States full of good, REAL Americans sue to end DACA.

The Supreme Court has not made such a ruling. The DOJ has not defended it so it doesn't matter.

Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


The Supreme Court has not made such a ruling. The DOJ has not defended it so it doesn't matter.

Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

So it took the executive action of a President, an action ONLY a President is empowered to execute to start the program and now a court has the empowerment and authority to allow the unconstitutional program which circumvented Congress?
Do you realize how ignorant and foolish you sound?
Look, you’re desperate, you want to believe anything that may be favorable to your wants and desires...that’s what desperate people always do.

There is no desperation. FACT: The Supreme Court refused to overturn the pro-DACA rulings that were issued by several judges. The Supreme Court has not declared it unconstitutional,

The supremes only denied an expedited hearing, there has been no ruling on the merits of the case, which in the end your side will lose miserably.


Apparently the rulings were not so outrageous for the Supreme Court to intervene. My side includes Trump voters, Clinton voters, liberals, moderates and conservatives, Democrats, Independents, Republicans, men, women, whites and non-whites. Your side is racists, white supremacists and neo-nazis.

Democrats are likely to at least take the House in November so it will be a different ballgame in 2019.
Real Americans? Natives? You conservative snowflakes are kinda funny, thought you cared about life and children? Those are children wanting a better life at the border. What would that Jesus guy you snowflakes claim to follow say? Or is Trump your new god? seems so.

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken
There is nothing wrong with making them wait at the back of the line...

There is everything wrong with deporting someone who has been here since they were a kid and only knows this country as their home.
No, They need to go to the back of the line and wait 12-15 or more years for citizenship

you do understand that these people didn't choose to come here and have no relationship with their country of birth, righ?

they contribute to our economy. they own homes, cars, pay taxes

unlike white trash trump trolls
So you would send people who have lived their whole lives here back to lands they never knew. How intelligent is this? Get a grip. Many of us are not for unnecessary suffering.

Maybe you stumbled across a deal here. Perhaps we should allow those who have spent their entire lives here to stay, and in exchange, send the rest of them home. I think both sides can agree to that. How about you?

No. I can't. Absolutely not. Since at least the 1950s, the "conservative" dickheads have fought necessary reforms in these countries, while the dickheads who have run the catholic and protestant churches have fought tooth-and-nail over decades every attempt to use available technology to prevent the burgeoning populations of countries that can't sustain them. My father predicted this precise situation back in the 1960s. It was just a matter of time. Now it's time for "conservatives" to face what they were so instrumental in creating and learn their fucking lesson. It's not the DACA kids or families hopping trains to get to our southern border who are to be blamed and be made to suffer. The "conservatives" wanted over-population and now they've got their wish.

Okay, so first you said your concern was for people that spent their life here and this is the only country they know. Now you are admitting you are a liar. That's not your concern at all. Your concern is open borders and allowing anybody that wants to drift in to do just that.

Don't you people ever start to feel guilty about using children all the time to promote your political agenda?

You did not read my post and you did not answer me.. Why did the catholic and protestant fucktards spend efforts over the decades just to create hellish circumstances for the people of central America and now want to abandon their creation. The blame needs to be placed on the people directly responsible for this. Your political and (laughing) "religious" leaders are directly responsible for this situation. The poor people queuing up at the border are not to blame. The roman catholic leadership, the scumbag fundie prots, and the "anti-communists" are to blame for this situation. We had the technology 40-50 years ago to avert this crisis, when responsible people wanted to make sure that people across the globe had access to the technology to control their fertility and the education to know how to use it.

Whatever happend to Zero Population Growth (ZPG)?.

Find these catholics and fundie prots and these "anti-communists" and string them up by their balls. These "conservatives" are directly to blame. There is one woman who is pregnant and at the border with her two children. She is fleeing gang people who threatened one of her children and also a violent husband, who probably forced himself on her to bring about her pregnancy. It's time that we started blaming the right people for this mess. It's time to take responsibility, mister aims-gun-at-camera-because-he-thinks-he's-cool. Stop blaming the victims, who are caught in the middle and have nothing.

White Catholic former Soviet bloc countries like Poland, Slovakia, and Lithuania were poorer than Mexico in the early 1990's, now each is richer, now each has much lower murder rates, now each has much higher PISA scores, and much higher IQ scores.

It's not "Anti-Communists" who caused for such a major issues of lagging behind Eastern bloc wealth, it was in fact none other than the "Communists"

Yes, look at East Germany vs West Germany, or North Korea vs South Korea.

But, I guess Communism is just great, huh?
The Supreme Court has not made such a ruling. The DOJ has not defended it so it doesn't matter.

Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017
Ungrateful fks illegally here. send them back to their country. They love that flag and not the US Flag. I saw em at the top of the fence with their home country flag. seemed they were showing how proud they were of it. then go there. This country has an American flag, and if they truly felt this was their saving grace land, then they should be waving an American Flag. You leftist fks don't get to make the call.

You racist pig. I supported Ronald Reagan and he would have nothing to do with Trump. You are the far right looney tune here. Fuckers like you use the flag to spew your hatred. You are the ones dishonoring the flag.
how you figure racist dufus? I am protecting my country from invasion of unregistered humans that affect my family's life. I am allowed to stand up freely and announce my country is a country with borders and within those borders anyone illegally here must be removed. That isn't racist. you're a pig cause you spout that nonsense. deport them all.

it's sad you think that shit works today.

You are the only racist pig that I see. It does not affect your family except for giving you a excuse for your racism. The fact is that most voters do not agree with you. In the same Fox poll that showed strong support for DACA, it also showed strong support for legalization of illegals even among Trump supporters. Deport your ass and we can make America Great

Hey dumb fuck, we have illegals here form virtually every country on earth, so tell us who we are being racist against, be specific.


You are the dumb fuck. Americans believer Trump is a racist as well.
Real Americans? Natives? You conservative snowflakes are kinda funny, thought you cared about life and children? Those are children wanting a better life at the border. What would that Jesus guy you snowflakes claim to follow say? Or is Trump your new god? seems so.

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken
There is nothing wrong with making them wait at the back of the line...

There is everything wrong with deporting someone who has been here since they were a kid and only knows this country as their home.
No, They need to go to the back of the line and wait 12-15 or more years for citizenship

you do understand that these people didn't choose to come here and have no relationship with their country of birth, righ?

they contribute to our economy. they own homes, cars, pay taxes

unlike white trash trump trolls

Why do you have a change of heart when it comes to Israel's intolerance, deportations, and murders, exactly?
Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?

A.) I would consider moving to Poland.. (It's mostly a last ditch option)

B.) Friends, and Family are in the U.S.A.

C.) English is my first language, and my Polish language skills aren't very good.

D.) While, many parts of the U.S.A are worse than even the worst parts of Poland, I don't live there, my Pawling is probably one of the best parts of the U.S.A, IMO

E.) My household net worth is approx 1.5 million, therefor getting a job in Poland wouldn't matter much...

Why is it a last ditch option if it's so great?

And, FYI, bragging about wealth anonymously online is odd. Especially in this case where I didn't ask you why moving to Poland wouldn't be a problem but you felt the need to throw that in. Odd.

Well, I don't know, how many Third-World peoples more are you, and your ilk going to flood the U.S.A with?

Completely valid, explain why not?

Look at the Bronx, NYC went from being Middle-Class, and over 90% White in the 1940's to mostly non-White horrid ghetto a few decades later, well while counted as "White" many of them were only kind of White like Jews, and Italians.

Yes, the same could happen, anywhere... Unfortunately.

I'm hoping we get enough 'third-worlders' for you to take a long vacation to Poland. The fewer white nationalists the better. Go take back to Eastern Europe and suck up to Putin.

Why would I suck up to Putin, exactly?

Putin's Russia has been flooded with millions of Muslims / Illegal immigrants, as well.

Putin may have been better on the Gay question, however that's less important to me, I don't see millions of Gay kids sneaking into countries illegally, forming gangs to exterminate the straight man, or committing huge terrorist attacks?

Putin's regime is however a bit off on Soviet / Communism, though, like the bullying / threatening Poland for taking down Soviet memorials, or Putin saying the end of the Soviet Union was a disaster, or that he was apparently ex KGB - Soviet.
Who is "Us" exactly?
Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.
so did Reagan. it's why trump exists today. Most americans want borders and want illegals out and don't agree with amnesty.

And the intolerant can't seem to get this thing correct. the tolerant spend their lives coordinating their tolerance. which I reject.

Well, you're lying, do you even know this? Most Americans want a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients.

Poll finds broad support for path to citizenship for DACA recipients

Why do you guys keep lying about this and pretend Americans want to kick out or not let them become citizens?
oh bullshit, that is as fake as every other poll you all post. Trump won the presidency so you're full of it.

DACA is illegal, just remember that.

Every poll shows broad support for DACA and that includes Trump News(Fox). You are the one who is full of it. Trump won because he was not Clinton and that is all.
Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?

A.) I would consider moving to Poland.. (It's mostly a last ditch option)

B.) Friends, and Family are in the U.S.A.

C.) English is my first language, and my Polish language skills aren't very good.

D.) While, many parts of the U.S.A are worse than even the worst parts of Poland, I don't live there, my Pawling is probably one of the best parts of the U.S.A, IMO

E.) My household net worth is approx 1.5 million, therefor getting a job in Poland wouldn't matter much...

Why is it a last ditch option if it's so great?

And, FYI, bragging about wealth anonymously online is odd. Especially in this case where I didn't ask you why moving to Poland wouldn't be a problem but you felt the need to throw that in. Odd.

Well, I don't know, how many Third-World peoples more are you, and your ilk going to flood the U.S.A with?

Completely valid, explain why not?

Look at the Bronx, NYC went from being Middle-Class, and over 90% White in the 1940's to mostly non-White horrid ghetto a few decades later, well while counted as "White" many of them were only kind of White like Jews, and Italians.

Yes, the same could happen, anywhere... Unfortunately.

I'm hoping we get enough 'third-worlders' for you to take a long vacation to Poland. The fewer white nationalists the better. Go take back to Eastern Europe and suck up to Putin.

I'm not really a White Nationalist, anyways.

While,it maybe true that some of my favorite people are White, like Poles, Slovaks, Hungarians, Czechs, Estonians, etc.

I actually think a lot of White people are pretty grotesque, I mean aren't you White? While your stupid ideals might not hint of Whiteness, your syntax might, however.

Absolutely, a lot of White people are trash, to tell you the truth.

Some parts of the White World are both historically extremely violent savage, and fully blown retard anti-White / Anti-Racist, Multiculturalist today.

Absolutely Anglo - Saxons usually fit this bill to the T, Their close relatives the Germans are pretty close too, but at least some ethnic Germans are getting with it, like many Austrian Germans, and many Prussian Germans of today are resisting better.
We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.


150 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Irish. The Irish are fine.

100 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Germans. The Germans are just fine.

50 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Polish. The Polish are just fine.

The Mexicans will be just fine.

There is a huge difference between European immigration and what's going on now.

I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood which today is called Slavic Village.......look it up if you like. Back in the 60's the entire neighborhood was Polish. Our store signs were in Polish, our masses were in Polish, people in the area spoke to each other in Polish, and business was conducted in Polish.

But once people stepped outside of our community, they spoke English.

You see, Europeans were grateful to come here. They kissed the ground once they got off the boat. They didn't demand we change our laws for them. They didn't break our laws and sneak in. They didn't insist the US learn their languages. They didn't come here to take American jobs away or undercut their salary. They didn't come here to make money and send it back home for their return. They didn't come here to drop babies and get on some social programs. They came here because they wanted to become Americans.

Our Catholic church held classes for the immigrants to learn English; help them adopt to their new home. People at public gatherings would assist immigrants in their grammar and use of the language. In fact my sisters best friend was a girl off the boat. With the help of my mother translating, she taught that girl English almost on her own. That girl grew up, went to college and became a doctor.

Is that the kind of things we are experiencing today? Of course not. They don't want to obey our laws, they don't want to wait in line, they don't want to become Americans. They just want to use America. They want to undercut our wages, send money back home to their country, and stuff 15 people in a three bedroom house. In spite of our technology which would make learning a new language a breeze, many won't even do that. So now our country is loaded with bilingual signs. In fact, a few years ago they started to ask me what language I would like my ballot in at the voting place.

I believe you are spinning a fantastical fairy tale. First, my spin on this whole "real" Americans bullshit. My family has been here since before there was a United States and we allow the rest of you yahoos to hang around because you mostly have the good sense to leave us the fawk alone.

But my area was primarily German. The first family member to enter this valley spoke German and Cherokee. He got here before he was 20 and lived well past 80. He never learned English. Nor did most of those that came with him. The churches here conducted service in German, the schools taught in German, and well past the Civil War, the state of North Carolina had both English and German versions of most legal forms.

But in your fairy tale, well you completely exaggerated the assimilation of Polish immigrants. Like learning English. Have you ever heard of "Poglish"? Are you aware that the Polish spoke by Polish Americans is distinctly different than that spoken by native Poles.

And what really gets me. The first wave of Polish immigration to the United States was called "za chlebem". I will let you tell us all what that means, but suffice it to say that the vast majority of these immigrants were among the poorest people in Europe. They took measly paying jobs when they got here, just to get bread. They were the epitome of poor huddled masses.
We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.


150 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Irish. The Irish are fine.

100 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Germans. The Germans are just fine.

50 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Polish. The Polish are just fine.

The Mexicans will be just fine.

There is a huge difference between European immigration and what's going on now.

I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood which today is called Slavic Village.......look it up if you like. Back in the 60's the entire neighborhood was Polish. Our store signs were in Polish, our masses were in Polish, people in the area spoke to each other in Polish, and business was conducted in Polish.

But once people stepped outside of our community, they spoke English.

You see, Europeans were grateful to come here. They kissed the ground once they got off the boat. They didn't demand we change our laws for them. They didn't break our laws and sneak in. They didn't insist the US learn their languages. They didn't come here to take American jobs away or undercut their salary. They didn't come here to make money and send it back home for their return. They didn't come here to drop babies and get on some social programs. They came here because they wanted to become Americans.

Our Catholic church held classes for the immigrants to learn English; help them adopt to their new home. People at public gatherings would assist immigrants in their grammar and use of the language. In fact my sisters best friend was a girl off the boat. With the help of my mother translating, she taught that girl English almost on her own. That girl grew up, went to college and became a doctor.

Is that the kind of things we are experiencing today? Of course not. They don't want to obey our laws, they don't want to wait in line, they don't want to become Americans. They just want to use America. They want to undercut our wages, send money back home to their country, and stuff 15 people in a three bedroom house. In spite of our technology which would make learning a new language a breeze, many won't even do that. So now our country is loaded with bilingual signs. In fact, a few years ago they started to ask me what language I would like my ballot in at the voting place.

I believe you are spinning a fantastical fairy tale. First, my spin on this whole "real" Americans bullshit. My family has been here since before there was a United States and we allow the rest of you yahoos to hang around because you mostly have the good sense to leave us the fawk alone.

But my area was primarily German. The first family member to enter this valley spoke German and Cherokee. He got here before he was 20 and lived well past 80. He never learned English. Nor did most of those that came with him. The churches here conducted service in German, the schools taught in German, and well past the Civil War, the state of North Carolina had both English and German versions of most legal forms.

But in your fairy tale, well you completely exaggerated the assimilation of Polish immigrants. Like learning English. Have you ever heard of "Poglish"? Are you aware that the Polish spoke by Polish Americans is distinctly different than that spoken by native Poles.

And what really gets me. The first wave of Polish immigration to the United States was called "za chlebem". I will let you tell us all what that means, but suffice it to say that the vast majority of these immigrants were among the poorest people in Europe. They took measly paying jobs when they got here, just to get bread. They were the epitome of poor huddled masses.

Polish people are of a bunch of United Lechite tribes / Slavic tribes this includes Vistulans, Polans, Masovians, Silesians, Pomeranians (Kashubians) Slovinicians, Polabians, Goplans, White Croats, Gorals etc.
(Also some Polonized Ukrainians, and Polonized Belarussians)

That in comparison to the average of Poland, a lot more Polish-Americans were from the Southern parts of Poland, and or disproportionately considering Goral, or even White Croat.

Also from Pilsudski to Nazis, to Soviets a lot of Polish diversity seems to have been lost.... Not all though, That moderately anti-Polish, despite being Polish, Kashubian maniac that looks like a Germanic named Donald Tusk still exists. (Unfortunately)
So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?

A.) I would consider moving to Poland.. (It's mostly a last ditch option)

B.) Friends, and Family are in the U.S.A.

C.) English is my first language, and my Polish language skills aren't very good.

D.) While, many parts of the U.S.A are worse than even the worst parts of Poland, I don't live there, my Pawling is probably one of the best parts of the U.S.A, IMO

E.) My household net worth is approx 1.5 million, therefor getting a job in Poland wouldn't matter much...

Why is it a last ditch option if it's so great?

And, FYI, bragging about wealth anonymously online is odd. Especially in this case where I didn't ask you why moving to Poland wouldn't be a problem but you felt the need to throw that in. Odd.

Well, I don't know, how many Third-World peoples more are you, and your ilk going to flood the U.S.A with?

Completely valid, explain why not?

Look at the Bronx, NYC went from being Middle-Class, and over 90% White in the 1940's to mostly non-White horrid ghetto a few decades later, well while counted as "White" many of them were only kind of White like Jews, and Italians.

Yes, the same could happen, anywhere... Unfortunately.

I'm hoping we get enough 'third-worlders' for you to take a long vacation to Poland. The fewer white nationalists the better. Go take back to Eastern Europe and suck up to Putin.
the battle is on ain't it. us white folk aren't taking it any more. you should see who's president and why he got voted in. And listen to the DACA folks about who is not letting them stay. It's the dems, but you're blind, you told me so.

No, there is no battle or race war or whatever gets you off. It was a joke, dipshit, cool your jets.
We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.


150 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Irish. The Irish are fine.

100 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Germans. The Germans are just fine.

50 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Polish. The Polish are just fine.

The Mexicans will be just fine.

There is a huge difference between European immigration and what's going on now.

I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood which today is called Slavic Village.......look it up if you like. Back in the 60's the entire neighborhood was Polish. Our store signs were in Polish, our masses were in Polish, people in the area spoke to each other in Polish, and business was conducted in Polish.

But once people stepped outside of our community, they spoke English.

You see, Europeans were grateful to come here. They kissed the ground once they got off the boat. They didn't demand we change our laws for them. They didn't break our laws and sneak in. They didn't insist the US learn their languages. They didn't come here to take American jobs away or undercut their salary. They didn't come here to make money and send it back home for their return. They didn't come here to drop babies and get on some social programs. They came here because they wanted to become Americans.

Our Catholic church held classes for the immigrants to learn English; help them adopt to their new home. People at public gatherings would assist immigrants in their grammar and use of the language. In fact my sisters best friend was a girl off the boat. With the help of my mother translating, she taught that girl English almost on her own. That girl grew up, went to college and became a doctor.

Is that the kind of things we are experiencing today? Of course not. They don't want to obey our laws, they don't want to wait in line, they don't want to become Americans. They just want to use America. They want to undercut our wages, send money back home to their country, and stuff 15 people in a three bedroom house. In spite of our technology which would make learning a new language a breeze, many won't even do that. So now our country is loaded with bilingual signs. In fact, a few years ago they started to ask me what language I would like my ballot in at the voting place.

The churches here conducted service in German, the schools taught in German, and well past the Civil War, the state of North Carolina had both English and German versions of most legal forms.

But in your fairy tale, well you completely exaggerated the assimilation of Polish immigrants. Like learning English. Have you ever heard of "Poglish"? Are you aware that the Polish spoke by Polish Americans is distinctly different than that spoken by native Poles.

Which German?

German is more diverse linguistically, than Polish.

High German?
Low German?
Middle German?

Actually, I've heard an extreme low German speaker have as much in common with Dutch,as with say a extreme High German Austrian Germans, actually.
So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?

A.) I would consider moving to Poland.. (It's mostly a last ditch option)

B.) Friends, and Family are in the U.S.A.

C.) English is my first language, and my Polish language skills aren't very good.

D.) While, many parts of the U.S.A are worse than even the worst parts of Poland, I don't live there, my Pawling is probably one of the best parts of the U.S.A, IMO

E.) My household net worth is approx 1.5 million, therefor getting a job in Poland wouldn't matter much...

Why is it a last ditch option if it's so great?

And, FYI, bragging about wealth anonymously online is odd. Especially in this case where I didn't ask you why moving to Poland wouldn't be a problem but you felt the need to throw that in. Odd.

Well, I don't know, how many Third-World peoples more are you, and your ilk going to flood the U.S.A with?

Completely valid, explain why not?

Look at the Bronx, NYC went from being Middle-Class, and over 90% White in the 1940's to mostly non-White horrid ghetto a few decades later, well while counted as "White" many of them were only kind of White like Jews, and Italians.

Yes, the same could happen, anywhere... Unfortunately.

I'm hoping we get enough 'third-worlders' for you to take a long vacation to Poland. The fewer white nationalists the better. Go take back to Eastern Europe and suck up to Putin.

As if "Third-Worlders" are so valuable.

Let's hear this?

1.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" are less racist, or Nationalistic?

If you think I believe 'third worlders' or non-whites are better that white people then you're having a different conversation than I am. I judge people a little more deeply than that.

To the contrary, I see a lot of Hispanics bashing other Hispanics, I.E a lot of Mexicans hate Guatemalans, a lot of Salvadorians hate Mexicans, a lot of Puerto Ricans hate Cubans.
(That's what, I've seen)


2.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" enrich our society?

A lot of immigrants open new businesses. We also have an aging population and we need more people in the workforce.

If they do so much, why do Hispanics on the whole have higher criminal , murder rates, on the whole?

What's the incarceration rates of white nationalists? I don't mean the asshats on this forum who talk tough online, I mean the ones out in the streets who at least do something.

3.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" have contributed to Humanity more than "White Nationalists" or "White Racists"?/

Why do I have to do that? I'm not the one who is apart of this racial contest you're having. But why do you get credit simply for being white? Compare yourself to Barack Obama, how do you compare? I doubt you come out on top.

Darwin = Racist, formulated Natural Selection Evolution, and saw the Fuegian Natives as hardly Human.

Interesting, not sure what this has to do with anything. Was there anyone in Darwin's time that wasn't a racist compared to today?

Wernher Von Braun = Nazi, put a man on the Moon.

A jew developed the nuclear bomb. Nifty.

Borglum = KKK, carved Mount Rushmore..

What about the pyramids of Egypt?

Carl Linnaeus the famed Naturalist, was a Racist.

James Watson discovered DNA structure, is a Racist.

Thomas Edison invented much, and played Racist film reels..

Nikola Tesla invented much, and spoke of Cleansing the World of the savages.

William Shockley invented the Transistor Radio, and was a Racist, Eugenicist, White Supremacist.

Some of the best Philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, and Schopenhauer were Racists too.

I get it, some racist people have accomplished stuff. Why wouldn't that be the case?

The question is what are you accomplishing? If you have the advantage of being white, what have you done with it?
Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

So it took the executive action of a President, an action ONLY a President is empowered to execute to start the program and now a court has the empowerment and authority to allow the unconstitutional program which circumvented Congress?
Do you realize how ignorant and foolish you sound?
Look, you’re desperate, you want to believe anything that may be favorable to your wants and desires...that’s what desperate people always do.

There is no desperation. FACT: The Supreme Court refused to overturn the pro-DACA rulings that were issued by several judges. The Supreme Court has not declared it unconstitutional,

The supremes only denied an expedited hearing, there has been no ruling on the merits of the case, which in the end your side will lose miserably.


Apparently the rulings were not so outrageous for the Supreme Court to intervene. My side includes Trump voters, Clinton voters, liberals, moderates and conservatives, Democrats, Independents, Republicans, men, women, whites and non-whites. Your side is racists, white supremacists and neo-nazis.

Democrats are likely to at least take the House in November so it will be a different ballgame in 2019.

The only thing needed to win is to have the law and Constitution on your side, fortunately both are on the States side.

We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.


150 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Irish. The Irish are fine.

100 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Germans. The Germans are just fine.

50 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Polish. The Polish are just fine.

The Mexicans will be just fine.

There is a huge difference between European immigration and what's going on now.

I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood which today is called Slavic Village.......look it up if you like. Back in the 60's the entire neighborhood was Polish. Our store signs were in Polish, our masses were in Polish, people in the area spoke to each other in Polish, and business was conducted in Polish.

But once people stepped outside of our community, they spoke English.

You see, Europeans were grateful to come here. They kissed the ground once they got off the boat. They didn't demand we change our laws for them. They didn't break our laws and sneak in. They didn't insist the US learn their languages. They didn't come here to take American jobs away or undercut their salary. They didn't come here to make money and send it back home for their return. They didn't come here to drop babies and get on some social programs. They came here because they wanted to become Americans.

Our Catholic church held classes for the immigrants to learn English; help them adopt to their new home. People at public gatherings would assist immigrants in their grammar and use of the language. In fact my sisters best friend was a girl off the boat. With the help of my mother translating, she taught that girl English almost on her own. That girl grew up, went to college and became a doctor.

Is that the kind of things we are experiencing today? Of course not. They don't want to obey our laws, they don't want to wait in line, they don't want to become Americans. They just want to use America. They want to undercut our wages, send money back home to their country, and stuff 15 people in a three bedroom house. In spite of our technology which would make learning a new language a breeze, many won't even do that. So now our country is loaded with bilingual signs. In fact, a few years ago they started to ask me what language I would like my ballot in at the voting place.

The churches here conducted service in German, the schools taught in German, and well past the Civil War, the state of North Carolina had both English and German versions of most legal forms.

But in your fairy tale, well you completely exaggerated the assimilation of Polish immigrants. Like learning English. Have you ever heard of "Poglish"? Are you aware that the Polish spoke by Polish Americans is distinctly different than that spoken by native Poles.

Which German?

German is more diverse linguistically, than Polish.

High German?
Low German?
Middle German?

Actually, I've heard an extreme low German speaker have as much in common with Dutch,as with say a extreme High German Austrian Germans, actually.

Central Bavarian. Not that it matters. Most people would be shocked if they actually knew how diverse the first couple of generations that came to this continent from Europe actually were. And even more shocked at just how much "intermingling" was going on. By the third generation, which was born during the American Revolution, my family had already incorporated Native American, English, Irish, French, and Middle Eastern "blood". And I am here to tell you, their "beauty" is legendary. Like "Mary the beautiful", a young maiden during the American Revolution mentioned in local history.
The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

So it took the executive action of a President, an action ONLY a President is empowered to execute to start the program and now a court has the empowerment and authority to allow the unconstitutional program which circumvented Congress?
Do you realize how ignorant and foolish you sound?
Look, you’re desperate, you want to believe anything that may be favorable to your wants and desires...that’s what desperate people always do.

There is no desperation. FACT: The Supreme Court refused to overturn the pro-DACA rulings that were issued by several judges. The Supreme Court has not declared it unconstitutional,

The supremes only denied an expedited hearing, there has been no ruling on the merits of the case, which in the end your side will lose miserably.


Apparently the rulings were not so outrageous for the Supreme Court to intervene. My side includes Trump voters, Clinton voters, liberals, moderates and conservatives, Democrats, Independents, Republicans, men, women, whites and non-whites. Your side is racists, white supremacists and neo-nazis.

Democrats are likely to at least take the House in November so it will be a different ballgame in 2019.

The only thing needed to win is to have the law and Constitution on your side, fortunately both are on the States side.


I believe you are mistaken. Codifying prosecutorial discretion is within the purview of the executive branch.
A.) I would consider moving to Poland.. (It's mostly a last ditch option)

B.) Friends, and Family are in the U.S.A.

C.) English is my first language, and my Polish language skills aren't very good.

D.) While, many parts of the U.S.A are worse than even the worst parts of Poland, I don't live there, my Pawling is probably one of the best parts of the U.S.A, IMO

E.) My household net worth is approx 1.5 million, therefor getting a job in Poland wouldn't matter much...

Why is it a last ditch option if it's so great?

And, FYI, bragging about wealth anonymously online is odd. Especially in this case where I didn't ask you why moving to Poland wouldn't be a problem but you felt the need to throw that in. Odd.

Well, I don't know, how many Third-World peoples more are you, and your ilk going to flood the U.S.A with?

Completely valid, explain why not?

Look at the Bronx, NYC went from being Middle-Class, and over 90% White in the 1940's to mostly non-White horrid ghetto a few decades later, well while counted as "White" many of them were only kind of White like Jews, and Italians.

Yes, the same could happen, anywhere... Unfortunately.

I'm hoping we get enough 'third-worlders' for you to take a long vacation to Poland. The fewer white nationalists the better. Go take back to Eastern Europe and suck up to Putin.

As if "Third-Worlders" are so valuable.

Let's hear this?

1.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" are less racist, or Nationalistic?

If you think I believe 'third worlders' or non-whites are better that white people then you're having a different conversation than I am. I judge people a little more deeply than that.

To the contrary, I see a lot of Hispanics bashing other Hispanics, I.E a lot of Mexicans hate Guatemalans, a lot of Salvadorians hate Mexicans, a lot of Puerto Ricans hate Cubans.
(That's what, I've seen)


2.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" enrich our society?

A lot of immigrants open new businesses. We also have an aging population and we need more people in the workforce.

If they do so much, why do Hispanics on the whole have higher criminal , murder rates, on the whole?

What's the incarceration rates of white nationalists? I don't mean the asshats on this forum who talk tough online, I mean the ones out in the streets who at least do something.

3.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" have contributed to Humanity more than "White Nationalists" or "White Racists"?/

Why do I have to do that? I'm not the one who is apart of this racial contest you're having. But why do you get credit simply for being white? Compare yourself to Barack Obama, how do you compare? I doubt you come out on top.

Darwin = Racist, formulated Natural Selection Evolution, and saw the Fuegian Natives as hardly Human.

Interesting, not sure what this has to do with anything. Was there anyone in Darwin's time that wasn't a racist compared to today?

Wernher Von Braun = Nazi, put a man on the Moon.

A jew developed the nuclear bomb. Nifty.

Borglum = KKK, carved Mount Rushmore..

What about the pyramids of Egypt?

Carl Linnaeus the famed Naturalist, was a Racist.

James Watson discovered DNA structure, is a Racist.

Thomas Edison invented much, and played Racist film reels..

Nikola Tesla invented much, and spoke of Cleansing the World of the savages.

William Shockley invented the Transistor Radio, and was a Racist, Eugenicist, White Supremacist.

Some of the best Philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, and Schopenhauer were Racists too.

I get it, some racist people have accomplished stuff. Why wouldn't that be the case?

The question is what are you accomplishing? If you have the advantage of being white, what have you done with it?

Immigrants open businesses?

Okay, just to start off here.

1.) Aren't those in a lot of cases businesses that say a Indian, Chinese, or Jewish immigrant etc. muscled White Christians out of?

2.) Okay, so some Muslims own businesses, especially ones from South-Asia, but then again why would we want to give more influence, and power to a Muslim population, on the whole?
What could go wrong there?

3.) These businesses can be anti-American, I went to a store in Brewster themed for the local Guatemalan majority there, not only did the Guatemalans there wire money back to Guatemala on a machine, but they followed me, and my White American friend around the store like we were common- criminals, why should I appreciate that?

- Okay, so what data shows the White Nationalist crime rate, exactly?

- Compare myself to Obama? So? Obama maybe uber-known, and successful in some aspects, but did he make the World better, what about in Syria, or Libya?
Besides, not only is Obama half White, Obama's an anomaly, no?

Then there's the point that even if there's a few good, nice, intelligent Black people etc., that as the concentration of Blacks increases things tend to get worse in terms of crime, intelligence, heck they aren't terribly good looking, they tend to be obnoxious big mouths, I can't really think of a whole lot of reasons why I'd like to get better situated with typical Blacks...

- How do you figure being White's an advantage, exactly?

- Okay, what am I accomplishing?
Most people don't accomplish a heck of a lot, do they?

Sure, I've had limited success on the internet, in promoting much, none the less I've probably pushed forward some facts, knowledge, wisdom here, and there, no?

Okay, so it's so bad that I like to leave a bit of a mark by painting nice art, taking beautiful photographs, feeding birds, planting gardens, or trees, giving 20 - 30% tips, giving donations to charity from St Jude to the Humane Society etc. etc
They contain high percentages of White Straight Christian Americans.

You know - the people who founded and built and sustain and own the country.

Silly person, you think the Cleetus States sustain the country? they're just a third world white trash nation the rest of us have to carry.
Incorrect. I'm a lifelong resident of northeastern Illinois.

One of those whose taxes prop up your brothers and sisters in The City.

Part of the 77% of the US population who are White.

Part of the 96% of the US population who are Straight.

Part of the 76% of the US population who are Christian.

Or who are otherwise primarily and substantively part of the heritage and traditions of each of those three groups.

You on the outside lookin' in?

Bad luck, that.
They contain high percentages of White Straight Christian Americans.

You know - the people who founded and built and sustain and own the country.

Silly person, you think the Cleetus States sustain the country? they're just a third world white trash nation the rest of us have to carry.
Incorrect. I'm a lifelong resident of northeastern Illinois.

One of those whose taxes prop up your brothers and sisters in The City.

Part of the 77% of the US population who are White.

Part of the 96% of the US population who are Straight.

Part of the 76% of the US population who are Christian.

Or who are otherwise primarily and substantively part of the heritage and traditions of each of those three groups.

You on the outside lookin' in?

Bad luck, that.

Well, I fit your description, except that I don't think that I've ever set foot in Illinois. I've paid plenty of damned taxes in over 40 years of working. I don't know what "heritage and traditions" you are talking about, especially when you refer to race and sexual orientation. Yeah, some Christian, but (emphatically!) not anything to do with graham or dobson or focus on the family or the southern baptist or assembly of god religions.

You stated in #62 that we "sustain and own" this country. How is that? Yeah, I've got some property. I'm fortunate in this regard. You might, as well. Folks who are not white, straight, and Christian do as well. So what?

If you think that you deserve some sort of medal for being white, straight, and christian, being born to the "right" parents, and playing identity politics: great. Drop your pants so we can figure out where to pin it.

I know that you rated my comment as "funny" because you lack the strength to answer me.
A.) I would consider moving to Poland.. (It's mostly a last ditch option)

B.) Friends, and Family are in the U.S.A.

C.) English is my first language, and my Polish language skills aren't very good.

D.) While, many parts of the U.S.A are worse than even the worst parts of Poland, I don't live there, my Pawling is probably one of the best parts of the U.S.A, IMO

E.) My household net worth is approx 1.5 million, therefor getting a job in Poland wouldn't matter much...

Why is it a last ditch option if it's so great?

And, FYI, bragging about wealth anonymously online is odd. Especially in this case where I didn't ask you why moving to Poland wouldn't be a problem but you felt the need to throw that in. Odd.

Well, I don't know, how many Third-World peoples more are you, and your ilk going to flood the U.S.A with?

Completely valid, explain why not?

Look at the Bronx, NYC went from being Middle-Class, and over 90% White in the 1940's to mostly non-White horrid ghetto a few decades later, well while counted as "White" many of them were only kind of White like Jews, and Italians.

Yes, the same could happen, anywhere... Unfortunately.

A jew developed the nuclear bomb. Nifty.

Borglum = KKK, carved Mount Rushmore..

What about the pyramids of Egypt?

So, if there's a nuclear war we shall blame Jews like Oppenheimer?

Okay, while the pyramids of Egypt are impressive, they weren't by Black people, really.

A recent DNA study proved that the Ancient Egyptians were genetically most like Levant people...

Did you know the first official building in the World was in France?
Now, why is this older than the Ancient Pyramids of Egypt?
We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.


150 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Irish. The Irish are fine.

100 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Germans. The Germans are just fine.

50 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Polish. The Polish are just fine.

The Mexicans will be just fine.

There is a huge difference between European immigration and what's going on now.

I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood which today is called Slavic Village.......look it up if you like. Back in the 60's the entire neighborhood was Polish. Our store signs were in Polish, our masses were in Polish, people in the area spoke to each other in Polish, and business was conducted in Polish.

But once people stepped outside of our community, they spoke English.

You see, Europeans were grateful to come here. They kissed the ground once they got off the boat. They didn't demand we change our laws for them. They didn't break our laws and sneak in. They didn't insist the US learn their languages. They didn't come here to take American jobs away or undercut their salary. They didn't come here to make money and send it back home for their return. They didn't come here to drop babies and get on some social programs. They came here because they wanted to become Americans.

Our Catholic church held classes for the immigrants to learn English; help them adopt to their new home. People at public gatherings would assist immigrants in their grammar and use of the language. In fact my sisters best friend was a girl off the boat. With the help of my mother translating, she taught that girl English almost on her own. That girl grew up, went to college and became a doctor.

Is that the kind of things we are experiencing today? Of course not. They don't want to obey our laws, they don't want to wait in line, they don't want to become Americans. They just want to use America. They want to undercut our wages, send money back home to their country, and stuff 15 people in a three bedroom house. In spite of our technology which would make learning a new language a breeze, many won't even do that. So now our country is loaded with bilingual signs. In fact, a few years ago they started to ask me what language I would like my ballot in at the voting place.

I believe you are spinning a fantastical fairy tale. First, my spin on this whole "real" Americans bullshit. My family has been here since before there was a United States and we allow the rest of you yahoos to hang around because you mostly have the good sense to leave us the fawk alone.

But my area was primarily German. The first family member to enter this valley spoke German and Cherokee. He got here before he was 20 and lived well past 80. He never learned English. Nor did most of those that came with him. The churches here conducted service in German, the schools taught in German, and well past the Civil War, the state of North Carolina had both English and German versions of most legal forms.

But in your fairy tale, well you completely exaggerated the assimilation of Polish immigrants. Like learning English. Have you ever heard of "Poglish"? Are you aware that the Polish spoke by Polish Americans is distinctly different than that spoken by native Poles.

And what really gets me. The first wave of Polish immigration to the United States was called "za chlebem". I will let you tell us all what that means, but suffice it to say that the vast majority of these immigrants were among the poorest people in Europe. They took measly paying jobs when they got here, just to get bread. They were the epitome of poor huddled masses.

So everything I experienced is a fairy tale?

When immigrants came here in the 60s, they were mostly uneducated and had no real skills. They took whatever jobs were available. Of course back then most jobs were blue collar and most here didn't have any advanced education at the time. Many Americans (like my father) had to drop out of school to help raise the rest of the family. Men died from illness or war at a younger age.

I can't speak of your experience, but mine was quite different. The immigrants in our neighborhood struggled to learn the English language as quickly as possible. Polish immigrants believed in education for their children, and that was very difficult if you had a hard time understanding the language.

Now years ago, it would be understandable if some (like in your German example) didn't speak a word of English because there was no place for them to really learn. But with the internet today, and the various companies offering language translation products, the only excuse for not learning our language is laziness, and the expectation that the rest of the country will adopt to your incompetence.

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