Steven Bannon indicted for Fraud

Equal treatment right???.BAWWWHAHA!

Yet anothert dumnbass Trumpette who is too God damn stupid to know that the Clinton Foundation had been investigated and passed.
Another stupid ass Communist Democrat shoveling lies:finger3:
What's your proof?
Have any charges against the President stuck? No
Yes. The republicans admitted he did precisely what he was accused of at impeachment. They just said they didn't care.

Really? Link?

I can't see that shit. Send me something I don't need to spend money to see.

It's an OP-ED anyway. Means OPINION. Got a real link?
with enough juice and muscle, the legal system can always be gamed, my friends

with Trump behind him, just the way he likes it, Bannon will be just fine
Have any charges against the President stuck? No
Yes. The republicans admitted he did precisely what he was accused of at impeachment. They just said they didn't care.

Really? Link?

I can't see that shit. Send me something I don't need to spend money to see.

It's an OP-ED anyway. Means OPINION. Got a real link?
Had no problem. Not a subscriber, either.
And Trump is sad about Bannon. Well we've heard that line before. I suppose Trump could be a stand up guy and say he's sorry for all that got fucked over by a bunch of con artists. Is anyone in the WH legit?

Not the first time we got a GOP President who has a bunch of shady assholes behind him who want to fuck up America...

Bannon is just Cheney 2.0, this time less loyal and more demented...
Wall Evolution

We're going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
We're going to build a wall and make you pay for it.
Fuck it. We're just taking your money.

IF Bannon F'ed over donors, it'll come out.
But it is still an IF.

Sure it is, but do you see anyone acting surprised? Trump didn't even pretend - went straight to 'sad'.
"i'm the guy who always gets away with it...if i had good lawyers, i'd look guilty", Bannon bragged to his friends in his native Virginia, after being released on bail, my sources tell me
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday on charges that he and three others ripped off donors to an online fundraising scheme “We Build The Wall.”
The charges were contained in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court.

Federal prosecutors alleged that Bannon and three others “orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors” in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Does this surprise anyone? The irony is that it has to do with defrauding people on the border wall.

Oh, there's much to this story.

It seems funny that almost every indictment against conservatives originate in this NY court or the 9th circuit. It's a shame our court system has let politics override the law. This is the kind of predictably timed shit that makes people skeptical of our legal system. Having said that, you do the crime you do the time. Waiting to see the indictments in the FBI-DOJ coup against Trump as well.

The timing is bad isn't it

Former White House adviser Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday on charges that he and three others ripped off donors to an online fundraising scheme “We Build The Wall.”
The charges were contained in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court.

Federal prosecutors alleged that Bannon and three others “orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors” in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Does this surprise anyone? The irony is that it has to do with defrauding people on the border wall.

Oh, there's much to this story.

Here we go off to the interwebz conspiracy stratosphere...... :iyfyus.jpg:
from Michael Wolfe's Fire & Fury:
Reince Priebus had walked into Steve Bannon's office & said, "I'm going to do you a big favor. Give me your credit card. Don't ask why.... You'll be thanking me for the rest of your life"

Bannon gave Reince his American Express card. Reince shortly returned, and bellowed at Bannon: "Congratulations, you now have legal insurance"

Bannon's legal costs at the end of the Mueller probe was 2 million dollars

legal insurance will come in handy now, my friends
It cannot be true, a high level Trump confidant is indicted for fraud.
Steve Bannon, a chief architect of Trump's 2016 victory, is indicted on fraud. He is accused of defrauding people out of money to build Trump's wall.
Trump supporters; the biggest suckers in the world.

Trump is advising Bannon based on fraud charges Trump faced fraud with Trump University and Trump charity.

How many Trump associates have faced criminal charges and jail,

I predict the Donald will spend some time behind bars once he is out of office.

Trump supporters must be so proud of Trump and his team of criminals.
Trump's in on everything. :uhh:

We are to believe after firing Bannon 3 years ago President Trump has been 'in on' this scam....

..yet we are supposed to believe President Obama was completely oblivious to the massive criminal failed coup attempt run by members of his own Cabinet, his US AG, his Director of the CIA, his Director of the NSA, his Director and Deputy Director of the FBI and a lot of his FBI upper-echelon members?


I'm sorry. It is True. Trump is All-knowing, All-powerful, he is running this crime syndicate with Russia to put him in office, foil elections and SO MANY OTHER THINGS. . . .​
Yet amazingly he hasn't be able to get done any of the things he actually WANTS to do, like simply complete the Mexico Wall, clean up Washington, or get honesty in Media.​
I'm sorry, it is Undeniable. Things such as what happened between Steele, the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ to effect a massive, COORDINATED ATTACK on Trump's election and operation are simply IMPOSSIBLE to effect without full knowledge of, if not orders from, then POTUS Obama. Which is why, like so many fuckwits here, the MSM avoid the topic or discussion like the Plague and they, Obama and the Dems-Left simply try to "laugh" at the suggestion and run away from it anytime it is mentioned, deriding anyone daring to ask as a brainwashed russian minion because PUT TO THE TEST, PUT UNDER OATH, Obama, Brenner, Clapper, Comey and so many others would fry in oil unable to answer these questions and all keep their stories straight.​
But that is getting closer to happening, DAY by DAY.

tick tick

tick tick


View attachment 377537
I bet you donated just like you do with the NRA. Tell us tooby, how many other corrupt mfr's do you support?
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday on charges that he and three others ripped off donors to an online fundraising scheme “We Build The Wall.”
The charges were contained in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court.

Federal prosecutors alleged that Bannon and three others “orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors” in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Does this surprise anyone? The irony is that it has to do with defrauding people on the border wall.
There’s just no end to Republican corruption and dishonesty.
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday on charges that he and three others ripped off donors to an online fundraising scheme “We Build The Wall.”
The charges were contained in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court.

Federal prosecutors alleged that Bannon and three others “orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors” in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Does this surprise anyone? The irony is that it has to do with defrauding people on the border wall.

Care4all 90 day rule? wut??
Yeah.... So much for rules, laws, ethics, or regulations......???

I guess it's a no holds barred situation.....?

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