Stay on the Mexico Side of the Border and Keep Your Kids


See, I solved the issue with logic

Can't be any simpler than that. And makes sense. But liberals, their crooked "leaders" and their Deep State bosses need a show to make desperate political points from people's troubles. Their "logic" is evil and primitive but it works.
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Why not deport these families back to their nations, and work with the nation's they came from in order to ensure their safety ??The same demands we make on rogue nuclear states when it comes to inspections/verify, well the same should be done in consideration of reuniting these people with their nation's, and ensuring their safety upon that reunification.

We are one of the strongest nations in the world, and if we can't ensure these families safety back to their homeland, and then if have to "threaten" their government with sanctions etc if don't get their act together in regards to their citizens, then we are worthless as a nation.
I read today by august 30,000 kids detained.....I think the number of illegals reported here is way too guess is 40+ million
Democrats need to get to the negotiating table with Trump and the Republicans, and to work towards ending this thing.

Anyone not willing to negotiate are enablers of the problem, and they are guilty of using the children as a political tool in order to fight Trump.

Trump says he's waiting.

It's the Demon-crats move.
The regressives will continue to encourage more illegals to bring more kids across the border. They have to do their best to paint all illegals as victims.

These assholes want open borders, period. They won’t hesitate to sacrifice children to get that. Right now they are clamoring for one of these children to die while their illegal parent is in custody.
Not everyone crossing the border is an illegal. Some of these people are asylum seekers.

And even the people are illegals. It’s still inhuman to separate a child from their parent. Just because commits a crime doesn’t mean you can treat them anyway young want.

They can simply just ship them back to Mexico with their children.
I read today by august 30,000 kids detained.....I think the number of illegals reported here is way too guess is 40+ million

A far more realistic number, for sure. They've been using the stupid '11 million' number since the 1980's, like no new criminal illegals have come in since then. And add in the criminal aliens legalized by Carter and Reagan.
I like how racist the scum are, claiming that somehow letting Mexico take care of their own illegals problem is 'bad'. Isn't latino 'culture' supposed to be wonderful n stuff, and celebrated, not hated???

We can also note the 'progressives' and 'humanitarian' fakes aren't lining up to sponsor any of these families or their kids. Why is that, if they're so wonderful?
Democrats need to get to the negotiating table with Trump and the Republicans, and to work towards ending this thing.

Anyone not willing to negotiate are enablers of the problem, and they are guilty of using the children as a political tool in order to fight Trump.

Trump says he's waiting.

It's the Demon-crats move.

The Dimocrats think that this is a winning issue for them, but they are only getting more support from voters they already have in their pocket.

The rest of working class America wants the borders sealed so we can all get employed.

I feel the same way, though I have a job and will retire within the next five years, Lord Willing.

The only thing I would add is I would like to see Ryan, Pelosi, McConnel, Shumer and the top 100 CEOs of American corporations run a gauntlet of ten thousand workers swinging at them with belts.

These elitists are engaging in obviously fake outrage as they never let out a peep of protest while Obama did much worse to far more kids than Trump has.
If your ancestors had stayed where they were, you wouldn't be here.

Not everyone crossing the border is an illegal. Some of these people are asylum seekers.

And even the people are illegals. It’s still inhuman to separate a child from their parent. Just because commits a crime doesn’t mean you can treat them anyway young want.

They can simply just ship them back to Mexico with their children.
We can "just ship them back to Mexico with their children", and we should. Then they can present themselves at the border and request asylum as the law stipulates.

See, I solved the issue with logic


Might make sense to you, maybe it doesn't make sense to Mexicans.

But then when have Americans ever tried to understand things from someone else's point of view?

'Americans' are the most diverse and generous people in the history of the world - we thrive on differing points of view...but ignoring the law of the land is generally frowned upon. In this case it is those who are illegally sneaking in the back door and their enablers who are thumbing their noses both at Americans and our laws.

Do you leave your back door unlocked? your spare room to the 'public', do you feed, clothe and house all those who walk uninvited into your home?...does any one do that, or does any other country?

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