statues being removed again

And it's the way it should be done, by a majority decision (as opposed to being torn down by a mob).
Most confederate statues were put up long after the civil war as a response to the growing civil rights movement of the time. The KKK supported the erection of all of them.
You mean democrats supported putting them up...the KKK lmao...southern dems put those up...tell the truth....
I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Back then, democrats were pretty racist. As always, if you will just point out the current democrats who share the racist views of the democrats back then, I won't vote for them.
View attachment 498975
Yes, I know you think mentioning Robert Byrd is supposed to make some kind of point, but it doesn't. Byrd realized he was wrong and for decades he was one of the strongest voices for equality that we had. Bringing him up has no more impact than mentioning that democrats were racist a hundred years ago, or mentioning that racist lady that started Planned Parenthood. Nobody cares.
Byrd realized he was wrong???are you kidding me?...people are losing everything to the cancel crowd because of attending a ball as a teen or saying something 20 years ago that snowflakes today can't don't give me that bullshit....every dem that nuzzled up to Byrd should be in the hot seat today if we are going to be sincere....and that includes Joe the finger...."realized he was wrong" what an idiot....
If you could only convince Dems of that. So far, only right wingers agree with you.
You had better check the #walkaway numbers in the black Hispanic and working class democrat communities....
You bet. Robert Byrd is the reason those people voted for trump. That is absurdly funny.
I don't think it's right that they're being removed, but at least they have their councils voting on it, by people the citizens of the town have elected.

Instead of vigilante mobs just deciding to tear stuff down they don't like.

That's not me saying I agree with it but it makes it more palatable than the hate mobs of lefties taking the law into their own hands.

That's not to say that if the council votes the way they don't like they wouldn't rip the statues down anyway. I'd predict that 100% but that's a different debate when that happens.
I don't think it's right that they're being removed, but at least they have their councils voting on it, by people the citizens of the town have elected.

Instead of vigilante mobs just deciding to tear stuff down they don't like.

That's not me saying I agree with it but it makes it more palatable than the hate mobs of lefties taking the law into their own hands.

That's not to say that if the council votes the way they don't like they wouldn't rip the statues down anyway. I'd predict that 100% but that's a different debate when that happens.
Why shouldn't they be removed? Are you aware of their real history? It's not a battlefield history.

Most of those monuments were commissioned, mass produced, and put out well after the Civil War. States that did not even exist (or that were Union) were "gifted" with these monuments.

In our country at least, monuments to war dead are typically placed in cemataries or battlefield sites. These were not. Why...?

I don't think it's right that they're being removed, but at least they have their councils voting on it, by people the citizens of the town have elected.

Instead of vigilante mobs just deciding to tear stuff down they don't like.

That's not me saying I agree with it but it makes it more palatable than the hate mobs of lefties taking the law into their own hands.

That's not to say that if the council votes the way they don't like they wouldn't rip the statues down anyway. I'd predict that 100% but that's a different debate when that happens.
Why shouldn't they be removed? Are you aware of their real history? It's not a battlefield history.

Most of those monuments were commissioned, mass produced, and put out well after the Civil War. States that did not even exist (or that were Union) were "gifted" with these monuments.

In our country at least, monuments to war dead are typically placed in cemataries or battlefield sites. These were not. Why...?

Their real history? can you give me the real history then and not a warped, deluded, leftist, woke/cancel culture version of their history?

For example there's statues in the UK that the lunatics want down because he owned a company that had traded slaves, yet it's outside a University and the reason it's outside the University in the first place is because of funds that he set up (that's still going to this day) to put students through Uni that wouldn't otherwise afford it.

That's one example.

So if you fancy giving me a history lesson, give me a complete one with all the context, please.
I don't think it's right that they're being removed, but at least they have their councils voting on it, by people the citizens of the town have elected.

Instead of vigilante mobs just deciding to tear stuff down they don't like.

That's not me saying I agree with it but it makes it more palatable than the hate mobs of lefties taking the law into their own hands.

That's not to say that if the council votes the way they don't like they wouldn't rip the statues down anyway. I'd predict that 100% but that's a different debate when that happens.
Why shouldn't they be removed? Are you aware of their real history? It's not a battlefield history.

Most of those monuments were commissioned, mass produced, and put out well after the Civil War. States that did not even exist (or that were Union) were "gifted" with these monuments.

In our country at least, monuments to war dead are typically placed in cemataries or battlefield sites. These were not. Why...?

Their real history? can you give me the real history then and not a warped, deluded, leftist, woke/cancel culture version of their history?

For example there's statues in the UK that the lunatics want down because he owned a company that had traded slaves, yet it's outside a University and the reason it's outside the University in the first place is because of funds that he set up (that's still going to this day) to put students through Uni that wouldn't otherwise afford it.

That's one example.

So if you fancy giving me a history lesson, give me a complete one with all the context, please.
I have no idea what goes down in the UK regarding statues. However, the confederate memorials have quite a history outside of the Civil War. The article I linked to provides the context.

Do you need more?
I know you have no idea about the UK but I was only using that as an example as to the bigger picture with a lot of the statues the lunatics want to tear down.

I'll check the article and see.
I don't think it's right that they're being removed, but at least they have their councils voting on it, by people the citizens of the town have elected.

Instead of vigilante mobs just deciding to tear stuff down they don't like.

That's not me saying I agree with it but it makes it more palatable than the hate mobs of lefties taking the law into their own hands.

That's not to say that if the council votes the way they don't like they wouldn't rip the statues down anyway. I'd predict that 100% but that's a different debate when that happens.
Why shouldn't they be removed? Are you aware of their real history? It's not a battlefield history.

Most of those monuments were commissioned, mass produced, and put out well after the Civil War. States that did not even exist (or that were Union) were "gifted" with these monuments.

In our country at least, monuments to war dead are typically placed in cemataries or battlefield sites. These were not. Why...?

Their real history? can you give me the real history then and not a warped, deluded, leftist, woke/cancel culture version of their history?

For example there's statues in the UK that the lunatics want down because he owned a company that had traded slaves, yet it's outside a University and the reason it's outside the University in the first place is because of funds that he set up (that's still going to this day) to put students through Uni that wouldn't otherwise afford it.

That's one example.

So if you fancy giving me a history lesson, give me a complete one with all the context, please.
I have no idea what goes down in the UK regarding statues. However, the confederate memorials have quite a history outside of the Civil War. The article I linked to provides the context.

Do you need more?
OK I've read the article and it's complete horseshit.

The issue isn't with who it is on the statue, but the date that it was put up? so not only are the lunatics getting offended by who's on the statues, just to be extra safe complain about the date and that because the statue was erected towards the end of Jim Crow then it needs to go?

I perhaps gave you more credit than I should have when I started to engage with you.
I don't think it's right that they're being removed, but at least they have their councils voting on it, by people the citizens of the town have elected.

Instead of vigilante mobs just deciding to tear stuff down they don't like.

That's not me saying I agree with it but it makes it more palatable than the hate mobs of lefties taking the law into their own hands.

That's not to say that if the council votes the way they don't like they wouldn't rip the statues down anyway. I'd predict that 100% but that's a different debate when that happens.
Why shouldn't they be removed? Are you aware of their real history? It's not a battlefield history.

Most of those monuments were commissioned, mass produced, and put out well after the Civil War. States that did not even exist (or that were Union) were "gifted" with these monuments.

In our country at least, monuments to war dead are typically placed in cemataries or battlefield sites. These were not. Why...?

Their real history? can you give me the real history then and not a warped, deluded, leftist, woke/cancel culture version of their history?

For example there's statues in the UK that the lunatics want down because he owned a company that had traded slaves, yet it's outside a University and the reason it's outside the University in the first place is because of funds that he set up (that's still going to this day) to put students through Uni that wouldn't otherwise afford it.

That's one example.

So if you fancy giving me a history lesson, give me a complete one with all the context, please.
I have no idea what goes down in the UK regarding statues. However, the confederate memorials have quite a history outside of the Civil War. The article I linked to provides the context.

Do you need more?
OK I've read the article and it's complete horseshit.

The issue isn't with who it is on the statue, but the date that it was put up? so not only are the lunatics getting offended by who's on the statues, just to be extra safe complain about the date and that because the statue was erected towards the end of Jim Crow then it needs to go?

I perhaps gave you more credit than I should have when I started to engage with you.

Specifically HOW is it complete horseshit?

The issue is multiple:

Battle commemorations in the US are typically put up in cemataries or battlefield sites. Not these.

The latest of these "monuments" were erected in 2000.

There was a flurry of new monuments at critical civil rights remind blacks of their place I suspect.

Monuments were errected in states that fought for the Union and in states that did particiapte or did not even exist at the time of the Civil War.

These monuments commerate traitors, plain and simple, and no matter how you try to white wash it - they fought for the right to continue to keep slaves. That's the black and white of it.

Don't worry about giving me credit, I won't give you much.
I don't think it's right that they're being removed, but at least they have their councils voting on it, by people the citizens of the town have elected.

Instead of vigilante mobs just deciding to tear stuff down they don't like.

That's not me saying I agree with it but it makes it more palatable than the hate mobs of lefties taking the law into their own hands.

That's not to say that if the council votes the way they don't like they wouldn't rip the statues down anyway. I'd predict that 100% but that's a different debate when that happens.
Why shouldn't they be removed? Are you aware of their real history? It's not a battlefield history.

Most of those monuments were commissioned, mass produced, and put out well after the Civil War. States that did not even exist (or that were Union) were "gifted" with these monuments.

In our country at least, monuments to war dead are typically placed in cemataries or battlefield sites. These were not. Why...?

Their real history? can you give me the real history then and not a warped, deluded, leftist, woke/cancel culture version of their history?

For example there's statues in the UK that the lunatics want down because he owned a company that had traded slaves, yet it's outside a University and the reason it's outside the University in the first place is because of funds that he set up (that's still going to this day) to put students through Uni that wouldn't otherwise afford it.

That's one example.

So if you fancy giving me a history lesson, give me a complete one with all the context, please.
I have no idea what goes down in the UK regarding statues. However, the confederate memorials have quite a history outside of the Civil War. The article I linked to provides the context.

Do you need more?
OK I've read the article and it's complete horseshit.

The issue isn't with who it is on the statue, but the date that it was put up? so not only are the lunatics getting offended by who's on the statues, just to be extra safe complain about the date and that because the statue was erected towards the end of Jim Crow then it needs to go?

I perhaps gave you more credit than I should have when I started to engage with you.

Specifically HOW is it complete horseshit?

The issue is multiple:

Battle commemorations in the US are typically put up in cemataries or battlefield sites. Not these.

The latest of these "monuments" were erected in 2000.

There was a flurry of new monuments at critical civil rights remind blacks of their place I suspect.

Monuments were errected in states that fought for the Union and in states that did particiapte or did not even exist at the time of the Civil War.

These monuments commerate traitors, plain and simple, and no matter how you try to white wash it - they fought for the right to continue to keep slaves. That's the black and white of it.

Don't worry about giving me credit, I don't give you much.
I told you specifically how it's horse shit.

The looney left have now moved on from the character on the statues to being mock-offended by the date the statue was erected.

Pathetic as fuck. Yourself included for trying to justify this new-found tactic.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Sure, by whom? The younger generations don't share your same level of racism.
I don't think it's right that they're being removed, but at least they have their councils voting on it, by people the citizens of the town have elected.

Instead of vigilante mobs just deciding to tear stuff down they don't like.

That's not me saying I agree with it but it makes it more palatable than the hate mobs of lefties taking the law into their own hands.

That's not to say that if the council votes the way they don't like they wouldn't rip the statues down anyway. I'd predict that 100% but that's a different debate when that happens.
Why shouldn't they be removed? Are you aware of their real history? It's not a battlefield history.

Most of those monuments were commissioned, mass produced, and put out well after the Civil War. States that did not even exist (or that were Union) were "gifted" with these monuments.

In our country at least, monuments to war dead are typically placed in cemataries or battlefield sites. These were not. Why...?

Their real history? can you give me the real history then and not a warped, deluded, leftist, woke/cancel culture version of their history?

For example there's statues in the UK that the lunatics want down because he owned a company that had traded slaves, yet it's outside a University and the reason it's outside the University in the first place is because of funds that he set up (that's still going to this day) to put students through Uni that wouldn't otherwise afford it.

That's one example.

So if you fancy giving me a history lesson, give me a complete one with all the context, please.
I have no idea what goes down in the UK regarding statues. However, the confederate memorials have quite a history outside of the Civil War. The article I linked to provides the context.

Do you need more?
OK I've read the article and it's complete horseshit.

The issue isn't with who it is on the statue, but the date that it was put up? so not only are the lunatics getting offended by who's on the statues, just to be extra safe complain about the date and that because the statue was erected towards the end of Jim Crow then it needs to go?

I perhaps gave you more credit than I should have when I started to engage with you.

Specifically HOW is it complete horseshit?

The issue is multiple:

Battle commemorations in the US are typically put up in cemataries or battlefield sites. Not these.

The latest of these "monuments" were erected in 2000.

There was a flurry of new monuments at critical civil rights remind blacks of their place I suspect.

Monuments were errected in states that fought for the Union and in states that did particiapte or did not even exist at the time of the Civil War.

These monuments commerate traitors, plain and simple, and no matter how you try to white wash it - they fought for the right to continue to keep slaves. That's the black and white of it.

Don't worry about giving me credit, I don't give you much.
I told you specifically how it's horse shit.

The looney left have now moved on from the character on the statues to being mock-offended by the date the statue was erected.

Pathetic as fuck. Yourself included for trying to justify this new-found tactic.

So a flurry of new statues at specific times coinciding with Civil Rights (well after the war) means nothing?

How about putting those monuments in states that did not even support them or exist?

How about simply this - in the US, the confederacy is not some "noble lost cause" - that's the white wash propoganda. They fought, specificaly, for the right to keep slaves. Every one of those monuments is a reminder to the descendents of slaves, who are, I might add - American citizens as well.

I have no issue with Confederate memorials marking battle sites, or in the cemetaries holding them or in museums. But other than that? If the local people don't want it, let them remove it. It commemorates slavery.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
Yes, that they were erected years after the Civil War as a white reminder of Jim Crow.

The young kids get that.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
Yes, that they were erected years after the Civil War as a white reminder of Jim Crow.

The young kids get that.
mayber it as just becasue they faiught in a war,. they all had relatives too.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Sure, by whom? The younger generations don't share your same level of racism.
You must be kidding...check with the black and Hispanic youth and witness racism on a par with the white south in the 40's....white folks are open game today....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Sure, by whom? The younger generations don't share your same level of racism.
You must be kidding...check with the black and Hispanic youth and witness racism on a par with the white south in the 40's....white folks are open game today....
Check in???

I have young kids and your assertion is total BS
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Sure, by whom? The younger generations don't share your same level of racism.
You must be kidding...check with the black and Hispanic youth and witness racism on a par with the white south in the 40's....white folks are open game today....
Check in???

I have young kids and your assertion is total BS
That's your opinion....
I don't think it's right that they're being removed, but at least they have their councils voting on it, by people the citizens of the town have elected.

Instead of vigilante mobs just deciding to tear stuff down they don't like.

That's not me saying I agree with it but it makes it more palatable than the hate mobs of lefties taking the law into their own hands.

That's not to say that if the council votes the way they don't like they wouldn't rip the statues down anyway. I'd predict that 100% but that's a different debate when that happens.
Why shouldn't they be removed? Are you aware of their real history? It's not a battlefield history.

Most of those monuments were commissioned, mass produced, and put out well after the Civil War. States that did not even exist (or that were Union) were "gifted" with these monuments.

In our country at least, monuments to war dead are typically placed in cemataries or battlefield sites. These were not. Why...?


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