statues being removed again

It will be interesting to see how the next city council elections sort out. If the majority in Charlottesville don't want the statues then they have a right to remove them. If the majority vote out the council members who made the removal possible then we'll know it happened due to pressure on a handful of people on the council. I don't care what they choose for their hometown, that's up to them.

However, when this all began, 4+ years ago, we heard that the removal of such monuments would be strictly about Confederate memorials. That turned out to be a HUGE lie.
These same activists brought down statues to Washington, Lincoln, Douglass, even the guy who wrote the first draft of our declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson.

Their crime? Behaving within the mores of the time they lived in. These moves are Marxism 101 and anyone who helps it along is going to suffer just like the rest of the nation. They are fools on a mission.
Say bub, what's Marxism?
It will be interesting to see how the next city council elections sort out. If the majority in Charlottesville don't want the statues then they have a right to remove them. If the majority vote out the council members who made the removal possible then we'll know it happened due to pressure on a handful of people on the council. I don't care what they choose for their hometown, that's up to them.

However, when this all began, 4+ years ago, we heard that the removal of such monuments would be strictly about Confederate memorials. That turned out to be a HUGE lie.
These same activists brought down statues to Washington, Lincoln, Douglass, even the guy who wrote the first draft of our declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson.

Their crime? Behaving within the mores of the time they lived in. These moves are Marxism 101 and anyone who helps it along is going to suffer just like the rest of the nation. They are fools on a mission.
Say bub, what's Marxism?
Just wait a few years and you will find out dummy....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
The only two Kleagle's I know were both democrats and mentor's of Bill Clinton....but since you hide history from your eyes you may not know what I'm talking about....
ok, klexter. sorry for guessing your rank wrong.

no which is it, is removing statues destroying history, or not?

What do you call removing statues books and works of art if its not destroying our history?....if you want to build a nation into something its first must remove what it once libs had better get over Trump and take a look at what you are pushing your nation into...because I guarantee you that you won't like it...
stop rambling, loser, address the question or fuck off.
What question asswipe?...
the question i asked you. in my post. it was about removing statues. remember? are you sundowning something fierce, dotard?
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
The only two Kleagle's I know were both democrats and mentor's of Bill Clinton....but since you hide history from your eyes you may not know what I'm talking about....
ok, klexter. sorry for guessing your rank wrong.

no which is it, is removing statues destroying history, or not?

What do you call removing statues books and works of art if its not destroying our history?....if you want to build a nation into something its first must remove what it once libs had better get over Trump and take a look at what you are pushing your nation into...because I guarantee you that you won't like it...
stop rambling, loser, address the question or fuck off.
What question asswipe?...
the question i asked you. in my post. it was about removing statues. remember? are you sundowning something fierce, dotard?
I answered that question may not like my answer but I answered your stupid childlike question....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
Then you advocate for slavery, no surprises.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
They won't learn the truth about them...unless we fix our education system and return it back to a pro American education that celebrates the good we do as a nation instead of lying about America like teachers and professors do today....
Do you know the truth about them?
Yes because I graduated pre 1985.....and I learned about the civil war that brought about many of those statues you speak of....if you are asking me if I know the propaganda of pity today's students of US history....
I graduated in 1977. Many of those statues wete erected long after the war, some in states that didnt even exist at the time, and unlike other commerative battle statuary, they weren't confined to just cemetaries and historic battle sites. Why was it that when ever there was a "negro uprising" there would be a sudden increase in statuary?
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
I'm not a starving, diseased, uncivilized savage or I certainly would be.
I'll spell it out using hypothetical trivia.
You're stranded on a deserted island with certain death looming over you...a ship pulls up and you're offered a simple trade...your labor for three hots a cot and a chance at survival. Do you turn down the offer? How many hopped aboard smiling ear to ear? Do we have these numbers?
Shit I'll bet I could come home with ship loads today from Africa if I went armed with that
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
Are you volunteering for slavery?
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
Then you advocate for slavery, no surprises.
You Lefties certainly do....You tell us daily that we need illegal wetbacks to work for less and do those jobs that are beneath Americans....Remember?
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
The only two Kleagle's I know were both democrats and mentor's of Bill Clinton....but since you hide history from your eyes you may not know what I'm talking about....
ok, klexter. sorry for guessing your rank wrong.

no which is it, is removing statues destroying history, or not?

What do you call removing statues books and works of art if its not destroying our history?....if you want to build a nation into something its first must remove what it once libs had better get over Trump and take a look at what you are pushing your nation into...because I guarantee you that you won't like it...
stop rambling, loser, address the question or fuck off.
What question asswipe?...
the question i asked you. in my post. it was about removing statues. remember? are you sundowning something fierce, dotard?
I answered that question may not like my answer but I answered your stupid childlike question....
yeah, you did not. you changed the question and answered that. like a really clumsy slimy politician.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
I'm not a starving, diseased, uncivilized savage or I certainly would be.
I'll spell it out using hypothetical trivia.
You're stranded on a deserted island with certain death looming over you...a ship pulls up and you're offered a simple trade...your labor for three hots a cot and a chance at survival. Do you turn down the offer? How many hopped aboard smiling ear to ear? Do we have these numbers?
Shit I'll bet I could come home with ship loads today from Africa if I went armed with that you are volunteering for OTHERS to be enslaved for your venefit by pretending it was/is good. First time I've heard from slavery apologists. And you wonder why you get called racist?

FYI...drom written accounts, there was no kind offer of trade. They were either sold into or born into slavery. No choice.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
They won't learn the truth about them...unless we fix our education system and return it back to a pro American education that celebrates the good we do as a nation instead of lying about America like teachers and professors do today....
Do you know the truth about them?
Yes because I graduated pre 1985.....and I learned about the civil war that brought about many of those statues you speak of....if you are asking me if I know the propaganda of pity today's students of US history....
I graduated in 1977. Many of those statues wete erected long after the war, some in states that didnt even exist at the time, and unlike other commerative battle statuary, they weren't confined to just cemetaries and historic battle sites. Why was it that when ever there was a "negro uprising" there would be a sudden increase in statuary?
You can't prove that statement....give me a break...democrats built those statues....southern democrats...and if some group wants them removed there is a way to do it that doesn't stoke hatred...

But today's libs are not interested in bringing the nation's libs want to poke us in the face with everything they do and attacking our flag...

They don't hate the flag they hate us and know we love the flag...

Its like two kids one is mad at the other so she takes something her sister likes and breaks it....that's all this has nothing to do with history....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
The only two Kleagle's I know were both democrats and mentor's of Bill Clinton....but since you hide history from your eyes you may not know what I'm talking about....
ok, klexter. sorry for guessing your rank wrong.

no which is it, is removing statues destroying history, or not?

What do you call removing statues books and works of art if its not destroying our history?....if you want to build a nation into something its first must remove what it once libs had better get over Trump and take a look at what you are pushing your nation into...because I guarantee you that you won't like it...
stop rambling, loser, address the question or fuck off.
What question asswipe?...
the question i asked you. in my post. it was about removing statues. remember? are you sundowning something fierce, dotard?
I answered that question may not like my answer but I answered your stupid childlike question....
yeah, you did not. you changed the question and answered that. like a really clumsy slimy politician.
hey go fuck yourself....I don't have to respond to your questions the way you want....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
Are you volunteering for slavery?
Don't be stupid.....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
They won't learn the truth about them...unless we fix our education system and return it back to a pro American education that celebrates the good we do as a nation instead of lying about America like teachers and professors do today....
Do you know the truth about them?
Yes because I graduated pre 1985.....and I learned about the civil war that brought about many of those statues you speak of....if you are asking me if I know the propaganda of pity today's students of US history....
I graduated in 1977. Many of those statues wete erected long after the war, some in states that didnt even exist at the time, and unlike other commerative battle statuary, they weren't confined to just cemetaries and historic battle sites. Why was it that when ever there was a "negro uprising" there would be a sudden increase in statuary?
You can't prove that statement....give me a break...democrats built those statues....southern democrats...and if some group wants them removed there is a way to do it that doesn't stoke hatred...

But today's libs are not interested in bringing the nation's libs want to poke us in the face with everything they do and attacking our flag...

They don't hate the flag they hate us and know we love the flag...

Its like two kids one is mad at the other so she takes something her sister likes and breaks it....that's all this has nothing to do with history....
Political parties have nothing to do with it. You aren't a Dem, yet here you and others are today defending slavery.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
They won't learn the truth about them...unless we fix our education system and return it back to a pro American education that celebrates the good we do as a nation instead of lying about America like teachers and professors do today....
Do you know the truth about them?
Yes because I graduated pre 1985.....and I learned about the civil war that brought about many of those statues you speak of....if you are asking me if I know the propaganda of pity today's students of US history....
I graduated in 1977. Many of those statues wete erected long after the war, some in states that didnt even exist at the time, and unlike other commerative battle statuary, they weren't confined to just cemetaries and historic battle sites. Why was it that when ever there was a "negro uprising" there would be a sudden increase in statuary?
You can't prove that statement....give me a break...democrats built those statues....southern democrats...and if some group wants them removed there is a way to do it that doesn't stoke hatred...

But today's libs are not interested in bringing the nation's libs want to poke us in the face with everything they do and attacking our flag...

They don't hate the flag they hate us and know we love the flag...

Its like two kids one is mad at the other so she takes something her sister likes and breaks it....that's all this has nothing to do with history....
Political parties have nothing to do with it. You aren't a Dem, yet here you and others are today defending slavery.
I'm not defending slavery...I'm saying we can't take what we know today and infuse it with life 200 years ago....Can you say for certain that every black man woman and child hated living on a plantation?...

Some of these black women raised and loved the white children of plantation owners like their own...they loved the white families as if they were their are taking todays sensibilities and applying them to doesn't make any were not alive back then....

So tarring todays white folks with the sins of yesterday without experience yesterday is flat out wrong....especially when you don't know the depth of the sins....
Let me ask you libs a question....can black people be racist?....a simple yes or no question...lets see which one of you has the guts to answer....

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