because they've not got anywhere else to go. Their family is in the US etc.

The flag symbolizes the government. The whole flag is political. The 50 stars represent the 50 flags and the 13 stripes the original 13 states.

So, Black countries won't accept Black American immigrants, is that the point you're trying to drive?

So, you're saying the Black countries have a silly thing called immigration control?

You better go screech at those Black countries for having great racist injustices, right?

Did I say any of that? No, I didn't.

Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.

So because they aren't Far Left Progressive controlled they are racist. Right.
No. I can't. Absolutely not. Since at least the 1950s, the "conservative" dickheads have fought necessary reforms in these countries, while the dickheads who have run the catholic and protestant churches have fought tooth-and-nail over decades every attempt to use available technology to prevent the burgeoning populations of countries that can't sustain them. My father predicted this precise situation back in the 1960s. It was just a matter of time. Now it's time for "conservatives" to face what they were so instrumental in creating and learn their fucking lesson. It's not the DACA kids or families hopping trains to get to our southern border who are to be blamed and be made to suffer. The "conservatives" wanted over-population and now they've got their wish.

Okay, so first you said your concern was for people that spent their life here and this is the only country they know. Now you are admitting you are a liar. That's not your concern at all. Your concern is open borders and allowing anybody that wants to drift in to do just that.

Don't you people ever start to feel guilty about using children all the time to promote your political agenda?

You did not read my post and you did not answer me.. Why did the catholic and protestant fucktards spend efforts over the decades just to create hellish circumstances for the people of central America and now want to abandon their creation. The blame needs to be placed on the people directly responsible for this. Your political and (laughing) "religious" leaders are directly responsible for this situation. The poor people queuing up at the border are not to blame. The roman catholic leadership, the scumbag fundie prots, and the "anti-communists" are to blame for this situation. We had the technology 40-50 years ago to avert this crisis, when responsible people wanted to make sure that people across the globe had access to the technology to control their fertility and the education to know how to use it.

Whatever happend to Zero Population Growth (ZPG)?.

Find these catholics and fundie prots and these "anti-communists" and string them up by their balls. These "conservatives" are directly to blame. There is one woman who is pregnant and at the border with her two children. She is fleeing gang people who threatened one of her children and also a violent husband, who probably forced himself on her to bring about her pregnancy. It's time that we started blaming the right people for this mess. It's time to take responsibility, mister aims-gun-at-camera-because-he-thinks-he's-cool. Stop blaming the victims, who are caught in the middle and have nothing.

WTF does this have to do with Catholics and Protestants? They have no control over what goes on in countries like these.

And how did we become responsible for the plight of the rest of the world? If that were the case, why are not all other countries outside of the US poor and oppressed?

The "Blame America First" charade is over. DumBama is long gone from the White House. It's time for these people of other countries to rise up and take control over their own nations and future. We are not and cannot be the safety zone for every poor slob that decides they are sick of living in the conditions they created, and not want to put any effort into changing them.

Read history. This is one of the greatest failures of the Christian religion. The catholics and protestants had and still have tremendous influence in Central and South America and they are still at it, trying for more overpopulation and poverty. They need to have their faces rubbed into it. Their followers were and are poor and uneducated people who put their trust in them, and instead of leading these people to a better life, caused tremendous suffering, particularly among women..And for no logical reason. There should have been family-planning clinics in all of the neighborhoods decades ago. I'll never forget a neighbor that I had who came from either Honduras or Nicaragua. She told me about life with nine siblings in a three-room house and that she was happy to have come to the U.S., where she had the means to stop at two children.

For these poor people now knocking on our door, it's too late. The damage has already been done. They need a life

There is no overpopulation.

You’ve lost all credibility bud...
$20 trillion in debt, record numbers on welfare, record numbers of homeless, record numbers of struggling Veterans, 12-40 million low-grade thirdworld foreigners here illegally, inflated healthcare most can’t afford because too much coverage is given away free to wetbacks, middle class can’t save a dime or get ahead, record numbers of over qualified workers working low wage jobs.
I’m curious...what indicators do you need to see to think the U.S. is overpopulated?
It is not good people. It is hateful reps who cater to the far right. I notice 1 state has not joined. Tennessee.

This is what the Tennessee AG said last year when he withdrew from the suit.
"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding
accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country," Slatery said. "They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

I agree 100%. The Republican Party under Trump needs to die.

You don't become a citizen of this country by sneaking in and proving you are a model citizen. Imagine the chaos if that were the method we used.

The United States is one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to sharing our land with outsiders. We allow over a million immigrants into this country ever year. What other country does that? It's just that we have a way and method to do this orderly because hundreds of millions would love to come here.

The United States is like the best restaurant in town. You have to have a reservation and still wait in line because of the crowd.

The United States is a horrible restaurant because of the hate people like you push. People like you demean this country. People who have made a life for themselves in this country should be allowed to stay.

A man robs a bank for $250k...never gets caught...he’s apprehended years we prosecute him and take the $250k back...or do we look the other way, not prosecute, let him keep the $250k and essentially reward him?
I know, I know....totally different right?

Totally stupid. No one has committed any violence against anyone. These people have grown up as Americans and are more American than you are.
oh bullshit. stop with that nonsense. you act like you personally know all 11 million illegals. fk off. I'm tired of schmucks like you insulting my countrymen. Go to Mexico and live with those better people.

Dude a parasites like you are un Americans. DACA kids are here to stay & you are NOT deporting anybody. They grew here & no where else to go. Most of them have regular jobs & families contributing to our society probably better than you. These people are fully imbedded in system both socially & economically.
No. I can't. Absolutely not. Since at least the 1950s, the "conservative" dickheads have fought necessary reforms in these countries, while the dickheads who have run the catholic and protestant churches have fought tooth-and-nail over decades every attempt to use available technology to prevent the burgeoning populations of countries that can't sustain them. My father predicted this precise situation back in the 1960s. It was just a matter of time. Now it's time for "conservatives" to face what they were so instrumental in creating and learn their fucking lesson. It's not the DACA kids or families hopping trains to get to our southern border who are to be blamed and be made to suffer. The "conservatives" wanted over-population and now they've got their wish.

Okay, so first you said your concern was for people that spent their life here and this is the only country they know. Now you are admitting you are a liar. That's not your concern at all. Your concern is open borders and allowing anybody that wants to drift in to do just that.

Don't you people ever start to feel guilty about using children all the time to promote your political agenda?

You did not read my post and you did not answer me.. Why did the catholic and protestant fucktards spend efforts over the decades just to create hellish circumstances for the people of central America and now want to abandon their creation. The blame needs to be placed on the people directly responsible for this. Your political and (laughing) "religious" leaders are directly responsible for this situation. The poor people queuing up at the border are not to blame. The roman catholic leadership, the scumbag fundie prots, and the "anti-communists" are to blame for this situation. We had the technology 40-50 years ago to avert this crisis, when responsible people wanted to make sure that people across the globe had access to the technology to control their fertility and the education to know how to use it.

Whatever happend to Zero Population Growth (ZPG)?.

Find these catholics and fundie prots and these "anti-communists" and string them up by their balls. These "conservatives" are directly to blame. There is one woman who is pregnant and at the border with her two children. She is fleeing gang people who threatened one of her children and also a violent husband, who probably forced himself on her to bring about her pregnancy. It's time that we started blaming the right people for this mess. It's time to take responsibility, mister aims-gun-at-camera-because-he-thinks-he's-cool. Stop blaming the victims, who are caught in the middle and have nothing.

WTF does this have to do with Catholics and Protestants? They have no control over what goes on in countries like these.

And how did we become responsible for the plight of the rest of the world? If that were the case, why are not all other countries outside of the US poor and oppressed?

The "Blame America First" charade is over. DumBama is long gone from the White House. It's time for these people of other countries to rise up and take control over their own nations and future. We are not and cannot be the safety zone for every poor slob that decides they are sick of living in the conditions they created, and not want to put any effort into changing them.

Read history. This is one of the greatest failures of the Christian religion. The catholics and protestants had and still have tremendous influence in Central and South America and they are still at it, trying for more overpopulation and poverty. They need to have their faces rubbed into it. Their followers were and are poor and uneducated people who put their trust in them, and instead of leading these people to a better life, caused tremendous suffering, particularly among women..And for no logical reason. There should have been family-planning clinics in all of the neighborhoods decades ago. I'll never forget a neighbor that I had who came from either Honduras or Nicaragua. She told me about life with nine siblings in a three-room house and that she was happy to have come to the U.S., where she had the means to stop at two children.

For these poor people now knocking on our door, it's too late. The damage has already been done. They need a life

There is no overpopulation.

As if larger birth-rates don't increase the need for resources, split resource wealth between the masses, push for more infrastructure, or create over-crowded situations?
Illegal crossings coming from the south of the borders in last 5 years are trickle compared to over stay visas coming from all over the world. About 629,000 over stay visas in 2016 alone. See link. These people are taking advantage of our freebies & no different from Mexicans. The only difference is they are more sophisticated taking Americans high paying jobs.

629,000 Overstayed U.S. Visas Last Year, Homeland Security Says

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