States full of good, REAL Americans sue to end DACA.

Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.
so did Reagan. it's why trump exists today. Most americans want borders and want illegals out and don't agree with amnesty.

And the intolerant can't seem to get this thing correct. the tolerant spend their lives coordinating their tolerance. which I reject.

Well, you're lying, do you even know this? Most Americans want a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients.

Poll finds broad support for path to citizenship for DACA recipients

Why do you guys keep lying about this and pretend Americans want to kick out or not let them become citizens?
oh bullshit, that is as fake as every other poll you all post. Trump won the presidency so you're full of it.

DACA is illegal, just remember that.

It's fake because of why? Because you simply can't believe that your views are unpopular?

Also Trump never ran on deporting DACA recipients.
because you all made it up.
then why do you complain about us?

Who is "Us" exactly?
Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.

So, are you moving to Poland then?

So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.
No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.

Yeah, well a lot of them fleeing New York for example, I can't help but to notice that they are disproportionately ghetto Blacks, ghetto Puerto Ricans, ghetto Whites, and White retirees.
why would a black or a Puerto Rican want to live in a ghetto? is that where you want them?

Where did I say what you're suggesting?

I'm just stating the facts, for example gentrification have sent a lot of Bronx Puerto Ricans down South, and Brooklyn Blacks down South.

In fact, being a New Yorker, I think this is a great thing for us.

Why would, I want them here, exactly?

P.S it's amazing that you left out "Ghetto Whites", do you dislike Whites, or something?

Yeah, there's some "Ghetto Whites" in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Yonkers, Queens, etc. etc.

Ghetto White lives don't matter, huh?
why would anyone want to live in a ghetto. I'd leave. your entire post is stupid and laced with racism.

1.) If it's racist for me to rejoice at Black Ghetto, Puerto Rican Ghetto, and White Ghetto people for leaving New York in increasing numbers, then why aren't you racist?

You aren't racist for ignoring "White Ghetto people" all together, eh?

2.) What's so wrong with racism?

3.) What's stupid about racism?
I agree with you. I know I won't live in a ghetto.
Who is "Us" exactly?
Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.

So, are you moving to Poland then?

So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think the Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.
then why were they waving their flag on the top of our border wall?
Who is "Us" exactly?
Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.
so did Reagan. it's why trump exists today. Most americans want borders and want illegals out and don't agree with amnesty.

And the intolerant can't seem to get this thing correct. the tolerant spend their lives coordinating their position. which I reject.

Eh, Americans are pretty tolerant, today.

I mean, if they weren't, why haven't they had a million man march on Washington against Illegal immigrants, against abortion,. against Affirmative Action, against Gay Marriage, and so forth?

Instead, there's little more than "Trickles" demonstrating. (In a lot of the cases, the counter-protesters have bigger numbers, anyways)
because it isn't what we do. We vote. we aren't the left.

BTW, students today had a 2nd amendment walk out today. I applaud the kids. They're coming along.

So, what explosive thing has been accomplished thus far from Republicans like Reagan to Trump on the "Illegal Immigrant" ordeal?
Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.

So, are you moving to Poland then?

So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think the Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.
then why were they waving their flag on the top of our border wall?

Because they are Mexican I would assume.
Who is "Us" exactly?
Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.

So, are you moving to Poland then?

So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.

Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?
Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.
so did Reagan. it's why trump exists today. Most americans want borders and want illegals out and don't agree with amnesty.

And the intolerant can't seem to get this thing correct. the tolerant spend their lives coordinating their position. which I reject.

Eh, Americans are pretty tolerant, today.

I mean, if they weren't, why haven't they had a million man march on Washington against Illegal immigrants, against abortion,. against Affirmative Action, against Gay Marriage, and so forth?

Instead, there's little more than "Trickles" demonstrating. (In a lot of the cases, the counter-protesters have bigger numbers, anyways)
because it isn't what we do. We vote. we aren't the left.

BTW, students today had a 2nd amendment walk out today. I applaud the kids. They're coming along.

So, what explosive thing has been accomplished thus far from Republicans like Reagan to Trump on the "Illegal Immigrant" ordeal?
not a damn thing. They keep caving. Again, why there is trump. There will never be a DACA deal cause they won't fund the wall that Trump wants. It's a stale mate. So no amnesty, and with added border patrol fewer illegals. It's a small win, but it's a work in progress because of the Donald. He energized my side. I want the wall. I demand the wall.
Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.

So, are you moving to Poland then?

So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think the Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.
then why were they waving their flag on the top of our border wall?

Because they are Mexican I would assume.
then why come here?
Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.

So, are you moving to Poland then?

So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.

Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?

Nope, not even close. If a Mexican was telling me how great Mexico is to the United States then naturally my first question would be why don't you go to Mexico.

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?
Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.

So, are you moving to Poland then?

So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.

Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?

Nope, not even close. If a Mexican was telling me how great Mexico is to the United States then naturally my first question would be why don't you go to Mexico.

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?
the left deflect.
Yeah, well a lot of them fleeing New York for example, I can't help but to notice that they are disproportionately ghetto Blacks, ghetto Puerto Ricans, ghetto Whites, and White retirees.
why would a black or a Puerto Rican want to live in a ghetto? is that where you want them?

Where did I say what you're suggesting?

I'm just stating the facts, for example gentrification have sent a lot of Bronx Puerto Ricans down South, and Brooklyn Blacks down South.

In fact, being a New Yorker, I think this is a great thing for us.

Why would, I want them here, exactly?

P.S it's amazing that you left out "Ghetto Whites", do you dislike Whites, or something?

Yeah, there's some "Ghetto Whites" in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Yonkers, Queens, etc. etc.

Ghetto White lives don't matter, huh?
why would anyone want to live in a ghetto. I'd leave. your entire post is stupid and laced with racism.

1.) If it's racist for me to rejoice at Black Ghetto, Puerto Rican Ghetto, and White Ghetto people for leaving New York in increasing numbers, then why aren't you racist?

You aren't racist for ignoring "White Ghetto people" all together, eh?

2.) What's so wrong with racism?

3.) What's stupid about racism?
I agree with you. I know I won't live in a ghetto.

Yeah, a lot in NYC a lot of Italian, Irish, Jewish, Polish, and German ethnic enclaves became Black, and Hispanic ghettos starting with their arrival mostly in the 1960's.

The ones who could afford to leave did, overwhelmingly.

But, now-a-days sometimes it's going in reverse, especially in the case of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC.

Williamsburg is a moderately wealthy White Hipster neighborhood today, 10 years ago even,it was a pretty bad ghetto, I drove through it, and it was filled with massive amounts of garbage, graffiti, and decadent buildings.
So, are you moving to Poland then?

So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think the Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.
then why were they waving their flag on the top of our border wall?

Because they are Mexican I would assume.
then why come here?

"Mexcian" means more than just a citizen of a country. Because they are Mexican does not mean they are necessarily nationalists. So, I'd assume many Mexicans come here for a better life, isn't it rather obvious?
So, are you moving to Poland then?

So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.

Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?

Nope, not even close. If a Mexican was telling me how great Mexico is to the United States then naturally my first question would be why don't you go to Mexico.

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?
the left deflect.

Next time maybe post that when someone on the right isn't currently deflecting. Kind of makes more sense, no?
So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think the Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.
then why were they waving their flag on the top of our border wall?

Because they are Mexican I would assume.
then why come here?

"Mexcian" means more than just a citizen of a country. Because they are Mexican does not mean they are necessarily nationalists. So, I'd assume many Mexicans come here for a better life, isn't it rather obvious?
nope not at all. I look at where the existing 11 million live today and in places here no different than where they came from. I'm just saying, where do you supposed we get MS13 or gangs in the Southside of Chicago? or Detroit or Baltimore or SanDiego or Texas? what they actually do is bring their shit here and deposit it for us to have to deal with. ehhhhhhh wrong.
So, are you moving to Poland then?

So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.

Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?

Nope, not even close. If a Mexican was telling me how great Mexico is to the United States then naturally my first question would be why don't you go to Mexico.

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?
the left deflect.

Haha, yeah I'm so leftist being anti-Refugee, anti-Immigration, anti-Abortion, anti-Gay marriage, pro-White, pro-Racism, pro-Catholic, pro-Polish, pro-Eugenics, pro-Gun rights etc.

Well, I'm certainly not a "Republican" nor a "Democrat"

Both are pretty similar to tell you the truth.

Democrats usually do the wrong thing, and Republicans usually appease them by doing nothing.

Capitalism in general sells out to Liberalism.

That's what Euro-Nationalists like myself are far more likely to grasp, in comparison to American-Hicks.
So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.

Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?

Nope, not even close. If a Mexican was telling me how great Mexico is to the United States then naturally my first question would be why don't you go to Mexico.

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?
the left deflect.

Next time maybe post that when someone on the right isn't currently deflecting. Kind of makes more sense, no?
well it isn't what he said. but why would you care, you deflected.
So, you'd tell that to an Illegal Mexican in the U.S.A, who was flying a flag of Mexico? That they should go back to Mexico?

I thought that was "Racism" to Lefties like you?

No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.

Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?

Nope, not even close. If a Mexican was telling me how great Mexico is to the United States then naturally my first question would be why don't you go to Mexico.

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?
the left deflect.

Haha, yeah I'm so leftist being anti-Refugee, anti-Immigration, anti-Abortion, anti-Gay marriage, pro-White, pro-Racism, pro-Catholic, pro-Polish, pro-Eugenics, pro-Gun rights etc.

Well, I'm certainly not a "Republican" nor a "Democrat"

Both are pretty similar to tell you the truth.

Democrats usually do the wrong thing, and Republicans usually appease them by doing nothing.

Capitalism in general sells out to Liberalism.

That's what Euro-Nationalists like myself are far more likely to grasp, in comparison to American-Hicks.
hey, my apologize, I was referring to him deflecting, not you. sorry.
No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.

Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?

Nope, not even close. If a Mexican was telling me how great Mexico is to the United States then naturally my first question would be why don't you go to Mexico.

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?
the left deflect.

Next time maybe post that when someone on the right isn't currently deflecting. Kind of makes more sense, no?
well it isn't what he said. but why would you care, you deflected.

Neat, I didn't but why should you stop lying now?
No, probably not. But you probably think they are flying the Mexican flag because they think Mexico is a superior country. You'd be mistaken.

Okay, so you're basically admitting to being an anti-Polish hypocrite?

Nope, not even close. If a Mexican was telling me how great Mexico is to the United States then naturally my first question would be why don't you go to Mexico.

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?
the left deflect.

Haha, yeah I'm so leftist being anti-Refugee, anti-Immigration, anti-Abortion, anti-Gay marriage, pro-White, pro-Racism, pro-Catholic, pro-Polish, pro-Eugenics, pro-Gun rights etc.

Well, I'm certainly not a "Republican" nor a "Democrat"

Both are pretty similar to tell you the truth.

Democrats usually do the wrong thing, and Republicans usually appease them by doing nothing.

Capitalism in general sells out to Liberalism.

That's what Euro-Nationalists like myself are far more likely to grasp, in comparison to American-Hicks.
hey, my apologize, I was referring to him deflecting, not you. sorry.

^ It's like watching blind mice get through the maze.

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