states-reach mortgage settlement deal with banks report

More proof the Banks caused this mess.

Too bad Bush and the republicans allowed them to do it
More proof the Banks caused this mess.

Too bad Bush and the republicans allowed them to do it

More proof the Banks cause the mess

Too bad Bush tried to stop it but democrats weren't having it. Why do you choose to think you are right as opposed to accepting reality. Life would be less stressful if you didn't have to lie to yourself.
More proof the Banks caused this mess.

How so?

You really don't expect an answer there do you?

The banks didn't cause "the mess". They certainly played the hand that was dealt to them, and made poor choices before the fog lifted and reality became clear. But they certainly can not take the blame as the cause.

I assume by "this mess" she means "this crazy downturn". If somebody asserts that X "caused this mess", I expect them to have a coherent model of how that works.
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TM relies on unfounded soundbites for her talking points. You will not find any "model" that is coherent in "the mess" from her.
Democrats 2008: These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis

Democrats 2012: These two entities—Medicare and Social Security—are not facing any kind of financial crisis
More proof the Banks caused this mess.

Too bad Bush and the republicans allowed them to do it it doesn't. It is more proof that the state and federal governments in an attempt to curry favor and secure votes will find a scapegoat, bend them over a barrel and butt fuck them. All "abuses" can be tied directly back to "well meaning" government rules and regulations. Banks don't willingly make risky loans as they are unreliabe and can easily put you OUT of business. The government telling you to make the loans or else and not to worry because we will guarantee them, is the prime cause of the mess. Banks just looked for a way to make a profit out of what they were forced to do. If you really want to blame someone, look to Barney Frank.
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I don't know if this proves anything, but if it does, it likely proves that the banksters were playing fast and loose when it comes to foreclosing on past due mortgages.

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