Steve Bannon sentenced to 4 months in federal prison and fined $6,500, if he doesn't appeal, will have to report to prison no later than November 15

Yep. He's appealing and will win. Eric Holder snubbing a congressional subpoena will be used as grounds for appeal
He better have his tootbrush already packed & ready to go when the Appeals Court hands his ass back to him. Know what's even better? His ass buddy & partner in crime Trump can't do a thing about it.

What goes around comes around.
Nobody without a (D) by their name is ever going to get a fair trial in the District of Criminals Circuit Court....And those with the (D) are more than likely have their cases broomed.

Exactly the kind of corruption of justice that led to a revolutionary war, nearly 250 years ago.
The Judge cut his sentence & lowered the fine to next to nothing for a millionaire like Bannon.

Maybe you can go visit him & hold his hand in the slammer to help him get over his butthurt.
Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Putin, and XI on that we can agree. And we can throw in The Russian and Chicom Moles in The DOJ and FBI that helped launch a COUP against our Democracy.

BTW, what cray cray trumped up charges did they throw at Bannon?
Bannon will have the stink of Trump's ass on his face during those four months in the slammer to help remind him of the good old days.
as Matt Gaetz pointed out, the guy who investigated Bannon is a partisan Democrat who worked on Biden's 2020 campaign

witch hunt!

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