Steve Doocy reads Republican talking points memo on air

Doocy gave away the game.

That's why Gretchen freaked out.
Doocy gave away the game.

That's why Gretchen freaked out.

There is no "game," dipshit. Anyone who doesn't know that both political parties distribute their talking points to pundits is the lowest grade of moron. However, before FOX News arrived on the scene, it used to be only the Democrat Party that did so.
CBS and Dan Rather tried to influence a presidential election with forged documents. It sets the bar pretty high.
MSNBC's ED Schultz openly admitted live on his show that he carries water for Obama & the Democrats.

MSNBC & Ed Schultz are not news sources. They are propagandist who carry a lot of water for democrats.

Ed Schultz: "I carried more water for John Kerry than anybody on the radio in this country, day after day after day. I wanted Kerry to be the president of the United States. The listeners of this show wanted Kerry to be the president of the United States. Here I am fighting this battle."

On December 9, 2009 MSNBC's (The Ed Show) host Ed Schultz admitted:

"I want to say this about President Obama in this show, and the Democrats. I CARRIED A LOT OF WATER FOR THIS PRESIDENT. On the radio I did as much as I could to. I did town hall meetings all over the country. And does this mean that I'm going to say, well, now, he's not the answer and we've got to move on, got to find something else, third party time? No, it's not.

Am I disappointed? Yes. But I will say this-the president, in the next phase of health care reform, once we get this, if there's a successful conclusion in the midterm in November and we get more seats, I would like to see this administration make a commitment on the campaign trail saying we're not done, that this is just a start.

And if we get more seats in the Senate next year-and there are 38 races-that we're going to do a lot more than what we're starting with right now. I want to hear that."

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You are right.

Ed Schultz is a opinion show.

No pretense about it.
Doocy gave away the game.

That's why Gretchen freaked out.
Thank goodness he DID "give it away", otherwise who would EVER had known that gas prices, the Debt, and unemployment were issues?
Steve Doocy is offering further evidence that Fox News acts as the communications arm of the Republican Party. This morning the Fox & Friends host read directly from a "pundit prep" document provided to him by the Republican National Committee: "They said the three best ways to define the Barack Obama economy: the national debt, (which is skyrocketing), the unemployment (which is north of 8 percent), and gas prices":

Fox Economic Coverage Mimics GOP Strategy Memo | Media Matters for America



You are right.

Ed Schultz is a opinion show.

No pretense about it.

So you are all done bitching about Limbah then?

Just as soon as he and the kids over at FOX & Friends admit to running biased editorial programming and not 'news' programming, all will be balanced and fair.

Oh, so Ed is fine, THAT'S opinion but somehow Limbah conceals the fact he is hard right...
You are right.

Ed Schultz is a opinion show.

No pretense about it.

So you are all done bitching about Limbah then?

Just as soon as he and the kids over at FOX & Friends admit to running biased editorial programming and not 'news' programming, all will be balanced and fair.
:lol: I wonder if you would say the same to Dan Rather and CBS. What about MSNBC's coverage of the primary and a certain shiver up a leg?

What exactly is so biased about highlighting obvious issues - gas prices, the Debt, and unemployment?
So you are all done bitching about Limbah then?

Just as soon as he and the kids over at FOX & Friends admit to running biased editorial programming and not 'news' programming, all will be balanced and fair.
:lol: I wonder if you would say the same to Dan Rather and CBS. What about MSNBC's coverage of the primary and a certain shiver up a leg?

What exactly is so biased about highlighting obvious issues - gas prices, the Debt, and unemployment?
What exactly is so biased about highlighting obvious issues - gas prices, the Debt, and unemployment
It's never stopped the media in the past.
I love the liberal turds argue:

When a Republican is in office, they vilify him for every bad thing that happens, from psoriasis to hurricanes.

When a Democrat is in office and the exact same things occur, they defend their hero to the hilt. When it's pointed out that if the Republican was to blame then the Democrat is also to blame, they claim you're being hypocritical.

Libturds are such a riot!

Funnier still, the righties are exactly the same. For both hypocritical ends of the spectrum, it's "okay" when "my side" does it, but it's a big controversy when "those other guys" do it. Both silly ends of the spectrum play the same absurd game, both deny it, both try to divert by pointing the finger at the "other side".

Which is why partisan ideologues have zero credibility. None.

why you guys watch Fox or MSNBC is beyond me.

LOL, indeed. The primary value of both is to find out what that "side" is thinking. I can take it, but only in measured doses. Such dishonesty.

You are right.

Ed Schultz is a opinion show.

No pretense about it.

The Ed Show is not the only one. Most of MSNBC's broadcast is democrat propaganda. The fact that our tax dollars (bailout, stimulus, etc.) are paying for their broadcast is simply appalling.

MSNBC Chris Mathews Live On Air: My Job Is To Make Obama Presidency Successful

[ame=""]My Job Is To Make Obama Presidency Successful[/ame]

[ame=""]Obama - GE[/ame]

[ame=""]Chris Matthews cries about Barack Obama[/ame]
CBS and Dan Rather tried to influence a presidential election with forged documents. It sets the bar pretty high.

Your right. Dan took another one for the team (his first was in Dallas in 63). You see even though the story about President Bushes service record was much more than was in the supposed forged documents, it was all dropped and the story became about Dan. So he was deflecting for President Bush whom the MSM was pushing for.
CBS and Dan Rather tried to influence a presidential election with forged documents. It sets the bar pretty high.

Your right. Dan took another one for the team (his first was in Dallas in 63). You see even though the story about President Bushes service record was much more than was in the supposed forged documents, it was all dropped and the story became about Dan. So he was deflecting for President Bush whom the MSM was pushing for.

in the supposed forged documents

Supposed? LOL!
You think they were real?
Funnier still, the righties are exactly the same.

Example? . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.

For both hypocritical ends of the spectrum, it's "okay" when "my side" does it, but it's a big controversy when "those other guys" do it. Both silly ends of the spectrum play the same absurd game, both deny it, both try to divert by pointing the finger at the "other side".

Republicans don't do it, so your argument is horseshit.

Which is why partisan ideologues have zero credibility. None.

You believe you're not a partisan ideologue?

Who do you think you're fooling?
For both hypocritical ends of the spectrum, it's "okay" when "my side" does it, but it's a big controversy when "those other guys" do it. Both silly ends of the spectrum play the same absurd game, both deny it, both try to divert by pointing the finger at the "other side".

Republicans don't do it, so your argument is horseshit.

Right on cue.

For both hypocritical ends of the spectrum, it's "okay" when "my side" does it, but it's a big controversy when "those other guys" do it. Both silly ends of the spectrum play the same absurd game, both deny it, both try to divert by pointing the finger at the "other side".

Republicans don't do it, so your argument is horseshit.

Right on cue.


where's your example, dipstick?

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