States full of good, REAL Americans sue to end DACA.

Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

It is not good people. It is hateful reps who cater to the far right. I notice 1 state has not joined. Tennessee.

This is what the Tennessee AG said last year when he withdrew from the suit.
"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding
accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country," Slatery said. "They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

I agree 100%. The Republican Party under Trump needs to die.

You don't become a citizen of this country by sneaking in and proving you are a model citizen. Imagine the chaos if that were the method we used.

The United States is one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to sharing our land with outsiders. We allow over a million immigrants into this country ever year. What other country does that? It's just that we have a way and method to do this orderly because hundreds of millions would love to come here.

The United States is like the best restaurant in town. You have to have a reservation and still wait in line because of the crowd.

The United States is a horrible restaurant because of the hate people like you push. People like you demean this country. People who have made a life for themselves in this country should be allowed to stay.

A man robs a bank for $250k...never gets caught...he’s apprehended years we prosecute him and take the $250k back...or do we look the other way, not prosecute, let him keep the $250k and essentially reward him?
I know, I know....totally different right?

Totally stupid. No one has committed any violence against anyone. These people have grown up as Americans and are more American than you are.

DACA recipient arrested for threatening to shoot up school

DACA recipients arrested on suspicion of human smuggling
We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.


150 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Irish. The Irish are fine.

100 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Germans. The Germans are just fine.

50 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Polish. The Polish are just fine.

The Mexicans will be just fine.

Germans aren't treated so well, all the time in the U.S.A, either.

I remember in the Poughkeepsie Library book sale they had different "Countries" or "Regions" of the World with "Books" while there were about 15 books under the Germany section, everyone of them were either about the Nazis, the Holocaust, or Hitler (You get the drift)

I for one aren't particularly fond of Germans for obvious reasons.

However, to say that German history is just WW2, is very, very prejudiced.

Germany has done a lot of bad, but they've done a lot of good things too.

I.E Automobiles, Motorcycles, and V2 (Space going rockets) and Lutheranism were invented by Germany.

Bratwurst, Pretzels, Snitzel are German.

Spaten, Bitburger, and Hofbrau are German.

Yes, German food, and beer influenced America pretty strongly, be it Hotdogs, and Hamburgers, or Budweiser, or Miller.

Why is this all neglected?
So you would send people who have lived their whole lives here back to lands they never knew. How intelligent is this? Get a grip. Many of us are not for unnecessary suffering.

Maybe you stumbled across a deal here. Perhaps we should allow those who have spent their entire lives here to stay, and in exchange, send the rest of them home. I think both sides can agree to that. How about you?

No. I can't. Absolutely not. Since at least the 1950s, the "conservative" dickheads have fought necessary reforms in these countries, while the dickheads who have run the catholic and protestant churches have fought tooth-and-nail over decades every attempt to use available technology to prevent the burgeoning populations of countries that can't sustain them. My father predicted this precise situation back in the 1960s. It was just a matter of time. Now it's time for "conservatives" to face what they were so instrumental in creating and learn their fucking lesson. It's not the DACA kids or families hopping trains to get to our southern border who are to be blamed and be made to suffer. The "conservatives" wanted over-population and now they've got their wish.

Okay, so first you said your concern was for people that spent their life here and this is the only country they know. Now you are admitting you are a liar. That's not your concern at all. Your concern is open borders and allowing anybody that wants to drift in to do just that.

Don't you people ever start to feel guilty about using children all the time to promote your political agenda?
No they cannot. The Supreme Court has refused to overturn the other judges' orders.

As consent decree will override the other cases. The DOJ is not obligated to defend a clearly unconstitutional program.


The Supreme Court has not made such a ruling. The DOJ has not defended it so it doesn't matter.

Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


No they cannot. The Supreme Court has refused to overturn the other judges' orders.

As consent decree will override the other cases. The DOJ is not obligated to defend a clearly unconstitutional program.


The Supreme Court has not made such a ruling. The DOJ has not defended it so it doesn't matter.

Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

So it took the executive action of a President, an action ONLY a President is empowered to execute to start the program and now a court has the empowerment and authority to allow the unconstitutional program which circumvented Congress?
Do you realize how ignorant and foolish you sound?
Look, you’re desperate, you want to believe anything that may be favorable to your wants and desires...that’s what desperate people always do.

There is no desperation. FACT: The Supreme Court refused to overturn the pro-DACA rulings that were issued by several judges. The Supreme Court has not declared it unconstitutional,
No they cannot. The Supreme Court has refused to overturn the other judges' orders.

As consent decree will override the other cases. The DOJ is not obligated to defend a clearly unconstitutional program.


The Supreme Court has not made such a ruling. The DOJ has not defended it so it doesn't matter.

Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


You are the shithole who is turning this country into a shithole. DACA recipients are more American than you are.

Haha...what the fuck kind of whack-job metric are you using?

American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017
Ungrateful fks illegally here. send them back to their country. They love that flag and not the US Flag. I saw em at the top of the fence with their home country flag. seemed they were showing how proud they were of it. then go there. This country has an American flag, and if they truly felt this was their saving grace land, then they should be waving an American Flag. You leftist fks don't get to make the call.

You racist pig. I supported Ronald Reagan and he would have nothing to do with Trump. You are the far right looney tune here. Fuckers like you use the flag to spew your hatred. You are the ones dishonoring the flag.
how you figure racist dufus? I am protecting my country from invasion of unregistered humans that affect my family's life. I am allowed to stand up freely and announce my country is a country with borders and within those borders anyone illegally here must be removed. That isn't racist. you're a pig cause you spout that nonsense. deport them all.

it's sad you think that shit works today.

You are the only racist pig that I see. It does not affect your family except for giving you a excuse for your racism. The fact is that most voters do not agree with you. In the same Fox poll that showed strong support for DACA, it also showed strong support for legalization of illegals even among Trump supporters. Deport your ass and we can make America Great
We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.


150 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Irish. The Irish are fine.

100 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Germans. The Germans are just fine.

50 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Polish. The Polish are just fine.

The Mexicans will be just fine.

There is a huge difference between European immigration and what's going on now.

I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood which today is called Slavic Village.......look it up if you like. Back in the 60's the entire neighborhood was Polish. Our store signs were in Polish, our masses were in Polish, people in the area spoke to each other in Polish, and business was conducted in Polish.

But once people stepped outside of our community, they spoke English.

You see, Europeans were grateful to come here. They kissed the ground once they got off the boat. They didn't demand we change our laws for them. They didn't break our laws and sneak in. They didn't insist the US learn their languages. They didn't come here to take American jobs away or undercut their salary. They didn't come here to make money and send it back home for their return. They didn't come here to drop babies and get on some social programs. They came here because they wanted to become Americans.

Our Catholic church held classes for the immigrants to learn English; help them adopt to their new home. People at public gatherings would assist immigrants in their grammar and use of the language. In fact my sisters best friend was a girl off the boat. With the help of my mother translating, she taught that girl English almost on her own. That girl grew up, went to college and became a doctor.

Is that the kind of things we are experiencing today? Of course not. They don't want to obey our laws, they don't want to wait in line, they don't want to become Americans. They just want to use America. They want to undercut our wages, send money back home to their country, and stuff 15 people in a three bedroom house. In spite of our technology which would make learning a new language a breeze, many won't even do that. So now our country is loaded with bilingual signs. In fact, a few years ago they started to ask me what language I would like my ballot in at the voting place.
The United States is a horrible restaurant because of the hate people like you push. People like you demean this country. People who have made a life for themselves in this country should be allowed to stay.

Tryning to secure your country is not hate, it's patriotism. Trying to destroy this country by allowing anybody in is hate--hate of their country.

You dare to use the word patriotism to justify hate. Even the REPUBLICAN AG of Tennessee has praised DACA recipients. They have to have either a job or be in training. That is a Republican idea yet Republicans deign to appeal to far right white supremacists. DACA recipients should be Republicans yet Republicans drive them away.
I don't care who on the republican side says such shit. It's just pure shit.

You are pure SHIT.
I'm a proud american piece of shit.

you think name calling is something neat. It isn't. you just look foolish. but again, you are a leftist.

Call me racist all you fking want. It has no value since you've trashed its true meaning.

You are not a true American. You are a white supremacist and nothing more.
You are the shithole who is turning this country into a shithole. DACA recipients are more American than you are.

Haha...what the fuck kind of whack-job metric are you using?

American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017

Yes, these polls are all around. But what I would love to see is a poll of how many Americans that know what DACA even is. Nobody wants to look stupid, so when people are asked this question, they don't want to appear ignorant when giving an answer.

Typical far right wing trash. Anyone who disagrees does not know what they are talking about. The stupid people in this country are the ones who support Trump. That means you.

It is amusing you calling people stupid who read the constitution. No you are the stupid one and supports a dictator/ anarchy

People like you who have no idea what it means. You are the stupid one. Donald Trump seems to love dictators.
Immigration without applying for citizenship is an invasion.
Giving amnesty just encourages more illegal immigration.
As consent decree will override the other cases. The DOJ is not obligated to defend a clearly unconstitutional program.


The Supreme Court has not made such a ruling. The DOJ has not defended it so it doesn't matter.

Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


As consent decree will override the other cases. The DOJ is not obligated to defend a clearly unconstitutional program.


The Supreme Court has not made such a ruling. The DOJ has not defended it so it doesn't matter.

Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

So it took the executive action of a President, an action ONLY a President is empowered to execute to start the program and now a court has the empowerment and authority to allow the unconstitutional program which circumvented Congress?
Do you realize how ignorant and foolish you sound?
Look, you’re desperate, you want to believe anything that may be favorable to your wants and desires...that’s what desperate people always do.

There is no desperation. FACT: The Supreme Court refused to overturn the pro-DACA rulings that were issued by several judges. The Supreme Court has not declared it unconstitutional,

The supremes only denied an expedited hearing, there has been no ruling on the merits of the case, which in the end your side will lose miserably.

Immigration without applying for citizenship is an invasion.
Giving amnesty just encourages more illegal immigration.
View attachment 191315 do know that you have to wait years to apply for citizenship, right?

Perhaps a refresher on what it takes:

Requirements for Applying for Citizenship in the United States - FindLaw
Requirements for Applying for Citizenship in the United States

Applying for U.S. citizenship is a long, extensive process, but for many it is worth the time and effort the process demands. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) handles citizenship applications, and here are the basic requirements you need to meet when applying for citizenship in the U.S.:

  • You already have a green card.
  • You are at least 18 years old.
  • You have lived in the U.S. lawfully as a permanent resident for at least five years unless you are a spouse of a U.S. citizen, refugee, or received your green card through political asylum.
  • During those five years, you have been physically present in the U.S. for at least half of the time.
  • You have not spent more than one year at a time outside the U.S.
  • You have not established a primary home in another country.
  • You have lived in the state or district where you are filing your application for at least three months.
  • You have "good moral character."
  • You can read, write and speak English.
  • You can pass a test about U.S. history and government.
  • You will swear that you believe in the principles of the U.S. Constitution and will be loyal to the U.S.
As consent decree will override the other cases. The DOJ is not obligated to defend a clearly unconstitutional program.


The Supreme Court has not made such a ruling. The DOJ has not defended it so it doesn't matter.

Exhibit A will be a compilation video of maobama saying 23 times that he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did. Don't pretend the constitutionality of DACA is even debatable.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


Haha...what the fuck kind of whack-job metric are you using?

American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017
Ungrateful fks illegally here. send them back to their country. They love that flag and not the US Flag. I saw em at the top of the fence with their home country flag. seemed they were showing how proud they were of it. then go there. This country has an American flag, and if they truly felt this was their saving grace land, then they should be waving an American Flag. You leftist fks don't get to make the call.

You racist pig. I supported Ronald Reagan and he would have nothing to do with Trump. You are the far right looney tune here. Fuckers like you use the flag to spew your hatred. You are the ones dishonoring the flag.
how you figure racist dufus? I am protecting my country from invasion of unregistered humans that affect my family's life. I am allowed to stand up freely and announce my country is a country with borders and within those borders anyone illegally here must be removed. That isn't racist. you're a pig cause you spout that nonsense. deport them all.

it's sad you think that shit works today.

You are the only racist pig that I see. It does not affect your family except for giving you a excuse for your racism. The fact is that most voters do not agree with you. In the same Fox poll that showed strong support for DACA, it also showed strong support for legalization of illegals even among Trump supporters. Deport your ass and we can make America Great

Hey dumb fuck, we have illegals here form virtually every country on earth, so tell us who we are being racist against, be specific.

We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.


150 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Irish. The Irish are fine.

100 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Germans. The Germans are just fine.

50 years ago, a fuckhead like you said that about the Polish. The Polish are just fine.

The Mexicans will be just fine.

There is a huge difference between European immigration and what's going on now.

I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood which today is called Slavic Village.......look it up if you like. Back in the 60's the entire neighborhood was Polish. Our store signs were in Polish, our masses were in Polish, people in the area spoke to each other in Polish, and business was conducted in Polish.

But once people stepped outside of our community, they spoke English.

You see, Europeans were grateful to come here. They kissed the ground once they got off the boat. They didn't demand we change our laws for them. They didn't break our laws and sneak in. They didn't insist the US learn their languages. They didn't come here to take American jobs away or undercut their salary. They didn't come here to make money and send it back home for their return. They didn't come here to drop babies and get on some social programs. They came here because they wanted to become Americans.

Our Catholic church held classes for the immigrants to learn English; help them adopt to their new home. People at public gatherings would assist immigrants in their grammar and use of the language. In fact my sisters best friend was a girl off the boat. With the help of my mother translating, she taught that girl English almost on her own. That girl grew up, went to college and became a doctor.

Is that the kind of things we are experiencing today? Of course not. They don't want to obey our laws, they don't want to wait in line, they don't want to become Americans. They just want to use America. They want to undercut our wages, send money back home to their country, and stuff 15 people in a three bedroom house. In spite of our technology which would make learning a new language a breeze, many won't even do that. So now our country is loaded with bilingual signs. In fact, a few years ago they started to ask me what language I would like my ballot in at the voting place.

I've never met any people of Polish heritage who were pro-Illegal immigrant.

While, I'll admit that only about 3 - 8% of this region has a Polish heritage, none the less unlike some of the other Whites who despite being mostly anti-Illegal, but have seldom pro-Illegals, or like Hispanics who are typically pro-Illegal.

Yes, there are a small fraction of Polish illegals, indeed.

But, the thing is most Polish people see this as a source of shame, dishonor, and even disgust.

Hispanics on the other hand, have a habit of being very pro-Illegal, as if they have an entitlement to this country, and own this nation, and don't respect this country.

Indeed, we've seen a ton of pro-Illegal rallies having a ton of Hispanics across the U.S.A, especially in the South-Western states.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.

Yeah, well a lot of them fleeing New York for example, I can't help but to notice that they are disproportionately ghetto Blacks, ghetto Puerto Ricans, ghetto Whites, and White retirees.
why would a black or a Puerto Rican want to live in a ghetto? is that where you want them?
Millions of Democrat Voters are racist who do not accept that America is a sovereign country with a border.
They want to make America part of Mexico.
They are not the victims of racism, they are the racist.


Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.
I wish they were....freeways are jammed. Keep on lying to yourself.
Guess you missed the headlines about 800k people fleeing the high tax states I mentioned eh? Here is a link snowflake

800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.
I wish they were....freeways are jammed. Keep on lying to yourself.

10 million disgusting wetbacks stuffed in a relatively small area...all rushing to those free doctors appointments will clog a few freeways.
Look around, tell me how many REAL Americans you see driving in this’s nothing but anchor babies, illegals and ragheads.

They haven’t reopened stormfront for you losers?

They don't have to USMB has become over the last year a white supremacist haven.
It just irritates the shit out of you people you don't agree with can express their views here as well....I love it.
Remind us please of what a "good REAL American" is? Why are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia somehow "special"?

Easy, America First, glad I could help you understand

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Immigration without applying for citizenship is an invasion.
Giving amnesty just encourages more illegal immigration.
View attachment 191315 do know that you have to wait years to apply for citizenship, right?

Perhaps a refresher on what it takes:

Requirements for Applying for Citizenship in the United States - FindLaw
Requirements for Applying for Citizenship in the United States

Applying for U.S. citizenship is a long, extensive process, but for many it is worth the time and effort the process demands. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) handles citizenship applications, and here are the basic requirements you need to meet when applying for citizenship in the U.S.:

  • You already have a green card.
  • You are at least 18 years old.
  • You have lived in the U.S. lawfully as a permanent resident for at least five years unless you are a spouse of a U.S. citizen, refugee, or received your green card through political asylum.
  • During those five years, you have been physically present in the U.S. for at least half of the time.
  • You have not spent more than one year at a time outside the U.S.
  • You have not established a primary home in another country.
  • You have lived in the state or district where you are filing your application for at least three months.
  • You have "good moral character."
  • You can read, write and speak English.
  • You can pass a test about U.S. history and government.
  • You will swear that you believe in the principles of the U.S. Constitution and will be loyal to the U.S.

Yea, what is the big deal about following our immigration laws?
What if millions of people decided to start ignoring our tax laws.
There are 7 billion people on the planet.
We can't support them all.
You are the shithole who is turning this country into a shithole. DACA recipients are more American than you are.

Haha...what the fuck kind of whack-job metric are you using?

American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017

Well, Western Europeans (Whom make up a core of the U.S.A too)
are pretty much the whack jobs in the entire World, not only are they the only "Individualist group"

They went nuts looting, and shooting in racial imperial genocide
Now they go nuts letting non-Whites go looting, and shooting them in multi-cultural suicide.

I don't understand Western Euros, nor want to understand them.
then why do you complain about us?

Who is "Us" exactly?
Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

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