statues being removed again

Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
Lexington Va., home of VMI and W&L University pretty much has no industrial base and depends on tourism mostly based on tradition and the Civil War. For the better part of 100 years almost everything in Lexington including the hospital has been named after VMI teacher and Civil War general Stonewall Jackson but Jackson's statue is gone and the cemetery has been renamed and Washington&Lee University might be changing it's name. The point is that if Lexington tourism depends on tradition what's going to happen when history and tradition disappear?
They will find something other than their racist history to make their money from.
I rest my case.
The rest of the country survives without using their racist past as a cash cow. You don't think the people of Lexington can do the same?
Maybe VMI can survive as a liberal college in uniform but I doubt it. Kind of cruel viewing Civil War history as a "cash cow" but now that you mention it why not bulldoze Gettysburg and build condos?
The heroes of Gettysburg defeated the racist traitors that wanted to destroy America. That's not the same as honoring racist traitors.
American Indians sometimes kidnapped slaves and committed unspeakable atrocities but we respect their heritage today. Yankee commanders authorized atrocities but they are considered to be heroes. American bigots would strip Southern people of their heritage and livelyhood even though slavery existed in the North as long as it did in the South. New England whalers transported slaves and New England factories prospered from cotton grown in the South. The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for the better part of 200 years was the Union Jack and sadly the Stars and Stripes. Before the civil war states rights was more important than anything that went on in Foggy Bottom. Generals Lee and Jackson fought for the Union but chose to side with their state when Lincoln seemed powerless to unite the country.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
The only two Kleagle's I know were both democrats and mentor's of Bill Clinton....but since you hide history from your eyes you may not know what I'm talking about....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
The only two Kleagle's I know were both democrats and mentor's of Bill Clinton....but since you hide history from your eyes you may not know what I'm talking about....
ok, klexter. sorry for guessing your rank wrong.

no which is it, is removing statues destroying history, or not?

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And it's the way it should be done, by a majority decision (as opposed to being torn down by a mob).
Most confederate statues were put up long after the civil war as a response to the growing civil rights movement of the time. The KKK supported the erection of all of them.
You mean democrats supported putting them up...the KKK lmao...southern dems put those up...tell the truth....
I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Back then, democrats were pretty racist. As always, if you will just point out the current democrats who share the racist views of the democrats back then, I won't vote for them.
View attachment 498975
Yes, I know you think mentioning Robert Byrd is supposed to make some kind of point, but it doesn't. Byrd realized he was wrong and for decades he was one of the strongest voices for equality that we had. Bringing him up has no more impact than mentioning that democrats were racist a hundred years ago, or mentioning that racist lady that started Planned Parenthood. Nobody cares.
Byrd realized he was wrong???are you kidding me?...people are losing everything to the cancel crowd because of attending a ball as a teen or saying something 20 years ago that snowflakes today can't don't give me that bullshit....every dem that nuzzled up to Byrd should be in the hot seat today if we are going to be sincere....and that includes Joe the finger...."realized he was wrong" what an idiot....
If you could only convince Dems of that. So far, only right wingers agree with you.
Lexington Va., home of VMI and W&L University pretty much has no industrial base and depends on tourism mostly based on tradition and the Civil War. For the better part of 100 years almost everything in Lexington including the hospital has been named after VMI teacher and Civil War general Stonewall Jackson but Jackson's statue is gone and the cemetery has been renamed and Washington&Lee University might be changing it's name. The point is that if Lexington tourism depends on tradition what's going to happen when history and tradition disappear?
They will find something other than their racist history to make their money from.
I rest my case.
The rest of the country survives without using their racist past as a cash cow. You don't think the people of Lexington can do the same?
Maybe VMI can survive as a liberal college in uniform but I doubt it. Kind of cruel viewing Civil War history as a "cash cow" but now that you mention it why not bulldoze Gettysburg and build condos?
The heroes of Gettysburg defeated the racist traitors that wanted to destroy America. That's not the same as honoring racist traitors.
American Indians sometimes kidnapped slaves and committed unspeakable atrocities but we respect their heritage today. Yankee commanders authorized atrocities but they are considered to be heroes. American bigots would strip Southern people of their heritage and livelyhood even though slavery existed in the North as long as it did in the South. New England whalers transported slaves and New England factories prospered from cotton grown in the South. The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for the better part of 200 years was the Union Jack and sadly the Stars and Stripes. Before the civil war states rights was more important than anything that went on in Foggy Bottom. Generals Lee and Jackson fought for the Union but chose to side with their state when Lincoln seemed powerless to unite the country.
Yes, there have been atrocities in every culture, but I'm not aware of any statues commemorating and honoring those Indians that kidnapped and committed those atrocities. No statues honoring the captains of those slave ships that flew the American flag. You have to consider the actions those statues are intended to honor. Fighting to keep slavery is not an action worthy of honor.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Why would they view them poorly? They should view the racist poorly who erected them.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
Blacks had a much better life in America as slaves than they had in Africa as uncivilized savages....PERIOD!
I know it hurts your feelings but the fact is; slavery and the need for slaves proved to be an amazing opportunity for continues you prove itself today as NO black seeks to flee systemically racist America and migrate to Africa.
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?

No, I don't think they will.

They won't learn that idiotic racial division in the early 1900's produced a great deal of monuments to the Confederacy ...
And more idiotic racial division will be precisely why they will never learn from that mistake ... :thup:

Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
And it's the way it should be done, by a majority decision (as opposed to being torn down by a mob).
Most confederate statues were put up long after the civil war as a response to the growing civil rights movement of the time. The KKK supported the erection of all of them.
You mean democrats supported putting them up...the KKK lmao...southern dems put those up...tell the truth....
I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Back then, democrats were pretty racist. As always, if you will just point out the current democrats who share the racist views of the democrats back then, I won't vote for them.
View attachment 498975
Yes, I know you think mentioning Robert Byrd is supposed to make some kind of point, but it doesn't. Byrd realized he was wrong and for decades he was one of the strongest voices for equality that we had. Bringing him up has no more impact than mentioning that democrats were racist a hundred years ago, or mentioning that racist lady that started Planned Parenthood. Nobody cares.
Byrd realized he was wrong???are you kidding me?...people are losing everything to the cancel crowd because of attending a ball as a teen or saying something 20 years ago that snowflakes today can't don't give me that bullshit....every dem that nuzzled up to Byrd should be in the hot seat today if we are going to be sincere....and that includes Joe the finger...."realized he was wrong" what an idiot....
If you could only convince Dems of that. So far, only right wingers agree with you.
You had better check the #walkaway numbers in the black Hispanic and working class democrat communities....
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
Do you think future Americans will learn about the statues' erection...the history behind that?
"The history"?
That Americans saved blacks in Africa from total despair, starvation, disease and sure death?
That blacks in America today are benefiting BIG TIME from the slave era?
That virtually no blacks have gone home to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
That history?
So you think 60yrs of benefiting out weighs 346yrs of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and discrimination.
So that would make you about 350 years old???...the fact is no one living today knows what it was like to live in the 1800' how can you make any judgment on it?....I get so sick of people taking today's feelings and attaching it to things that happened 150 years before you were born...grow up and get on with your life and leave people alone...get your fucking race hating out of our faces....
But it FEELZ so good for LefTards to continue believing that every slave got their ass beat everyday, that all black women were raped by evil whitey and that no slave was better off here in America.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
The only two Kleagle's I know were both democrats and mentor's of Bill Clinton....but since you hide history from your eyes you may not know what I'm talking about....
ok, klexter. sorry for guessing your rank wrong.

no which is it, is removing statues destroying history, or not?

What do you call removing statues books and works of art if its not destroying our history?....if you want to build a nation into something its first must remove what it once libs had better get over Trump and take a look at what you are pushing your nation into...because I guarantee you that you won't like it...

statues are still being pulled.
Yeah, and...? What seems to be the problem OP?
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
The only two Kleagle's I know were both democrats and mentor's of Bill Clinton....but since you hide history from your eyes you may not know what I'm talking about....
ok, klexter. sorry for guessing your rank wrong.

no which is it, is removing statues destroying history, or not?

What do you call removing statues books and works of art if its not destroying our history?....if you want to build a nation into something its first must remove what it once libs had better get over Trump and take a look at what you are pushing your nation into...because I guarantee you that you won't like it...
stop rambling, loser, address the question or fuck off.
Future Americans will learn about the statue removing and will view today's Americans that support this very's liberals will be ridiculed for their blindness corruption and fascist like behavior....
how can they learn about it, if there is not statue commemorating the removal of statues.
Because you fascist can hide history from your sensitive little eyes but you can't make it go away....
are you sure you want to go on with that line of reasoning"? maybe a klan meeting getting your talking points in order would be helpful, kleagle.
The only two Kleagle's I know were both democrats and mentor's of Bill Clinton....but since you hide history from your eyes you may not know what I'm talking about....
ok, klexter. sorry for guessing your rank wrong.

no which is it, is removing statues destroying history, or not?

What do you call removing statues books and works of art if its not destroying our history?....if you want to build a nation into something its first must remove what it once libs had better get over Trump and take a look at what you are pushing your nation into...because I guarantee you that you won't like it...
stop rambling, loser, address the question or fuck off.
What question asswipe?...

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