Steven Bannon indicted for Fraud

FLASHBACK: Trump Criticized Steve Bannon And Brian Kolfage’s Fraudulent Border Wall Scam Back In July
FLASHBACK: Trump Criticized Steve Bannon And Brian Kolfage’s Fraudulent Border Wall Scam Back In July

This is why nobody takes you silly gashes seriously.
I don’t see any evidence of that claim. Was July before or after they started investigating?

Because you don't fucking look you fucking stupid liberal dickhead.

The tweet was from July 12th 2020. You'd have to be an idiot not to think Barr warned Trump that an indictment was coming down the pike and to distance himself from the project.

That tweet wasn't even about today's indictments. two_iron is an idiot. That tweet was because the privately funded wall that was put up was crap and had begun eroding shortly after it was erected.

I love how democrats are burning down America, trying to burn cops alive, throwing explosives in the eyes of cops, illegally coup the president, and the democrats in the DOJ go after Bannon.. political domestic terrorism

it’s NOT Democrat’s you fuck. No matter how much you want that to be true. Spin it all you want. Your RWI are out there in force destroying America asI type.
Republicans continue to be the party of hate.
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday on charges that he and three others ripped off donors to an online fundraising scheme “We Build The Wall.”
The charges were contained in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court.

Federal prosecutors alleged that Bannon and three others “orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors” in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Does this surprise anyone? The irony is that it has to do with defrauding people on the border wall.
Before I go research...I will say this EVIDENCE of such crime would matter and it better not be a NY district court abusing their position and harassing Trumps people again.
OH damn...I called it. It is it is the damn New York district just harassing again...........

How about this......we start shooting New York district for Treason with their abuse of anyone around the president when there is no reasonable thought that some crime has been committed. Starting with the prosecutors and judge that allow such abuses.
You just committed a federal crime.
here's Trump speaking to Putin, with Bannon in the background

Even Pence there seems to be thinking, how the fuck did he get this job?
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday on charges that he and three others ripped off donors to an online fundraising scheme “We Build The Wall.”
The charges were contained in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court.

Federal prosecutors alleged that Bannon and three others “orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors” in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Does this surprise anyone? The irony is that it has to do with defrauding people on the border wall.
Impeached Trump is running out of former associates who aren't being indicted.

Donnie has no need for "friends". Only unindicted co-conspirators who can willfully game the system.
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday on charges that he and three others ripped off donors to an online fundraising scheme “We Build The Wall.”
The charges were contained in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court.

Federal prosecutors alleged that Bannon and three others “orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors” in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Does this surprise anyone? The irony is that it has to do with defrauding people on the border wall.
Dems are really throwing every Hail Mary they can. Charges will never stick, but the NY DA has to do everything he can to influence the election.
Oh? I'm not saying their guilty or not, that's for a jury to decide. But it's alleged that they took a million dollars from the fund for private use. What evidence do you have that that's not true?
Breaking now...

I'm SURE Trump doesn't know anything about this.

Um, so? Worst case he did a Hillary
This will cause a freash look at Hilary..BAWWWHAHA!!!.I love it.

This thread is starting to look like a Trumpublican Circle Jerk of some sort .. Sad
If I listened to you, I would have ended up slaving for a boss my whole life and living a miserable existence. Would you listen to you to end up wasting your life???
hey how's your day going, creepy?
"I barely knew him.....I know a lot of people"......


If Trump gets re-elected how many more of his pals will go to jail?

Jail? Trump didn't go to jail when he did the same thing. What makes you think he will go to jail?
Well lets see. In related news:

Then I answered, "Not yet."

To WHAT? It's a simple question, snowflake? While members of Obama's administration / his FBI are starting to go to prison for his failed coup attempt snowflakes like you continue to make accusations without any evidence of personal criminal activity. A 'charge' is not evidence or proof of guilt.

MEANWHILE, back to the thread topic, Bannon has been busted for running a scam, has been arrested, and faces jail time...much like Clinesmith.
Which members of Obama's administration went to prison?

ZERO - But they'll get back to us on that ;)
Trump's in on everything. :uhh:

We are to believe after firing Bannon 3 years ago President Trump has been 'in on' this scam....

..yet we are supposed to believe President Obama was completely oblivious to the massive criminal failed coup attempt run by members of his own Cabinet, his US AG, his Director of the CIA, his Director of the NSA, his Director and Deputy Director of the FBI and a lot of his FBI upper-echelon members?


I'm sorry. It is True. Trump is All-knowing, All-powerful, he is running this crime syndicate with Russia to put him in office, foil elections and SO MANY OTHER THINGS. . . .​
Yet amazingly he hasn't be able to get done any of the things he actually WANTS to do, like simply complete the Mexico Wall, clean up Washington, or get honesty in Media.​
I'm sorry, it is Undeniable. Things such as what happened between Steele, the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ to effect a massive, COORDINATED ATTACK on Trump's election and operation are simply IMPOSSIBLE to effect without full knowledge of, if not orders from, then POTUS Obama. Which is why, like so many fuckwits here, the MSM avoid the topic or discussion like the Plague and they, Obama and the Dems-Left simply try to "laugh" at the suggestion and run away from it anytime it is mentioned, deriding anyone daring to ask as a brainwashed russian minion because PUT TO THE TEST, PUT UNDER OATH, Obama, Brenner, Clapper, Comey and so many others would fry in oil unable to answer these questions and all keep their stories straight.​
But that is getting closer to happening, DAY by DAY.

tick tick

tick tick


FLASHBACK: Trump Criticized Steve Bannon And Brian Kolfage’s Fraudulent Border Wall Scam Back In July
FLASHBACK: Trump Criticized Steve Bannon And Brian Kolfage’s Fraudulent Border Wall Scam Back In July

This is why nobody takes you silly gashes seriously.
I don’t see any evidence of that claim. Was July before or after they started investigating?

Because you don't fucking look you fucking stupid liberal dickhead.

The tweet was from July 12th 2020. You'd have to be an idiot not to think Barr warned Trump that an indictment was coming down the pike and to distance himself from the project.

That tweet wasn't even about today's indictments. two_iron is an idiot. That tweet was because the privately funded wall that was put up was crap and had begun eroding shortly after it was erected.

Thank you for the clarification.
Bannon was nothing more than a walk-through-walls yes-man whose blind devotion and willingness to defend outrageous positions was appreciated by Trump

You literally said a few posts ago how intelligent Bannon was, and that is part of why he was targeted. Now you are saying he is just a yes man. Make up your damn mind.
my job is to show and not tell, to describe the good and bad, to make it real enough for a person to evaluate for himself where Trump or Bannon fall on a vertiginous sliding scale of human behavior.

i'm like a journalist in that sense, my friend
I seem to remember a few Trump Tards here at this forum bragging about how they donated money to his “Build the Wall” group and we laughed at them
And they used it to build the wall.
How you and Dave arrive on a thread to gargle Trump's balls....
View attachment 377429
"Hope on Jizzy, we have to work to do!!!"

There's a tiny little bedside bell that goes off anytime Donnie needs ball-lickage or a Diet Coke. ;)

Former White House adviser Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday on charges that he and three others ripped off donors to an online fundraising scheme “We Build The Wall.”
The charges were contained in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court.

Federal prosecutors alleged that Bannon and three others “orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors” in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Does this surprise anyone? The irony is that it has to do with defrauding people on the border wall.
Before I go research...I will say this EVIDENCE of such crime would matter and it better not be a NY district court abusing their position and harassing Trumps people again.
OH damn...I called it. It is it is the damn New York district just harassing again...........

How about this......we start shooting New York district for Treason with their abuse of anyone around the president when there is no reasonable thought that some crime has been committed. Starting with the prosecutors and judge that allow such abuses.
Shooting federal prosecutors and judges?? Basically you are calling for the assassination of law enforcement officers? That sounds reasonable...
No I am calling for them to be tried for Treason and dealt with to deter any others working to destroy our nation. It's the only rational allow them to get away or even to stop them but not punish them as the law allows for treason only invites more attacks on the nation and destruction from within.

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