Stephen Miller’s Affinity for White Nationalism Revealed in Leaked Emails

You could almost get away with nationalism = patriotism....almost. When you throw in the "white" part, you expose yourself as a racist.
Course YOU guys on the left threw in the White part.

You're being dishonest when when you do, and that's the point.

No, that's being accurate. Steven Miller is straight up racist.
Do you have a single quote by miller to back up that false accusation?

We have his emails...

If it’s true and he’s genuinely pushing the Make America White Again mantra, I like him even more now....If he runs for POTUS he’d garner my vote on that alone....Piss yourself yet?

Why on earth would I "piss" myself over racists like you? You're not worth scraping off my shoe. Dog shit has more worth.
White Nationalism is just patriotism redefined by Democrats.
They figured out a way to make people who love America appear racist.
Typical commie tactic. Turn malcontents and rejects into people to be held in high regard and give them license to cast aspersions on anyone who is good and decent.

You could almost get away with nationalism = patriotism....almost. When you throw in the "white" part, you expose yourself as a racist.
Course YOU guys on the left threw in the White part.

You're being dishonest when when you do, and that's the point.

No, that's being accurate. Steven Miller is straight up racist.
Do you have a single quote by miller to back up that false accusation?

We have his emails...
Define the term white nationalist

The left conflates white nationalism with white supremacy and they are not the same

Define white nationalism if you can

Not one of millers emails proves he is anything except an opponent of the illegal alien invasion
You could almost get away with nationalism = patriotism....almost. When you throw in the "white" part, you expose yourself as a racist.
Course YOU guys on the left threw in the White part.

You're being dishonest when when you do, and that's the point.

No, that's being accurate. Steven Miller is straight up racist.
Do you have a single quote by miller to back up that false accusation?

We have his emails...

If it’s true and he’s genuinely pushing the Make America White Again mantra, I like him even more now....If he runs for POTUS he’d garner my vote on that alone....Piss yourself yet?
ending the illegal alien invasion cannot “make America white again”

But allowing it to continue will change our demographics

making open border quislings the racial aggressors
White Nationalism is just patriotism redefined by Democrats.
They figured out a way to make people who love America appear racist.
Typical commie tactic. Turn malcontents and rejects into people to be held in high regard and give them license to cast aspersions on anyone who is good and decent.

You could almost get away with nationalism = patriotism....almost. When you throw in the "white" part, you expose yourself as a racist.
Course YOU guys on the left threw in the White part.

You're being dishonest when when you do, and that's the point.

No, that's being accurate. Steven Miller is straight up racist.
Do you have a single quote by miller to back up that false accusation?

We have his emails...
Yes.....the Washington Compost claims they have racist emails from Miller.

So essentially, you have jack squat.
Course YOU guys on the left threw in the White part.

You're being dishonest when when you do, and that's the point.

No, that's being accurate. Steven Miller is straight up racist.
Do you have a single quote by miller to back up that false accusation?

We have his emails...

If it’s true and he’s genuinely pushing the Make America White Again mantra, I like him even more now....If he runs for POTUS he’d garner my vote on that alone....Piss yourself yet?

Why on earth would I "piss" myself over racists like you? You're not worth scraping off my shoe. Dog shit has more worth.
Jesus are such a racist bitch!!!
Define the term white nationalist

white nationalist
one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation
In that case miller is not a white nationalist

He wants to preserve white culture that this country is founded on which is under attack from globalist on the left

With controlled immigration that admits only the best a the brightest many non whites will be able to come here and contribute
If we have a white nationalist at the helm of US immigration policy, policy will become increasingly more fascisticSo long as Stephen Miller is in charge... hundreds of thousands of people's lives are going to be in danger.
Stephen Miller emailed Breitbart 900+ times from 2015-2016 to lay out his anti-immigrant policies. His source material included: -White nationalist websites
-A “white genocide”-themed novel
-Eugenics-era laws that Adolf Hitler lauded in “Mein Kampf.”

Stephen Miller’s Affinity for White Nationalism Revealed in Leaked Emails

What’s wrong with being a nationalist?

It’s okay for you to be a Marxist, globalist scumbag and un-American.
i created the thread, "The Case For Economic Nationalism"...thats different than being a white nationalist
The travel ban. Family separation. Caging children. Asylum limits. Blocking refugees. Ending TPS & DACA. Xenophobic rhetoric. Demonizing Latinos. This is all Stephen Miller. This is what happens when a white nationalist oversees federal policy.

Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

Miller will make a great President someday.
he already is writing Trump's policies and speeches. its like he is president!

what about Bannon? or Milo?
This little racist weasel is still whispering in Trump's ear
Miller recommended in a Sept. 6, 2015, email that Breitbart write about “The Camp of the Saints,” a racist French novel by Jean Raspail. Notably, “The Camp of the Saints” is popular among white nationalists and neo-Nazis because of the degree to which it fictionalizes the “white genocide” or “great replacement” myth into a violent and sexualized story about refugees.

Stephen Miller’s Affinity for White Nationalism Revealed in Leaked Emails

At the start of the email chain in which Miller touts the novel, he sends McHugh and Breitbart editor Julia Hahn a National Journal article on Iowans debating immigration at 8:03 p.m. ET on Sept. 1, 2015. McHugh replies:

McHugh, Sept. 1, 2015, 8:49 p.m. ET: “‘Next America.’ We’re being invaded and talked into tolerating it.”

Miller, Sept. 1, 2015, 9:01 p.m. ET: “It’s treated as organic. No mention of voluntary policy which can be shut off.”
This is proof the Good Lord put Trump in the White House to deny Hillary the chance to throw open the Southern border and flood Texas with Illegal Stalinist democrats
my friends, "white nationalism" is an invention of the left, to push an identity politics agenda!
Sassy Stephen Miller needs to write a resignation letter, take it to Trump, and shove it up Trump's ass, then primary Trump in 2020!

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