Steve Bannon - “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,”

As soon as the danger passes, the refugee should be packed up and returned to his or her homeland with whatever children they had while temporarily residing in this country.

You mean US citizens?
Refugees are not citizens. Perhaps they would prefer to put their children in the foster care system.

Most countries have a category for persons temporarily in the country and give birth. Since we don't, just treat them the same way any visitor is treated. Take your kid or give them up.
As soon as the danger passes, the refugee should be packed up and returned to his or her homeland with whatever children they had while temporarily residing in this country.

The problem is those shit holes are always in conflict.

We need to unsign these laws we are supposedly beholden to.
Go Steve are a winner! :clap:
You sound like a 4th grader.

to you perhaps ....are you a commicrat ?

God Bless Steve Bannon! :2up:
Yes, god wants us to turn are back on refugees fleeing violence we created. God wants us to draw borders and keep other humans out.


I love it....another not so clever attempt to relabel wetbacks..haha...First "Dreamers" and now "Refugees"....NOPE, still just wetbacks.
None qualify for or are granted asylum...try again oh desperate one.
Go Steve are a winner! :clap:
You sound like a 4th grader.

to you perhaps ....are you a commicrat ?

God Bless Steve Bannon! :2up:
Yes, god wants us to turn are back on refugees fleeing violence we created. God wants us to draw borders and keep other humans out.


I love it....another not so clever attempt to relabel wetbacks..haha...First "Dreamers" and now "Refugees"....NOPE, still just wetbacks.
None qualify for or are granted asylum...try again oh desperate one.

Refugee is a legal term, and not a new one, brainless.
In the post WWII era, "conflict zones" are low IQ savages having tribal disputes. Resettling the low IQ savages only confuses them and gets them angry when they see civilized, good looking people. A recipe for violent crime as the low IQ savages seek to assert themselves.

Odd, seems the US is involved in virtually every single conflict zone. Middle East, Asia, Central America and on and on. Seems to me WWII was pretty savage in itself.

Also odd that the US has shooters every week killing other Americans in psychotic nut job incidents.

Perhaps one day we can be more civilized like the average Peruvian, who never seem to get into trouble.

Racist idiot.

Are you saying that America is less civilized than the nations that still execute their gays? Countries where people live in mud huts.... people with average IQ of 80 (your IQ). People who eat rats and don't let women do almost anything.

Unbelievable, if you find the cultures so preferable, maybe you should start packing. Just a slight warning, there is a reason why everyone wants to get into USA, and no one wants to go out.
Go Steve are a winner! :clap:
You sound like a 4th grader.

to you perhaps ....are you a commicrat ?

God Bless Steve Bannon! :2up:
Yes, god wants us to turn are back on refugees fleeing violence we created. God wants us to draw borders and keep other humans out.


Any country worthwhile of saving has borders and does keep people out. Seems like Europe listened to God, and look at them now.
Trump better crack down on illegals like he promised or bannon will challenge him for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Steve Bannon: 'We're a Nation of Citizens; We're Not a Nation of Immigrants' - Breitbart

nov 11 2017 Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon says the United States is a “nation of citizens” and “not a nation of immigrants” in Keith Koffler’s new book titled Bannon: Always the Rebel.

Bannon says, “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,” correcting what he believes is a common misperception. “So now we have to start to act like citizens come first. All policy should be oriented to making the working people in this country and the middle class in this country have a better shot at success. And we’ve gotten away from that. What we’ve done is brought in huge global competition for their jobs, for their schools.”

Bannon would get seriously thumped in the primaries.

Trump managed it for two reasons. First, he was already well known to the entire nation. Second, it was as much about voters voting against Hillary as it was people voting for Trump. Bannon could garner the hardcore social conservative. But none of the centrists would vote for him.

I believe that Trump was elected because of his immigration message. Notice all the other candidates that danced around the issue during the debates?

We on the right wanted the border closed down and illegals removed. The other candidates were talking about immigration reform. Wait a minute.........when did you hear us scream about reform? We said nothing about reform. We said close the border down!!! Trump is the only one that addressed our concerns, and now he is President today.
Brannon's claim that we are not a nation of immigrants tries to do two things at once. Rewrite history and further divide the nation.

Our nation's population boomed in the one hundred years between 1845 and 1945. We did not breed our way to population prominence we were blessed by the gifts millions of immigrants brought.

Which was at a time when we did need immigrants. They are no longer needed today. Foreigners are not a gift to the US--us allowing foreigners to come here is a gift from the US to them.
Brannon's claim that we are not a nation of immigrants tries to do two things at once. Rewrite history and further divide the nation.

Our nation's population boomed in the one hundred years between 1845 and 1945. We did not breed our way to population prominence we were blessed by the gifts millions of immigrants brought.

Which was at a time when we did need immigrants. They are no longer needed today. Foreigners are not a gift to the US--us allowing foreigners to come here is a gift from the US to them.
So.add immigrants,to the list of things we no longer need. Trade unions, small farmers, environmental protections and immigrants.
Brannon's claim that we are not a nation of immigrants tries to do two things at once. Rewrite history and further divide the nation.

Our nation's population boomed in the one hundred years between 1845 and 1945. We did not breed our way to population prominence we were blessed by the gifts millions of immigrants brought. If you are 100% Native American you can excuse me now. But I'm guessing that the vast majority of the people reading this post right now have immigrant blood.

Now, why would Bannon like to ignore this fact? Dividing "citizen" from "immigrant" makes it easier for those who are frustrated and provincial to hate and fear the immigrant. It's funny how the most resistance to immigrants comes from parts of the backwater of this nation where there are the fewest immigrants.

Dividing people is a common tactic of authoritarians. We should resist authoritarianism in all its guises. Embracing authoritarians only serves to empower them. And that road leads to tyranny.

Oh the nobility pitch....your post made me all and warm and fuzzy for a minute...then reality hit.
The immigrants of old are definitely not the immigrants of today. Europeans are a far better quality human being than Mexicans...PERIOD!. Europeans came here with fishing pole in hand, ready to pull their own weight and eager to fit in with Americans. They didn't drop anchor babies they couldn't afford in the laps of American's. They weren't filthy, they didn't have the mentality of a human cockroach.
To this day, no one gives two shits about the illegal Europeans here. It's the filthy wetbacks that nobody legitimate's the filthy wetbacks who have spoiled it for all.

A short story:
An amazing family decided they should adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once you start adopting you can never stop. We don't care that you can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many you have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right LefTards?
Brannon's claim that we are not a nation of immigrants tries to do two things at once. Rewrite history and further divide the nation.

Our nation's population boomed in the one hundred years between 1845 and 1945. We did not breed our way to population prominence we were blessed by the gifts millions of immigrants brought. If you are 100% Native American you can excuse me now. But I'm guessing that the vast majority of the people reading this post right now have immigrant blood.

Now, why would Bannon like to ignore this fact? Dividing "citizen" from "immigrant" makes it easier for those who are frustrated and provincial to hate and fear the immigrant. It's funny how the most resistance to immigrants comes from parts of the backwater of this nation where there are the fewest immigrants.

Dividing people is a common tactic of authoritarians. We should resist authoritarianism in all its guises. Embracing authoritarians only serves to empower them. And that road leads to tyranny.

Oh the nobility pitch....your post made me all and warm and fuzzy for a minute...then reality hit.
The immigrants of old are definitely not the immigrants of today. Europeans are a far better quality human being than Mexicans...PERIOD!. Europeans came here with fishing pole in hand, ready to pull their own weight and eager to fit in with Americans. They didn't drop anchor babies they couldn't afford in the laps of American's. They weren't filthy, they didn't have the mentality of a human cockroach.
To this day, no one gives two shits about the illegal Europeans here. It's the filthy wetbacks that nobody legitimate's the filthy wetbacks who have spoiled it for all.

A short story:
An amazing family decided they should adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once you start adopting you can never stop. We don't care that you can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many you have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right LefTards?
There have always been xenophobes like you.
Geez, is that all you have to do is nit pick every freaking sentence ever written by Bannon? What would they do without Media Matters?
Brannon's claim that we are not a nation of immigrants tries to do two things at once. Rewrite history and further divide the nation.

Our nation's population boomed in the one hundred years between 1845 and 1945. We did not breed our way to population prominence we were blessed by the gifts millions of immigrants brought. If you are 100% Native American you can excuse me now. But I'm guessing that the vast majority of the people reading this post right now have immigrant blood.

Now, why would Bannon like to ignore this fact? Dividing "citizen" from "immigrant" makes it easier for those who are frustrated and provincial to hate and fear the immigrant. It's funny how the most resistance to immigrants comes from parts of the backwater of this nation where there are the fewest immigrants.

Dividing people is a common tactic of authoritarians. We should resist authoritarianism in all its guises. Embracing authoritarians only serves to empower them. And that road leads to tyranny.

Oh the nobility pitch....your post made me all and warm and fuzzy for a minute...then reality hit.
The immigrants of old are definitely not the immigrants of today. Europeans are a far better quality human being than Mexicans...PERIOD!. Europeans came here with fishing pole in hand, ready to pull their own weight and eager to fit in with Americans. They didn't drop anchor babies they couldn't afford in the laps of American's. They weren't filthy, they didn't have the mentality of a human cockroach.
To this day, no one gives two shits about the illegal Europeans here. It's the filthy wetbacks that nobody legitimate's the filthy wetbacks who have spoiled it for all.

A short story:
An amazing family decided they should adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once you start adopting you can never stop. We don't care that you can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many you have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right LefTards?
There have always been xenophobes like you.

That's it huh?
I made way too much sense...didn't I?
LefTards hate total logic...haha
Brannon's claim that we are not a nation of immigrants tries to do two things at once. Rewrite history and further divide the nation.

Our nation's population boomed in the one hundred years between 1845 and 1945. We did not breed our way to population prominence we were blessed by the gifts millions of immigrants brought. If you are 100% Native American you can excuse me now. But I'm guessing that the vast majority of the people reading this post right now have immigrant blood.

Now, why would Bannon like to ignore this fact? Dividing "citizen" from "immigrant" makes it easier for those who are frustrated and provincial to hate and fear the immigrant. It's funny how the most resistance to immigrants comes from parts of the backwater of this nation where there are the fewest immigrants.

Dividing people is a common tactic of authoritarians. We should resist authoritarianism in all its guises. Embracing authoritarians only serves to empower them. And that road leads to tyranny.

Oh the nobility pitch....your post made me all and warm and fuzzy for a minute...then reality hit.
The immigrants of old are definitely not the immigrants of today. Europeans are a far better quality human being than Mexicans...PERIOD!. Europeans came here with fishing pole in hand, ready to pull their own weight and eager to fit in with Americans. They didn't drop anchor babies they couldn't afford in the laps of American's. They weren't filthy, they didn't have the mentality of a human cockroach.
To this day, no one gives two shits about the illegal Europeans here. It's the filthy wetbacks that nobody legitimate's the filthy wetbacks who have spoiled it for all.

A short story:
An amazing family decided they should adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once you start adopting you can never stop. We don't care that you can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many you have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right LefTards?
There have always been xenophobes like you.

That's it huh?
I made way too much sense...didn't I?
LefTards hate total logic...haha
Contrarily you made assumptions. What was it you said about Mexicans? What comparisons did you make between Mexicans and Europeans? Do you expect anyone to respect those claims and debate you based on that attitude? Far from making sense, far from showing any respect to me or to immigrants, you have shown yourself to be a shallow thinker on an epic scale.

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