Steele urged to label Obama a socialist

He shouldn't say anything he dosen't believe to be true.. Unlike obamalama I want a leader who isn't pressured into doing something he dosen't want to do.. We Republicans don't do that! We have morals. :eusa_angel:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Wow!!! Have you lived under a rock for the past 8 years???? Do you really think Bush ever had an original idea??? Doubt it, he did what Daddy's friends and Cheney told him to do for eight years!!! And besides....A politician with morals???? Thats about like being a fat kid who don't like cake!!!!
Can I ask the people calling Obama a socialist, can you please tell us what a socialist is ? Thanks.
They don't know what a socialist is or anything about socialism. Not a clue.
They are just using the words that the RW noise machine told them were the smears du jour.
"Socialist" has lost its edge. They will switch to another, soon.
At this point, I don't give a rats ass about Michael Steele. I don't give a rats ass about the republican party. Neither represent my thoughts or ideals anymore. My hope is that Steele just helps push more people towards a third party alternative. This demo, repub stranglehold on America is what has to go.
At this point, I don't give a rats ass about Michael Steele. I don't give a rats ass about the republican party. Neither represent my thoughts or ideals anymore. My hope is that Steele just helps push more people towards a third party alternative. This demo, repub stranglehold on America is what has to go.

They may have to regroup, the Republican party isn't what it used to be. I want the Republicans to get stronger but not with the leadership now in place. I can't say I'm completely happy with Democratic leadership in congress at this point either but I'd really hate a Repub majority with Boehner and McConnell.
At this stage I wonder how useful attaching labels is going to be. Most regular citizens do not know what they mean, or really care except at a reactionary level.

Somebody, somehow is going to tap into what is happening and lead. Right now, I don't see that coming from either of the current parties. And despite how things may appear I don't think the Dems are safe either.

The Congress has become a bit like Marie Antionette. And we know what happened in 1792.


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I posted it and I am not a Republican. Why is Steele acting like jello?

Hey Right wingers. Why are you keeping that spineless Jellyfish Michael Steele as one of your leaders?
Can I ask the people calling Obama a socialist, can you please tell us what a socialist is ? Thanks.

A socialist is one who believes in and practices socialism....I'd say these definitions apply to Obama....wouldn't you?


1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.

3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

socialism definition |
No one needs to label Obama a Socialist. His actions do and will speak clearly for themselves, leaving little doubt.

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