States should be allowed to decide the legality of interracial marriage again.

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In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum
Playing the race card kind of early aren't we? Can't you idiots ever come up with anything else?

no need to play it bubbalah.... his post did. calling racists what they are is a societal obligation.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum
Playing the race card kind of early aren't we? Can't you idiots ever come up with anything else?
that doods a racist pile of garbage and should be taken out.

it's really really clear

yes. but I wrote the post so even if he agrees with you, he needed to troll me.
some people have talents that make them rich and others,,,,

well, not so much
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum
Playing the race card kind of early aren't we? Can't you idiots ever come up with anything else?
that doods a racist pile of garbage and should be taken out.

it's really really clear

yes. but I wrote the post so even if he agrees with you, he needed to troll me.
some people have talents that make them rich and others,,,,

well, not so much

Indeed. Have a great Friday. I'm off to work! And thank you.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
How about if we add an IQ test to that? That way, retards won't be able to marry either, and we'll see how YOU like it.

I think that some people feel that certain topics should still be left to the states.

For example, some people feel that a state should continue to have the right to decide whether or not it wants to have capital punishment.

Other people are hoping that the Supreme Court will eventually prohibit capital punishment in all states.

States probably should NOT have the right to legislate on marriage, for that would mean that a married couple would be allowed to live or work or travel only in those states that permitted their marriage. That would cause great confusion and injustice. For example, one might have to turn down a great job offer because that state does not allow one to be married to one's spouse. And what about a married couple traveling by car through a state that prohibits their marriage? (Will they have to apply for an exemption during the time that they are in that particular state?)
I agree that the government shouldn't be involved in marriage. But I don't make an exception for state. I think marriage should primarily be a religious issue. I don't remember the President or Governer sending me a gift on my wedding day... So why would I want him involved in it during the marriage, or at the end?

Marriage is a contractual matter, and therefore necessarily involves the government to some degree.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

I am just guessing that this guy is trying to be the James O'Keefe of USMB.

But we know he will have Steve McGarret's agreement.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum
Playing the race card kind of early aren't we? Can't you idiots ever come up with anything else?

LOL- in a thread about race?
This is anther racist troll thread.
What is the virtue of a fifty state marriage regulation? Why is it good? Who would benefit, who would be harmed? Does it cost he state too much to license a marriage? Does it cost the state to dissolve one?
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Just got home from your Klan meeting huh ?!

Iggy list.
Is that your girlfriend Toro ?!
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum
Playing the race card kind of early aren't we? Can't you idiots ever come up with anything else?
that doods a racist pile of garbage and should be taken out.

it's really really clear
It's troll spam. Just iggy it.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

The racists are really stretching for things to whine about.
Wouldn't surprise me if the goddamn GOP attempts to over turn the 13th and 14th amendment next.

The party wants the 18th century.

What the hell does this have anything to do with miscegenation laws?

I could list a number of things the dumbass democrats have in mind to return everyone to primitive times but it has nothing to do with this issue. I suggest you stick to this thread's topic and take your idiotic rants elsewhere.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

Are you just mad that almost all the Kardashians won't have your racist ass? It's not because you are white, it's because you are an idiot.

Why would I give a shit about the Kartrashians?

Kim sunk to an all-time low by fucking around with that rapper ape while she was still married to another man. She got pregnant, threw her marriage down the toilet, and married the rapper ape. That alone made her completely worthless. Million-dollar trash.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum

And yet, liberals and libertarians keep screaming that government should stay completely out of marriage. Here you are calling for more federal interference in what is clearly a state issue. Fucking hypocrite.

When two people tie the knot, why do you think the officiant usually says "By the power invested in me by the state of _________"? Figure that one out.

Too bad you flunked out of elementary school.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum

And yet, liberals and libertarians keep screaming that government should stay completely out of marriage. Here you are calling for more federal interference in what is clearly a state issue. Fucking hypocrite.l.

Poor little snowflake. Liberals haven't said that government should stay out of marriage- it is Liberals who say that States have to follow the Constitution- for marriage and everything else.
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