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States Have a Valid Legal Argument to Defy Gay Marriage

Does even a mere voter have the right to have their vote count on regulating marriage locally?

  • Yes, voting is a civil right, if violated, can be challenged up to SCOTUS.

  • No, a voter has no right to insist their vote counts.

Results are only viewable after voting.
mdk troll, do you hate little kids?

Don't cry b/c I used your own words to blow up in your idiocy. :crybaby:

Kids should not advise their elders for good reason but when it comes to queers getting married then they should advise their elders. lol.
Contest it? To Who? Just how dumb can you get? It is law and has been decided by the Supreme Court as constitutional. Marriage is a contract between two Consenting adults, STRAIGHT OR GAY
So any two adults in the world can marry each other. I think you can see problems with this. And problems if you object.
No, marriage is regulated locally according to what states determine makes up a family they want to entice with tax breaks. It's a net loss to entice families absent either a mother or father. The kids grow up to be a financial burden upon the states because they are psychologically stunted. Forcing states to entice their own financial demise isn't fair and must be challenged.
The youth don't advise their elders for a very good reason it turns out...
Does not believe youths should advise their elders for good reason but believes youths should advise consenting adults whom they should be allowed to marry. Too funny. You can't keep your own bullshit straight. lol.
Oh, golly no. We majority voters as guardians of youth advise law in order to protect them based on studies like the largest one ever of its kind linked in the OP.

How long are you going to try and hang your hat on a 2010 UK survey that you consistently lie about? You've been shown your lies over and over yet continue to spout the same tired crap as though repeating it often enough makes it true.

Children raised by gays are 'psychologically stunted' and 'grow up to be a financial burden upon the states'? Allowing gay marriage is 'forcing states to entice their own financial demise'? It's a step down from humanity depending on a court case, I suppose. :lol:

We know that but Sil is hoping everyone else doesn't or has forgotten. Sil's version of The Prince's Trust has been debunked so many times it is almost beyond measure but like a dog with a bone she can't let it go.
students are warming up to the idea of incorporating the "back door" into their sex lives. HuffPost Live spoke with three college sex columnists to learn about the latest rage on campuses across the country, who are suggesting more people give it a shot.
Abigal Student wrote a column at Washington State University encouraging her fellow students to learn more about "the road less traveled."
"Modern men and women have gone off the beaten path by moving their entry point two inches south from that of their forefathers," Abigail said on HuffPost Live. "Modern American couples have normalized the practice of anal sex. In the words of Frost 'the road less traveled by' has gained some serious traffic." States Have a Valid Legal Argument to Defy Gay Marriage | Page 8 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Born that way...like all trends..

Yet another valid point for states to reject gay marriage: a looming "trendy" health crises LEARNED VIA BEHAVIORS.

the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young gay and bisexual men (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections among all persons aged 13 to 24, and 30% of new infections among all gay and bisexual men. Gay and Bisexual Men | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

The average cost of treating an HIV infected person, after they become indigent and before they die a horrible lingering death of a failed immune system (AIDS) is around $500,000. As this new trend catches on, "legitimized" via marriage now, states will be unable to bear the burden of those healthcare indigents and will have to file for bankruptcy.

This may be the tipping point for our economy. Thanks gay cult!
students are warming up to the idea of incorporating the "back door" into their sex lives. HuffPost Live spoke with three college sex columnists to learn about the latest rage on campuses across the country, who are suggesting more people give it a shot.
Abigal Student wrote a column at Washington State University encouraging her fellow students to learn more about "the road less traveled."
"Modern men and women have gone off the beaten path by moving their entry point two inches south from that of their forefathers," Abigail said on HuffPost Live. "Modern American couples have normalized the practice of anal sex. In the words of Frost 'the road less traveled by' has gained some serious traffic." States Have a Valid Legal Argument to Defy Gay Marriage | Page 8 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Born that way...like all trends..

Yet another valid point for states to reject gay marriage: a looming "trendy" health crises LEARNED VIA BEHAVIORS.

the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young gay and bisexual men (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections among all persons aged 13 to 24, and 30% of new infections among all gay and bisexual men. Gay and Bisexual Men | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

The average cost of treating an HIV infected person, after they become indigent and before they die a horrible lingering death of a failed immune system (AIDS) is around $500,000. As this new trend catches on, "legitimized" via marriage now, states will be unable to bear the burden of those healthcare indigents and will have to file for bankruptcy.

This may be the tipping point for our economy. Thanks gay cult!

What, because the healthcare system has been chugging along without problem before gays came and ruined everything? Gays only have unsafe sex when married? People only become gay when gay marriage is legalized?

I wonder what the costs of treating obesity-related health issues is? Should we, perhaps, prevent obese people from marrying, to avoid states entering bankruptcy?
Civil rights aren't up for a vote by the voters, kiddos, and never should have been. That's why the anti-gay marriage laws were invalidated, nationally...
Civil rights aren't up for a vote by the voters, kiddos, and never should have been. That's why the anti-gay marriage laws were invalidated, nationally...
Then you'll be very upset to learn that behaviors don't have civil rights. And also you forgot about the civil rights of children to have been considered in the "non father/non mother" "marriage" conversation..

One of the priveleges of marriage is the preferred right to adopt children. Since children then are an implied part of the marriage contract, their voices and wellbeing that was omitted from the conversation about civil rights was in legal error.
Civil rights aren't up for a vote by the voters, kiddos, and never should have been. That's why the anti-gay marriage laws were invalidated, nationally...
Then you'll be very upset to learn that behaviors don't have civil rights. And also you forgot about the civil rights of children to have been considered in the "non father/non mother" "marriage" conversation..

One of the priveleges of marriage is the preferred right to adopt children. Since children then are an implied part of the marriage contract, their voices and wellbeing that was omitted from the conversation about civil rights was in legal error.

You're right, behaviors don't have civil rights. People do.

If you meant to say that people don't have any civil rights regarding their behavior, well, that would make you, as usual, wrong. Long before gay marriage there were behaviors that are part of our civil rights. The very first amendment to the constitution protects behaviors.

You, for some reason, seem to think that civil rights and protection from discrimination only apply to race....except, of course, for religious beliefs and behaviors. Those get civil rights protections. And speech. That gets civil rights protection. But behaviors aren't part of civil rights.....when it involves the gays, right?
You're right, behaviors don't have civil rights. People do.... behaviors aren't part of civil rights.....when it involves the gays, right?

No, also when a severe epileptic applies for a driver's license. They don't have certain rights either. Two men can't be a mother and father to children. So they don't qualify for marriage.
You're right, behaviors don't have civil rights. People do.... behaviors aren't part of civil rights.....when it involves the gays, right?

No, also when a severe epileptic applies for a driver's license. They don't have certain rights either. Two men can't be a mother and father to children. So they don't qualify for marriage.

And, as usual, if the ability to have children was a requirement for marriage, you'd have a point. As it is, being able to have children is not needed to get married, so your argument is pointless. Your personal qualifications are meaningless when it comes to the law. You are welcome to only marry someone with whom you can have children, or to never get married if you happen to be unable to have children. :)

As to your epileptic analogy, it fails. Having children is basically unrestricted. Driving has many restrictions. Even if we ignore that, the courts seem to have decided there is not enough evidence that having gay parents causes harm to see a compelling state interest to restrict their right to raise children or marry. I'm sure you think you have indisputable evidence that having gay parents causes harm, but since you are wrong so much, perhaps you could entertain the notion that you are wrong once again. :lol:
I'm not going to Pussy around but homosexuality is some screwed up shit! Call me anything you want but I'm tired of having to be forced to except this garbage as normal. On the their hand, I don't like it when people kill gays because they happen to have gotten board in a bar somewhere or do I think they should be harassed at work. I guess that puts me in the middle of two extremes in this country which probably confuses everyone.

You're trying to force people to agree that it's abnormal.
You're right, behaviors don't have civil rights. People do.... behaviors aren't part of civil rights.....when it involves the gays, right?

No, also when a severe epileptic applies for a driver's license. They don't have certain rights either. Two men can't be a mother and father to children. So they don't qualify for marriage.

There is no reproduction requirement in any marriage law in this country and there never will be. You can rant about it all you want; you are pissing on your own shoes.
I'm not going to Pussy around but homosexuality is some screwed up shit! Call me anything you want but I'm tired of having to be forced to except this garbage as normal. On the their hand, I don't like it when people kill gays because they happen to have gotten board in a bar somewhere or do I think they should be harassed at work. I guess that puts me in the middle of two extremes in this country which probably confuses everyone.

I'm not going to Pussy around but conservatism is some screwed up shit! Call me anything you want but I'm tired of having to be forced to except this garbage as normal. On the their hand, I don't like it when people kill republicans because they happen to have gotten board in a bar somewhere nor do I think they should be harassed at work. I don't want them teaching my kids though...
mdk troll, do you hate little kids?

You see what party is filled with the Intolerant (who want's to shut down our freedoms of speech) and are the nastiest bullies in the country. The people better wake up Now before it's too late. We have every right to question the ruling by this Supreme court. the thing that gets me is this wasn't even a Unanimous vote. Yet we are suppose to give up our votes and states rights on the vote of a few of the black robed justices and just accept that they are now the Rulers of us? .
mdk troll, do you hate little kids?

You see what party is filled with the Intolerant (who want's to shut down our freedoms of speech) and are the nastiest bullies in the country. The people better wake up Now before it's too late. We have every right to question the ruling by this Supreme court. the thing that gets me is this wasn't even a Unanimous vote. Yet we are suppose to give up our votes and states rights on the vote of a few of the black robed justices and just accept that they are now the Rulers of us? .

Oh special little Stephanie...what does your incoherent rant have to do with the post you quoted?

You think all SCOTUS cases should be unanimous?

Educate yourself, special girl:

I'm not going to Pussy around but conservatism is some screwed up shit! Call me anything you want but I'm tired of having to be forced to except this garbage as normal. On the their hand, I don't like it when people kill republicans because they happen to have gotten board in a bar somewhere nor do I think they should be harassed at work. I don't want them teaching my kids though...
Oh, it's back to the pity party is it? Will we be hearing about "gay teen suicides" again soon? (but not the real cause of it: untreated wounds from childhood molestation)

Logical rebuttal failing you, you're going back to the "everyone is killing gays" ploy? :boohoo: Can't bash enough heads dragging people through court and/or threatening their careers so now you're curled up in the fetal position in the corner with crocodile tears, sucking your thumb?

Seawytch, you really shouldn't put your own photo in your avatar. It's not a wise thing to do on the internet.

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