States full of good, REAL Americans sue to end DACA.

The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

Well, hide and watch, the States will prevail on this one.


The Supreme Court refused to overturn other judges' favorable rulings towards DACA without a full hearing in the courts. That means at least 3 or 4 judges think they have merit.

So it took the executive action of a President, an action ONLY a President is empowered to execute to start the program and now a court has the empowerment and authority to allow the unconstitutional program which circumvented Congress?
Do you realize how ignorant and foolish you sound?
Look, you’re desperate, you want to believe anything that may be favorable to your wants and desires...that’s what desperate people always do.

There is no desperation. FACT: The Supreme Court refused to overturn the pro-DACA rulings that were issued by several judges. The Supreme Court has not declared it unconstitutional,

The supremes only denied an expedited hearing, there has been no ruling on the merits of the case, which in the end your side will lose miserably.


Apparently the rulings were not so outrageous for the Supreme Court to intervene. My side includes Trump voters, Clinton voters, liberals, moderates and conservatives, Democrats, Independents, Republicans, men, women, whites and non-whites. Your side is racists, white supremacists and neo-nazis.

Democrats are likely to at least take the House in November so it will be a different ballgame in 2019.

The only thing needed to win is to have the law and Constitution on your side, fortunately both are on the States side.


States do not control immigration law. That is the law and Constitution.
Real Americans? Natives? You conservative snowflakes are kinda funny, thought you cared about life and children? Those are children wanting a better life at the border. What would that Jesus guy you snowflakes claim to follow say? Or is Trump your new god? seems so.

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken
There is nothing wrong with making them wait at the back of the line...

There is everything wrong with deporting someone who has been here since they were a kid and only knows this country as their home.
No, They need to go to the back of the line and wait 12-15 or more years for citizenship

you do understand that these people didn't choose to come here and have no relationship with their country of birth, righ?

they contribute to our economy. they own homes, cars, pay taxes

unlike white trash trump trolls
They freeloaders trying to get a free ride...
Whom make up a core of the U.S.A

Well, the U.S.A is pretty all over the f*cking place.

While, I'm an American born, raised, and resident wise.

I don't understand how this nation went from about 90% intolerant, to about 90% tolerant.

In both cases, there's never been anything even remotely peaceful.

There's a reason I tend to cling more to my Polish heritage, I started so actually under W. Bush, because I thought his war was over the top, and I didn't like that he let in so many Illegal-Immigrants.
so did Reagan. it's why trump exists today. Most americans want borders and want illegals out and don't agree with amnesty.

And the intolerant can't seem to get this thing correct. the tolerant spend their lives coordinating their tolerance. which I reject.

Well, you're lying, do you even know this? Most Americans want a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients.

Poll finds broad support for path to citizenship for DACA recipients

Why do you guys keep lying about this and pretend Americans want to kick out or not let them become citizens?
oh bullshit, that is as fake as every other poll you all post. Trump won the presidency so you're full of it.

DACA is illegal, just remember that.

Every poll shows broad support for DACA and that includes Trump News(Fox). You are the one who is full of it. Trump won because he was not Clinton and that is all.
There would be more trump if there was no Obama, Obama the shit stain...
Haha...what the fuck kind of whack-job metric are you using?

American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017

Yes, these polls are all around. But what I would love to see is a poll of how many Americans that know what DACA even is. Nobody wants to look stupid, so when people are asked this question, they don't want to appear ignorant when giving an answer.

Typical far right wing trash. Anyone who disagrees does not know what they are talking about. The stupid people in this country are the ones who support Trump. That means you.

When did I say anybody that disagrees with me doesn't know what they are talking about? You call me stupid when you have the comprehension skills of a 10 year old?

The stupid people support Trump? Then thank the stupid people for you getting more in your paycheck every week. Thank the stupid people for electing a leader that's bringing North Korea to their knees. Thank the stupid people when you get a much larger income tax refund for your 2018 return. Thank the stupid people for electing a leader that shooed ISIS out of Iraq. Thank the stupid people for the US no longer having the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. Thank the stupid people for getting rid of the Commie Care fine which was the most anti-American legislation passed in our lifetime. Thank the stupid people for the privacy your daughter gets in school when she uses the dressing rooms or showers, and is no longer in threat of weirdos in dresses eyeing her down.

I don't thank stupid people like you for anything and your post is stupid.

1. For most people, the extra money they get is either unnoticeable or not a game changer. By the end of the special election in Pennsylvania, Republicans stopped talking about it because no one was buying it. The average person will likely see a smaller tax refund since the withholding tables were dropped lower.

The gold standard for tax reform was Ronald Reagan's 1986 reform. He pounded out a bi-partisan agreement with Democrats. This is a poor imitation. It was done in a partisan manner. Limiting the deductibility of state and local taxes was a attack on red states.

Paul Ryan said he could get the corporate tax rate down to 25% based on business tax breaks they had eliminated. They got it down to 21% by taking money from individuals. The standard deduction is not indexed to inflation so it loses a little value each year. Brackets are indexed by the chained CPI which is a lower
measure of inflation than the CPI. Getting rid of the mandate gave them $400 billion which went to businesses as well.

Tax breaks were retained for the rich. The carried interest deduction is a special interest tax cut that was retained even though it should not have. The pass through rate is another break for the rich. The fact is that the rich are already figuring a way to use it. Then we have the tax break for real estate trusts that Paul Ryan and Donald Trump will win on bigly.

This tax reform bill needs to be reformed.

2. Trump deserves no credit for North Korea. He is proving to be more adept than Trump. By holding meetings with the South Korean leader, he has limited some of Trump's options. He closed up a site that was becoming unusable.

3. The reason ISIS is out of Iraq is because the Iraqi army finally got it's act together. The Iraqi army did the bulk of the fighting against ISIS. Trump is about to make the same mistake Obama did. If we withdraw from Syria that allows Russia and Iran to consolidate their position in Syria and allow them to continue their mission in the Mideast. Domination of the Mideast.

4. Obamacare got it partially right. It succeeded in getting more people covered however it needed to be adjusted. The Republicans have tried so hard to pit the poor against people with pre-existing conditions against older Americans. Their goal has been to kick Americans off their health insurance. As a result they have created something worse than Obamacare. Premiums have risen faster under Republicans than Obamacare. What the Republicans have done is disgraceful.

What BS.

I signed up for Commie Care when it first started; that's when my employer dropped it. If not for Commie Care, I would likely still be covered today.

When I called, their prices were outrageous. That's because Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters: shelf stockers, french fry makers, car wash employees. If you had any kind of very low paying job, Commie Care was designed for you. As for us middle income earners (likely Republican voters) we were stuck with the bill; unaffordable premium prices, crappy as hell plans, lack of ability to keep your doctor or healthcare facility.

It did nothing Hussein said it would do. It didn't drop costs, it increased them. Not everybody could be covered, only lowlife workers. You couldn't keep your doctor or hospital in many cases. The most humorous part about the ACA was the Affordable part. You can't tell people that getting crappy insurance coverage that will cost you more than 25% of your net pay is affordable in any way or form. That's a Fn house payment for crying out loud.

Besides vote buying, what was Commie Care all about? It was about creating the most government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voter. Between Commie Care and food stamps alone, DumBama created over 40 million more new government dependents, and that was no accident by any stretch of the imagination.

Isn't it amazing all the great things that happen under Republican leadership that are never the credit of the Republican President? NK is disarming, but no thanks to Trump. ISIS is out of Iraq and running, no thanks to Trump. The cold war ended, no thanks to Reagan. These are all............coincidences.......yeah, that's the ticket!

So if the Republicans are such darn good luck, maybe it's a good idea to keep that luck going. The sad part is because you on the left can't give credit where credit is due, we will always be a more divided nation every year. You leftists just don't have what it takes to admit when you were wrong.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

Real Americans?

Louisiana is number ONE for murder
Alabama is number THREE for murder
South Carolina is number EIGHT for murder
Arkansas is number TEN for murder

Yep, REAL Americans KILL.

LOL, a lot of Blacks in those states.

Blacks are the real Americans?
Real Americans? Natives? You conservative snowflakes are kinda funny, thought you cared about life and children? Those are children wanting a better life at the border. What would that Jesus guy you snowflakes claim to follow say? Or is Trump your new god? seems so.

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken
There is nothing wrong with making them wait at the back of the line...

There is everything wrong with deporting someone who has been here since they were a kid and only knows this country as their home.
No, They need to go to the back of the line and wait 12-15 or more years for citizenship

you do understand that these people didn't choose to come here and have no relationship with their country of birth, righ?

they contribute to our economy. they own homes, cars, pay taxes

unlike white trash trump trolls
They freeloaders trying to get a free ride...

You are so ignorant. DACA recipients are required to either have a job or be in training. People with no college degree also support DACA.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

Real Americans?

Louisiana is number ONE for murder
Alabama is number THREE for murder
South Carolina is number EIGHT for murder
Arkansas is number TEN for murder

Yep, REAL Americans KILL.

LOL, a lot of Blacks in those states.

Blacks are the real Americans?

Blacks are pretty anti-American, if I wear American flag hats, most of those who look at it with "Mean stares" are usually Blacks, and sometimes Hispanics, but thus far no Whites.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

Real Americans?

Louisiana is number ONE for murder
Alabama is number THREE for murder
South Carolina is number EIGHT for murder
Arkansas is number TEN for murder

Yep, REAL Americans KILL.

LOL, a lot of Blacks in those states.

Blacks are the real Americans?

Blacks are pretty anti-American, if I wear American flag hats, most of those who look at it with "Mean stares" are usually Blacks, and sometimes Hispanics, but thus far no Whites.

Anti-American or anti-the America you want it to be?

The whole "we're patriots and everything we stand for is patriotism, and they're enemies and everything they stand for is anti-American" is such lame bullshit.
Nope, not even close. If a Mexican was telling me how great Mexico is to the United States then naturally my first question would be why don't you go to Mexico.

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?

I always felt the same way about leftists. Disarm Americans, socialism, government engineered equality, national medical care, restricted wealth.....these are all the things other socialist countries have, yet the left stays here and complains that we are not one of them.

Yet none of them pack their bags and leave for any of these utopias. They insist on staying here and trying to create another socialist shithole like the rest.

Of course there are places in the US where we have all these wonderful things that the left preaches about: everybody equal, equally poor, no firearms, free government medical care, government makes every decision for ya. They are called prisons.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

Real Americans?

Louisiana is number ONE for murder
Alabama is number THREE for murder
South Carolina is number EIGHT for murder
Arkansas is number TEN for murder

Yep, REAL Americans KILL.

LOL, a lot of Blacks in those states.

Blacks are the real Americans?

Blacks are pretty anti-American, if I wear American flag hats, most of those who look at it with "Mean stares" are usually Blacks, and sometimes Hispanics, but thus far no Whites.

Anti-American or anti-the America you want it to be?

The whole "we're patriots and everything we stand for is patriotism, and they're enemies and everything they stand for is anti-American" is such lame bullshit.

So, American flag hats piss off a good deal of Blacks I see , because?

Okay, so the U.S.A has a bad blood history with Blacks.

Then why do they stay in the U.S.A, exactly?
We have an immigration problem in our country. They are taking our jobs, breaking our immigration laws, changing our language, bringing violent crime and drugs with them, forming gangs, killing our people, and only a liberal would want to see more of such a thing.

Now years ago, it would be understandable if some (like in your German example) didn't speak a word of English because there was no place for them to really learn. But with the internet today, and the various companies offering language translation products, the only excuse for not learning our language is laziness, and the expectation that the rest of the country will adopt to your incompetence.

It sure is different.

I used to volunteer at a Soup-Kitchen in the village of Brewster, New York which has the #2 largest concentrations of Guatemalans in the entire U.S.A.

They shared the space with a "Class" where Guatemalans learned English, paid for by the local government.
American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017

Yes, these polls are all around. But what I would love to see is a poll of how many Americans that know what DACA even is. Nobody wants to look stupid, so when people are asked this question, they don't want to appear ignorant when giving an answer.

Typical far right wing trash. Anyone who disagrees does not know what they are talking about. The stupid people in this country are the ones who support Trump. That means you.

When did I say anybody that disagrees with me doesn't know what they are talking about? You call me stupid when you have the comprehension skills of a 10 year old?

The stupid people support Trump? Then thank the stupid people for you getting more in your paycheck every week. Thank the stupid people for electing a leader that's bringing North Korea to their knees. Thank the stupid people when you get a much larger income tax refund for your 2018 return. Thank the stupid people for electing a leader that shooed ISIS out of Iraq. Thank the stupid people for the US no longer having the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. Thank the stupid people for getting rid of the Commie Care fine which was the most anti-American legislation passed in our lifetime. Thank the stupid people for the privacy your daughter gets in school when she uses the dressing rooms or showers, and is no longer in threat of weirdos in dresses eyeing her down.

I don't thank stupid people like you for anything and your post is stupid.

1. For most people, the extra money they get is either unnoticeable or not a game changer. By the end of the special election in Pennsylvania, Republicans stopped talking about it because no one was buying it. The average person will likely see a smaller tax refund since the withholding tables were dropped lower.

The gold standard for tax reform was Ronald Reagan's 1986 reform. He pounded out a bi-partisan agreement with Democrats. This is a poor imitation. It was done in a partisan manner. Limiting the deductibility of state and local taxes was a attack on red states.

Paul Ryan said he could get the corporate tax rate down to 25% based on business tax breaks they had eliminated. They got it down to 21% by taking money from individuals. The standard deduction is not indexed to inflation so it loses a little value each year. Brackets are indexed by the chained CPI which is a lower
measure of inflation than the CPI. Getting rid of the mandate gave them $400 billion which went to businesses as well.

Tax breaks were retained for the rich. The carried interest deduction is a special interest tax cut that was retained even though it should not have. The pass through rate is another break for the rich. The fact is that the rich are already figuring a way to use it. Then we have the tax break for real estate trusts that Paul Ryan and Donald Trump will win on bigly.

This tax reform bill needs to be reformed.

2. Trump deserves no credit for North Korea. He is proving to be more adept than Trump. By holding meetings with the South Korean leader, he has limited some of Trump's options. He closed up a site that was becoming unusable.

3. The reason ISIS is out of Iraq is because the Iraqi army finally got it's act together. The Iraqi army did the bulk of the fighting against ISIS. Trump is about to make the same mistake Obama did. If we withdraw from Syria that allows Russia and Iran to consolidate their position in Syria and allow them to continue their mission in the Mideast. Domination of the Mideast.

4. Obamacare got it partially right. It succeeded in getting more people covered however it needed to be adjusted. The Republicans have tried so hard to pit the poor against people with pre-existing conditions against older Americans. Their goal has been to kick Americans off their health insurance. As a result they have created something worse than Obamacare. Premiums have risen faster under Republicans than Obamacare. What the Republicans have done is disgraceful.

What BS.

I signed up for Commie Care when it first started; that's when my employer dropped it. If not for Commie Care, I would likely still be covered today.

When I called, their prices were outrageous. That's because Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters: shelf stockers, french fry makers, car wash employees. If you had any kind of very low paying job, Commie Care was designed for you. As for us middle income earners (likely Republican voters) we were stuck with the bill; unaffordable premium prices, crappy as hell plans, lack of ability to keep your doctor or healthcare facility.

It did nothing Hussein said it would do. It didn't drop costs, it increased them. Not everybody could be covered, only lowlife workers. You couldn't keep your doctor or hospital in many cases. The most humorous part about the ACA was the Affordable part. You can't tell people that getting crappy insurance coverage that will cost you more than 25% of your net pay is affordable in any way or form. That's a Fn house payment for crying out loud.

Besides vote buying, what was Commie Care all about? It was about creating the most government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voter. Between Commie Care and food stamps alone, DumBama created over 40 million more new government dependents, and that was no accident by any stretch of the imagination.

Isn't it amazing all the great things that happen under Republican leadership that are never the credit of the Republican President? NK is disarming, but no thanks to Trump. ISIS is out of Iraq and running, no thanks to Trump. The cold war ended, no thanks to Reagan. These are all............coincidences.......yeah, that's the ticket!

So if the Republicans are such darn good luck, maybe it's a good idea to keep that luck going. The sad part is because you on the left can't give credit where credit is due, we will always be a more divided nation every year. You leftists just don't have what it takes to admit when you were wrong.

You are the BS artist.

It was designed to fix weaknesses in the current system. Insurance companies who charged high insurance rates for older people and people with pre-existing conditions. The idea of refundable tax credits was not new as it was used to help people who lost jobs to companies going overseas. There is nothing wrong with that model. You may not care about people who are struggling but Americans are compassionate. It succeeded in covering more people.

It clearly needed adjusting as premiums were higher than expected. That should have been the focus of Republican efforts. Yet Republicans were more focused on kicking people off of their healthcare insurance. The fact is that rates have risen faster under Republicans that Obama. Even Tom Price admits the ending of the mandate will drive rates even higher. The only Commie I see is you.

The fact is that Ronald Reagan was 100 times smarter than Trump. He had specific proposals he ran on and could discuss them intelligently unlike Trump. Reagan's tax plan ended the recession. His defense policies led to the demise of the Soviet Union. He could talk about them intelligently unlike Trump. He was even able to make a del with Democrats on tax reform. He didn't insult people personally. He even spoke at the WH Correspondents Dinner. H was not a coward like Trump. Reagan was a great President. He didn't divide Americans. Trump is determined to divide Americans.
Why is it a last ditch option if it's so great?

And, FYI, bragging about wealth anonymously online is odd. Especially in this case where I didn't ask you why moving to Poland wouldn't be a problem but you felt the need to throw that in. Odd.

Well, I don't know, how many Third-World peoples more are you, and your ilk going to flood the U.S.A with?

Completely valid, explain why not?

Look at the Bronx, NYC went from being Middle-Class, and over 90% White in the 1940's to mostly non-White horrid ghetto a few decades later, well while counted as "White" many of them were only kind of White like Jews, and Italians.

Yes, the same could happen, anywhere... Unfortunately.

I'm hoping we get enough 'third-worlders' for you to take a long vacation to Poland. The fewer white nationalists the better. Go take back to Eastern Europe and suck up to Putin.

As if "Third-Worlders" are so valuable.

Let's hear this?

1.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" are less racist, or Nationalistic?

If you think I believe 'third worlders' or non-whites are better that white people then you're having a different conversation than I am. I judge people a little more deeply than that.

To the contrary, I see a lot of Hispanics bashing other Hispanics, I.E a lot of Mexicans hate Guatemalans, a lot of Salvadorians hate Mexicans, a lot of Puerto Ricans hate Cubans.
(That's what, I've seen)


2.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" enrich our society?

A lot of immigrants open new businesses. We also have an aging population and we need more people in the workforce.

If they do so much, why do Hispanics on the whole have higher criminal , murder rates, on the whole?

What's the incarceration rates of white nationalists? I don't mean the asshats on this forum who talk tough online, I mean the ones out in the streets who at least do something.

3.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" have contributed to Humanity more than "White Nationalists" or "White Racists"?/

Why do I have to do that? I'm not the one who is apart of this racial contest you're having. But why do you get credit simply for being white? Compare yourself to Barack Obama, how do you compare? I doubt you come out on top.

Darwin = Racist, formulated Natural Selection Evolution, and saw the Fuegian Natives as hardly Human.

Interesting, not sure what this has to do with anything. Was there anyone in Darwin's time that wasn't a racist compared to today?

Wernher Von Braun = Nazi, put a man on the Moon.

A jew developed the nuclear bomb. Nifty.

Borglum = KKK, carved Mount Rushmore..

What about the pyramids of Egypt?

Carl Linnaeus the famed Naturalist, was a Racist.

James Watson discovered DNA structure, is a Racist.

Thomas Edison invented much, and played Racist film reels..

Nikola Tesla invented much, and spoke of Cleansing the World of the savages.

William Shockley invented the Transistor Radio, and was a Racist, Eugenicist, White Supremacist.

Some of the best Philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, and Schopenhauer were Racists too.

I get it, some racist people have accomplished stuff. Why wouldn't that be the case?

The question is what are you accomplishing? If you have the advantage of being white, what have you done with it?

Immigrants open businesses?

Okay, just to start off here.

1.) Aren't those in a lot of cases businesses that say a Indian, Chinese, or Jewish immigrant etc. muscled White Christians out of?

Are you on crack? Seriously.

2.) Okay, so some Muslims own businesses, especially ones from South-Asia, but then again why would we want to give more influence, and power to a Muslim population, on the whole?
What could go wrong there?

I didn't realize crack makes you paranoid. You're scared of Indonesians now? Afraid someone is going to drag you off to a Turkish prison?

3.) These businesses can be anti-American, I went to a store in Brewster themed for the local Guatemalan majority there, not only did the Guatemalans there wire money back to Guatemala on a machine, but they followed me, and my White American friend around the store like we were common- criminals, why should I appreciate that?

Yep, paranoia the destroya'.

- Okay, so what data shows the White Nationalist crime rate, exactly?

You claim everyone else is a criminal, prove your kind aren't. I'm white, but I'm not one of you.

- Compare myself to Obama? So? Obama maybe uber-known, and successful in some aspects, but did he make the World better, what about in Syria, or Libya?
Besides, not only is Obama half White, Obama's an anomaly, no?

I'm just sayin', there are a wide swath of black people and other people of color more accomplished than you. So, before you go claiming Henry Ford's legacy why don't you earn it rather than whining and bitching about people you never met.

Then there's the point that even if there's a few good, nice, intelligent Black people etc., that as the concentration of Blacks increases things tend to get worse in terms of crime, intelligence, heck they aren't terribly good looking, they tend to be obnoxious big mouths, I can't really think of a whole lot of reasons why I'd like to get better situated with typical Blacks...

Have you ever been around a group of black people? Or did they follow and scare you away? I suspect the number one reason people become white nationalists is fear.

- How do you figure being White's an advantage, exactly?

According to you white people are smarter and more attractive. Apparently just not very consistent with their arguments, eh?

- Okay, what am I accomplishing?
Most people don't accomplish a heck of a lot, do they?

Well, that's just it, isn't it? You ramble off some white people that accomplished things but so what? You haven't, so why should anyone listen to you about others? Who the fuck are you except some douche who really wants the white of others to rub on to himself because he hasn't made anything out of life.

Sure, I've had limited success on the internet, in promoting much, none the less I've probably pushed forward some facts, knowledge, wisdom here, and there, no?

No you haven't. Beyonce has probably accomplished more with a single tweet than you have with your entire online existence.

Okay, so it's so bad that I like to leave a bit of a mark by painting nice art, taking beautiful photographs, feeding birds, planting gardens, or trees, giving 20 - 30% tips, giving donations to charity from St Jude to the Humane Society etc. etc

You know what that shit is called? Ordinary. Nothing wrong with it, simple pleasures but why shit on everyone who doesn't look like you and then get upset when people notice you're not all that, bitch.
There is nothing wrong with making them wait at the back of the line...

There is everything wrong with deporting someone who has been here since they were a kid and only knows this country as their home.
No, They need to go to the back of the line and wait 12-15 or more years for citizenship

you do understand that these people didn't choose to come here and have no relationship with their country of birth, righ?

they contribute to our economy. they own homes, cars, pay taxes

unlike white trash trump trolls
They freeloaders trying to get a free ride...

You are so ignorant. DACA recipients are required to either have a job or be in training. People with no college degree also support DACA.

I think right now it's Tyroneweaver's day to use the brain cell so Rustic is at a disadvantage.

It's retarded to argue against DACA recipients when they don't even know how it works.
Well, I don't know, how many Third-World peoples more are you, and your ilk going to flood the U.S.A with?

Completely valid, explain why not?

Look at the Bronx, NYC went from being Middle-Class, and over 90% White in the 1940's to mostly non-White horrid ghetto a few decades later, well while counted as "White" many of them were only kind of White like Jews, and Italians.

Yes, the same could happen, anywhere... Unfortunately.

I'm hoping we get enough 'third-worlders' for you to take a long vacation to Poland. The fewer white nationalists the better. Go take back to Eastern Europe and suck up to Putin.

As if "Third-Worlders" are so valuable.

Let's hear this?

1.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" are less racist, or Nationalistic?

If you think I believe 'third worlders' or non-whites are better that white people then you're having a different conversation than I am. I judge people a little more deeply than that.

To the contrary, I see a lot of Hispanics bashing other Hispanics, I.E a lot of Mexicans hate Guatemalans, a lot of Salvadorians hate Mexicans, a lot of Puerto Ricans hate Cubans.
(That's what, I've seen)


2.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" enrich our society?

A lot of immigrants open new businesses. We also have an aging population and we need more people in the workforce.

If they do so much, why do Hispanics on the whole have higher criminal , murder rates, on the whole?

What's the incarceration rates of white nationalists? I don't mean the asshats on this forum who talk tough online, I mean the ones out in the streets who at least do something.

3.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" have contributed to Humanity more than "White Nationalists" or "White Racists"?/

Why do I have to do that? I'm not the one who is apart of this racial contest you're having. But why do you get credit simply for being white? Compare yourself to Barack Obama, how do you compare? I doubt you come out on top.

Darwin = Racist, formulated Natural Selection Evolution, and saw the Fuegian Natives as hardly Human.

Interesting, not sure what this has to do with anything. Was there anyone in Darwin's time that wasn't a racist compared to today?

Wernher Von Braun = Nazi, put a man on the Moon.

A jew developed the nuclear bomb. Nifty.

Borglum = KKK, carved Mount Rushmore..

What about the pyramids of Egypt?

Carl Linnaeus the famed Naturalist, was a Racist.

James Watson discovered DNA structure, is a Racist.

Thomas Edison invented much, and played Racist film reels..

Nikola Tesla invented much, and spoke of Cleansing the World of the savages.

William Shockley invented the Transistor Radio, and was a Racist, Eugenicist, White Supremacist.

Some of the best Philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, and Schopenhauer were Racists too.

I get it, some racist people have accomplished stuff. Why wouldn't that be the case?

The question is what are you accomplishing? If you have the advantage of being white, what have you done with it?

Immigrants open businesses?

Okay, just to start off here.

1.) Aren't those in a lot of cases businesses that say a Indian, Chinese, or Jewish immigrant etc. muscled White Christians out of?

Are you on crack? Seriously.

2.) Okay, so some Muslims own businesses, especially ones from South-Asia, but then again why would we want to give more influence, and power to a Muslim population, on the whole?
What could go wrong there?

I didn't realize crack makes you paranoid. You're scared of Indonesians now? Afraid someone is going to drag you off to a Turkish prison?

3.) These businesses can be anti-American, I went to a store in Brewster themed for the local Guatemalan majority there, not only did the Guatemalans there wire money back to Guatemala on a machine, but they followed me, and my White American friend around the store like we were common- criminals, why should I appreciate that?

Yep, paranoia the destroya'.

- Okay, so what data shows the White Nationalist crime rate, exactly?

You claim everyone else is a criminal, prove your kind aren't. I'm white, but I'm not one of you.

- Compare myself to Obama? So? Obama maybe uber-known, and successful in some aspects, but did he make the World better, what about in Syria, or Libya?
Besides, not only is Obama half White, Obama's an anomaly, no?

I'm just sayin', there are a wide swath of black people and other people of color more accomplished than you. So, before you go claiming Henry Ford's legacy why don't you earn it rather than whining and bitching about people you never met.

Then there's the point that even if there's a few good, nice, intelligent Black people etc., that as the concentration of Blacks increases things tend to get worse in terms of crime, intelligence, heck they aren't terribly good looking, they tend to be obnoxious big mouths, I can't really think of a whole lot of reasons why I'd like to get better situated with typical Blacks...

Have you ever been around a group of black people? Or did they follow and scare you away? I suspect the number one reason people become white nationalists is fear.

- How do you figure being White's an advantage, exactly?

According to you white people are smarter and more attractive. Apparently just not very consistent with their arguments, eh?

- Okay, what am I accomplishing?
Most people don't accomplish a heck of a lot, do they?

Well, that's just it, isn't it? You ramble off some white people that accomplished things but so what? You haven't, so why should anyone listen to you about others? Who the fuck are you except some douche who really wants the white of others to rub on to himself because he hasn't made anything out of life.

Sure, I've had limited success on the internet, in promoting much, none the less I've probably pushed forward some facts, knowledge, wisdom here, and there, no?

No you haven't. Beyonce has probably accomplished more with a single tweet than you have with your entire online existence.

Okay, so it's so bad that I like to leave a bit of a mark by painting nice art, taking beautiful photographs, feeding birds, planting gardens, or trees, giving 20 - 30% tips, giving donations to charity from St Jude to the Humane Society etc. etc

You know what that shit is called? Ordinary. Nothing wrong with it, simple pleasures but why shit on everyone who doesn't look like you and then get upset when people notice you're not all that, bitch.

Okay, so there's room for a Convenience store on the corner, there could have been a White Christian owned Convenience store on the corner, but if a Pakistani, Indian, Jew, or China-man owns it, they out-muscled the White Christians out of competition, no?

So, why would we want to give more monetary prowess to Muslims, if a good deal of them might use this monetary prowess to give to promote, and support Muslims, whom a good deal of Muslims support oppressive Sharia Law, and a few are even terrorists?

Beyonce is alright, I wouldn't exactly say her music is amazing, now would you?

Like most Western Europeans you don't seem very capable of Proportionate Societal thinking.

If 99 out of 100 of Blacks are worse than me, you'll look at the 1 who aren't, and say AHA see.

Now, explain how that's logical thinking?

Okay, so let's say 85% of Blacks have sub-Human qualities, and 25% of Whites have sub-Human qualities.

You don't understand that as you increase the concentration of Blacks, you're just increasing sub-Human qualities?

This is exactly why I'm not only not a White Nationalist, but see most Whites as garbage, especially Western European ones, you in general have poor grasps of logical thinking in general.
Nope, not even close. If a Mexican was telling me how great Mexico is to the United States then naturally my first question would be why don't you go to Mexico.

So, answer the question, why are you not in Poland right now? Is it money? Is it the lower quality of life? They don't want you? What is it?

I always felt the same way about leftists. Disarm Americans, socialism, government engineered equality, national medical care, restricted wealth.....these are all the things other socialist countries have, yet the left stays here and complains that we are not one of them.

Well, some of those things the United States has as well. I mean, not quite the strawman you have laid out but the overall point that there is some amount of socialism here.

Yet none of them pack their bags and leave for any of these utopias. They insist on staying here and trying to create another socialist shithole like the rest.

Way to trash our allies. Maybe go visit them for a change.

Of course there are places in the US where we have all these wonderful things that the left preaches about: everybody equal, equally poor, no firearms, free government medical care, government makes every decision for ya. They are called prisons.

Oh, never lived in a prison, wouldn't know.
I'm hoping we get enough 'third-worlders' for you to take a long vacation to Poland. The fewer white nationalists the better. Go take back to Eastern Europe and suck up to Putin.

As if "Third-Worlders" are so valuable.

Let's hear this?

1.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" are less racist, or Nationalistic?

If you think I believe 'third worlders' or non-whites are better that white people then you're having a different conversation than I am. I judge people a little more deeply than that.

To the contrary, I see a lot of Hispanics bashing other Hispanics, I.E a lot of Mexicans hate Guatemalans, a lot of Salvadorians hate Mexicans, a lot of Puerto Ricans hate Cubans.
(That's what, I've seen)


2.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" enrich our society?

A lot of immigrants open new businesses. We also have an aging population and we need more people in the workforce.

If they do so much, why do Hispanics on the whole have higher criminal , murder rates, on the whole?

What's the incarceration rates of white nationalists? I don't mean the asshats on this forum who talk tough online, I mean the ones out in the streets who at least do something.

3.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" have contributed to Humanity more than "White Nationalists" or "White Racists"?/

Why do I have to do that? I'm not the one who is apart of this racial contest you're having. But why do you get credit simply for being white? Compare yourself to Barack Obama, how do you compare? I doubt you come out on top.

Darwin = Racist, formulated Natural Selection Evolution, and saw the Fuegian Natives as hardly Human.

Interesting, not sure what this has to do with anything. Was there anyone in Darwin's time that wasn't a racist compared to today?

Wernher Von Braun = Nazi, put a man on the Moon.

A jew developed the nuclear bomb. Nifty.

Borglum = KKK, carved Mount Rushmore..

What about the pyramids of Egypt?

Carl Linnaeus the famed Naturalist, was a Racist.

James Watson discovered DNA structure, is a Racist.

Thomas Edison invented much, and played Racist film reels..

Nikola Tesla invented much, and spoke of Cleansing the World of the savages.

William Shockley invented the Transistor Radio, and was a Racist, Eugenicist, White Supremacist.

Some of the best Philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, and Schopenhauer were Racists too.

I get it, some racist people have accomplished stuff. Why wouldn't that be the case?

The question is what are you accomplishing? If you have the advantage of being white, what have you done with it?

Immigrants open businesses?

Okay, just to start off here.

1.) Aren't those in a lot of cases businesses that say a Indian, Chinese, or Jewish immigrant etc. muscled White Christians out of?

Are you on crack? Seriously.

2.) Okay, so some Muslims own businesses, especially ones from South-Asia, but then again why would we want to give more influence, and power to a Muslim population, on the whole?
What could go wrong there?

I didn't realize crack makes you paranoid. You're scared of Indonesians now? Afraid someone is going to drag you off to a Turkish prison?

3.) These businesses can be anti-American, I went to a store in Brewster themed for the local Guatemalan majority there, not only did the Guatemalans there wire money back to Guatemala on a machine, but they followed me, and my White American friend around the store like we were common- criminals, why should I appreciate that?

Yep, paranoia the destroya'.

- Okay, so what data shows the White Nationalist crime rate, exactly?

You claim everyone else is a criminal, prove your kind aren't. I'm white, but I'm not one of you.

- Compare myself to Obama? So? Obama maybe uber-known, and successful in some aspects, but did he make the World better, what about in Syria, or Libya?
Besides, not only is Obama half White, Obama's an anomaly, no?

I'm just sayin', there are a wide swath of black people and other people of color more accomplished than you. So, before you go claiming Henry Ford's legacy why don't you earn it rather than whining and bitching about people you never met.

Then there's the point that even if there's a few good, nice, intelligent Black people etc., that as the concentration of Blacks increases things tend to get worse in terms of crime, intelligence, heck they aren't terribly good looking, they tend to be obnoxious big mouths, I can't really think of a whole lot of reasons why I'd like to get better situated with typical Blacks...

Have you ever been around a group of black people? Or did they follow and scare you away? I suspect the number one reason people become white nationalists is fear.

- How do you figure being White's an advantage, exactly?

According to you white people are smarter and more attractive. Apparently just not very consistent with their arguments, eh?

- Okay, what am I accomplishing?
Most people don't accomplish a heck of a lot, do they?

Well, that's just it, isn't it? You ramble off some white people that accomplished things but so what? You haven't, so why should anyone listen to you about others? Who the fuck are you except some douche who really wants the white of others to rub on to himself because he hasn't made anything out of life.

Sure, I've had limited success on the internet, in promoting much, none the less I've probably pushed forward some facts, knowledge, wisdom here, and there, no?

No you haven't. Beyonce has probably accomplished more with a single tweet than you have with your entire online existence.

Okay, so it's so bad that I like to leave a bit of a mark by painting nice art, taking beautiful photographs, feeding birds, planting gardens, or trees, giving 20 - 30% tips, giving donations to charity from St Jude to the Humane Society etc. etc

You know what that shit is called? Ordinary. Nothing wrong with it, simple pleasures but why shit on everyone who doesn't look like you and then get upset when people notice you're not all that, bitch.

Okay, so there's room for a Convenience store on the corner, there could have been a White Christian owned Convenience store on the corner, but if a Pakistani, Indian, Jew, or China-man owns it, they out-muscled the White Christians out of competition, no?

So, why would we want to give more monetary prowess to Muslims, if a good deal of them might use this monetary prowess to give to promote, and support Muslims, whom a good deal of Muslims support oppressive Sharia Law, and a few are even terrorists?

Beyonce is alright, I wouldn't exactly say her music is amazing, now would you?

Like most Western Europeans you don't seem very capable of Proportionate Societal thinking.

If 99 out of 100 of Blacks are worse than me, you'll look at the 1 who aren't, and say AHA see.

Now, explain how that's logical thinking?

Okay, so let's say 85% of Blacks have sub-Human qualities, and 25% of Whites have sub-Human qualities.

You don't understand that as you increase the concentration of Blacks, you're just increasing sub-Human qualities?

This is exactly why I'm not only not a White Nationalist, but see most Whites as garbage, especially Western European ones, you in general have poor grasps of logical thinking in general.

Your entire post is insane. You're a putz. You want to claim your right as part of some superior race but haven't done shit in your life. You have not earned the right to say you are superior to a whole group of people that you have never met. At least do something first, you'd still be wrong but only an asshole instead of a hypocritical douchebag.
As if "Third-Worlders" are so valuable.

Let's hear this?

1.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" are less racist, or Nationalistic?

If you think I believe 'third worlders' or non-whites are better that white people then you're having a different conversation than I am. I judge people a little more deeply than that.

To the contrary, I see a lot of Hispanics bashing other Hispanics, I.E a lot of Mexicans hate Guatemalans, a lot of Salvadorians hate Mexicans, a lot of Puerto Ricans hate Cubans.
(That's what, I've seen)


2.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" enrich our society?

A lot of immigrants open new businesses. We also have an aging population and we need more people in the workforce.

If they do so much, why do Hispanics on the whole have higher criminal , murder rates, on the whole?

What's the incarceration rates of white nationalists? I don't mean the asshats on this forum who talk tough online, I mean the ones out in the streets who at least do something.

3.) Explain how "Third-Worlder's" have contributed to Humanity more than "White Nationalists" or "White Racists"?/

Why do I have to do that? I'm not the one who is apart of this racial contest you're having. But why do you get credit simply for being white? Compare yourself to Barack Obama, how do you compare? I doubt you come out on top.

Darwin = Racist, formulated Natural Selection Evolution, and saw the Fuegian Natives as hardly Human.

Interesting, not sure what this has to do with anything. Was there anyone in Darwin's time that wasn't a racist compared to today?

Wernher Von Braun = Nazi, put a man on the Moon.

A jew developed the nuclear bomb. Nifty.

Borglum = KKK, carved Mount Rushmore..

What about the pyramids of Egypt?

Carl Linnaeus the famed Naturalist, was a Racist.

James Watson discovered DNA structure, is a Racist.

Thomas Edison invented much, and played Racist film reels..

Nikola Tesla invented much, and spoke of Cleansing the World of the savages.

William Shockley invented the Transistor Radio, and was a Racist, Eugenicist, White Supremacist.

Some of the best Philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, and Schopenhauer were Racists too.

I get it, some racist people have accomplished stuff. Why wouldn't that be the case?

The question is what are you accomplishing? If you have the advantage of being white, what have you done with it?

Immigrants open businesses?

Okay, just to start off here.

1.) Aren't those in a lot of cases businesses that say a Indian, Chinese, or Jewish immigrant etc. muscled White Christians out of?

Are you on crack? Seriously.

2.) Okay, so some Muslims own businesses, especially ones from South-Asia, but then again why would we want to give more influence, and power to a Muslim population, on the whole?
What could go wrong there?

I didn't realize crack makes you paranoid. You're scared of Indonesians now? Afraid someone is going to drag you off to a Turkish prison?

3.) These businesses can be anti-American, I went to a store in Brewster themed for the local Guatemalan majority there, not only did the Guatemalans there wire money back to Guatemala on a machine, but they followed me, and my White American friend around the store like we were common- criminals, why should I appreciate that?

Yep, paranoia the destroya'.

- Okay, so what data shows the White Nationalist crime rate, exactly?

You claim everyone else is a criminal, prove your kind aren't. I'm white, but I'm not one of you.

- Compare myself to Obama? So? Obama maybe uber-known, and successful in some aspects, but did he make the World better, what about in Syria, or Libya?
Besides, not only is Obama half White, Obama's an anomaly, no?

I'm just sayin', there are a wide swath of black people and other people of color more accomplished than you. So, before you go claiming Henry Ford's legacy why don't you earn it rather than whining and bitching about people you never met.

Then there's the point that even if there's a few good, nice, intelligent Black people etc., that as the concentration of Blacks increases things tend to get worse in terms of crime, intelligence, heck they aren't terribly good looking, they tend to be obnoxious big mouths, I can't really think of a whole lot of reasons why I'd like to get better situated with typical Blacks...

Have you ever been around a group of black people? Or did they follow and scare you away? I suspect the number one reason people become white nationalists is fear.

- How do you figure being White's an advantage, exactly?

According to you white people are smarter and more attractive. Apparently just not very consistent with their arguments, eh?

- Okay, what am I accomplishing?
Most people don't accomplish a heck of a lot, do they?

Well, that's just it, isn't it? You ramble off some white people that accomplished things but so what? You haven't, so why should anyone listen to you about others? Who the fuck are you except some douche who really wants the white of others to rub on to himself because he hasn't made anything out of life.

Sure, I've had limited success on the internet, in promoting much, none the less I've probably pushed forward some facts, knowledge, wisdom here, and there, no?

No you haven't. Beyonce has probably accomplished more with a single tweet than you have with your entire online existence.

Okay, so it's so bad that I like to leave a bit of a mark by painting nice art, taking beautiful photographs, feeding birds, planting gardens, or trees, giving 20 - 30% tips, giving donations to charity from St Jude to the Humane Society etc. etc

You know what that shit is called? Ordinary. Nothing wrong with it, simple pleasures but why shit on everyone who doesn't look like you and then get upset when people notice you're not all that, bitch.

Okay, so there's room for a Convenience store on the corner, there could have been a White Christian owned Convenience store on the corner, but if a Pakistani, Indian, Jew, or China-man owns it, they out-muscled the White Christians out of competition, no?

So, why would we want to give more monetary prowess to Muslims, if a good deal of them might use this monetary prowess to give to promote, and support Muslims, whom a good deal of Muslims support oppressive Sharia Law, and a few are even terrorists?

Beyonce is alright, I wouldn't exactly say her music is amazing, now would you?

Like most Western Europeans you don't seem very capable of Proportionate Societal thinking.

If 99 out of 100 of Blacks are worse than me, you'll look at the 1 who aren't, and say AHA see.

Now, explain how that's logical thinking?

Okay, so let's say 85% of Blacks have sub-Human qualities, and 25% of Whites have sub-Human qualities.

You don't understand that as you increase the concentration of Blacks, you're just increasing sub-Human qualities?

This is exactly why I'm not only not a White Nationalist, but see most Whites as garbage, especially Western European ones, you in general have poor grasps of logical thinking in general.

Your entire post is insane. You're a putz. You want to claim your right as part of some superior race but haven't done shit in your life. You have not earned the right to say you are superior to a whole group of people that you have never met. At least do something first, you'd still be wrong but only an asshole instead of a hypocritical douchebag.

No, I don't think that the White race is supreme, there's far too many stupid Animals like you in it, after-all.

Perhaps 99.9% of people achieve nothing huge, and perhaps 99.8% of people achieve something, that only 0.1% of the population achieve big, and the other 0.1% achieve nothing as they are basically total vegetables basically.

But, here's the thing, the top 0.1% who achieve big things, aren't all logical, nor good people.

Achievements are often bad, and that mostly has to do with ambition, rather than intelligence.

The people who had massive amounts of Black slaves were "Big Achievers"'
Hitler was a "Big Achiever"
Stalin was a "Big Achiever"

But, yet these are largely part of the ruins of history, and seen as immorality.
Yes, these polls are all around. But what I would love to see is a poll of how many Americans that know what DACA even is. Nobody wants to look stupid, so when people are asked this question, they don't want to appear ignorant when giving an answer.

Typical far right wing trash. Anyone who disagrees does not know what they are talking about. The stupid people in this country are the ones who support Trump. That means you.

When did I say anybody that disagrees with me doesn't know what they are talking about? You call me stupid when you have the comprehension skills of a 10 year old?

The stupid people support Trump? Then thank the stupid people for you getting more in your paycheck every week. Thank the stupid people for electing a leader that's bringing North Korea to their knees. Thank the stupid people when you get a much larger income tax refund for your 2018 return. Thank the stupid people for electing a leader that shooed ISIS out of Iraq. Thank the stupid people for the US no longer having the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. Thank the stupid people for getting rid of the Commie Care fine which was the most anti-American legislation passed in our lifetime. Thank the stupid people for the privacy your daughter gets in school when she uses the dressing rooms or showers, and is no longer in threat of weirdos in dresses eyeing her down.

I don't thank stupid people like you for anything and your post is stupid.

1. For most people, the extra money they get is either unnoticeable or not a game changer. By the end of the special election in Pennsylvania, Republicans stopped talking about it because no one was buying it. The average person will likely see a smaller tax refund since the withholding tables were dropped lower.

The gold standard for tax reform was Ronald Reagan's 1986 reform. He pounded out a bi-partisan agreement with Democrats. This is a poor imitation. It was done in a partisan manner. Limiting the deductibility of state and local taxes was a attack on red states.

Paul Ryan said he could get the corporate tax rate down to 25% based on business tax breaks they had eliminated. They got it down to 21% by taking money from individuals. The standard deduction is not indexed to inflation so it loses a little value each year. Brackets are indexed by the chained CPI which is a lower
measure of inflation than the CPI. Getting rid of the mandate gave them $400 billion which went to businesses as well.

Tax breaks were retained for the rich. The carried interest deduction is a special interest tax cut that was retained even though it should not have. The pass through rate is another break for the rich. The fact is that the rich are already figuring a way to use it. Then we have the tax break for real estate trusts that Paul Ryan and Donald Trump will win on bigly.

This tax reform bill needs to be reformed.

2. Trump deserves no credit for North Korea. He is proving to be more adept than Trump. By holding meetings with the South Korean leader, he has limited some of Trump's options. He closed up a site that was becoming unusable.

3. The reason ISIS is out of Iraq is because the Iraqi army finally got it's act together. The Iraqi army did the bulk of the fighting against ISIS. Trump is about to make the same mistake Obama did. If we withdraw from Syria that allows Russia and Iran to consolidate their position in Syria and allow them to continue their mission in the Mideast. Domination of the Mideast.

4. Obamacare got it partially right. It succeeded in getting more people covered however it needed to be adjusted. The Republicans have tried so hard to pit the poor against people with pre-existing conditions against older Americans. Their goal has been to kick Americans off their health insurance. As a result they have created something worse than Obamacare. Premiums have risen faster under Republicans than Obamacare. What the Republicans have done is disgraceful.

What BS.

I signed up for Commie Care when it first started; that's when my employer dropped it. If not for Commie Care, I would likely still be covered today.

When I called, their prices were outrageous. That's because Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters: shelf stockers, french fry makers, car wash employees. If you had any kind of very low paying job, Commie Care was designed for you. As for us middle income earners (likely Republican voters) we were stuck with the bill; unaffordable premium prices, crappy as hell plans, lack of ability to keep your doctor or healthcare facility.

It did nothing Hussein said it would do. It didn't drop costs, it increased them. Not everybody could be covered, only lowlife workers. You couldn't keep your doctor or hospital in many cases. The most humorous part about the ACA was the Affordable part. You can't tell people that getting crappy insurance coverage that will cost you more than 25% of your net pay is affordable in any way or form. That's a Fn house payment for crying out loud.

Besides vote buying, what was Commie Care all about? It was about creating the most government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voter. Between Commie Care and food stamps alone, DumBama created over 40 million more new government dependents, and that was no accident by any stretch of the imagination.

Isn't it amazing all the great things that happen under Republican leadership that are never the credit of the Republican President? NK is disarming, but no thanks to Trump. ISIS is out of Iraq and running, no thanks to Trump. The cold war ended, no thanks to Reagan. These are all............coincidences.......yeah, that's the ticket!

So if the Republicans are such darn good luck, maybe it's a good idea to keep that luck going. The sad part is because you on the left can't give credit where credit is due, we will always be a more divided nation every year. You leftists just don't have what it takes to admit when you were wrong.

You are the BS artist.

It was designed to fix weaknesses in the current system. Insurance companies who charged high insurance rates for older people and people with pre-existing conditions. The idea of refundable tax credits was not new as it was used to help people who lost jobs to companies going overseas. There is nothing wrong with that model. You may not care about people who are struggling but Americans are compassionate. It succeeded in covering more people.

It clearly needed adjusting as premiums were higher than expected. That should have been the focus of Republican efforts. Yet Republicans were more focused on kicking people off of their healthcare insurance. The fact is that rates have risen faster under Republicans that Obama. Even Tom Price admits the ending of the mandate will drive rates even higher. The only Commie I see is you.

The fact is that Ronald Reagan was 100 times smarter than Trump. He had specific proposals he ran on and could discuss them intelligently unlike Trump. Reagan's tax plan ended the recession. His defense policies led to the demise of the Soviet Union. He could talk about them intelligently unlike Trump. He was even able to make a del with Democrats on tax reform. He didn't insult people personally. He even spoke at the WH Correspondents Dinner. H was not a coward like Trump. Reagan was a great President. He didn't divide Americans. Trump is determined to divide Americans.

The only thing we can agree on is that Reagan was a great President, but not because of how he spoke, but because of his actions.

The biggest problem in our country today is people vote on politicians like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they dress, how do they smile, how do they kiss babies, how good does their family look. Just a bunch of useless characteristics that mean nothing.

I don't want President that looks and talks well, I want a President that's going to move the country forward and takes necessary action when needed. I want one like Trump that goes against the grade of all the professional politicians that got us into most of the trouble we face today. I could care less if our President referes to a leader of a country as Rocket Man. In fact, I find it very entertaining.

Most of the additional people covered went into government programs under Commie Care. Again, it did little for the middle-class worker and certainly more damaging than the way it was before for many of us. You don't solve one problem by creating five more in it's place and call it a success.

As for myself, I'm pushing 60 now, and again, had coverage all of my adult life until Ears became President. Most of my adult life I had preexisting conditions as well. As for insurance companies charging older Americans a higher rate, think again. Commie Care does the exact same thing. Your age IS A FACTOR when it comes to the cost of an insurance plan.

In fact, my father and I were discussing Commie Care the other day. We both have the same dentist. He made a comment on how much more expensive our dentist is today than a few years ago. But I talked with our dentist about it. Commie Care placed so many taxes on the medical necessities that he uses every day that he had no choice but to greatly increase his rates. There is no free ride. Somebody has to pay for all this stuff. Ever see what a veterinarian charges to look at your dog? Ask he or she why they are so expensive.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

I guess Tommy Tainant's fantasy that his progressive vision of the world is winning and that we will all be extinct in a few years has really failed and flew right out the window along with Obama's Rainbow White House.


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