States that voted for Clinton in 2016


Active Member
Jul 8, 2017
It seems to me in 2020 the Democrats need to get PA, MI, and WI and everything they got in 2016. Do any states Clinton won in 2016 seem vulnerable to going for Trump now?
It seems to me in 2020 the Democrats need to get PA, MI, and WI and everything they got in 2016. Do any states Clinton won in 2016 seem vulnerable to going for Trump now?

New Hampshire, Maine and Minn were the only 3 blue states that were even close races.

In all 3 of those, the votes for Johnson could have changed the outcome had they gone to Trump.

Where these people place their votes in 2020 will decide those 3 states. None of the rest are in play.

Trump and his troops should be the most worried about Michigan, Penn and Wisconsin. Those 3 states were decided by less than 1% of the vote. All 3 of those states now have Dem governors, two of which flipped in the 2018 elections.
It seems to me in 2020 the Democrats need to get PA, MI, and WI and everything they got in 2016. Do any states Clinton won in 2016 seem vulnerable to going for Trump now?

New Hampshire, Maine and Minn were the only 3 blue states that were even close races.

In all 3 of those, the votes for Johnson could have changed the outcome had they gone to Trump.

Where these people place their votes in 2020 will decide those 3 states. None of the rest are in play.

Trump and his troops should be the most worried about Michigan, Penn and Wisconsin. Those 3 states were decided by less than 1% of the vote. All 3 of those states now have Dem governors, two of which flipped in the 2018 elections.
We'll see what, if anything, is left of the voter fraud, illegal, Mexicrat Party after this year
It seems to me in 2020 the Democrats need to get PA, MI, and WI and everything they got in 2016. Do any states Clinton won in 2016 seem vulnerable to going for Trump now?

New Hampshire, Maine and Minn were the only 3 blue states that were even close races.

In all 3 of those, the votes for Johnson could have changed the outcome had they gone to Trump.

Where these people place their votes in 2020 will decide those 3 states. None of the rest are in play.

Trump and his troops should be the most worried about Michigan, Penn and Wisconsin. Those 3 states were decided by less than 1% of the vote. All 3 of those states now have Dem governors, two of which flipped in the 2018 elections.
We'll see what, if anything, is left of the voter fraud, illegal, Mexicrat Party after this year

The same thing they started with. The demise of political parties is always predicted, and never happens. Maybe you are not old enough to remember all the doom and gloom predictions about the Repubs just a short while ago.
Wisconsin really got screwed in the tariff mess.

And the gop vote stealing has been exposed and won’t work again .
You dips may get your wish with another Dem as president one day, and will regret it for the rest of your lives ,get your head out of your ass before it is to late .Be careful what you wish for, Cuba and Venezuela come to mind,
It seems to me in 2020 the Democrats need to get PA, MI, and WI and everything they got in 2016. Do any states Clinton won in 2016 seem vulnerable to going for Trump now?
Trump unexpectantly took PA, MI and WI by tiny margins. In 2018, those states went heavily Democrat. I doubt if he will catch anyone by surprise
Florida is always close and can go either way
Arizona has been moving blue

Tough repeat for Trump
VA probably has had enough of the dems.

You mean the state with the most fed workers? The ones trump put out of work for a month?

Im sure they’ve had enough of the Don.
/——/ You mean the ones Trump gave a month long paid vacation to? You mean those guys are mad at Trump?

Yes . Cause a hole conservatives describe the shutdown as “a vacation “. How offensive is that ?
VA probably has had enough of the dems.

You mean the state with the most fed workers? The ones trump put out of work for a month?

Im sure they’ve had enough of the Don.
/——/ You mean the ones Trump gave a month long paid vacation to? You mean those guys are mad at Trump?

Yes . Cause a hole conservatives describe the shutdown as “a vacation “. How offensive is that ?
/——/ Getting paid for not working is called what then, welfare?
VA probably has had enough of the dems.

You mean the state with the most fed workers? The ones trump put out of work for a month?

Im sure they’ve had enough of the Don.
/——/ You mean the ones Trump gave a month long paid vacation to? You mean those guys are mad at Trump?

Yes . Cause a hole conservatives describe the shutdown as “a vacation “. How offensive is that ?
/——/ Getting paid for not working is called what then, welfare?

They were locked out of their jobs. No one was on “vacation “. They had to be ready to go to work at a moments notice . You act as if they ran off to Disney .

And most contractors got nothing .
It seems to me in 2020 the Democrats need to get PA, MI, and WI and everything they got in 2016. Do any states Clinton won in 2016 seem vulnerable to going for Trump now?
Trump unexpectedly took PA, MI and WI by tiny margins. In 2018, those states went heavily Democrat. I doubt if he will catch anyone by surprise
Florida is always close and can go either way
Arizona has been moving blue
Tough repeat for Trump

Trump kept his promises and kept the US safe. He also kept the economy humming along at a good clip in spits of the Fed raising rates. The rust belt states are seeing more and better jobs, and that equates to more votes. I'll take the re-election side of that bet.
It seems to me in 2020 the Democrats need to get PA, MI, and WI and everything they got in 2016. Do any states Clinton won in 2016 seem vulnerable to going for Trump now?
Trump unexpectedly took PA, MI and WI by tiny margins. In 2018, those states went heavily Democrat. I doubt if he will catch anyone by surprise
Florida is always close and can go either way
Arizona has been moving blue
Tough repeat for Trump

Trump kept his promises and kept the US safe. He also kept the economy humming along at a good clip in spits of the Fed raising rates. The rust belt states are seeing more and better jobs, and that equates to more votes. I'll take the re-election side of that bet.
They didn’t vote that way in 2018

In 2016 they bought into the Trump mystique and thought...what do we have to lose?

Coal jobs are still disappearing, jobs are not coming back from China and trade wars are hurting workers
VA probably has had enough of the dems.

You mean the state with the most fed workers? The ones trump put out of work for a month?

Im sure they’ve had enough of the Don.
/——/ You mean the ones Trump gave a month long paid vacation to? You mean those guys are mad at Trump?

Yes . Cause a hole conservatives describe the shutdown as “a vacation “. How offensive is that ?
/——/ Getting paid for not working is called what then, welfare?

They were locked out of their jobs. No one was on “vacation “. They had to be ready to go to work at a moments notice . You act as if they ran off to Disney .

And most contractors got nothing .
/——/ Congress passed a Bill guaranteeing they would be paid. And no, they didn’t sit in their cars with the engine running waiting to be called back at a moments notice. It was a paid vacation like all the others going back to Reagan.
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