Steering Wheel Gate was a hoax.

You tell me. The driver said it never happened. Which of them lied?
The driver said he didn't see Benedict Donald lung at him or actually grab the steering wheel. Tony said "does not recall that he conveyed the information to Cassidy Hutchinson regarding the SUV." Hutchinson made it crystal clear that it was Tony who told her what he saw. There are witnesses who testified that Poor Benedict was extremely pissed off inside that SUV after he demanded to be taken to the Capitol and was denied by his SS detail.

Was Lame Duck Donnie charged with a crime over that?
As I've already said, folks, widen your gaze. Defenders of all things Don are jumping up and down about Cassidy being contradicted as if it is meaningful. It isn't. It does not discredit her first hand testimony about what she saw in person. Nor does it damage the credibility of the Jan. 6 committee's findings.

But the rubes think it does. Or at least they want to believe it does. More accurately put, THEY NEED TO BELIEVE IT DOES.
I agree, they should have never allowed testimony that was not verified to be true. By including this, they revealed that their intention was not to get the truth, but to destroy TRUMP!.
True! But only if they actually knew that it was not true, at the time.

I'm not certain they knew if that part was true or not, one way or the other at the time....

Hmmmmm, which means they should not have brought that part up at all, without some kind of verification....
As always at USMB, this OP and discussion reflects only one of the least real, most superficial media-obsessed aspects of the matter. I have always argued unsubstantiated reports of Trump’s supposed intention to “grab the steering wheel” was a discussion deflecting from the larger issues. I and others discussed this and other much more important aspects of the question way back in July 2022. I am speaking especially of a cover up by the Secret Service, and ultimately the mass media supporting both the Republican and Democratic parties:

If, as is alleged, the Secret Service official most close to Trump tried to take Pence away from the Capitol — not to “protect him” but so that Pence could not confirm the election results — and was stopped only by Pence’s own security officials and Pence’s insistence he remain, the American people should know all about it…
“I’m not getting in the car” — the “six most chilling words of this entire thing” according to one Jan 6 committee member.
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Good for her. People who do the right thing should be rewarded for it.
Bought and paid for Con Artist.

On another note, your Fascist leader is passing better not say mean words in Canada or ill throw you in jail.

Your country is toast.
I agree, they should have never allowed testimony that was not verified to be true. By including this, they revealed that their intention was not to get the truth, but to destroy TRUMP!.

If it wasn’t true, why did Tony Ornato not say so in his testimony? He only said that he couldn’t recall whether he told Cassidy Hutchinson that this happened.

If it was a lie and didn’t happen, why didn’t Ornato say so? To say that he doesn’t recall whether he told her or not it’s basically confirming that it happened.
Read her testimony

I’m not your nanny
I listened to a lot of her testimony as it happened, along with your cult blasting that Trump lunged at the driver in the Beast.

It was laughable then and now. Same on she wasnt even in the Beast.

Your just repeating Lies carried forward for the ORANGE MAN BAD CON GAME
Bought and paid for Con Artist.

On another note, your Fascist leader is passing better not say mean words in Canada or ill throw you in jail.

Your country is toast.

The anti-hate speech law has been in place since I was in high school you stupid dolt.

Ernst Zundall was jailed as aHolicaust denier when I was young adult. You can’t lie to the Canadian people and get away with it like you can in the USA.

You’re only 60 years behind the times. Do try to keep up.
They say this stupid shit with a straight face, manufacture outrage, and all the idiots believe it.
If it wasn’t true, why did Tony Ornato not say so in his testimony? He only said that he couldn’t recall whether he told Cassidy Hutchinson that this happened.

If it was a lie and didn’t happen, why didn’t Ornato say so? To say that he doesn’t recall whether he told her or not it’s basically confirming that it happened.
So now its Omato causing the Lie. That is why Judges throw hearsay out of court.

Lets do an example.

Were you in the Beast Cassidy?

No. But.....Stop there.

Did you see this happen.

No ...But... Stop there.

The Witness is dismissed and her lawyer is held in contempt for using a Hearsay witness.
Neither Ornato nor Engle has said under oath that the story was not relayed to Hutchinson as she stated

Until that happens , her account stands regardless of what they say on Fox or whatever
Engle said it didn't happen. Ornato says it didn't happen
Tony said "does not recall that he conveyed the information to Cassidy Hutchinson regarding the SUV." Hutchinson made it crystal clear that it was Tony who told her what he saw.

'Doesn't recall?'
Shades of Hutchinson first...and No?

Without being in that SUV myself, I sorta kinda hafta go with what has been reported by various news outlets AND, importantly, my impression of the testimony on the telly by Ms Hutchinson.

So, to cut to the chase: I believed Hutchinson told the Committee what she was told by the Secret Service agents.

Now, was there an actual 'wrestle'? I dunno, I wasn't there.

Nor was Hutchinson. She told us what she was told.
Why would a career political operative --who had worked for several Republicans on the Hill, and now was elevated to the White House to work for the CoS (a very good career track)...why would she throw it away for a fictional story she made up?


Versus a couple of old guy SS agents trying to impress a pretty young White Staffer with a story of daring-do?

Yeah, more plausible.


"Doesn't recall"?
Also, implausible.
How does she know Trump knew there were armed people in the crowd? For that matter, how would Trump know?

You Clowns are unhinged.

If you're not going to watch the Hearings or read the testimony, don't expect us to do your research for you. Stop being a lazy FuckBoi and do your own research.
Quote him testifying under oath that he didn’t relate that story .

Without that , none of her testimony can be impugned
ENgle's testimony was just released saying it didn't happen. THey are still looking to find where Lizzy buried Ornato's testimony.
The anti-hate speech law has been in place since I was in high school you stupid dolt.

Ernst Zundall was jailed as aHolicaust denier when I was young adult. You can’t lie to the Canadian people and get away with it like you can in the USA.

You’re only 60 years behind the times. Do try to keep up.
Then why the new Fascist? Dare to not call a trans a woman might OFFEND YOUR SORRY ASS. Off to jail.

Thats how Tyrants Silence any oposition.

We gonna have another North Korea to our North now.

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