States full of good, REAL Americans sue to end DACA.

Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

They should have done it the day after the regressive judges intervened. Now all the DOJ has to do is say they agree with the States, the program is unconstitutional and ask for an order to that effect. The judge could do exactly that and enjoin the other courts form enforcing their orders.


No they cannot. The Supreme Court has refused to overturn the other judges' orders.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

It is not good people. It is hateful reps who cater to the far right. I notice 1 state has not joined. Tennessee.

This is what the Tennessee AG said last year when he withdrew from the suit.
"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding
accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country," Slatery said. "They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

I agree 100%. The Republican Party under Trump needs to die.

You don't become a citizen of this country by sneaking in and proving you are a model citizen. Imagine the chaos if that were the method we used.

The United States is one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to sharing our land with outsiders. We allow over a million immigrants into this country ever year. What other country does that? It's just that we have a way and method to do this orderly because hundreds of millions would love to come here.

The United States is like the best restaurant in town. You have to have a reservation and still wait in line because of the crowd.

The United States is a horrible restaurant because of the hate people like you push. People like you demean this country. People who have made a life for themselves in this country should be allowed to stay.
Real Americans? Natives? You conservative snowflakes are kinda funny, thought you cared about life and children? Those are children wanting a better life at the border. What would that Jesus guy you snowflakes claim to follow say? Or is Trump your new god? seems so.

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken
There is nothing wrong with making them wait at the back of the line...

There is everything wrong with deporting someone who has been here since they were a kid and only knows this country as their home.

And so, then the new strategy would be to get illegal kids here because this is all they would know as their home? Nah, that wouldn't cause a problem.

No the solution is obviously be a nativist asshole.
Remind us please of what a "good REAL American" is? Why are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia somehow "special"?

Well, being “American” is often a behavioral thing, a state of mind that you definitely wouldn’t understand.
Illegals and barely legal anchor babies here by illegal means are definitely NOT real Americans. What else can I teach you?

Just what would I "definitely wouldn’t understand"? You can't teach me anything because you are unqualified to teach any American how to be an American. I understand a lot. Yes, my mother's parents were immigrants. My father's great grandparents were immigrants. I don't know what your background is. What makes you so high and mighty?

As a born and bred Jersey Girl, born less than ten miles from the George Washington Bridge, on land walked upon by George Washington and his troupes, I'm calling BS on you.
Too bad someone never explained legal and illegal :auiqs.jpg:

So you would send people who have lived their whole lives here back to lands they never knew. How intelligent is this? Get a grip. Many of us are not for unnecessary suffering.
Funny how we are expected to accept settled science while settled and long standing laws are capriciously found to be suddenly unconstitutional

One has nothing to do with the other. But, whatever.
On the contrary when you are writing laws on bogus science

Science is based on wait for So, why would you compare updating scientific theories with our laws? Because you have fee fees that climate change isn't happening has nothing to do with gun laws.
Real Americans? Natives? You conservative snowflakes are kinda funny, thought you cared about life and children? Those are children wanting a better life at the border. What would that Jesus guy you snowflakes claim to follow say? Or is Trump your new god? seems so.

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken
There is nothing wrong with making them wait at the back of the line...

There is everything wrong with deporting someone who has been here since they were a kid and only knows this country as their home.
No, They need to go to the back of the line and wait 12-15 or more years for citizenship

I don't think the real issue here is how long it takes for them to attain citizenship, first off they need to be allowed to become permanent residents so they aren't deported. You know, that thing Trump did to endanger their status.
No, They need to go to the back of the line end of story

Really in artful answer . Go back to the end of which line? The one that starts in their parents home country or the one that starts at U.S. citizenship? Does serving in the military make a difference?
I am not impressed by 7 backwards states. I doubt this is being pushed by the people. It is being pushed by racists and representatives are kowtowing to the far right. The Republican Party of Trump needs to die.,

Yes, then that way you can have open borders and this country will too will turn into a shithole.

You are the shithole who is turning this country into a shithole. DACA recipients are more American than you are.

Haha...what the fuck kind of whack-job metric are you using?

American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

It is not good people. It is hateful reps who cater to the far right. I notice 1 state has not joined. Tennessee.

This is what the Tennessee AG said last year when he withdrew from the suit.
"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding
accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country," Slatery said. "They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

I agree 100%. The Republican Party under Trump needs to die.

You don't become a citizen of this country by sneaking in and proving you are a model citizen. Imagine the chaos if that were the method we used.

The United States is one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to sharing our land with outsiders. We allow over a million immigrants into this country ever year. What other country does that? It's just that we have a way and method to do this orderly because hundreds of millions would love to come here.

The United States is like the best restaurant in town. You have to have a reservation and still wait in line because of the crowd.

The United States is a horrible restaurant because of the hate people like you push. People like you demean this country. People who have made a life for themselves in this country should be allowed to stay.

A man robs a bank for $250k...never gets caught...he’s apprehended years we prosecute him and take the $250k back...or do we look the other way, not prosecute, let him keep the $250k and essentially reward him?
I know, I know....totally different right?
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

It is not good people. It is hateful reps who cater to the far right. I notice 1 state has not joined. Tennessee.

This is what the Tennessee AG said last year when he withdrew from the suit.
"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding
accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country," Slatery said. "They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

I agree 100%. The Republican Party under Trump needs to die.

You don't become a citizen of this country by sneaking in and proving you are a model citizen. Imagine the chaos if that were the method we used.

The United States is one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to sharing our land with outsiders. We allow over a million immigrants into this country ever year. What other country does that? It's just that we have a way and method to do this orderly because hundreds of millions would love to come here.

The United States is like the best restaurant in town. You have to have a reservation and still wait in line because of the crowd.

The United States is a horrible restaurant because of the hate people like you push. People like you demean this country. People who have made a life for themselves in this country should be allowed to stay.
Yes but they need to go to the back of the line
I am not impressed by 7 backwards states. I doubt this is being pushed by the people. It is being pushed by racists and representatives are kowtowing to the far right. The Republican Party of Trump needs to die.,

Yes, then that way you can have open borders and this country will too will turn into a shithole.

You are the shithole who is turning this country into a shithole. DACA recipients are more American than you are.

Haha...what the fuck kind of whack-job metric are you using?

American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017
So, illegal is illegal.
Quit pandering to the parasites
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

They should have done it the day after the regressive judges intervened. Now all the DOJ has to do is say they agree with the States, the program is unconstitutional and ask for an order to that effect. The judge could do exactly that and enjoin the other courts form enforcing their orders.


No they cannot. The Supreme Court has refused to overturn the other judges' orders.

As consent decree will override the other cases. The DOJ is not obligated to defend a clearly unconstitutional program.

Remind us please of what a "good REAL American" is? Why are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia somehow "special"?

Well, being “American” is often a behavioral thing, a state of mind that you definitely wouldn’t understand.
Illegals and barely legal anchor babies here by illegal means are definitely NOT real Americans. What else can I teach you?

Just what would I "definitely wouldn’t understand"? You can't teach me anything because you are unqualified to teach any American how to be an American. I understand a lot. Yes, my mother's parents were immigrants. My father's great grandparents were immigrants. I don't know what your background is. What makes you so high and mighty?

As a born and bred Jersey Girl, born less than ten miles from the George Washington Bridge, on land walked upon by George Washington and his troupes, I'm calling BS on you.
Too bad someone never explained legal and illegal :auiqs.jpg:

So you would send people who have lived their whole lives here back to lands they never knew. How intelligent is this? Get a grip. Many of us are not for unnecessary suffering.

Maybe their parents should have been more considerate and not put them in this position.

Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
Thank god for the electoral college
Where the minority holds the majority as a hostage ? Electoral college is for the 17th century. Now the useless part of america is teying to pull the productive majority back....wonderful!!!
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia? Lol shithole states....who wants to live there? Same racist states as usual....flyover useless states.
No the shithole states are the ones people are fleeing at a breakneck speed...New York,New Jersey,California,Illinois.
I wish they were....freeways are jammed. Keep on lying to yourself.
A man robs a bank for $250k...never gets caught...he’s apprehended years we prosecute him and take the $250k back...or do we look the other way, not prosecute, let him keep the $250k and essentially reward him?
I know, I know....totally different right?

Better still, the man gave the 250K to his children who are using it for college. Do the authorities just let them keep the stolen money because it funded their education?
I am not impressed by 7 backwards states. I doubt this is being pushed by the people. It is being pushed by racists and representatives are kowtowing to the far right. The Republican Party of Trump needs to die.,

Yes, then that way you can have open borders and this country will too will turn into a shithole.

You are the shithole who is turning this country into a shithole. DACA recipients are more American than you are.

Haha...what the fuck kind of whack-job metric are you using?

American voters support DACA overwhelmingly. Every sub-group supports DAAC overwhelmingly. From a Sept 2017 Fox poll.

Support citizenship for DACA recipients.
Trump supporters 63%
Clinton supporter 91%
White No Degree 77%
White College Degree 80%
White Evangelicals 69%
Conservative 69%
Moderate 83%\
Liberal 91%
Independent 79%
Republican 66%
Democrat 90%
$50,000+ 78%
Under $50,000 81%
Men 75%
Women 83%
White 78%
non-white 82%

You are the whack jobs in this country.

Fox News Poll: September 28, 2017

Yes, these polls are all around. But what I would love to see is a poll of how many Americans that know what DACA even is. Nobody wants to look stupid, so when people are asked this question, they don't want to appear ignorant when giving an answer.
So you would send people who have lived their whole lives here back to lands they never knew. How intelligent is this? Get a grip. Many of us are not for unnecessary suffering.

Maybe you stumbled across a deal here. Perhaps we should allow those who have spent their entire lives here to stay, and in exchange, send the rest of them home. I think both sides can agree to that. How about you?
Remind us please of what a "good REAL American" is? Why are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia somehow "special"?

For broke loser real American equals white men.
Hmm, shit’s changing fast...I’d guess that good people have been putting pressure on their state representatives and demanding action be taken....good people are sick and tired of the oppression...they’re fed up, speaking up and taking a stand...they want their country back and they’re no longer scared to be called a “racist” or “bigot”.
The states challenging DACA are Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.
7 states sue to end DACA, potentially scrambling its legal future - CNNPolitics

It is not good people. It is hateful reps who cater to the far right. I notice 1 state has not joined. Tennessee.

This is what the Tennessee AG said last year when he withdrew from the suit.
"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding
accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country," Slatery said. "They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

I agree 100%. The Republican Party under Trump needs to die.

You don't become a citizen of this country by sneaking in and proving you are a model citizen. Imagine the chaos if that were the method we used.

The United States is one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to sharing our land with outsiders. We allow over a million immigrants into this country ever year. What other country does that? It's just that we have a way and method to do this orderly because hundreds of millions would love to come here.

The United States is like the best restaurant in town. You have to have a reservation and still wait in line because of the crowd.

The United States is a horrible restaurant because of the hate people like you push. People like you demean this country. People who have made a life for themselves in this country should be allowed to stay.

Tryning to secure your country is not hate, it's patriotism. Trying to destroy this country by allowing anybody in is hate--hate of their country.
I am not impressed by 7 backwards states. I doubt this is being pushed by the people. It is being pushed by racists and representatives are kowtowing to the far right. The Republican Party of Trump needs to die.,

Yes, then that way you can have open borders and this country will too will turn into a shithole.

You are the shithole who is turning this country into a shithole. DACA recipients are more American than you are.

My Lord, did the Democrats F-up your head that badly where you really believe that?

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