Steven "POS" Colbert

That's not a fair inference. Nowhere did Dragonlady mention women or being feminine.
In a straight relationship, who does the cocksucking and who does the pussy eating?
Kinda depends how limber one is....
LOL. True, but pleasuring one's mate has a transcendental effect not achieved with masturbation...oral or manual.
I suppose, I could never bent that far...
Another reason to really, really appreciate chicks into yoga.


Towel please....
The reason why morons always "funny" the posts in which I say that I am a leftist is because they know I am correct in saying that.

I am what the left would be if they weren't controlled by fascists like La Raza and BLM, as well as their moronic adherence to everything they will never actually learn about Islam.

I believe that homogenous socialistic countries are vastly superior to multicultural capitalistic countries.
The only time I ever talk about Hannity or Fox or Republicans specifically is when I am mercilessly bashing them, and you think that qualifies as a partisan Republican?

There are several different definitions of partisan. This is the one I assign to you

prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.
synonyms: biased, prejudiced, one-sided, discriminatory, colored, partial, interested, sectarian, factional
"partisan attitudes"
None of which fit me.

From an American political context, with only 2 viable political parties, I am the furthest thing from a partisan that you can get.

If you want to insist that having an ideology makes you a partisan, then you are an idiot who doesn't understand what the word "partisan" means.
I just showed you the definition I put on you. You may not subscribe to a particular party but you are on the far-right and you show blind prejudice towards anybody on the left and anybody with an opposing point of view as yourself. You have a closed mind and a loud mouth and zero credibility behind the things you say.
I admire the "far right" and ally with them on causes I care about, but I am actually on the left side of the spectrum.

I oppose the contemporary left because they are hypocrites , not because I give a shit about Reagan.
Glad we got that straight.
In other words, you admit that you are a moron.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
Does Colbert exercising his 1st Amendment rights make you feel less Safe, Snowflake?

/---- Free speech is a one way street for liberals. You are free to agree with them.
Who is threatening yours?
The reason why morons always "funny" the posts in which I say that I am a leftist is because they know I am correct in saying that.

I am what the left would be if they weren't controlled by fascists like La Raza and BLM, as well as their moronic adherence to everything they will never actually learn about Islam.

I believe that homogenous socialistic countries are vastly superior to multicultural capitalistic countries.
I believe that homogenous socialistic countries are vastly superior to multicultural capitalistic countries.
Sorta like an Ein Volk thing?
The reason why morons always "funny" the posts in which I say that I am a leftist is because they know I am correct in saying that.

I am what the left would be if they weren't controlled by fascists like La Raza and BLM, as well as their moronic adherence to everything they will never actually learn about Islam.

I believe that homogenous socialistic countries are vastly superior to multicultural capitalistic countries.
I believe that homogenous socialistic countries are vastly superior to multicultural capitalistic countries.
Sorta like an Ein Volk thing?
Not really, no.

Hitler believed in using a nationally focused socialism to jump start the culture, while I merely believe that socialism works as an economic model if all the obvious factors of conflict(race, religion etc)are minimized or eliminated.
There are several different definitions of partisan. This is the one I assign to you

prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.
synonyms: biased, prejudiced, one-sided, discriminatory, colored, partial, interested, sectarian, factional
"partisan attitudes"
None of which fit me.

From an American political context, with only 2 viable political parties, I am the furthest thing from a partisan that you can get.

If you want to insist that having an ideology makes you a partisan, then you are an idiot who doesn't understand what the word "partisan" means.
I just showed you the definition I put on you. You may not subscribe to a particular party but you are on the far-right and you show blind prejudice towards anybody on the left and anybody with an opposing point of view as yourself. You have a closed mind and a loud mouth and zero credibility behind the things you say.
I admire the "far right" and ally with them on causes I care about, but I am actually on the left side of the spectrum.

I oppose the contemporary left because they are hypocrites , not because I give a shit about Reagan.
Glad we got that straight.
In other words, you admit that you are a moron.
Sure what ever makes you feel like a winner dude!
He only did that to make himself relevant again. He's a talentless idiot and he'll fade away again.
Relevant again? He is the highest rated late night show on TV.... Has been since the election. What are you talking about?
Who's winning and losing late-night TV under Trump

Did you think at all before posting that?
yeah, I even provided a link that backs up my statement. What you got?

Nothing, just the intelligence to know that your link doesn't disprove what I said.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
Does Colbert exercising his 1st Amendment rights make you feel less Safe, Snowflake?

/---- Free speech is a one way street for liberals. You are free to agree with them.
Who is threatening yours?
/---- Ask Mommy to read you the newspaper:
Conservative Students "Violently Threatened" At Lutheran College ...
Mar 21, 2017 - Conservative Students "Violently Threatened" At Lutheran College ... to St. Olaf's predominantly liberal campus, many conservative students ...
trump supporters beaten.jpg
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
Does Colbert exercising his 1st Amendment rights make you feel less Safe, Snowflake?

/---- Free speech is a one way street for liberals. You are free to agree with them.
Who is threatening yours?
/---- Ask Mommy to read you the newspaper:
Conservative Students "Violently Threatened" At Lutheran College ...
Mar 21, 2017 - Conservative Students "Violently Threatened" At Lutheran College ... to St. Olaf's predominantly liberal campus, many conservative students ...
View attachment 124669
Bring on the Lions!

The Movement Needs A New Generation of Martyrs!
Conservative 'free speech':

Ann Coulter speaking at a college to sell books? Free speech.

Stephen Colbert speaking on a talk show to get laughs? Hate speech that must be stopped.

Stop yer bitching cons, it's going to be a bumpy ride. No quarter asked, none given.

You think he was going for laughs? Really? I thought they called it "resistance".......

Why the assumption that you can't do both.

Oh, Colbert and his fellow late night hosts can do both to their heart's content. I used to watch them pre election because they were very entertaining shows. Once they went full pearl clutching snowflakes, I quit watching. I want to be entertained, not indoctrinated. So I vote with my remote and find other entertainment. Colbert's opinions are no more informed or have more value than my neighbor next door who sales school buses. He just has a bully pulpit to spew his hate. #FireColbert
Conservative 'free speech':

Ann Coulter speaking at a college to sell books? Free speech.

Stephen Colbert speaking on a talk show to get laughs? Hate speech that must be stopped.

Stop yer bitching cons, it's going to be a bumpy ride. No quarter asked, none given.

You think he was going for laughs? Really? I thought they called it "resistance".......

Why the assumption that you can't do both.

Oh, Colbert and his fellow late night hosts can do both to their heart's content. I used to watch them pre election because they were very entertaining shows. Once they went full pearl clutching snowflakes, I quit watching. I want to be entertained, not indoctrinated. So I vote with my remote and find other entertainment. Colbert's opinions are no more informed or have more value than my neighbor next door who sales school buses. He just has a bully pulpit to spew his hate. #FireColbert
I saw on the news this morning his mea culpa, so the wife and I watched his monologue from last night. It briefly came up on his interview with Jim Parsons. While I agree it's just his opinion and, as has been noted several times before, he leans left, sometimes hard left, the fact remains everyone is free to do was you and I do: vote with our remote.
Conservative 'free speech':

Ann Coulter speaking at a college to sell books? Free speech.

Stephen Colbert speaking on a talk show to get laughs? Hate speech that must be stopped.

Stop yer bitching cons, it's going to be a bumpy ride. No quarter asked, none given.

You think he was going for laughs? Really? I thought they called it "resistance".......

Why the assumption that you can't do both.

Oh, Colbert and his fellow late night hosts can do both to their heart's content. I used to watch them pre election because they were very entertaining shows. Once they went full pearl clutching snowflakes, I quit watching. I want to be entertained, not indoctrinated. So I vote with my remote and find other entertainment. Colbert's opinions are no more informed or have more value than my neighbor next door who sales school buses. He just has a bully pulpit to spew his hate. #FireColbert
I saw on the news this morning his mea culpa, so the wife and I watched his monologue from last night. It briefly came up on his interview with Jim Parsons. While I agree it's just his opinion and, as has been noted several times before, he leans left, sometimes hard left, the fact remains everyone is free to do was you and I do: vote with our remote.

You do of course realize that part of the outrage is the hypocrisy. Can you imagine what would happen to a person in Colbert's spot if they had gone on a vile rant like that about Obama? Charges of racism would be shouted and there would be marches held and stores looted until the person resigned or was fired. People would be saying that while you might not like Obama, you have to respect the office, yada, yada, yada. Colbert spouts homophobic language that would get someone else crucified and the liberal gays say it's all good, no sweat.
He only did that to make himself relevant again. He's a talentless idiot and he'll fade away again.
Relevant again? He is the highest rated late night show on TV.... Has been since the election. What are you talking about?
Who's winning and losing late-night TV under Trump

Did you think at all before posting that?
yeah, I even provided a link that backs up my statement. What you got?

Nothing, just the intelligence to know that your link doesn't disprove what I said.
You're challenging my statement that Colbert is leading late night in ratings? Really? That's common knowledge. Do your own research then and show us who the real leader is.
Conservative 'free speech':

Ann Coulter speaking at a college to sell books? Free speech.

Stephen Colbert speaking on a talk show to get laughs? Hate speech that must be stopped.

Stop yer bitching cons, it's going to be a bumpy ride. No quarter asked, none given.

You think he was going for laughs? Really? I thought they called it "resistance".......

Why the assumption that you can't do both.

Oh, Colbert and his fellow late night hosts can do both to their heart's content. I used to watch them pre election because they were very entertaining shows. Once they went full pearl clutching snowflakes, I quit watching. I want to be entertained, not indoctrinated. So I vote with my remote and find other entertainment. Colbert's opinions are no more informed or have more value than my neighbor next door who sales school buses. He just has a bully pulpit to spew his hate. #FireColbert
I saw on the news this morning his mea culpa, so the wife and I watched his monologue from last night. It briefly came up on his interview with Jim Parsons. While I agree it's just his opinion and, as has been noted several times before, he leans left, sometimes hard left, the fact remains everyone is free to do was you and I do: vote with our remote.

You do of course realize that part of the outrage is the hypocrisy. Can you imagine what would happen to a person in Colbert's spot if they had gone on a vile rant like that about Obama? Charges of racism would be shouted and there would be marches held and stores looted until the person resigned or was fired. People would be saying that while you might not like Obama, you have to respect the office, yada, yada, yada. Colbert spouts homophobic language that would get someone else crucified and the liberal gays say it's all good, no sweat.
Have you ever listened to rush, levin, hannity, infowars, Breitbart....?
I wonder if in lieu of a cock holster, Trump will just open carry from now on?
He only did that to make himself relevant again. He's a talentless idiot and he'll fade away again.
Relevant again? He is the highest rated late night show on TV.... Has been since the election. What are you talking about?
Who's winning and losing late-night TV under Trump

Did you think at all before posting that?
yeah, I even provided a link that backs up my statement. What you got?

Nothing, just the intelligence to know that your link doesn't disprove what I said.
You're challenging my statement that Colbert is leading late night in ratings? Really? That's common knowledge. Do your own research then and show us who the real leader is.

No, I'm saying he's just doing that to stay relevant and your post and link doesn't disprove that.
Relevant again? He is the highest rated late night show on TV.... Has been since the election. What are you talking about?
Who's winning and losing late-night TV under Trump

Did you think at all before posting that?
yeah, I even provided a link that backs up my statement. What you got?

Nothing, just the intelligence to know that your link doesn't disprove what I said.
You're challenging my statement that Colbert is leading late night in ratings? Really? That's common knowledge. Do your own research then and show us who the real leader is.

No, I'm saying he's just doing that to stay relevant and your post and link doesn't disprove that.
You didn't say "stay relevant" why are you changing your words? You said "he only did that to get relevant again" that implys that he isn't relevant. My point was that he had and still has the top show on late night... he's relevant.

He did it because he has proven success to bash Trump, and he was pissed at the way Trump treated Dickerson.
Conservative 'free speech':

Ann Coulter speaking at a college to sell books? Free speech.

Stephen Colbert speaking on a talk show to get laughs? Hate speech that must be stopped.

Stop yer bitching cons, it's going to be a bumpy ride. No quarter asked, none given.

You think he was going for laughs? Really? I thought they called it "resistance".......

Why the assumption that you can't do both.

Oh, Colbert and his fellow late night hosts can do both to their heart's content. I used to watch them pre election because they were very entertaining shows. Once they went full pearl clutching snowflakes, I quit watching. I want to be entertained, not indoctrinated. So I vote with my remote and find other entertainment. Colbert's opinions are no more informed or have more value than my neighbor next door who sales school buses. He just has a bully pulpit to spew his hate. #FireColbert
Remember...the theme of this so-called administration is "Sour Grapes".

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