Steve McGarrett On How Obama Could Be Indicted Over Wiretapping Trump Tower

Nope. I think that deserves to be investigated - there's enough evidence there to support an independent bipartisan investigation (though not a special prosecutor) in order to get to the bottom of it. Frankly, we ought to be concerned at what the Russians have attempted to do, and in order to make sure this kind of disruption doesn't happen again we need to know exactly what happened. I can't understand how folks that supported endless investigations on Clinton's email, on Benghazi balk at this.

honestly? one of the biggest issues is "the boy who cried wolf" syndrome - so many fallacious and ridiculous accusation are coming from the left that it is hard to keep up (example, trying to paint Sessions as a liar right now)

do I believe that the Russians made an attempt to interfere with our election? absolutely - I also believe that they, and other governments (China for sure) have also done so, and that they have done so in EVERY election cycle

just as WE do (example, we KNOW that the USA worked to influence Israel's last election and that we get our hands dirty in almost EVERY South American election - hell, we have a history of propping up governments...)

do I believe for a minute that Trump colluded with the Russians? Hell no, if there was any real proof of that, we'd have seen SOMETHING & not just these rumors

the ONLY thing that I think MIGHT be found is a possible connection between the wikileaks informant and the Russians - I could certainly buy that

but so what? Hillary and the dems got caught with their pants down - ALL of the info that was leaked has turned out to be true, or at a minimum, has not been denied or refuted by the principal players

do I believe that the Russian government wanted Hillary to lose? YES - she is as hawkish as they come & had advocated policies that were much more hostile t their interests while Trump was advocating a more isolationist type stance

the big problem is that there is zero intellectual honesty coming out of Washington & this is especially true of the left - again, look at Shumer's defense of AG Lynch & his comments about AG Sessions - laughable hypocrisy at its best...

the "Trump colluded with Russians" is a witch hunt & the dems are losing face & credibility over this (as is the media)

keep this up, what is happening with this is very similar to what we saw during the campaign & we already know how that played out...
Nope. I think that deserves to be investigated - there's enough evidence there to support an independent bipartisan investigation (though not a special prosecutor) in order to get to the bottom of it. Frankly, we ought to be concerned at what the Russians have attempted to do, and in order to make sure this kind of disruption doesn't happen again we need to know exactly what happened. I can't understand how folks that supported endless investigations on Clinton's email, on Benghazi balk at this.

honestly? one of the biggest issues is "the boy who cried wolf" syndrome - so many fallacious and ridiculous accusation are coming from the left that it is hard to keep up (example, trying to paint Sessions as a liar right now)
says the insane neo nazi who accused of obama of being everything from a transsexual to a member of al queda... in a thread about accusations of wiretapping no less

you white supremacists are just a batshit insane cult aren't you
Trump Relied on Breitbart News to Claim Obama Tapped His Phones
Toluse Olorunnipa
Jennifer Jacobs
, and
Margaret Talev
March 4, 2017, 9:15 AM EST March 4, 2017, 1:39 PM EST
Has it occurred to anyone here that Trump probably has the wiretapping records in his hands. All he has to do is tweet them out and then America will know that Obama is a liar and always has been but if he can't provide the info then he would be an undocumented liar.
Trump Relied on Breitbart News to Claim Obama Tapped His Phones
Toluse Olorunnipa
Jennifer Jacobs
, and
Margaret Talev
March 4, 2017, 9:15 AM EST March 4, 2017, 1:39 PM EST
its almost a racist conspiracy supermarket tabloid isn't a credible source of information...
Nope. I think that deserves to be investigated - there's enough evidence there to support an independent bipartisan investigation (though not a special prosecutor) in order to get to the bottom of it. Frankly, we ought to be concerned at what the Russians have attempted to do, and in order to make sure this kind of disruption doesn't happen again we need to know exactly what happened. I can't understand how folks that supported endless investigations on Clinton's email, on Benghazi balk at this.

honestly? one of the biggest issues is "the boy who cried wolf" syndrome - so many fallacious and ridiculous accusation are coming from the left that it is hard to keep up (example, trying to paint Sessions as a liar right now)
says the insane neo nazi who accused of obama of being everything from a transsexual to a member of al queda... in a thread about accusations of wiretapping no less

you white supremacists are just a batshit insane cult aren't you

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for the last 2 days.
Where's the proof? Give us some proof.
It will be presented soon. Emperor Trump wouldn't have tweeted anything without proof and consulting with his White House legal counsel..

Emperor Trump constantly tweets with out proof and usually, on an impulse that excludes consultation with anyone else.

Only an idiot would think that a tweet is a great source for facts.. Could it possible be that he is sharing his opinions and sparking discussion. In no way could that be possible... no way.
This is Steve McGarrett, American patriot.

So far as i can understand as of this moment, from various online sources:

1. Apparently the Obama administration tried to apply to FISA to tap all the lines into trump tower, including those of a russian bank, for the relatively narrow justification that the russian bank was likely guilty of some wrongdoing. Apparently the FISA court turned them down on the overly broad wiretap request, but later granted a tailored version of that request to tap only the lines leading to the russian bank inside the Trump tower.

2. Apparently the Obama adminstration went ahead and tapped all of the lines in the Trump tower including the 2016 Trump presidential campaign.

In my superior opinion, this would be watergate magnitude information, and could lead to criminal indictments inside the intelligence agencies against officials that exceeded the narrowly tailored FISA wiretap order against the russian bank. A prosecutor could follow the money and follow the paper trail all the way to the White House and even potentially obama himself.

This is Watergate by 100! Watch the whole news segment from this morning on how big this is.

"Do you remember the days when..."
CIA admits spying on US Senate committee
We've elected a thin-skinned, paranoid, delusional narcissist as president.
Where's the proof? Give us some proof.
It will be presented soon. Emperor Trump wouldn't have tweeted anything without proof and consulting with his White House legal counsel..

Emperor Trump constantly tweets with out proof and usually, on an impulse that excludes consultation with anyone else.
The ramifications of this cannot be overstated. Nobody, much less a chess player like Trump, would make such an accusation without the proof in hand. You just don’t drop the equivalent of a twitter nuclear bomb because you woke up and felt like it. This is the most serious revelation to date of the Trump Presidency.

Wow you are seriously residing on another planet. Trump is a bullshit machine that many times made wild accusations and promises to reveal something substantiating it. NEVER did any of them actually materialize.

His very candidacy was launched on birther conspiracies and promises that he has someone uncovering some amazing proofs...which of course never happened.




And of course the finale:

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Where's the proof? Give us some proof.
It will be presented soon. Emperor Trump wouldn't have tweeted anything without proof and consulting with his White House legal counsel..

Emperor Trump constantly tweets with out proof and usually, on an impulse that excludes consultation with anyone else.
The ramifications of this cannot be overstated. Nobody, much less a chess player like Trump, would make such an accusation without the proof in hand. You just don’t drop the equivalent of a twitter nuclear bomb because you woke up and felt like it. This is the most serious revelation to date of the Trump Presidency.

Wow you are seriously residing on another planet. Trump is a bullshit machine that many times made wild accusations and promises to reveal something substantiating it. NEVER did any of them actually materialize.

His very candidacy was launched on birther conspiracies and promises that he has someone uncovering some amazing proofs...which of course never happened.




And of course the finale:

The last tweet was just political campaign strategy in the final stretch.
Where's the proof? Give us some proof.
It will be presented soon. Emperor Trump wouldn't have tweeted anything without proof and consulting with his White House legal counsel..

Emperor Trump constantly tweets with out proof and usually, on an impulse that excludes consultation with anyone else.
The ramifications of this cannot be overstated. Nobody, much less a chess player like Trump, would make such an accusation without the proof in hand. You just don’t drop the equivalent of a twitter nuclear bomb because you woke up and felt like it. This is the most serious revelation to date of the Trump Presidency.

Wow you are seriously residing on another planet. Trump is a bullshit machine that many times made wild accusations and promises to reveal something substantiating it. NEVER did any of them actually materialize.

His very candidacy was launched on birther conspiracies and promises that he has someone uncovering some amazing proofs...which of course never happened.




And of course the finale:

The last tweet was just political campaign strategy in the final stretch.

So you are saying Trump lied because it was politically expedient and actually still believes Obama was born in Kenya.

Gotcha monkey. But even if that is true, he is still a willing liar by your own admission and still produced ZERO evidence that any of his birther bs was true.
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So, Obama, Republican Comey, and the FISA Court all conspired to wiretap Trump for no reason? Hilarious!
The Right has gone mad. As crazy as you already knew they were, they have transcended that by miles. This is the 100 year flood of rightwing collective insanity.

And it's knee slappin' funny.

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