States With Legal Medical Marijuana See ‘Significant And Sizable’ Reductions In Health Insurance Premiums, Study Finds

Let me give you a serious answer:

Pot pimps/addicts gotta pot pimp/addict.

But yeah - topic now completely abandoned in favor of pot pimping.

Wotta shock.

all you have told me is you have never been around pot smokers....and by not answering that question proves it....
After 60 years of pot addiction, it’s amazing some can even string two words together, albeit angrily and irrationally.

So congrats to any on that. :)
We went through your "reasoning" a little earlier.

You suck at your shtick.
When you are a stonehead you don't know what serious problems are. Just smoke some more pot.
sure you are another who have never been around pot and your buddy min trut should go back to the political threads were you might know more about what you are talking about....
all you have told me is you have never been around pot smokers....and by not answering that question proves it....
People act like you can't abuse prescription drugs, Pot as medicine is no different. Of course, you can do that with food, gambling, shopping, and sex too. Moderation is the way the majority of people are. An addict doesn't stop being an addict because they quit pot or drinking booze. They switch addictions to something else and most of the time it's equally unhealthy. Frankly, as an addict mentality, I'd rather abuse synthetic prescription drugs the high is much more numbing. But nowadays doctors just give Tylenol/ibuprofen combos. If I quit pot I would probably drink again and that would be even worse.
A new study in the International Journal of Drug Policy found that states with legal medical marijuana enjoyed significant reductions in health insurance premiums compared to states where cannabis remained completely illegal.
Analyzing a decade’s worth of private health insurance data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, researchers determined that in the years following a state’s implementation of a medical cannabis law, premiums dropped dramatically

States With Legal Medical Marijuana See ‘Significant And Sizable’ Reductions In Health Insurance Premiums, Study Finds

Consider the enormous opportunity loss resulting from marijuana prohibition.
People's lives destroyed over superstition.

Science determined that this policy was entirely irrational DECADES ago.

I'd say there are some reparations in order.
And xiden has done nothing to lift the prohibition on the federal level…why would anyone continue to support this guy?
sure you are another who have never been around pot and your buddy min trut should go back to the political threads were you might know more about what you are talking about....
People overgeneralize all the time. Not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic and not everyone who smokes pot is a pothead. But potheads and drunks do exist.
Or more gummies, or tinctures. Since now it is specialized and you can pick low or high doses. It does take the edge off. I don't have any insurance so I have to be very sick to go to the doctor. In March I landed in the hospital very sick. I originally got prescribed cannabis for nausea and we finally have a diagnosis of why I a sick. But for 4 years I suffered and just consumed weed since I couldn't afford to get proper help anyway.
Just out of curiosity, why don't you have insurance? Obamacare is supposed to offer up enough subsidies to cover both the premiums and even the out of pocket expenses. I believe most of that to be a lie so I was just wondering. I remember before Obamacare I could afford health insurance but after Obamacare I couldn't because I made too much money to qualify for subsidies and yet both the premiums and out of pocket expenses cost me over 25k per year for a family of four and we couldn't afford that.
Just out of curiosity, why don't you have insurance? Obamacare is supposed to offer up enough subsidies to cover both the premiums and even the out of pocket expenses. I believe most of that to be a lie so I was just wondering. I remember before Obamacare I could afford health insurance but after Obamacare I couldn't because I made too much money to qualify for subsidies and yet both the premiums and out of pocket expenses cost me over 25k per year for a family of four and we couldn't afford that.
I can't afford it right now. I got sick in March and I was cleaning hoarder houses for a living working for myself.
Medical pot is a ruse. The purpose is to mainstream a dangerous drug so scum can prosper and addicts can maintain their habit.
There is no proven medical advantages to pot. Zero.
Not a single FDA approved medicinal benefit.
Well, that's debatable. Although the following list are synthetic some of those listed have natural synthetics.


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