Steve Bannon - “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,”

Brannon's claim that we are not a nation of immigrants tries to do two things at once. Rewrite history and further divide the nation.

Our nation's population boomed in the one hundred years between 1845 and 1945. We did not breed our way to population prominence we were blessed by the gifts millions of immigrants brought. If you are 100% Native American you can excuse me now. But I'm guessing that the vast majority of the people reading this post right now have immigrant blood.

Now, why would Bannon like to ignore this fact? Dividing "citizen" from "immigrant" makes it easier for those who are frustrated and provincial to hate and fear the immigrant. It's funny how the most resistance to immigrants comes from parts of the backwater of this nation where there are the fewest immigrants.

Dividing people is a common tactic of authoritarians. We should resist authoritarianism in all its guises. Embracing authoritarians only serves to empower them. And that road leads to tyranny.
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We are also a nation of refugees. Under international law, that we have signed on to, we are obligated to grant refugee status to those escaping conflict zones.

Conflict zone??? HAHAHA. Talk about weasel words. All these illegals say they're from a conflict zone. THINK
The illegal immigration issue is really very easy to understand.
The Democratic Party regards educated middle class taxpayers as its enemy and uneducated third world welfare moochers as their allies.
Trump better crack down on illegals like he promised or bannon will challenge him for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Steve Bannon: 'We're a Nation of Citizens; We're Not a Nation of Immigrants' - Breitbart

nov 11 2017 Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon says the United States is a “nation of citizens” and “not a nation of immigrants” in Keith Koffler’s new book titled Bannon: Always the Rebel.

Bannon says, “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,” correcting what he believes is a common misperception. “So now we have to start to act like citizens come first. All policy should be oriented to making the working people in this country and the middle class in this country have a better shot at success. And we’ve gotten away from that. What we’ve done is brought in huge global competition for their jobs, for their schools.”

Bannon would get seriously thumped in the primaries.

Trump managed it for two reasons. First, he was already well known to the entire nation. Second, it was as much about voters voting against Hillary as it was people voting for Trump. Bannon could garner the hardcore social conservative. But none of the centrists would vote for him.
Bannon would get seriously thumped in the primaries.

Trump managed it for two reasons. First, he was already well known to the entire nation. Second, it was as much about voters voting against Hillary as it was people voting for Trump. .

The 2016 election was NOT about trump or hillary. It was about obama and his obvious america-hatred.
Trump better crack down on illegals like he promised or bannon will challenge him for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Steve Bannon: 'We're a Nation of Citizens; We're Not a Nation of Immigrants' - Breitbart

nov 11 2017 Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon says the United States is a “nation of citizens” and “not a nation of immigrants” in Keith Koffler’s new book titled Bannon: Always the Rebel.

Bannon says, “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,” correcting what he believes is a common misperception. “So now we have to start to act like citizens come first. All policy should be oriented to making the working people in this country and the middle class in this country have a better shot at success. And we’ve gotten away from that. What we’ve done is brought in huge global competition for their jobs, for their schools.”

Bannon is all talk. He couldn't bust a grape in Welch's backyard wearing cleats.
We are also a nation of refugees. Under international law, that we have signed on to, we are obligated to grant refugee status to those escaping conflict zones.

Conflict zone??? HAHAHA. Talk about weasel words. All these illegals say they're from a conflict zone. THINK
Your post said nothing. They are in fact leaving conflict zones from which the conflict is created/instigated by 50 years of US policy.

You didn't really say anything here. All you did was repeat a term I used and then refer to all refugees as liars.

It is impossible to make a more moronic argument. In fact anyone can do it. Watch. "Refugees? Hah. All refugees tell the truth."

It requires no evidence, just like my statement, and contributed absolutely nothing to the discussion.

There is a technical definition for refugee under international law and the vast majority of those coming from Central America qualify for this designation.

These refugees, influence your life in zero way. We, however, influence theres, by overthrowing their governments, installing dictators, giving those dictators weapons to kill their own citizens, making sure our businesses dominate their resources, etc.

The least we can do is take them and in reality we owe them billions in reparations and the dignity of an apology.

Or we can go with your answer. Every refugee, millions of people, man, women and child are liars.

Bannon would get seriously thumped in the primaries.

Trump managed it for two reasons. First, he was already well known to the entire nation. Second, it was as much about voters voting against Hillary as it was people voting for Trump. .

The 2016 election was NOT about trump or hillary. It was about obama and his obvious america-hatred.

Obama was not running.
Bannon would get seriously thumped in the primaries.

Trump managed it for two reasons. First, he was already well known to the entire nation. Second, it was as much about voters voting against Hillary as it was people voting for Trump. .

The 2016 election was NOT about trump or hillary. It was about obama and his obvious america-hatred.

Obama was not running.
America hatred? Yeah I am sure a multi-millionaire like Obama just hates America so much. Why hasn't he left now that hes a millionaire?
I'm just here to say I adore Steve Bannon .....he is the best... may GOD Bless him forever and ever.
We are also a nation of refugees. Under international law, that we have signed on to, we are obligated to grant refugee status to those escaping conflict zones.

Conflict zone??? HAHAHA. Talk about weasel words. All these illegals say they're from a conflict zone. THINK
Your post said nothing. They are in fact leaving conflict zones from which the conflict is created/instigated by 50 years of US policy.

You didn't really say anything here. All you did was repeat a term I used and then refer to all refugees as liars.

It is impossible to make a more moronic argument. In fact anyone can do it. Watch. "Refugees? Hah. All refugees tell the truth."

It requires no evidence, just like my statement, and contributed absolutely nothing to the discussion.

There is a technical definition for refugee under international law and the vast majority of those coming from Central America qualify for this designation.

These refugees, influence your life in zero way. We, however, influence theres, by overthrowing their governments, installing dictators, giving those dictators weapons to kill their own citizens, making sure our businesses dominate their resources, etc.

The least we can do is take them and in reality we owe them billions in reparations and the dignity of an apology.

Or we can go with your answer. Every refugee, millions of people, man, women and child are liars.


I'll ask you again, Hector Ortiz Camacho Gonzalez what part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been on the American taxpayer tit?
We are also a nation of refugees. Under international law, that we have signed on to, we are obligated to grant refugee status to those escaping conflict zones.

Conflict zone??? HAHAHA. Talk about weasel words. All these illegals say they're from a conflict zone. THINK
Your post said nothing. They are in fact leaving conflict zones from which the conflict is created/instigated by 50 years of US policy.

You didn't really say anything here. All you did was repeat a term I used and then refer to all refugees as liars.

It is impossible to make a more moronic argument. In fact anyone can do it. Watch. "Refugees? Hah. All refugees tell the truth."

It requires no evidence, just like my statement, and contributed absolutely nothing to the discussion.

There is a technical definition for refugee under international law and the vast majority of those coming from Central America qualify for this designation.

These refugees, influence your life in zero way. We, however, influence theres, by overthrowing their governments, installing dictators, giving those dictators weapons to kill their own citizens, making sure our businesses dominate their resources, etc.

The least we can do is take them and in reality we owe them billions in reparations and the dignity of an apology.

Or we can go with your answer. Every refugee, millions of people, man, women and child are liars.


I'll ask you again, Hector Ortiz Camacho Gonzalez what part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been on the American taxpayer tit?

Im not spanish you anti-american.

Morons like you. The rich are the ones not paying taxes buddy. And they are about to pay less on and the middle class tazes raised.

But Ill take you ignoring my comments as further evidence you simply are angry for emotional reasons.

I hope you are able to fill the void in your life with somethjing other than racism and ignorance.

Keep focusing on refugees while the rich rob you blind.
We are also a nation of refugees. Under international law, that we have signed on to, we are obligated to grant refugee status to those escaping conflict zones.

Conflict zone??? HAHAHA. Talk about weasel words. All these illegals say they're from a conflict zone. THINK
Your post said nothing. They are in fact leaving conflict zones from which the conflict is created/instigated by 50 years of US policy.

You didn't really say anything here. All you did was repeat a term I used and then refer to all refugees as liars.

It is impossible to make a more moronic argument. In fact anyone can do it. Watch. "Refugees? Hah. All refugees tell the truth."

It requires no evidence, just like my statement, and contributed absolutely nothing to the discussion.

There is a technical definition for refugee under international law and the vast majority of those coming from Central America qualify for this designation.

These refugees, influence your life in zero way. We, however, influence theres, by overthrowing their governments, installing dictators, giving those dictators weapons to kill their own citizens, making sure our businesses dominate their resources, etc.

The least we can do is take them and in reality we owe them billions in reparations and the dignity of an apology.

Or we can go with your answer. Every refugee, millions of people, man, women and child are liars.


I'll ask you again, Hector Ortiz Camacho Gonzalez what part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been on the American taxpayer tit?

Im not spanish you anti-american.

Morons like you. The rich are the ones not paying taxes buddy. And they are about to pay less on and the middle class tazes raised.

But Ill take you ignoring my comments as further evidence you simply are angry for emotional reasons.

I hope you are able to fill the void in your life with somethjing other than racism and ignorance.

Keep focusing on refugees while the rich rob you blind.

"The rich are the ones not paying taxes buddy."
You've already made a complete ass of yourself and lost all credibility here bud. Where do you go with your twisted bullshit now? Run while you can...haha

"An estimated 45.3 percent of American households — roughly 77.5 million — will pay no federal individual income tax.
On average, those in the bottom 40 percent of the income spectrum end up getting money from the government. Meanwhile, the richest 20 percent of Americans, by far, pay the most in income taxes, forking over nearly 87 percent of all the income tax collected by Uncle Sam.

The top 1 percent of Americans, who have an average income of more than $2.1 million, pay 43.6 percent of all the federal individual income tax in the US; the top 0.1 percent — just 115,000 households, whose average income is more than $9.4 million — pay more than 20 percent of it."

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