Steering Wheel Gate was a hoax.

You idiot, she testified to what Ornato told her. She wasn't there.

But it is illegal to retell what someone told you.
That is 2nd hand hearsay and not allowed in a court of law.
The lawyers and judge should have all stopped her and warned her that she was breaking the law.
Sorry if I'm not keeping up. Had a few beers. :cool:

I thought the driver "testified"? Not sure if it was under oath or if implied...but I think testimony is assumed to be under oath?

“The driver testified that he specifically refuted the version of events as recounted by Hutchinson,” according to the report. “The driver of the SUV testified that he ‘did not see him reach [redacted]. [President Trump] never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all.’”

This doesn't seem relevant to me though. Cassidy didn't testify to what she saw Trump do or say in the vehicle, she testified as to what she claims Ornado told her.

Ultimately this is a he said she said scenario...unless of course evidence can prove one of them is lying. (Ornato or Hutchinson)

Its not really a HE said SHE said scenario. One of them was the driver... the other was not even there. So there IS That.

Also, the Jan 6 comittee lead by Pelosi decided to squelch the Drivers testimony and hold this womans 2nd hand account up as eveidence.
Anything that made TRump look bad would be accepted. Anything that was exculpatory would be rejected. We all saw that, and thats the whole point here. Thos eDemocrats are a bunch of douche bags. Winning is more important than letting the facts decide.
In your opinion, should he be in jail for grabbing the steering wheel, or for not grabbing the steering wheel?

Or just because you're an unintelligent fugly moron?

If you have ever actually seen a Suburban, you would know that its impossible to grab the steering wheel from the back seat.
Everyone should have known she was lying.
So then she should be charged with perjury.
The people who believe that also believe that Kyle Rittenhouse shot three unarmed black men in the streets too. The dumb is strong with them.

I am not following.
Rittenhouse shot 3 white men, and one did have a pistol, even though it was pointed up in the air.
But how does that change anything?
Kyle brought an AR-15 to a demonstration, so was a clear and present danger to everyone there.
I am not following.
Rittenhouse shot 3 white men, and one did have a pistol, even though it was pointed up in the air.
But how does that change anything?
Kyle brought an AR-15 to a demonstration, so was a clear and present danger to everyone there.
It was not pointed up in the air it was pointed at rittenhouse

He presented no danger to anyone
She wasn't there. She testified to what Ornato told her. He resigned. You're really dumb.
Basic law... Hearsay is not admissible in a court of law...

Basic law... Hearsay is not admissible in a court of law...

What court? It was the J6 investigation?
The lying bitch needs to be charged for lying under oath.

Those INVESTIGATING should be disbarred if they are lawyers before being corrupt politicians for this Hearsay BS
Which is the scam that we told you it was at the time. Ass wipe.
The Goldfish of the Neo-GOP truly love being lied to almost as much as hurling insults.

What charges against Benedict Donald were hinged on his alleged action after being told "no we're not taking you to the riot at the Capitol!"

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