States should be allowed to decide the legality of interracial marriage again.

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Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.

There's plenty of dominant disorders.

Category:Autosomal dominant disorders - Wikipedia
I didnt say there were no dominant disorders. I said our genes are dominant and yours are recessive. Where did disorders come in?

That's not always true, you people have more Sickle Cell Anemia genes as recessive.
Blacks arent the only people with Sickle Cell. Besides thats the by product of a protective feature we have.

Why is it higher in Western Europe than in Eastern Europe according to this map?

Because eastern europe is cold as hell. very few mosquitoes.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Utterly absurd. The government has no business interfering in who can marry who, full stop. Except for incest or children, it is up to the 2 consenting adults involved. Pretty ironic coming from people who insist they want government to stay out of their business that you types want to restrict people from marrying who they want. Why don't you just stay out of other people's bedrooms?

The majority of U.S Native Americans marry non-Natives, the result will be eradicating Native Americans.

So, you think that's cool?
I think it is up to them and none of your god damned business.

So, you don't care if U.S Native Americans go extinct, or not?
I didnt say there were no dominant disorders. I said our genes are dominant and yours are recessive. Where did disorders come in?

That's not always true, you people have more Sickle Cell Anemia genes as recessive.
Blacks arent the only people with Sickle Cell. Besides thats the by product of a protective feature we have.

Why is it higher in Western Europe than in Eastern Europe according to this map?

Because eastern europe is cold as hell. very few mosquitoes.

In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Utterly absurd. The government has no business interfering in who can marry who, full stop. Except for incest or children, it is up to the 2 consenting adults involved. Pretty ironic coming from people who insist they want government to stay out of their business that you types want to restrict people from marrying who they want. Why don't you just stay out of other people's bedrooms?

The majority of U.S Native Americans marry non-Natives, the result will be eradicating Native Americans.

So, you think that's cool?
I think it is up to them and none of your god damned business.

So, you don't care if U.S Native Americans go extinct, or not?
It's not up to me and it's not up to you. They are not morons, you know. Just because they are Native American it doesn't mean they need to be managed like idiots or children. I'm sure they know what they are doing and they can make their own decisions. Now leave me alone. People like you are just quintessentially disgusting.
It's putrid effeminate white boys like you, PWA, that are losing the battle. Tough to be you.

Nah, we're winning and the proof is in last year's election and many current events.

The honorable Donald Trump won the presidency, we have a republican-controlled congress, and the idiotic liberals lost and are sniveling to no end.

Life is good for us conservatives right now. I know, it's tough to be you, and tough to be anyone on your side of the spectrum.
Nah, you are not. You got your asses kicked at Charlottesville and trounced in last month's elections. When Moore is elected, the Senate will toss him. Real Americans will have nothing to do with your ilk.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.

you want to relitigate Loving v Virginia, you insane bigoted twit?

no state gets to grant fewer rights than the federal government, the federal constitution and federal caselaw.

white supremacist scum are nauseating.

go back to stormfront, kkk scum

And yet, liberals and libertarians keep screaming that government should stay completely out of marriage. Here you are calling for more federal interference in what is clearly a state issue. Fucking hypocrite.

When two people tie the knot, why do you think the officiant usually says "By the power invested in me by the state of _________"? Figure that one out.

Too bad you flunked out of elementary school.

That's a lie. It's the rightwingnut a who keep talking about small gubmit white supremacist creep.

Except when it comes to getting in everyone else's business.

And let's not talk about your white Christian pretend morality when you support child molesters and sexual predators.

LOL, the leftist liberals are the winners when it comes to getting in everyone's business.

They insist marriage is only a religious institution and claim the federal government should stay out of it, but they were celebrating the Loving v. Virginia decision in 1967. Liberals used that as a basis to push the federal courts to legalize homosexual marriage in recent years.

I don't give a shit about Christians since I'm not one, so you can just forget about comparing me to anything associated with Christianity. My viewpoints come from my own personal life experiences.

Apparently you have had a screwed up life.
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Utterly absurd. The government has no business interfering in who can marry who, full stop. Except for incest or children, it is up to the 2 consenting adults involved. Pretty ironic coming from people who insist they want government to stay out of their business that you types want to restrict people from marrying who they want. Why don't you just stay out of other people's bedrooms?

The majority of U.S Native Americans marry non-Natives, the result will be eradicating Native Americans.

So, you think that's cool?
I think it is up to them and none of your god damned business.

So, you don't care if U.S Native Americans go extinct, or not?
It's not up to me and it's not up to you. They are not morons, you know. Just because they are Native American it doesn't mean they need to be managed like idiots or children. I'm sure they know what they are doing and they can make their own decisions. Now leave me alone. People like you are just quintessentially disgusting.

Well, I'd say that if there were more Natives, and less Whites around there would be far less Native on White mixing.

You're beliefs of Liberalism Integration is what's destroying Native America.............
In 1967 the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. Prior to then, it was up to each state to pass its own miscegenation laws.

There is a growing number of people who believe the federal government should stay out of the institution of marriage and leave it up to the states, myself included. This includes every kind of marriage from traditional to homosexual to interracial.

The federal courts have no business interfering in these matters which are defined largely by a state’s culture, demographics, religious and political leanings. If a state decides to restrict or prohibit miscegenation, that should be the end of it. No federal court or regional circuit court system should overrule any state law.
Why can't you just be a "proud American"? No state should have the right to deny people marriage just because irrational prejudice is widespread in that state. All eligible people (unmarried persons who are of age) should be given the chance to marry the person of their choice in civil marriage. If you have misgivings due to your religious faith, just make your choices accordingly.

I am a proud American, and proud to be white. Nothing wrong with that.

You're badly mistaken about no state having the right to deny anyone of anything. Marriage is not defined anywhere in the Bill of Rights, therefore the states have the right to pass their own laws.

Liberals already got their way in legalizing interracial and homosexual marriages on a federal level. Some activist liberals even support the beliefs of NAMBLA, so what's next? Legalizing statutory rape?

There is nothing wrong with you being proud to be white. I'm sure every white person here is proud t o be white. You associate your pride with the right to be a racist and that's the problem. There is a constitutional amendment barring discrimination so the states don't have the right to pass a law making interracial marriage illegal. The supreme court said 'its illegal, state law doesn't supersede this. States rights aren't the law of the land Gomer..
butterfly----did you pass high school biology?
With an A. Why do you ask?

your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.

There's plenty of dominant disorders.

Category:Autosomal dominant disorders - Wikipedia
I didnt say there were no dominant disorders. I said our genes are dominant and yours are recessive. Where did disorders come in?

butterfly----you are embarrassing yourself
All of our genes are dominant. Thats why whites cant have children capable of producing melanin to product their skin from the sun. Blacks can produce any shade of color.

White skin isn't the only trait, doof.
Dark eyes, Dark hair. All dominant.

My guess is 25% of Northern Europeans / Central Europeans have brown eyes, and dark brown hair...

In Southern Europeans it's probably 75%....
In about 20-30 years it will be about 50% of northern europeans wont be white anymore.

I'm glad Poland's 99.9% White, and 96% Polish....

Then go back there.
With an A. Why do you ask?

your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.

There's plenty of dominant disorders.

Category:Autosomal dominant disorders - Wikipedia
I didnt say there were no dominant disorders. I said our genes are dominant and yours are recessive. Where did disorders come in?

That's not always true, you people have more Sickle Cell Anemia genes as recessive.

calm down boys------the terms "recessive" and "dominant"
in the science of genetics is------almost meaningless. It is, VERY SIMPLY-------a reference to that which SEEMS TO BE OVERTYLY EXPRESSED IN PHENOTYPE.-----Even sickle cell genes are neither "recessive" or "dominant." It is just that the really EXTREMELY bad and dangerous aspects of sickle cell disease are MOST APPARENT when the gene is inherited by BOTH parents. ONE SICKLE GENE is also a
"condition"----mostly pathological-----but somewhat protective against malaria
Proud Americans understand that the U.S.A was founded as a White nation according to the Naturalization Act of 1790

Proud Americans do not. Racist white Americans do.

This is not a white nation.
I agree that the government shouldn't be involved in marriage. But I don't make an exception for state. I think marriage should primarily be a religious issue. I don't remember the President or Governer sending me a gift on my wedding day... So why would I want him involved in it during the marriage, or at the end?

They sent you money!
With an A. Why do you ask?

your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.

There's plenty of dominant disorders.

Category:Autosomal dominant disorders - Wikipedia
I didnt say there were no dominant disorders. I said our genes are dominant and yours are recessive. Where did disorders come in?

butterfly----you are embarrassing yourself
Show me how I am embarrassing myself. So far I feel like a mental giant compared to you.
Beyond Crispus Attucks:

From the first shots of the American Revolutionary War until the ultimate victory at Yorktown, black men significantly contributed to securing independence for the United States from Great Britain. On March 5, 1770, Crispus Attucks, an escaped slave, was at the center of what became known as the Boston Massacre that fanned the flames of revolution. Once the rebellion began, Prince Estabrook, another African American, was one of the first to fall on Lexington Green in Massachusetts on April 19, 1775. Other black men fought to defend nearby Concord Bridge later in the day.

At least a dozen black men fought at the Battle of Bunker and Breeds Hill the following June 17. Cuff Whittenmore was cited for “fighting bravely” and allowed to keep a sword he captured from a British officer. Another black soldier, Peter Salem, a veteran of the Battle of Concord Bridge, killed yet another senior British officer in the fight. Later, fourteen American officers signed a document recognizing Salem Poor for being “a brave and gallant soldier.” In the famous painting of the battle by John Trumbull, two African Americans are included in the scene.

From Day 1, blacks fought for this nation, day 1.
your statements on dominant and recessive genes suggest that you were PLACED in the biology class for dummies
Your statements suggest you dont have a clue about genetics and you are afraid to make a specific point about any of my statements.

There's plenty of dominant disorders.

Category:Autosomal dominant disorders - Wikipedia
I didnt say there were no dominant disorders. I said our genes are dominant and yours are recessive. Where did disorders come in?

butterfly----you are embarrassing yourself
Show me how I am embarrassing myself. So far I feel like a mental giant compared to you.

sweetums. "genes" is da templates for protein production. The concept of dominant vs recessive
is really a 'mirage" GENES do not CONTEND with each
other like boxers in the ring. -----in short-----there is no REAL issue of one gene DOMINATING another. -------You
are referring to the issue of PHENOTYPE-----which is, very simply that which is "OBVIOUS" in the final product------like a
blue Mercedes benz vs a gray Mercedes benz------not really
Proud Americans understand that the U.S.A was founded as a White nation according to the Naturalization Act of 1790

Proud Americans do not. Racist white Americans do.

This is not a white nation.

Blacks weren't U.S Citizens until after the Civil War, Native Americans weren't U.S Citizens until the early 20th century...

so? btw peach. Linda Sarsour claims that all the blacks in the USA------both slaves and patriots were REALLY MUSLIMS
"Free Negroes" were at various times and locales:

The Naturalization Act of 1790 limited naturalization (and citizenship) to "free white persons," ruling out slaves and free blacks, as well. However, free blacks were accorded a quasi-citizenship in some northern states, being allowed to vote and hold property, but this gradually diminished after 1800. And contrary to what some might believe, free blacks endured significant racial discrimination in the North.

If there was ever any doubt as to whether or not African Americans were entitled to citizenship, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 specifically set forth that African slaves (and their descendants) could never be citizens and had no citizenship rights. That decision, however, only fueled the fire.

While the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation signed by President Lincoln did free the slaves in Southern states and many fought in the Union Army, it was the Thirteenth Amendment passed in 1864 that outlawed slavery throughout the United States; it did not, however, confer rights of citizenship.

From 1857-1868 no blacks were citizens though some locales ignored the Dred Scott decision.
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