States full of good, REAL Americans sue to end DACA.

There is nothing wrong with making them wait at the back of the line...

There is everything wrong with deporting someone who has been here since they were a kid and only knows this country as their home.
No, They need to go to the back of the line and wait 12-15 or more years for citizenship

you do understand that these people didn't choose to come here and have no relationship with their country of birth, righ?

they contribute to our economy. they own homes, cars, pay taxes

unlike white trash trump trolls
They freeloaders trying to get a free ride...

You are so ignorant. DACA recipients are required to either have a job or be in training. People with no college degree also support DACA.
Na, Make them wait 12 -15 or more years at the back of the line
As if "Third-Worlders" are so valuable.

Let's hear this?

1.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" are less racist, or Nationalistic?

If you think I believe 'third worlders' or non-whites are better that white people then you're having a different conversation than I am. I judge people a little more deeply than that.

To the contrary, I see a lot of Hispanics bashing other Hispanics, I.E a lot of Mexicans hate Guatemalans, a lot of Salvadorians hate Mexicans, a lot of Puerto Ricans hate Cubans.
(That's what, I've seen)


2.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" enrich our society?

A lot of immigrants open new businesses. We also have an aging population and we need more people in the workforce.

If they do so much, why do Hispanics on the whole have higher criminal , murder rates, on the whole?

What's the incarceration rates of white nationalists? I don't mean the asshats on this forum who talk tough online, I mean the ones out in the streets who at least do something.

3.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" have contributed to Humanity more than "White Nationalists" or "White Racists"?/

Why do I have to do that? I'm not the one who is apart of this racial contest you're having. But why do you get credit simply for being white? Compare yourself to Barack Obama, how do you compare? I doubt you come out on top.

Darwin = Racist, formulated Natural Selection Evolution, and saw the Fuegian Natives as hardly Human.

Interesting, not sure what this has to do with anything. Was there anyone in Darwin's time that wasn't a racist compared to today?

Wernher Von Braun = Nazi, put a man on the Moon.

A jew developed the nuclear bomb. Nifty.

Borglum = KKK, carved Mount Rushmore..

What about the pyramids of Egypt?

Carl Linnaeus the famed Naturalist, was a Racist.

James Watson discovered DNA structure, is a Racist.

Thomas Edison invented much, and played Racist film reels..

Nikola Tesla invented much, and spoke of Cleansing the World of the savages.

William Shockley invented the Transistor Radio, and was a Racist, Eugenicist, White Supremacist.

Some of the best Philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, and Schopenhauer were Racists too.

I get it, some racist people have accomplished stuff. Why wouldn't that be the case?

The question is what are you accomplishing? If you have the advantage of being white, what have you done with it?

Immigrants open businesses?

Okay, just to start off here.

1.) Aren't those in a lot of cases businesses that say a Indian, Chinese, or Jewish immigrant etc. muscled White Christians out of?

Are you on crack? Seriously.

2.) Okay, so some Muslims own businesses, especially ones from South-Asia, but then again why would we want to give more influence, and power to a Muslim population, on the whole?
What could go wrong there?

I didn't realize crack makes you paranoid. You're scared of Indonesians now? Afraid someone is going to drag you off to a Turkish prison?

3.) These businesses can be anti-American, I went to a store in Brewster themed for the local Guatemalan majority there, not only did the Guatemalans there wire money back to Guatemala on a machine, but they followed me, and my White American friend around the store like we were common- criminals, why should I appreciate that?

Yep, paranoia the destroya'.

- Okay, so what data shows the White Nationalist crime rate, exactly?

You claim everyone else is a criminal, prove your kind aren't. I'm white, but I'm not one of you.

- Compare myself to Obama? So? Obama maybe uber-known, and successful in some aspects, but did he make the World better, what about in Syria, or Libya?
Besides, not only is Obama half White, Obama's an anomaly, no?

I'm just sayin', there are a wide swath of black people and other people of color more accomplished than you. So, before you go claiming Henry Ford's legacy why don't you earn it rather than whining and bitching about people you never met.

Then there's the point that even if there's a few good, nice, intelligent Black people etc., that as the concentration of Blacks increases things tend to get worse in terms of crime, intelligence, heck they aren't terribly good looking, they tend to be obnoxious big mouths, I can't really think of a whole lot of reasons why I'd like to get better situated with typical Blacks...

Have you ever been around a group of black people? Or did they follow and scare you away? I suspect the number one reason people become white nationalists is fear.

- How do you figure being White's an advantage, exactly?

According to you white people are smarter and more attractive. Apparently just not very consistent with their arguments, eh?

- Okay, what am I accomplishing?
Most people don't accomplish a heck of a lot, do they?

Well, that's just it, isn't it? You ramble off some white people that accomplished things but so what? You haven't, so why should anyone listen to you about others? Who the fuck are you except some douche who really wants the white of others to rub on to himself because he hasn't made anything out of life.

Sure, I've had limited success on the internet, in promoting much, none the less I've probably pushed forward some facts, knowledge, wisdom here, and there, no?

No you haven't. Beyonce has probably accomplished more with a single tweet than you have with your entire online existence.

Okay, so it's so bad that I like to leave a bit of a mark by painting nice art, taking beautiful photographs, feeding birds, planting gardens, or trees, giving 20 - 30% tips, giving donations to charity from St Jude to the Humane Society etc. etc

You know what that shit is called? Ordinary. Nothing wrong with it, simple pleasures but why shit on everyone who doesn't look like you and then get upset when people notice you're not all that, bitch.

Okay, so there's room for a Convenience store on the corner, there could have been a White Christian owned Convenience store on the corner, but if a Pakistani, Indian, Jew, or China-man owns it, they out-muscled the White Christians out of competition, no?

So, why would we want to give more monetary prowess to Muslims, if a good deal of them might use this monetary prowess to give to promote, and support Muslims, whom a good deal of Muslims support oppressive Sharia Law, and a few are even terrorists?

Beyonce is alright, I wouldn't exactly say her music is amazing, now would you?

Like most Western Europeans you don't seem very capable of Proportionate Societal thinking.

If 99 out of 100 of Blacks are worse than me, you'll look at the 1 who aren't, and say AHA see.

Now, explain how that's logical thinking?

Okay, so let's say 85% of Blacks have sub-Human qualities, and 25% of Whites have sub-Human qualities.

You don't understand that as you increase the concentration of Blacks, you're just increasing sub-Human qualities?

This is exactly why I'm not only not a White Nationalist, but see most Whites as garbage, especially Western European ones, you in general have poor grasps of logical thinking in general.

You have not earned the right to say you are superior to a whole group of people that you have never met. At least do something first, you'd still be wrong but only an asshole instead of a hypocritical douchebag.

Meet a whole group? Okay?

1.) Even if a group is completely superior, why should they immigrate to the point of wiping out another heritage?

2.) I've met a good deal of Blacks, and no I don't like them usually, they are usually very rude, obnoxious, belligerent, aggressive, and of lower intelligence.

3.) We know from the data, that yes Blacks are of a lower IQ, and that yes Blacks have more crime, and murder in general.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

I guess Tommy Tainant's fantasy that his progressive vision of the world is winning and that we will all be extinct in a few years has really failed and flew right out the window along with Obama's Rainbow White House.

View attachment 191388
Looks like dog shit smells...
There is everything wrong with deporting someone who has been here since they were a kid and only knows this country as their home.
No, They need to go to the back of the line and wait 12-15 or more years for citizenship

you do understand that these people didn't choose to come here and have no relationship with their country of birth, righ?

they contribute to our economy. they own homes, cars, pay taxes

unlike white trash trump trolls
They freeloaders trying to get a free ride...

You are so ignorant. DACA recipients are required to either have a job or be in training. People with no college degree also support DACA.

I think right now it's Tyroneweaver's day to use the brain cell so Rustic is at a disadvantage.

It's retarded to argue against DACA recipients when they don't even know how it works.
Illegal is illegal, even in all 57 states and under sniper fire
Well, some of those things the United States has as well. I mean, not quite the strawman you have laid out but the overall point that there is some amount of socialism here.

And where has this socialism gotten us?

You see, I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the constitution that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.

Forgive the plagiarism, but those are the words of James Madison at the annals of Congress in 1794. I only bring up that quote to ask where our country might financially be today if we only adhered to Madison's concerns? Would we be a more responsible people or less?

Way to trash our allies. Maybe go visit them for a change.

Visit them? Why? They are all trying to come here. I can talk to them then.
Well, I don't know, how many Third-World peoples more are you, and your ilk going to flood the U.S.A with?

You know what that shit is called? Ordinary. Nothing wrong with it, simple pleasures but why shit on everyone who doesn't look like you and then get upset when people notice you're not all that, bitch.

Not all that, hmm, and yet my levels of knowledge, and logic are considerably higher than yours, and a lot of this forum, now why is that?

Okay, so "It's just me shitting on people who don't look like me"

Sure, in your myopic views, well maybe you should compare Black, and Hispanic dives compared to the White suburbs, eh?

Explain who's truly shitting on our society?
2.) I've met a good deal of Blacks, and no I don't like them usually, they are usually very rude, obnoxious, belligerent, aggressive, and of lower intelligence.

Yeah? Try living with them like I do. You'd dislike them even more.

I'd imagine, I went to a Black majority college in White Plains, and dealt with them daily, some would yell "What cha looking at" just for "Trying to say hello" others would constantly "Ass" to burrow things, and money too, but never give it back.
Others would wiggle their butts in the cafeteria skipping class to rap music, and well others would insult each other during class, until I couldn't hear the professor.

I also know that since I was a child going into places with a good deal of Blacks, often meant verbal harassment, mean stares, bullying etc. be it Peekskill, White Plains, Manhattan, Danbury, the Bronx, or Yonkers.

It's funny that the only verbal harassment, and intimidating situations I saw in China-Town in Manhattan, was from Black African immigrants, and not from Chinese from China who dominated the whole place by a massive majority.

Yes, those Black African immigrants peddle their boot-legs on Chinese immigrant territory they built up, too.

It's clearly race, I don't know why Chinese from the Third-World condition, can be typically so polite, but Blacks from everywhere rich, or poor are all mostly kind of the same trash.
Your entire post is insane. You're a putz. You want to claim your right as part of some superior race but haven't done shit in your life. You have not earned the right to say you are superior to a whole group of people that you have never met.

Are you going to say that all races are equal, that some are not more superior to others?

If that were the case, there would be no need for affirmative action.

Sorry, but yes, races are different from each other. Some are more superior than others. That's not to say anything about individual accomplishments; certainly some of every race has those. But I'm speaking of generalities here.

I do believe the white race is superior to the black race. Does that mean I think I'm better than every black? Of course not. I'm speaking as a whole and not as an individual.

Just like I think the Asian and Jewish people are superior to whites. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You just have to look at statistics and come to terms with facts.
2.) I've met a good deal of Blacks, and no I don't like them usually, they are usually very rude, obnoxious, belligerent, aggressive, and of lower intelligence.

Yeah? Try living with them like I do. You'd dislike them even more.

I'd imagine, I went to a Black majority college in White Plains, and dealt with them daily, some would yell "What cha looking at" just for "Trying to say hello" others would constantly "Ass" to burrow things, and money too, but never give it back.
Others would wiggle their butts in the cafeteria skipping class to rap music, and well others would insult each other during class, until I couldn't hear the professor.

I also know that since I was a child going into places with a good deal of Blacks, often meant verbal harassment, mean stares, bullying etc. be it Peekskill, White Plains, Manhattan, Danbury, the Bronx, or Yonkers.

It's funny that the only verbal harassment, and intimidating situations I saw in China-Town in Manhattan, was from Black African immigrants, and not from Chinese from China who dominated the whole place by a massive majority.

Yes, those Black African immigrants peddle their boot-legs on Chinese immigrant territory they built up, too.

It's clearly race, I don't know why Chinese from the Third-World condition, can be typically so polite, but Blacks from everywhere rich, or poor are all mostly kind of the same trash.

They try to make it a color thing when there is no truth to it. Whites can live with just about any other group of people in peace.

I sadly watched as my neighborhood changed. We went from one murder every 15 years or so to three a year. Stores closed down because of armed robberies and shoplifting, others started to close early, more ghetto businesses moved in like nail salons, cell phone/ pager stores, check cashing places and dollar stores. It didn't happen because of color, it happened because of the way people of color conducted themselves.

Well.......I guess to some, observation and experience would make me a racist. I guess I'm a racist because my property value was estimated at half of what it was when I bought the place almost 25 years ago.

In general, blacks are a much more violent people, dirtier people, and louder people than whites. I can't even mow my tree lawn anymore until I clean up all the garbage off of it. I can't sleep peacefully at night any longer because of the lowlife black HUD people next door coming in and out of the drive until 2:00am on work nights.
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Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


So it took the executive action of a President, an action ONLY a President is empowered to execute to start the program and now a court has the empowerment and authority to allow the unconstitutional program which circumvented Congress?
Do you realize how ignorant and foolish you sound?
Look, you’re desperate, you want to believe anything that may be favorable to your wants and desires...that’s what desperate people always do.

There is no desperation. FACT: The Supreme Court refused to overturn the pro-DACA rulings that were issued by several judges. The Supreme Court has not declared it unconstitutional,

The supremes only denied an expedited hearing, there has been no ruling on the merits of the case, which in the end your side will lose miserably.


Apparently the rulings were not so outrageous for the Supreme Court to intervene. My side includes Trump voters, Clinton voters, liberals, moderates and conservatives, Democrats, Independents, Republicans, men, women, whites and non-whites. Your side is racists, white supremacists and neo-nazis.

Democrats are likely to at least take the House in November so it will be a different ballgame in 2019.

The only thing needed to win is to have the law and Constitution on your side, fortunately both are on the States side.


I believe you are mistaken. Codifying prosecutorial discretion is within the purview of the executive branch.

There's a new prosecutor in town.

Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


So it took the executive action of a President, an action ONLY a President is empowered to execute to start the program and now a court has the empowerment and authority to allow the unconstitutional program which circumvented Congress?
Do you realize how ignorant and foolish you sound?
Look, you’re desperate, you want to believe anything that may be favorable to your wants and desires...that’s what desperate people always do.

There is no desperation. FACT: The Supreme Court refused to overturn the pro-DACA rulings that were issued by several judges. The Supreme Court has not declared it unconstitutional,

The supremes only denied an expedited hearing, there has been no ruling on the merits of the case, which in the end your side will lose miserably.


Apparently the rulings were not so outrageous for the Supreme Court to intervene. My side includes Trump voters, Clinton voters, liberals, moderates and conservatives, Democrats, Independents, Republicans, men, women, whites and non-whites. Your side is racists, white supremacists and neo-nazis.

Democrats are likely to at least take the House in November so it will be a different ballgame in 2019.

The only thing needed to win is to have the law and Constitution on your side, fortunately both are on the States side.


States do not control immigration law. That is the law and Constitution.

Yeah, that's why DAPA is in place. right? Wrong, the States sued and it was declared unconstitutional. Sessions won't defend DACA so it will meet the same fate, hell it would meet the same fate either way.

Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
Thank god for the electoral college
Where the minority holds the majority as a hostage ? Electoral college is for the 17th century. Now the useless part of america is teying to pull the productive majority back....wonderful!!!

And you wonder why real Americans have finally had enough of this immigration bullshit. We LET a few of you Ragheads in...then you badmouth and seek to change our system and the many things which make America the place all you filthy fucks want to migrate to. You really should just shut your fucking mouth, enjoy your free ride at the back of the bus.
Still makes more than most American born folks and live in one of the most expensive zip codes. I dont know what you talking about. Most of my immigrant friends are in the top 10% (doctors, lawyers, investors, business owners....). They are also Americans and they are entitled to voice their opinion and help this country move forward Mr saulty racist.
How many friends is that? about ten out of 11 million? yeah you got that representation down to spout off numbers for sure. Not. typical leftist nat with no patriotism for their country. useless. Or an illegal that thinks she has rights. hahahaahahahaahaha

DACA is illegal.
He was referring to us muslims....the vast majority of the ones I know are very successful and their kids excel in education.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
racist states?? :rolleyes-41:
Where there is a high concentration of racists :)
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.
I wish they were....freeways are jammed. Keep on lying to yourself.
Guess you missed the headlines about 800k people fleeing the high tax states I mentioned eh? Here is a link snowflake

800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists
Till i see no traffic jam, i won't believe you :).
Real Americans?

Louisiana is number ONE for murder
Alabama is number THREE for murder
South Carolina is number EIGHT for murder
Arkansas is number TEN for murder

Yep, REAL Americans KILL.

LOL, a lot of Blacks in those states.

Blacks are the real Americans?

Blacks are pretty anti-American, if I wear American flag hats, most of those who look at it with "Mean stares" are usually Blacks, and sometimes Hispanics, but thus far no Whites.

Anti-American or anti-the America you want it to be?

The whole "we're patriots and everything we stand for is patriotism, and they're enemies and everything they stand for is anti-American" is such lame bullshit.

So, American flag hats piss off a good deal of Blacks I see , because?

Okay, so the U.S.A has a bad blood history with Blacks.

Then why do they stay in the U.S.A, exactly?

Because they've not got anywhere else to go. Their family is in the US etc.

The flag symbolizes the government. The whole flag is political. The 50 stars represent the 50 flags and the 13 stripes the original 13 states.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.
I wish they were....freeways are jammed. Keep on lying to yourself.
Guess you missed the headlines about 800k people fleeing the high tax states I mentioned eh? Here is a link snowflake

800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists
Till i see no traffic jam, i won't believe you :).

I met quite a few people (Mostly older) from New York, and Connecticut who moved South, I don't know if it's 'All Taxes" though, it could also be "Better weather"

I also know quite a few people (Mostly younger) from Putnam, New York , and else-where who moved South from the suburbs into NYC region city settings like Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, White Plains, and Yonkers.

I also know quite a few people who have moved North from Putnam, New York into Dutchess County, New York , or East into Connecticut where in both cases taxes are cheaper.

But, here's the thing, a lot of the intellectually simple people, and trouble-makers (Easily bored, and restless) are the ones who moved into the City settings.

But, here's the other thing, a lot of the people escaping the higher taxes are usually disproportionately the more "Lower Middle Class" leaving behind more "Upper Middle Class" paying the high taxes, quite often.

My parents fled Mount Kisco (Westchester, County, New York) in the 1970's for Putnam Lake, (Putnam, County, New York)

But, that's a big difference, the house prices in Mount Kisco are nearly 2 X higher for the same house as in Putnam, and that not just means nearly 2 X more taxes too for the higher house prices accounted for in taxes + the higher taxes Westchester has in general.

But, here's the thing my parents fled at the time from Mount Kisco because their incomes were too low.

Now-a-days Mount Kisco could be afforded by my parents, however.
(But a lot of Mount Kisco is now Guatemalan, anyways)
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No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.
I wish they were....freeways are jammed. Keep on lying to yourself.

10 million disgusting wetbacks stuffed in a relatively small area...all rushing to those free doctors appointments will clog a few freeways.
Look around, tell me how many REAL Americans you see driving in this’s nothing but anchor babies, illegals and ragheads.

They haven’t reopened stormfront for you losers?

They don't have to USMB has become over the last year a white supremacist haven.

I've noticed the same thing. And every last one of our resident racists support Trump. Sad

When did I say I support Trump much, if at all?

I might've said I supported Trump only slightly over Hillary here, and there, but this really means jack.

I actually have questioned if he's even legit since about August of 2016.

My ;premises was that Trump the big mouth was making us look bad.

My premises was that Trump would be used by the elite, and as the elite to make us look bad.

My premises was that Trump would do nothing, or achieve nothing, and leave us looking bad.

My premises was that how could Trump a former Democrat, who got so rich, be so stupid, and not know when to shut his stupid mouth, once in a-while?
2.) I've met a good deal of Blacks, and no I don't like them usually, they are usually very rude, obnoxious, belligerent, aggressive, and of lower intelligence.

Yeah? Try living with them like I do. You'd dislike them even more.

Ray, has it ever occurred to you that the reason why you have a bad relationship with your black neighbors is that you are so fucking racist Archie Bunker would tell you to take it down a notch?
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.
I wish they were....freeways are jammed. Keep on lying to yourself.

Well, my Pawling, New York has little traffic, according to the census we lost approx 90 people between 2010 - 2014, we also lost about 1% on our Hispanic population in this time frame too.

But, Pawling's cool like that, even the movie A Quiet Place was mostly filmed here.

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