Steele Cleans House at Republican National Committee

Steele is the real deal.

Very bright, articulate, with a strong grasp of the current socio-poltical climate.

I am very pleased to see him get this opportunity to refocus the party.

A sharp dresser as well :)
Michael Steele, the new chairman of the Republican National Committee, has asked the entire staff to resign, FOX News has confirmed.

The move signals Steele's plan to reshape the party, which was trounced at the polls in 2006 and 2008.

As a black man from Maryland, a traditionally Democratic state, Steele has already brought a new face to the party

Steele Cleans House at Republican National Committee - Presidential Politics | Political News -

How did that all work out there willow?

Read 'em and weep, willow. lol
Steele is the real deal.

Very bright, articulate, with a strong grasp of the current socio-poltical climate.

I am very pleased to see him get this opportunity to refocus the party.

Well, the party is now more tolerant of lesbians...

...who strip...

...and get tied up...

...for money...
I posted it in February of 2009 you stupid dumb assed mother fucker.. Jeez

My apologies. Since this stupid dumb assed mother fucker is failing to see the relevance of said article more than a year later, I had to question why it was bumped.

I didn't do the bump. your stupid dumb azzed mother fucker of a friend did it.

ooh, the sweet music of a thinskinned can-dish-it-out-can't-take it pussy howling in pain!!!

My apologies. Since this stupid dumb assed mother fucker is failing to see the relevance of said article more than a year later, I had to question why it was bumped.

I didn't do the bump. your stupid dumb azzed mother fucker of a friend did it.

ooh, the sweet music of a thinskinned can-dish-it-out-can't-take it pussy howling in pain!!!


I'm not howling at anything dumb assed mother fucker, just clearing matters up for your dumb assed mother fucker of a friend. who thought it was mother fucking dumb to post an article from 2009,, but I say if the shoe fits.......:eusa_angel:
I posted it in February of 2009 you stupid dumb assed mother fucker.. Jeez

My apologies. Since this stupid dumb assed mother fucker is failing to see the relevance of said article more than a year later, I had to question why it was bumped.

I didn't do the bump. your stupid dumb azzed mother fucker of a friend did it.

Is this the language of a rational person ["your stupid dumb azzed mother fucker of a friend did it"]? Most likely not, in the language of the day such verbage is considered "ghetto".
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So all the RNC staff resigned?
He just hired this guy last month. And no, it's not the same guy he fired yesterday for the stripper bills.
The man recently hired by Michael Steele as a Republican National Committee fundraiser was accused in 2005 by a political action committee he chaired of improperly using PAC money on personal nightclub bills, according to a copy of the complaint filed against him.
Bank records obtained by TPMmuckraker show that Neil Alpert, who began working as Steele's "special assistant for finance" last month, used the debit card of the PAC he chaired at Washington's Dream Night Club, which is also known as Club LOVE. An online review describes the club's "four levels of state-of-the-art diversions and urban scenery [attracting] entertainers, pro athletes and DC's sexiest civvies."
FLASHBACK: New RNC Fundraiser Allegedly Spent PAC Money On Nightclubs | TPMMuckraker
The bottom-line is this: The RNC is currently in shambles.

And I LOVE it.

I'm happy with the selection of Steele. I think he's going to be great for the party and will steer the party away somewhat from the social agenda of the last eight years to concentrate more on important policy.

Ah, you are so right there.

The Bush years were marked by a Republican Party that had fallen prey to the desire of wanting to be popular. They seemed unwilling to accept the fact that the mainstream media would never portray them as anything more than inept. (which ironically caused them to be just that)

Oh please.

How much more of the GOP's failures during the Bush Administration are you going to blame on the media?

This is why you guys continue to get beaten. You fail to accept real responsibility for your failings. It's always the fault of some media conspiracy.

It's not like we don't have a bunked up war, massively inept federal response to the biggest natural disaster, or a plethora of other tangible facts to consider.
The bottom-line is this: The RNC is currently in shambles.

And I LOVE it.


I still remember a time when cons on boards like this one were having fun laughing at another Party Leader....

Oh, would that be Howard Dean, who was obviously mentally unstable because Sean Hannity played a clip of him going "Yeeeaaaaaarrggghhh!" a million times?

How did that work out for the GOP? How many times has Dean kicked their asses now?

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