statues being removed again

Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
Why would they? They’re being propagandized by democrat fascists already.
Lexington Va., home of VMI and W&L University pretty much has no industrial base and depends on tourism mostly based on tradition and the Civil War. For the better part of 100 years almost everything in Lexington including the hospital has been named after VMI teacher and Civil War general Stonewall Jackson but Jackson's statue is gone and the cemetery has been renamed and Washington&Lee University might be changing it's name. The point is that if Lexington tourism depends on tradition what's going to happen when history and tradition disappear?
They will find something other than their racist history to make their money from.
I rest my case.
The rest of the country survives without using their racist past as a cash cow. You don't think the people of Lexington can do the same?
Maybe VMI can survive as a liberal college in uniform but I doubt it. Kind of cruel viewing Civil War history as a "cash cow" but now that you mention it why not bulldoze Gettysburg and build condos?
The heroes of Gettysburg defeated the racist traitors that wanted to destroy America. That's not the same as honoring racist traitors.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
They won't learn the truth about them...unless we fix our education system and return it back to a pro American education that celebrates the good we do as a nation instead of lying about America like teachers and professors do today....
Do you know the truth about them?
Yes because I graduated pre 1985.....and I learned about the civil war that brought about many of those statues you speak of....if you are asking me if I know the propaganda of pity today's students of US history....

So you learned about the Daughters of the Confederacy and their response to growing civil rights movements?
taking them down doesnt change history.

It creates the idea of "we don't like what happened long before we were even alive so we're going to erase actual history that aren't actually effecting us right because we want to make society and history what we want it to be" instead.

Which is highly fucking dangerous and irresponsible.
No history will be erased. The schools can still teach that many confederate statues were put up long after the civil war as a racist response to gains in civil rights. We can easily teach whose statues were erected, and why they were chosen without them actually being in their current unearned place of honor.
taking them down doesnt change history.

No it doesn't. But it was never about history.

So....what it was then all about.

It was about pseudo-history promoted by the Daughters of the Confederacy. That was where most of the statues came from.

I don't agree... Statues when they were built was to inspire pride and honour for the past...

It was all done in good faith and in honor for those who gave their lives for the country.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?

No. The idiots who tore down the Peace statue didn't seem to care about history in the slightest.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
They won't learn the truth about them...unless we fix our education system and return it back to a pro American education that celebrates the good we do as a nation instead of lying about America like teachers and professors do today....
Do you know the truth about them?
Yes because I graduated pre 1985.....and I learned about the civil war that brought about many of those statues you speak of....if you are asking me if I know the propaganda of pity today's students of US history....

So you learned about the Daughters of the Confederacy and their response to growing civil rights movements?
Of course and I also learned from life experience to look at history as the world existed then not now...with very different sensibilities and customs...I do not take that bad as it may be...and tar people living today with it...and that's what's going on....
And it's the way it should be done, by a majority decision (as opposed to being torn down by a mob).
Most confederate statues were put up long after the civil war as a response to the growing civil rights movement of the time. The KKK supported the erection of all of them.
You mean democrats supported putting them up...the KKK lmao...southern dems put those up...tell the truth....
I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Back then, democrats were pretty racist. As always, if you will just point out the current democrats who share the racist views of the democrats back then, I won't vote for them.
And it's the way it should be done, by a majority decision (as opposed to being torn down by a mob).
Most confederate statues were put up long after the civil war as a response to the growing civil rights movement of the time. The KKK supported the erection of all of them.
You mean democrats supported putting them up...the KKK lmao...southern dems put those up...tell the truth....
I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Back then, democrats were pretty racist. As always, if you will just point out the current democrats who share the racist views of the democrats back then, I won't vote for them.
View attachment 498975
Yes, I know you think mentioning Robert Byrd is supposed to make some kind of point, but it doesn't. Byrd realized he was wrong and for decades he was one of the strongest voices for equality that we had. Bringing him up has no more impact than mentioning that democrats were racist a hundred years ago, or mentioning that racist lady that started Planned Parenthood. Nobody cares.
When are conservatives going to erect statues or Hitler in their town squares so that we can learn about how bad Nazis were?
In a unanimous vote late Monday night, the Charlottesville City Council voted to remove two Confederate statues from the city's public parks, almost four years after they served as a flashpoint for the violent "Unite the Right" rally that killed counterprotester Heather Heyer.
The public now has a 30-day period to propose new plans for the statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson after their removal. According to city documents, Charlottesville is requesting proposals "for any museum, historical society, government or military battlefield interested in acquiring the Statues, or either of them, for relocation and placement."


No issue with this. Communities can vote to remove whatever they want. The statues will go to a museum to be preserved.
And it's the way it should be done, by a majority decision (as opposed to being torn down by a mob).
Most confederate statues were put up long after the civil war as a response to the growing civil rights movement of the time. The KKK supported the erection of all of them.
You mean democrats supported putting them up...the KKK lmao...southern dems put those up...tell the truth....
I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Back then, democrats were pretty racist. As always, if you will just point out the current democrats who share the racist views of the democrats back then, I won't vote for them.
View attachment 498975
Yes, I know you think mentioning Robert Byrd is supposed to make some kind of point, but it doesn't. Byrd realized he was wrong and for decades he was one of the strongest voices for equality that we had. Bringing him up has no more impact than mentioning that democrats were racist a hundred years ago, or mentioning that racist lady that started Planned Parenthood. Nobody cares.
Byrd realized he was wrong???are you kidding me?...people are losing everything to the cancel crowd because of attending a ball as a teen or saying something 20 years ago that snowflakes today can't don't give me that bullshit....every dem that nuzzled up to Byrd should be in the hot seat today if we are going to be sincere....and that includes Joe the finger...."realized he was wrong" what an idiot....
In a unanimous vote late Monday night, the Charlottesville City Council voted to remove two Confederate statues from the city's public parks, almost four years after they served as a flashpoint for the violent "Unite the Right" rally that killed counterprotester Heather Heyer.
The public now has a 30-day period to propose new plans for the statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson after their removal. According to city documents, Charlottesville is requesting proposals "for any museum, historical society, government or military battlefield interested in acquiring the Statues, or either of them, for relocation and placement."


No issue with this. Communities can vote to remove whatever they want. The statues will go to a museum to be preserved.
If they haven't been bashed to pieces.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is no statue commemorating the removal of statues.

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