States should be allowed to decide the legality of interracial marriage again.

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My guess is 25% of Northern Europeans / Central Europeans have brown eyes, and dark brown hair...

In Southern Europeans it's probably 75%....
In about 20-30 years it will be about 50% of northern europeans wont be white anymore.

I'm glad Poland's 99.9% White, and 96% Polish....
Me too. Polands pretty irrelevant to me except for that time two Polish girls brought me home for a weekend of loving when i had a basketball tournament in Germany.
My guess is 25% of Northern Europeans / Central Europeans have brown eyes, and dark brown hair...

In Southern Europeans it's probably 75%....
In about 20-30 years it will be about 50% of northern europeans wont be white anymore.

I'm glad Poland's 99.9% White, and 96% Polish....
Me too. Polands pretty irrelevant to me except for that time two Polish girls brought me home for a weekend of loving when i had a basketball tournament in Germany.

This Black girl seems to really be into Polish rapper Popek.

If they have kids the dominant Black genes will make sure the child is Black.

Oh really?
So, these Polish - Black kids don't look much Whiter than their Nigerian father?

In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

Smh I guess you are proof of inbreeding

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Well, I don't know.... Inbreeding seemed to do much better for Ashkenazi Jews, than mixing races did for Hispanics... At least in terms of intelligence..
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum

And yet, liberals and libertarians keep screaming that government should stay completely out of marriage. Here you are calling for more federal interference in what is clearly a state issue. Fucking hypocrite.

When two people tie the knot, why do you think the officiant usually says "By the power invested in me by the state of _________"? Figure that one out.

Too bad you flunked out of elementary school.

That's a lie. It's the rightwingnut a who keep talking about small gubmit white supremacist creep.

Except when it comes to getting in everyone else's business.

And let's not talk about your white Christian pretend morality when you support child molesters and sexual predators.

LOL, the leftist liberals are the winners when it comes to getting in everyone's business.

They insist marriage is only a religious institution and claim the federal government should stay out of it, but they were celebrating the Loving v. Virginia decision in 1967. Liberals used that as a basis to push the federal courts to legalize homosexual marriage in recent years.

I don't give a shit about Christians since I'm not one, so you can just forget about comparing me to anything associated with Christianity. My viewpoints come from my own personal life experiences.

Your family tree doesn't fork either!
In about 20-30 years it will be about 50% of northern europeans wont be white anymore.

I'm glad Poland's 99.9% White, and 96% Polish....
Me too. Polands pretty irrelevant to me except for that time two Polish girls brought me home for a weekend of loving when i had a basketball tournament in Germany.
In about 20-30 years it will be about 50% of northern europeans wont be white anymore.

I'm glad Poland's 99.9% White, and 96% Polish....
Me too. Polands pretty irrelevant to me except for that time two Polish girls brought me home for a weekend of loving when i had a basketball tournament in Germany.

This Black girl seems to really be into Polish rapper Popek.

If they have kids the dominant Black genes will make sure the child is Black.

Oh really?
So, these Polish - Black kids don't look much Whiter than their Nigerian father?


They look less Black however we still see the dominant genes. No one is going to confuse them as Polish.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Then people from CA could marry their new Prius
Yeah. Too bad I dont believe anyone would marry you.

I'm more worried about you caucasoids raping puppies, sheep, pigs, and dolphins.

All white women are looking for Black men. They understand we have dominant genes while pink boys such as yourself have recessive ones. Its instinctive. There is a reason you caucasoids had to make laws against white women marrying Black men. Sucks to be you I guess.


Black males are forcing themselves on white women, and a small percentage of gullible white trash girls are stupid enough to fall for them. It's usually because of their huge disgusting ape dicks, but they have nothing to offer besides that.

The dumb white women who lower themselves like this usually end up being the sorry ones in the end. Remember what happened to Nicole Simpson. There are plenty of OJ-like black assholes who have the same kind of temperament.

Too bad apes dont have big dicks. They have diminutive ones like you pink boys. White women love Black men because we are more manly than you and our genes are dominant. They dont call us tall dark and handsome for nothing.

For every OJ there are about 12 caucasoids that kill their white women

I've heard before Blacks have proportionately thinner ones, guess who else does?
Here's a hint... Oh eeee ee eee ee aahh aaahh aahhh.
Whoever told you that was just trying to make you feel better for having a tiny thin one. :itsok:

I've been called huge by girls, and rightfully so.

"huge" what? you have been called a 'giant prick'?
^^^ not in the slightest

What Proud Americans of All Races won't do is allow the Alt Right white ethno-state sillies corrupt the first and second amendments to their evil purposes.

Proud Americans understand that the U.S.A was founded as a White nation according to the Naturalization Act of 1790.
The nation was founded in 1776. Doesnt matter what whites said. The point is that the nation wouldnt have existed if only whites were the ones that built it. It would have failed miserably without other races here to teach whites.

African Americans will probably go extinct before White Americans.... You're mixing races more, and being engulfed by Hispanics even more than us.

Doubt that. Our genes are dominant. Yours are recessive. Do the math.

butterfly----did you pass high school biology?
^^^ not in the slightest

What Proud Americans of All Races won't do is allow the Alt Right white ethno-state sillies corrupt the first and second amendments to their evil purposes.

Proud Americans understand that the U.S.A was founded as a White nation according to the Naturalization Act of 1790.
The nation was founded in 1776. Doesnt matter what whites said. The point is that the nation wouldnt have existed if only whites were the ones that built it. It would have failed miserably without other races here to teach whites.

African Americans will probably go extinct before White Americans.... You're mixing races more, and being engulfed by Hispanics even more than us.

Doubt that. Our genes are dominant. Yours are recessive. Do the math.

butterfly----did you pass high school biology?
With an A. Why do you ask?
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

Aww did your wife and daughter run off with them Negros, again?

I mean you do understand that we are all part of the same race, right?
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Proud Americans understand that the U.S.A was founded as a White nation according to the Naturalization Act of 1790.
The nation was founded in 1776. Doesnt matter what whites said. The point is that the nation wouldnt have existed if only whites were the ones that built it. It would have failed miserably without other races here to teach whites.

African Americans will probably go extinct before White Americans.... You're mixing races more, and being engulfed by Hispanics even more than us.

Doubt that. Our genes are dominant. Yours are recessive. Do the math.

butterfly----did you pass high school biology?
With an A. Why do you ask?

your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
The nation was founded in 1776. Doesnt matter what whites said. The point is that the nation wouldnt have existed if only whites were the ones that built it. It would have failed miserably without other races here to teach whites.

African Americans will probably go extinct before White Americans.... You're mixing races more, and being engulfed by Hispanics even more than us.

Doubt that. Our genes are dominant. Yours are recessive. Do the math.

butterfly----did you pass high school biology?
With an A. Why do you ask?

your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.
African Americans will probably go extinct before White Americans.... You're mixing races more, and being engulfed by Hispanics even more than us.

Doubt that. Our genes are dominant. Yours are recessive. Do the math.

butterfly----did you pass high school biology?
With an A. Why do you ask?

your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.

There's plenty of dominant disorders.

Category:Autosomal dominant disorders - Wikipedia
Doubt that. Our genes are dominant. Yours are recessive. Do the math.

butterfly----did you pass high school biology?
With an A. Why do you ask?

your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.

There's plenty of dominant disorders.

Category:Autosomal dominant disorders - Wikipedia
I didnt say there were no dominant disorders. I said our genes are dominant and yours are recessive. Where did disorders come in?
butterfly----did you pass high school biology?
With an A. Why do you ask?

your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.

There's plenty of dominant disorders.

Category:Autosomal dominant disorders - Wikipedia
I didnt say there were no dominant disorders. I said our genes are dominant and yours are recessive. Where did disorders come in?

That's not always true, you people have more Sickle Cell Anemia genes as recessive.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Utterly absurd. The government has no business interfering in who can marry who, full stop. Except for incest or children, it is up to the 2 consenting adults involved. Pretty ironic coming from people who insist they want government to stay out of their business that you types want to restrict people from marrying who they want. Why don't you just stay out of other people's bedrooms?
With an A. Why do you ask?

your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.

There's plenty of dominant disorders.

Category:Autosomal dominant disorders - Wikipedia
I didnt say there were no dominant disorders. I said our genes are dominant and yours are recessive. Where did disorders come in?

That's not always true, you people have more Sickle Cell Anemia genes as recessive.
Blacks arent the only people with Sickle Cell. Besides thats the by product of a protective feature we have.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Utterly absurd. The government has no business interfering in who can marry who, full stop. Except for incest or children, it is up to the 2 consenting adults involved. Pretty ironic coming from people who insist they want government to stay out of their business that you types want to restrict people from marrying who they want. Why don't you just stay out of other people's bedrooms?

The majority of U.S Native Americans marry non-Natives, the result will be eradicating Native Americans.

So, you think that's cool?
your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.

There's plenty of dominant disorders.

Category:Autosomal dominant disorders - Wikipedia
I didnt say there were no dominant disorders. I said our genes are dominant and yours are recessive. Where did disorders come in?

That's not always true, you people have more Sickle Cell Anemia genes as recessive.
Blacks arent the only people with Sickle Cell. Besides thats the by product of a protective feature we have.

Why is it higher in Western Europe than in Eastern Europe according to this map?

In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Utterly absurd. The government has no business interfering in who can marry who, full stop. Except for incest or children, it is up to the 2 consenting adults involved. Pretty ironic coming from people who insist they want government to stay out of their business that you types want to restrict people from marrying who they want. Why don't you just stay out of other people's bedrooms?

The majority of U.S Native Americans marry non-Natives, the result will be eradicating Native Americans.

So, you think that's cool?
I think it is up to them and none of your god damned business.
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