States should be allowed to decide the legality of interracial marriage again.

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is anyone shocked that "Proud White American" is also a Trump supporter?


is anyone shocked that "Proud White American" is also a Trump supporter?



Nothing wrong with supporting a winner. You should try it sometime.
is anyone shocked that "Proud White American" is also a Trump supporter?



Syr, are you unwell? Of course not. Insanity has not been eradicated. Ok, how many "proud" Americans served, or lived with immediate family that were in the service? That can weed the "proud of what other people sacrificed" crowd.
Inter-racial marriage is actually harming "Liberal buddies" like Native Americans, and Jews far more, and Black Americans quite more than it does White Americans.

So this is either another troll kicked off of the board that got shut down, or a sock account of a bored member here just wanting to stir up shit.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum
Playing the race card kind of early aren't we? Can't you idiots ever come up with anything else?
that doods a racist pile of garbage and should be taken out.

it's really really clear
It's troll spam. Just iggy it.

Is this what you mean by Iggy it?
More like "Wigger it"

Jews are not a race; there are black Jews in Africa.


Also, here are descendants of the first Christians:


It was a black young slave woman who converted Constantine, according to some sources.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum

And yet, liberals and libertarians keep screaming that government should stay completely out of marriage. Here you are calling for more federal interference in what is clearly a state issue. Fucking hypocrite.

When two people tie the knot, why do you think the officiant usually says "By the power invested in me by the state of _________"? Figure that one out.

Too bad you flunked out of elementary school.

That's a lie. It's the rightwingnut a who keep talking about small gubmit white supremacist creep.

Except when it comes to getting in everyone else's business.

And let's not talk about your white Christian pretend morality when you support child molesters and sexual predators.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Priceless Alt-Right stuff.
is anyone shocked that "Proud White American" is also a Trump supporter?



Syr, are you unwell? Of course not. Insanity has not been eradicated. Ok, how many "proud" Americans served, or lived with immediate family that were in the service? That can weed the "proud of what other people sacrificed" crowd.

So- do you think that 'American' voted for Trump?
is anyone shocked that "Proud White American" is also a Trump supporter?



Syr, are you unwell? Of course not. Insanity has not been eradicated. Ok, how many "proud" Americans served, or lived with immediate family that were in the service? That can weed the "proud of what other people sacrificed" crowd.

So- do you think that 'American' voted for Trump?

Using terms like "Proud White" is a tip off : )
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Why can't you just be a "proud American"? No state should have the right to deny people marriage just because irrational prejudice is widespread in that state. All eligible people (unmarried persons who are of age) should be given the chance to marry the person of their choice in civil marriage. If you have misgivings due to your religious faith, just make your choices accordingly.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
If that happens white men will have to inbreed in the states that outlaw interracial marriage. Its bad enough for you effeminate white boys that white women are looking for dominant Black genes. What do you think that will do for your gene pool when you are forced to inbreed?
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