Why Are Trumpers So Quiet About Stephen Miller's Racism??

you keep forgetting but Free Speech is 'Stephen Millers' RIGHT unless YOU can show me different Biff .
…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

tariq nasheed, jared taylor segregation.jpg

Nancy Pelosi, Tariq Nasheed, Mechee X.png

'Anti-Racism Strategist' Tariq Nasheed Collides With 'White Advocate' Jared Taylor

Hello, my friends. The main purpose of this writing is to provide evidence exposing the nature and character of a fellow American citizen loudly declaring Racism, the concept of 'White Supremacy' or 'White Privilege', is impeding our black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from experiencing equality and respect, as well as achieving success in today's ever-evolving American society.

Recently I was listening to social commentator 'Tree of Logic' speak with alleged 'White Supremacist' Jared Taylor. (see included YouTube link)

Jared Taylor - Wikipedia

During their conversation I learned in February of 2018 'White Advocate' Jared Taylor and 'Anti-Racism Strategist' Tariq Nasheed, a loud voice representing America's large INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION and HATE practicing PRO BLACK community, got together sharing a discussion about race relations in America, as well as race relations on our planet.

Tariq Nasheed - Wikipedia

"Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"


Keeping it REAL, listening to Tariq sharing his thoughts and concerns I became embarrassed for him, as well as his large base of supporters and admirers.

In my opinion Tariq Nasheed is an emotionally troubled, $for-profit$, race-hustling clown. A man exhibiting childish behaviors while offering off-the-cuff, childlike arguments to support his views about "White Supremacy."

See for yourself...

"Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor" Streamed live on Feb 8, 2018 by Baked Alaska

Frankly, listening to Tariq Nasheed and Jared Taylor discuss historical, as well as current race relations on our planet, confirms my suspicions that Tariq, much like many of his fans and supporters, is not a well adjusted fellow citizen, nor is he interested in intelligently discussing issues affecting black American citizens.

In fact, YouTube personalty Ms. Cynthia G, a former Tariq Nasheed admirer, took the time to investigate Tariq's past, sharing with her fans what she believes is his documented criminal history of fraud, lies and deceptions:

"Tariq Nasheed: Hidden Criminal?" Published on Jun 5, 2018 by Cynthia G - 8,313 views

My friends, by sharing evidence of emotional illness and HATE depicted in this writing, I am hoping my responsible American neighbors will recognize that cries of RACISM and WHITE SUPREMACY are being exploited by apparent troubled Americans totally focused on lining their pockets with $$$.

Unfortunately, social media platforms like YouTube are incentivizing and $rewarding$ with cash, folks banging the Racism and 'White Supremacy' drums.

Sadly, over the past several years I've witnessed a growing number of black Americans choosing to join and CASH IN on the Racism, 'White Privilege' bandwagon. Attracting an audience by angrily offering history lessons about our evolving specie's ignorant, hateful past.

While IGNORING the hate existing in today's world.

I'm talking about Hate embraced by PRO BLACK minded Americans choosing to bully, intimidate, harass and denigrate as "C^^N, Uncle Tom and Sell-Out" our successful black American neighbors peacefully pursuing THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

I'm talking about the worst kind of human HATE. The HATE Child Abuse and Gun Violence Homicide victim Tupac Shakur includes in his often misinterpreted, much ignored T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* Public Service Announcement, applying to American and foreign born citizens of ALL backgrounds:

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur, American Urban-TRUTH-Teller

The good news is, a growing number of apparent responsible, caring black American men and women are speaking up, producing videos sharing their concerns about the harm single parenting is doing to many communities.

Hopefully, one day soon, Tariq will evolve into a responsible citizen, denouncing the fvvkery, while at the same time supporting and admiring his responsible fellow citizens choosing to peacefully experience life on their own terms.

"Tariq Nasheed gets DESTROYED by White Nationalist Jared Taylor - Shameful" Published on Feb 12, 2018 by The Amazing Lucas 42,574 views

"Jared Taylor Talks With Tree of Logic about Race Debates, White Victimhood and More" Published on Jan 24, 2019 by Tree Of Logic

If you listenin closely, this man speaks about VAST VOLUMES of HATE for white folks that currently exists in the heart of large numbers of black Americans.

"Tariq Nasheed vs Jared Taylor, NOW Y'ALL KNOW!"
Published on Feb 12, 2018 by Donovan Worland 12,821 views

Tariq Nasheed vs Jared Taylor, NOW Y'ALL KNOW!

Why do democrats say nothing about the virginia governor wearing blackface?

Why do democrats say nothing about bill mahr saying the "N" word on TV?
They did. So it's time for republicans to denounce Miller and for Miller to resign.
Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

As Maya Angelou said, when someone tells you who they are, believe them....Stephen Miller is a white nationalist -- and there is no way you can spin it. This isn't someone's opinion of him, this is Miller in his own words...

"An analysis of more than 900 emails from Miller to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist."

When 9 black church members were murdered by a racist coward in a South Carolina church -- the thing that Stephen Miller was most upset about was retailers removing confederate flags from their stores...how do I know this, because Miller said so -- "In June 2015, after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., Miller emailed McHugh (Breitbart editor) with an outraged message about retailers pulling Confederate flags from their stores, pointing her toward statistics on Confederate deaths in the Civil War. He then wrote to her about efforts to remove Confederate memorials" -- not once did he utter a word about the terrorist act that took 9 peoples lives; just his worry that his alt-right base might not have more access to their Confederate revisionist merchandise.

…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

Republicans who endorse this are pathetic... Republicans who remain silent about this are cowards.....period
His fellow white supremacists here at USMB will defend his racism.
If the Southern poverty law Center hates Miller he must be doing something right. Camp of the Saints is one of the greatest books ever written. It is available on line free. It should be required reading.
Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

As Maya Angelou said, when someone tells you who they are, believe them....Stephen Miller is a white nationalist -- and there is no way you can spin it. This isn't someone's opinion of him, this is Miller in his own words...

"An analysis of more than 900 emails from Miller to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist."

When 9 black church members were murdered by a racist coward in a South Carolina church -- the thing that Stephen Miller was most upset about was retailers removing confederate flags from their stores...how do I know this, because Miller said so -- "In June 2015, after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., Miller emailed McHugh (Breitbart editor) with an outraged message about retailers pulling Confederate flags from their stores, pointing her toward statistics on Confederate deaths in the Civil War. He then wrote to her about efforts to remove Confederate memorials" -- not once did he utter a word about the terrorist act that took 9 peoples lives; just his worry that his alt-right base might not have more access to their Confederate revisionist merchandise.

…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

Republicans who endorse this are pathetic... Republicans who remain silent about this are cowards.....period
His fellow white supremacists here at USMB will defend his racism.
----------------------------------------------- not racist as Stephen Miller just uses his FREEDOM of Speech as far as I am aware IM2 .
Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

As Maya Angelou said, when someone tells you who they are, believe them....Stephen Miller is a white nationalist -- and there is no way you can spin it. This isn't someone's opinion of him, this is Miller in his own words...

"An analysis of more than 900 emails from Miller to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist."

When 9 black church members were murdered by a racist coward in a South Carolina church -- the thing that Stephen Miller was most upset about was retailers removing confederate flags from their stores...how do I know this, because Miller said so -- "In June 2015, after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., Miller emailed McHugh (Breitbart editor) with an outraged message about retailers pulling Confederate flags from their stores, pointing her toward statistics on Confederate deaths in the Civil War. He then wrote to her about efforts to remove Confederate memorials" -- not once did he utter a word about the terrorist act that took 9 peoples lives; just his worry that his alt-right base might not have more access to their Confederate revisionist merchandise.

…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

Republicans who endorse this are pathetic... Republicans who remain silent about this are cowards.....period
Not a Republican, but Miller is not all bad-he treats illegal aliens the way they SHOULD be treated!
Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

As Maya Angelou said, when someone tells you who they are, believe them....Stephen Miller is a white nationalist -- and there is no way you can spin it. This isn't someone's opinion of him, this is Miller in his own words...

"An analysis of more than 900 emails from Miller to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist."

When 9 black church members were murdered by a racist coward in a South Carolina church -- the thing that Stephen Miller was most upset about was retailers removing confederate flags from their stores...how do I know this, because Miller said so -- "In June 2015, after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., Miller emailed McHugh (Breitbart editor) with an outraged message about retailers pulling Confederate flags from their stores, pointing her toward statistics on Confederate deaths in the Civil War. He then wrote to her about efforts to remove Confederate memorials" -- not once did he utter a word about the terrorist act that took 9 peoples lives; just his worry that his alt-right base might not have more access to their Confederate revisionist merchandise.

…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

Republicans who endorse this are pathetic... Republicans who remain silent about this are cowards.....period
Because they support it and agree with it.

Got any other softball questions?
Only a racist would disagree with the idea that white people have a right to self determination.
Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

As Maya Angelou said, when someone tells you who they are, believe them....Stephen Miller is a white nationalist -- and there is no way you can spin it. This isn't someone's opinion of him, this is Miller in his own words...

"An analysis of more than 900 emails from Miller to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist."

When 9 black church members were murdered by a racist coward in a South Carolina church -- the thing that Stephen Miller was most upset about was retailers removing confederate flags from their stores...how do I know this, because Miller said so -- "In June 2015, after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., Miller emailed McHugh (Breitbart editor) with an outraged message about retailers pulling Confederate flags from their stores, pointing her toward statistics on Confederate deaths in the Civil War. He then wrote to her about efforts to remove Confederate memorials" -- not once did he utter a word about the terrorist act that took 9 peoples lives; just his worry that his alt-right base might not have more access to their Confederate revisionist merchandise.

…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

Republicans who endorse this are pathetic... Republicans who remain silent about this are cowards.....period
Do you know the definition?
Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

As Maya Angelou said, when someone tells you who they are, believe them....Stephen Miller is a white nationalist -- and there is no way you can spin it. This isn't someone's opinion of him, this is Miller in his own words...

"An analysis of more than 900 emails from Miller to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist."

When 9 black church members were murdered by a racist coward in a South Carolina church -- the thing that Stephen Miller was most upset about was retailers removing confederate flags from their stores...how do I know this, because Miller said so -- "In June 2015, after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., Miller emailed McHugh (Breitbart editor) with an outraged message about retailers pulling Confederate flags from their stores, pointing her toward statistics on Confederate deaths in the Civil War. He then wrote to her about efforts to remove Confederate memorials" -- not once did he utter a word about the terrorist act that took 9 peoples lives; just his worry that his alt-right base might not have more access to their Confederate revisionist merchandise.

…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

Republicans who endorse this are pathetic... Republicans who remain silent about this are cowards.....period

first you need to tell me who the hell steven miller’s is before I care.
Only a racist would disagree with the idea that white people have a right to self determination.
Only a racist would assert that whites don't have that now.
Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

As Maya Angelou said, when someone tells you who they are, believe them....Stephen Miller is a white nationalist -- and there is no way you can spin it. This isn't someone's opinion of him, this is Miller in his own words...

"An analysis of more than 900 emails from Miller to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist."

When 9 black church members were murdered by a racist coward in a South Carolina church -- the thing that Stephen Miller was most upset about was retailers removing confederate flags from their stores...how do I know this, because Miller said so -- "In June 2015, after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., Miller emailed McHugh (Breitbart editor) with an outraged message about retailers pulling Confederate flags from their stores, pointing her toward statistics on Confederate deaths in the Civil War. He then wrote to her about efforts to remove Confederate memorials" -- not once did he utter a word about the terrorist act that took 9 peoples lives; just his worry that his alt-right base might not have more access to their Confederate revisionist merchandise.

…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

Republicans who endorse this are pathetic... Republicans who remain silent about this are cowards.....period
His fellow white supremacists here at USMB will defend his racism.
----------------------------------------------- not racist as Stephen Miller just uses his FREEDOM of Speech as far as I am aware IM2 .
You're a white supremacist so it's expected that you will try hiding under freedom of speech. So I tell you what, use your freedom of speech to tell a false statement about somebody that causes them harm and see what you get,
Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

As Maya Angelou said, when someone tells you who they are, believe them....Stephen Miller is a white nationalist -- and there is no way you can spin it. This isn't someone's opinion of him, this is Miller in his own words...

"An analysis of more than 900 emails from Miller to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist."

When 9 black church members were murdered by a racist coward in a South Carolina church -- the thing that Stephen Miller was most upset about was retailers removing confederate flags from their stores...how do I know this, because Miller said so -- "In June 2015, after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., Miller emailed McHugh (Breitbart editor) with an outraged message about retailers pulling Confederate flags from their stores, pointing her toward statistics on Confederate deaths in the Civil War. He then wrote to her about efforts to remove Confederate memorials" -- not once did he utter a word about the terrorist act that took 9 peoples lives; just his worry that his alt-right base might not have more access to their Confederate revisionist merchandise.

…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

Republicans who endorse this are pathetic... Republicans who remain silent about this are cowards.....period
Not a Republican, but Miller is not all bad-he treats illegal aliens the way they SHOULD be treated!
Perhaps the NA'S should have treated whites the same way and we wouldn't have these problems we have today.

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