statues being removed again

Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
Blacks had a much better life in America as slaves than they had in Africa as uncivilized savages....PERIOD!

You have to be a dumbass, redneck to say something that damn stupid.
I know it hurts your feelings but the fact is; slavery and the need for slaves proved to be an amazing opportunity for continues you prove itself today as NO black seeks to flee systemically racist America and migrate to Africa.

An ignorant, racist, dumbass, redneck should just keep your mouth shut and not let the world know howuch of an idiot you are.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
Can black people be racist?....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
You don't know what it was only know what you hear can't possibly know what it was like...did you know there were black combat units fighting for the south?....I bet you didn't know that....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
I'm not a starving, diseased, uncivilized savage or I certainly would be.
I'll spell it out using hypothetical trivia.
You're stranded on a deserted island with certain death looming over you...a ship pulls up and you're offered a simple trade...your labor for three hots a cot and a chance at survival. Do you turn down the offer? How many hopped aboard smiling ear to ear? Do we have these numbers?
Shit I'll bet I could come home with ship loads today from Africa if I went armed with that you are volunteering for OTHERS to be enslaved for your venefit by pretending it was/is good. First time I've heard from slavery apologists. And you wonder why you get called racist?

FYI...drom written accounts, there was no kind offer of trade. They were either sold into or born into slavery. No choice.

Dems see to it that this topic stays at the top of political discussion as there is no ‘TOOL’ more effective for Democrats. They have steered the narrative and wrote all the PC laws based on America’s "ugly past"....SLAVERY. BUT, can we be certain that it was as UGLY as Democrats tell us it was?
Has anyone been able to uncover the data....What percentage of slaves were mistreated by their slave owners?
What percentage preferred to escape a young death in Africa to trade labor for food, clothing, a warm bed, showers and survival?
What if the slavery narrative was debunked?
Democraps are only relevant thanks to the play on racism and slavery. They couldn't own blacks without it.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
Blacks had a much better life in America as slaves than they had in Africa as uncivilized savages....PERIOD!

You have to be a dumbass, redneck to say something that damn stupid.
I know it hurts your feelings but the fact is; slavery and the need for slaves proved to be an amazing opportunity for continues you prove itself today as NO black seeks to flee systemically racist America and migrate to Africa.

An ignorant, racist, dumbass, redneck should just keep your mouth shut and not let the world know howuch of an idiot you are.
Realists with balls are scary as fuck aren't can't imagine being disarmed of that ever so valuable race card can you?
Fuck, you might have to act right and learn how to lace up work boots without it.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
Slavery wasn't good by definition....It was good for jungle savages who were murdering and raping one another, who were dying of starvation and disease.
What else can I teach your dumbass?
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
Can black people be racist?....
No, we can hate
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
You don't know what it was only know what you hear can't possibly know what it was like...did you know there were black combat units fighting for the south?....I bet you didn't know that....
Hmmm, well I don't think being beaten, raped, maimed or working for free would be to good. I know what Jim Crow was like and I am pretty dn sure slavery was 10 times worse than that.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
Can black people be racist?....
No, we can hate
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
You don't know what it was only know what you hear can't possibly know what it was like...did you know there were black combat units fighting for the south?....I bet you didn't know that....
Hmmm, well I don't think being beaten, raped, maimed or working for free would be to good. I know what Jim Crow was like and I am pretty dn sure slavery was 10 times worse than that.
Would you have preferred to be chasing a Gazelle with a spear in your hunt for lunch?
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
Blacks had a much better life in America as slaves than they had in Africa as uncivilized savages....PERIOD!

You have to be a dumbass, redneck to say something that damn stupid.
I know it hurts your feelings but the fact is; slavery and the need for slaves proved to be an amazing opportunity for continues you prove itself today as NO black seeks to flee systemically racist America and migrate to Africa.

An ignorant, racist, dumbass, redneck should just keep your mouth shut and not let the world know howuch of an idiot you are.
Realists with balls are scary as fuck aren't can't imagine being disarmed of that ever so valuable race card can you?
Fuck, you might have to act right and learn how to lace up work boots without it.
What's scary about a redneck ass, racist coward on the internet
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
Blacks had a much better life in America as slaves than they had in Africa as uncivilized savages....PERIOD!

You have to be a dumbass, redneck to say something that damn stupid.
I know it hurts your feelings but the fact is; slavery and the need for slaves proved to be an amazing opportunity for continues you prove itself today as NO black seeks to flee systemically racist America and migrate to Africa.

An ignorant, racist, dumbass, redneck should just keep your mouth shut and not let the world know howuch of an idiot you are.
Realists with balls are scary as fuck aren't can't imagine being disarmed of that ever so valuable race card can you?
Fuck, you might have to act right and learn how to lace up work boots without it.
What's scary about a redneck ass, racist coward on the internet
That facts his courageous ass exposes you filthy fucks to.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
Slavery wasn't good by definition....It was good for jungle savages who were murdering and raping one another, who were dying of starvation and disease.
What else can I teach your dumbass?
That's funny, a stupid ass, racist redneck talking about teaching someone something. Somebody should have taught your dumbass something and you wouldn't be posting this racist bullshit.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
Blacks had a much better life in America as slaves than they had in Africa as uncivilized savages....PERIOD!

You have to be a dumbass, redneck to say something that damn stupid.
I know it hurts your feelings but the fact is; slavery and the need for slaves proved to be an amazing opportunity for continues you prove itself today as NO black seeks to flee systemically racist America and migrate to Africa.

An ignorant, racist, dumbass, redneck should just keep your mouth shut and not let the world know howuch of an idiot you are.
Realists with balls are scary as fuck aren't can't imagine being disarmed of that ever so valuable race card can you?
Fuck, you might have to act right and learn how to lace up work boots without it.
What's scary about a redneck ass, racist coward on the internet
That facts his courageous ass exposes you filthy fucks to.
You wouldn't know a fact if it kicked you in your dumb ass.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
Can black people be racist?....
No, we can hate
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Ya slavery was so good and all that shit. Why aren't you volunteering to be enslaved?
You don't know what it was like on every plantation in every state back then...all you know is the color purple....
I know only a fucking moron would think any part of slavery was good.
You don't know what it was only know what you hear can't possibly know what it was like...did you know there were black combat units fighting for the south?....I bet you didn't know that....
Hmmm, well I don't think being beaten, raped, maimed or working for free would be to good. I know what Jim Crow was like and I am pretty dn sure slavery was 10 times worse than that.
So why do you think black people can't be racist?...isn't that racist to suggest that they are so different that they can't be racist?....

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