Steering Wheel Gate was a hoax.

The driver did not testify. It was Cassidy that testified and swore to it.
Sorry if I'm not keeping up. Had a few beers. :cool:

I thought the driver "testified"? Not sure if it was under oath or if implied...but I think testimony is assumed to be under oath?

“The driver testified that he specifically refuted the version of events as recounted by Hutchinson,” according to the report. “The driver of the SUV testified that he ‘did not see him reach [redacted]. [President Trump] never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all.’”

This doesn't seem relevant to me though. Cassidy didn't testify to what she saw Trump do or say in the vehicle, she testified as to what she claims Ornado told her.

Ultimately this is a he said she said scenario...unless of course evidence can prove one of them is lying. (Ornato or Hutchinson)
She should be charged for perjury.
Hopefully TRUMP has someone keeping a list for all that revenge that's coming....;)
If by revenge you mean any charges levied and supported by due process via juries, when appropriate, in the jurisdiction for which the charged crime took place?

If so; yes I agree.

"In explosive testimony to the House Select Jan. 6 Committee, Hutchinson said she had been told by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato that then-President Donald Trump had lunged toward his Secret Service detail leader, Bobby Engel, inside a vehicle after Trump was informed he could not accompany a crowd....."

I see your blindness isnt improving
Every one of those on it belongs in prison. The entire thing was a lie and fraud.
The still remaining fact is that (on jan 6th) Trump specifically and repeatedly requested to be taken to the Capitol. He was insistent and angry, and continued to push to travel to the Capitol even after returning to the White House.

whether or not he lunged at the steering wheel is a trivial moot point. The current testimony transcripts have not been released, so we currently dont know what was really said, but instead just republican's cherry-picked report on what was said
Why are you so obsessed with shit that doesn't fucking matter??? Stop wasting time with irrelevant bullshit.
You were obsessed with it when these clowns were lying, Moron.

Now that you have been exposed as a dupe you want everyone to just forget it.
No, she did not lie you moron conspiracy theorist. She repeated what she was told. She made that crystal clear in her testimony.
No stupid, she made up a story and claimed she was told it.

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