States should be allowed to decide the legality of interracial marriage again.

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In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum
Sadly, tragically, there is a real possibility that 14th Amendment jurisprudence in its entirety – substantive due process in particular – is in real jeopardy, depending on the health of current Supreme Court justices and the outcome of the 2020 General Election.

With the appointment of reactionary ‘originalist’ bigots to the Federal courts, not only would Loving be in peril, but so would every ruling prior to that, including Brown and Hernandez.

The Trump disaster poses the greatest threat to Americans’ rights and protected liberties – this thread’s premise is proof of that.
Wouldn't surprise me if the goddamn GOP attempts to over turn the 13th and 14th amendment next.

The party wants the 18th century.
THey can take aways all the amendments so long as the second is left alone.
People should have to pass an IQ test to have children, that would help all the races.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum
Sadly, tragically, there is a real possibility that 14th Amendment jurisprudence in its entirety – substantive due process in particular – is in real jeopardy, depending on the health of current Supreme Court justices and the outcome of the 2020 General Election.

With the appointment of reactionary ‘originalist’ bigots to the Federal courts, not only would Loving be in peril, but so would every ruling prior to that, including Brown and Hernandez.

The Trump disaster poses the greatest threat to Americans’ rights and protected liberties – this thread’s premise is proof of that.
This thread is only proof of the delusions you regressive liars spread.
My money says quite a few red states would ban it

Stupidest thread of the week.

I mean it even beats Silohouette and ShootsSpeeders and MindWars and JimBowie and Ernie S. and Dale whatever . . . COMBINED!

States should be allowed to decide the legality of interracial marriage again.

But we must not make the mistake to perceive such moronic, hateful views as part of the ‘fringe’ – the wrongheaded notions of “states’ rights” and “originalism” are pervasive among most Republicans and conservatives.
People should have to pass an IQ test to have children, that would help all the races.

You should be thankful they don't because you would never have been born.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum

And yet, liberals and libertarians keep screaming that government should stay completely out of marriage. Here you are calling for more federal interference in what is clearly a state issue. Fucking hypocrite.l.

Poor little snowflake. Liberals haven't said that government should stay out of marriage- it is Liberals who say that States have to follow the Constitution- for marriage and everything else.

LOL, too bad liberals don't follow the Constitution themselves.

They're practically wanting to destroy the Second Amendment, and they only favor the First Amendment as long as it's all about their free speech.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum

And yet, liberals and libertarians keep screaming that government should stay completely out of marriage. Here you are calling for more federal interference in what is clearly a state issue. Fucking hypocrite.l.

Poor little snowflake. Liberals haven't said that government should stay out of marriage- it is Liberals who say that States have to follow the Constitution- for marriage and everything else.

LOL, too bad liberals don't follow the Constitution themselves.

They're practically wanting to destroy the Second Amendment, and they only favor the First Amendment as long as it's all about their free speech.

If you knew anything about the constitution you'd understand that you white trash don't get to pass laws discriminating against anyone who isn't a white supremacist.

Why aren't you back at stormfront yet?
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum

And yet, liberals and libertarians keep screaming that government should stay completely out of marriage. Here you are calling for more federal interference in what is clearly a state issue. Fucking hypocrite.

When two people tie the knot, why do you think the officiant usually says "By the power invested in me by the state of _________"? Figure that one out.

Too bad you flunked out of elementary school.

That's a lie. It's the rightwingnut a who keep talking about small gubmit white supremacist creep.

Except when it comes to getting in everyone else's business.

And let's not talk about your white Christian pretend morality when you support child molesters and sexual predators.

LOL, the leftist liberals are the winners when it comes to getting in everyone's business.

They insist marriage is only a religious institution and claim the federal government should stay out of it, but they were celebrating the Loving v. Virginia decision in 1967. Liberals used that as a basis to push the federal courts to legalize homosexual marriage in recent years.

I don't give a shit about Christians since I'm not one, so you can just forget about comparing me to anything associated with Christianity. My viewpoints come from my own personal life experiences.
^^^ not in the slightest

What Proud Americans of All Races won't do is allow the Alt Right white ethno-state sillies corrupt the first and second amendments to their evil purposes.
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In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum
Sadly, tragically, there is a real possibility that 14th Amendment jurisprudence in its entirety – substantive due process in particular – is in real jeopardy, depending on the health of current Supreme Court justices and the outcome of the 2020 General Election.

With the appointment of reactionary ‘originalist’ bigots to the Federal courts, not only would Loving be in peril, but so would every ruling prior to that, including Brown and Hernandez.

The Trump disaster poses the greatest threat to Americans’ rights and protected liberties – this thread’s premise is proof of that.
This thread is only proof of the delusions you regressive liars spread.

You and your fellow deplorables should probably go look up what the word regressive means.

Trumptards continue to be illiterate lowlife pondscum.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Why can't you just be a "proud American"? No state should have the right to deny people marriage just because irrational prejudice is widespread in that state. All eligible people (unmarried persons who are of age) should be given the chance to marry the person of their choice in civil marriage. If you have misgivings due to your religious faith, just make your choices accordingly.

I am a proud American, and proud to be white. Nothing wrong with that.

You're badly mistaken about no state having the right to deny anyone of anything. Marriage is not defined anywhere in the Bill of Rights, therefore the states have the right to pass their own laws.

Liberals already got their way in legalizing interracial and homosexual marriages on a federal level. Some activist liberals even support the beliefs of NAMBLA, so what's next? Legalizing statutory rape?
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum

And yet, liberals and libertarians keep screaming that government should stay completely out of marriage. Here you are calling for more federal interference in what is clearly a state issue. Fucking hypocrite.

When two people tie the knot, why do you think the officiant usually says "By the power invested in me by the state of _________"? Figure that one out.

Too bad you flunked out of elementary school.

That's a lie. It's the rightwingnut a who keep talking about small gubmit white supremacist creep.

Except when it comes to getting in everyone else's business.

And let's not talk about your white Christian pretend morality when you support child molesters and sexual predators.

LOL, the leftist liberals are the winners when it comes to getting in everyone's business.

They insist marriage is only a religious institution and claim the federal government should stay out of it, but they were celebrating the Loving v. Virginia decision in 1967. Liberals used that as a basis to push the federal courts to legalize homosexual marriage in recent years.

I don't give a shit about Christians since I'm not one, so you can just forget about comparing me to anything associated with Christianity. My viewpoints come from my own personal life experiences.
One of the white arguments during the Little Rock Central High School citizens boycott was that white and black students who attended integrated schools would later marry.

Guess what?

Six of the nine black students did marry whites.

Guess what?

Little Rock did not fall into the bowels of hell.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
If that happens white men will have to inbreed in the states that outlaw interracial marriage. Its bad enough for you effeminate white boys that white women are looking for dominant Black genes. What do you think that will do for your gene pool when you are forced to inbreed?

LOL, this "effeminate white boy" is already married to a wonderful lady. In fact we just celebrated our 26th anniversary in October.

You'd better be more concerned about the fact that HIV is rampant among the black race, especially black women. After all, it was you putrid black apes who started the worldwide spread by fucking anything with an asshole.

The majority of white women aren't the ones looking for blacks, it's putrid black males who are forcing themselves on white women. The minority of white women who lower themselves by succumbing to their advances have trashed themselves.
It's putrid effeminate white boys like you, PWA, that are losing the battle. Tough to be you.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

Dont worry, theres plenty of white women to go around.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum

And yet, liberals and libertarians keep screaming that government should stay completely out of marriage. Here you are calling for more federal interference in what is clearly a state issue. Fucking hypocrite.l.

Poor little snowflake. Liberals haven't said that government should stay out of marriage- it is Liberals who say that States have to follow the Constitution- for marriage and everything else.

LOL, too bad liberals don't follow the Constitution themselves.

They're practically wanting to destroy the Second Amendment, and they only favor the First Amendment as long as it's all about their free speech.

If you knew anything about the constitution you'd understand that you white trash don't get to pass laws discriminating against anyone who isn't a white supremacist.

Why aren't you back at stormfront yet?

Read the Constitution and understand the Bill of Rights. Marriage is not specifically defined which is why it was left to the states. Our forefathers intended for it to be that way.

You crack me up with your stormfront remarks. I don't care about any bullshit white supremacy group because I know I'm already superior, I don't need to join anything to prove what I already know!
It's putrid effeminate white boys like you, PWA, that are losing the battle. Tough to be you.

Nah, we're winning and the proof is in last year's election and many current events.

The honorable Donald Trump won the presidency, we have a republican-controlled congress, and the idiotic liberals lost and are sniveling to no end.

Life is good for us conservatives right now. I know, it's tough to be you, and tough to be anyone on your side of the spectrum.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
If that happens white men will have to inbreed in the states that outlaw interracial marriage. Its bad enough for you effeminate white boys that white women are looking for dominant Black genes. What do you think that will do for your gene pool when you are forced to inbreed?

LOL, this "effeminate white boy" is already married to a wonderful lady. In fact we just celebrated our 26th anniversary in October.

You'd better be more concerned about the fact that HIV is rampant among the black race, especially black women. After all, it was you putrid black apes who started the worldwide spread by fucking anything with an asshole.

The majority of white women aren't the ones looking for blacks, it's putrid black males who are forcing themselves on white women. The minority of white women who lower themselves by succumbing to their advances have trashed themselves.
Yeah. Too bad I dont believe anyone would marry you.

I'm more worried about you caucasoids raping puppies, sheep, pigs, and dolphins.

All white women are looking for Black men. They understand we have dominant genes while pink boys such as yourself have recessive ones. Its instinctive. There is a reason you caucasoids had to make laws against white women marrying Black men. Sucks to be you I guess.
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