Steve Doocy reads Republican talking points memo on air

One can only watch black pot Jon Stewart making fun of ebony kettle Fox News for being a partisan whore with a great deal of irony.

Right, because the Daily Show often proclaims loudly how fair and balanced the show is...........:eusa_whistle:
When the president is causing the dollar to be devalued by over printing it yes it is obama's fault.

Oh Rebby, of COURSE you'd say that! It's not like your opinions are your own. Here watch:

Name three worst things Obama has done:
Now name the three best things Obama has done:

Yeah. There ya go.
DERP try again.what happens when you print more and more dollars? You do realize the dollar is the currency that is used in oil transactions?

Nice dodge. Again. The original position was that Bush was not blamed but Obama is. You changed the subject because you didn't like the obvious. And now you continue to ask questions as a means of dodging the original point.

You ARE very adept though! :eusa_angel:
Oh Rebby, of COURSE you'd say that! It's not like your opinions are your own. Here watch:

Name three worst things Obama has done:
Now name the three best things Obama has done:

Yeah. There ya go.
DERP try again.what happens when you print more and more dollars? You do realize the dollar is the currency that is used in oil transactions?

Nice dodge. Again. The original position was that Bush was not blamed but Obama is. You changed the subject because you didn't like the obvious. And now you continue to ask questions as a means of dodging the original point.

You ARE very adept though! :eusa_angel:
If you consider facts a dodge I can't help you with that. Facts are facts
DERP try again.what happens when you print more and more dollars? You do realize the dollar is the currency that is used in oil transactions?

Nice dodge. Again. The original position was that Bush was not blamed but Obama is. You changed the subject because you didn't like the obvious. And now you continue to ask questions as a means of dodging the original point.

You ARE very adept though! :eusa_angel:
If you consider facts a dodge I can't help you with that. Facts are facts

no. I consider facts to be facts. I consider changing the subject a dodge. The subject isn't what you changed it to be, it is what it was before you changed it.
So you think that the high gas price, high food prices, high unemployment, and massive debt are indicators of good things?

That's not the point. The point is the blatant republican control of Fox News revealed.

That and laughing your ass off at the biting political satire of Mr. Jon Stewart. That dude rocks! :rock:

have you heard about the studies done by UCLA and Harvard that put FOX as the most balanced news outlet?

Did you see this?;

[ame=]Clinton Thinks FOX News is Still Fair and Balanced - YouTube[/ame]

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton says FOX is the most balanced and fair.

The Official FOX edit of candidate Hillary's take on the media treatment of then candidate Sarah "nice rack" Palin?

So you think that the high gas price, high food prices, high unemployment, and massive debt are indicators of good things?

That's not the point. The point is the blatant republican control of Fox News revealed.

That and laughing your ass off at the biting political satire of Mr. Jon Stewart. That dude rocks! :rock:

And the blatant control of the REST of the media by the DNC and Media Matters???

Is a whole 'nother issue. It's no secret that any given media outlet is run by humans with varying levels of integrity and resources available to them to dedicate to the agenda of whatever organization is signing the paychecks of the editors.

We was talkin' 'bout FOX and how funny they look trying to pretend they're not the mouthpiece of republicanism.
Nice dodge. Again. The original position was that Bush was not blamed but Obama is. You changed the subject because you didn't like the obvious. And now you continue to ask questions as a means of dodging the original point.

You ARE very adept though! :eusa_angel:
If you consider facts a dodge I can't help you with that. Facts are facts

no. I consider facts to be facts. I consider changing the subject a dodge. The subject isn't what you changed it to be, it is what it was before you changed it.

The only one that changed the subject was you by claiming I did. so shut the fuck up.
Why is obama devaluing the dollar?
If you consider facts a dodge I can't help you with that. Facts are facts

no. I consider facts to be facts. I consider changing the subject a dodge. The subject isn't what you changed it to be, it is what it was before you changed it.

The only one that changed the subject was you by claiming I did. so shut the fuck up.
Why is obama devaluing the dollar?

Awww. You're sensitive and emotional! Are you gay? Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't stereotype and honestly, I'm not judging if you are. It's perfectly okay with me! I have friends who are gay so I'm no hater!

So let's see. Hmmm. I posted:
They didn't blame Bush but now they blame Obama.
You replied:
I don't want to talk about the fact we didn't blame Bush! So I'll discuss currency! Screw the fact that we didn't blame Bush! No NO No! That makes us look stupid and hypocritical! Lets not discuss that! Currency! That's it! Yeah.

:lol: You're cute. But you know, you guys usually are. Drive a VW Beetle convertible, do you? Don't get me wrong, they're great cars! Light blue? Pink maybe? :eusa_whistle:
no. I consider facts to be facts. I consider changing the subject a dodge. The subject isn't what you changed it to be, it is what it was before you changed it.

The only one that changed the subject was you by claiming I did. so shut the fuck up.
Why is obama devaluing the dollar?

Awww. You're sensitive and emotional! Are you gay? Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't stereotype and honestly, I'm not judging if you are. It's perfectly okay with me! I have friends who are gay so I'm no hater!

So let's see. Hmmm. I posted:
They didn't blame Bush but now they blame Obama.
You replied:
I don't want to talk about the fact we didn't blame Bush! So I'll discuss currency! Screw the fact that we didn't blame Bush! No NO No! That makes us look stupid and hypocritical! Lets not discuss that! Currency! That's it! Yeah.

:lol: You're cute. But you know, you guys usually are. Drive a VW Beetle convertible, do you? Don't get me wrong, they're great cars! Light blue? Pink maybe? :eusa_whistle:
Talk about changing the subject. Are you making as hit on me? Don't bother sugar britches I am a happily married man. Still not going to change the fact obama is devaluing the dollar making gas cost more.
Nice dodge. Again. The original position was that Bush was not blamed but Obama is. You changed the subject because you didn't like the obvious. And now you continue to ask questions as a means of dodging the original point.

You ARE very adept though! :eusa_angel:

I love the liberal turds argue:

When a Republican is in office, they vilify him for every bad thing that happens, from psoriasis to hurricanes.

When a Democrat is in office and the exact same things occur, they defend their hero to the hilt. When it's pointed out that if the Republican was to blame then the Democrat is also to blame, they claim you're being hypocritical.

Libturds are such a riot!
Nice dodge. Again. The original position was that Bush was not blamed but Obama is. You changed the subject because you didn't like the obvious. And now you continue to ask questions as a means of dodging the original point.

You ARE very adept though! :eusa_angel:

I love the liberal turds argue:

When a Republican is in office, they vilify him for every bad thing that happens, from psoriasis to hurricanes.

When a Democrat is in office and the exact same things occur, they defend their hero to the hilt. When it's pointed out that if the Republican was to blame then the Democrat is also to blame, they claim you're being hypocritical.

Libturds are such a riot!

I love that brain-washed mindless drones label anyone who writes something they don't like as Liberal because they're such weak little pussies when it comes to facts and issues, it's all they have!

I did not and do not hold Bush responsible for the price increases that occured when he was president (thus blowing the idiots position outta the water).
Neither did ConservaRepubs.
I ALSO did not and do not hold Obama responsible and for the same reasons.
Whackjob retards now hold Obama responsible and claim it is the "Libturds" who are hypocrites! :lol:
But of course, they're too stupid and weak to actually address they issue or point.
Nice dodge. Again. The original position was that Bush was not blamed but Obama is. You changed the subject because you didn't like the obvious. And now you continue to ask questions as a means of dodging the original point.

You ARE very adept though! :eusa_angel:

I love the liberal turds argue:

When a Republican is in office, they vilify him for every bad thing that happens, from psoriasis to hurricanes.

When a Democrat is in office and the exact same things occur, they defend their hero to the hilt. When it's pointed out that if the Republican was to blame then the Democrat is also to blame, they claim you're being hypocritical.

Libturds are such a riot!

I love that brain-washed mindless drones label anyone who writes something they don't like as Liberal because they're such weak little pussies when it comes to facts and issues, it's all they have!

I did not and do not hold Bush responsible for the price increases that occured when he was president (thus blowing the idiots position outta the water).
Neither did ConservaRepubs.
I ALSO did not and do not hold Obama responsible and for the same reasons.
Whackjob retards now hold Obama responsible and claim it is the "Libturds" who are hypocrites! :lol:
But of course, they're too stupid and weak to actually address they issue or point.

Steve Doocy is offering further evidence that Fox News acts as the communications arm of the Republican Party. This morning the Fox & Friends host read directly from a "pundit prep" document provided to him by the Republican National Committee: "They said the three best ways to define the Barack Obama economy: the national debt, (which is skyrocketing), the unemployment (which is north of 8 percent), and gas prices":

Fox Economic Coverage Mimics GOP Strategy Memo | Media Matters for America

well if i want to see the Democrats talking points all i have to do is follow your posts.....
Steve Doocy is offering further evidence that Fox News acts as the communications arm of the Republican Party. This morning the Fox & Friends host read directly from a "pundit prep" document provided to him by the Republican National Committee: "They said the three best ways to define the Barack Obama economy: the national debt, (which is skyrocketing), the unemployment (which is north of 8 percent), and gas prices":

Fox Economic Coverage Mimics GOP Strategy Memo | Media Matters for America

from media matters?... man thats ric:lol:h...I KNOW you don't know what the word irony means but heres hoping you'll go look it up....
Steve Doocy is offering further evidence that Fox News acts as the communications arm of the Republican Party. This morning the Fox & Friends host read directly from a "pundit prep" document provided to him by the Republican National Committee: "They said the three best ways to define the Barack Obama economy: the national debt, (which is skyrocketing), the unemployment (which is north of 8 percent), and gas prices":

Fox Economic Coverage Mimics GOP Strategy Memo | Media Matters for America

The board member with the political IQ of a handball comes up big again!!!

s0n....this is a POLITICS forum. You can throw bombs from this stupid forum for years.......not going to change the ratings at FOX which dominate that k00k channel you watch every night!!

This is a topic for the nether regions of the internet only...........and only far left nutters care about it.:eusa_dance:

It is kinda funny too you reference Media Matters..........the stalwart of unbiased reporting!!:D:D:D
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Steve Doocy is offering further evidence that Fox News acts as the communications arm of the Republican Party. This morning the Fox & Friends host read directly from a "pundit prep" document provided to him by the Republican National Committee: "They said the three best ways to define the Barack Obama economy: the national debt, (which is skyrocketing), the unemployment (which is north of 8 percent), and gas prices":

Fox Economic Coverage Mimics GOP Strategy Memo | Media Matters for America
So, what's wrong with the truth? OH, right, dimwits hate the truth. Have a nice day.
On FOX News and Friends, the host actually read out loud a "Pundit Prep Sheet" put out by the GOP. Oops!

Jon Stewart on Fox News 'pundit prep' -

For those of you who might say "Well it's on Politico or The Daily Show, keep in mind the clip is from FOX News.

I wonder if there is any similarity between the what the Thought Masters put out and what ConservaRepubs post here....

Und der Katze sagt:

With the right-wing rank-and-file, it's usually something like "Ook! Ook! Eek! Eek!," and then some anti-Obama nonsense.
yea thats it.......what else did the Kat say?....

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