Steven "POS" Colbert

Yes, we can agree to disagree.

You, like everyone else, is free to be as homophobic, misogynistic or as hateful as you like. It's a free country. God Bless America!

Someone hatefully calling you a lesbian says more about them than your reaction to them.

FWIW, I like to tell jokes and used to tell gay jokes. Not that I hate gays, but like the joke in the movie "Philadelphia" asking how a gay fakes an orgasm (I'd told that one myself) or the joke in a movie about the death of Matthew Shepard regarding a gambling, drinking man who goes to Hell (a joke I also told) I eventually saw how, no matter how slightly,. I was fomenting homophobia. Spreading hate, no matter how slightly, is never a good thing.
Sometimes being able to joke and laugh about things that are controversial and otherwise offensive is a form of combating the offensive nature by being able to laugh at it. It is commonly used in stand up by comedians. We need to be careful to not grow such thin skins that we take offense to everything that is said, while still seeking compassion, awareness and empathy for those we might be offending.
Yes, I understand comedy. Like these jokes I alluded to before. Do they demean gays or not?

How does a gay man fake an orgasm?
He throws hot yogurt on his gay lover's back

One day a guy dies and finds himself in hell. As he is wallowing in despair, he has his first meeting with the devil...
Satan: Why so glum?
Guy: What do you think? I'm in hell!
Satan: Hell's not so bad. We actually have a lot of fun down here. Are you a drinking man?
Guy: Sure, I love to drink.
Satan: Well you're gonna love Mondays then. On Mondays that's all we do is drink. Whiskey, tequila, Guinness, wine coolers, diet tab and colas. We drink till we throw up and then we drink some more! And we don't worry about getting a hangover because you're dead anyway.
Guy: Gee, that sounds great!
Satan: You a smoker?
Guy: You better believe it!
Satan: All right! You're gonna love Tuesdays. We get the finest cigars from all over the world and smoke our lungs out. If you get cancer no biggie, you're already dead, remember?
Guy: Wow... that's awesome!
Satan: I bet you like to gamble.
Guy: Why yes, as a matter of fact I do.
Satan: Cause Wednesdays you can gamble all you want. Craps, Blackjack, Roulette, Poker, Slots. If you go bankrupt... you're dead anyhow. Do you do drugs??
Guy: Are you kidding? Love drugs! You don't mean...
Satan: That's right! Thursday is drug day. Help yourself to a great big bowl of crack, or smack. Smoke a doobie the size of a submarine. You can do all the drugs you want, you're dead, who cares.
Guy: WOW! I never realized Hell was such a cool place!
Satan: You gay?
Guy: No! Of course not!
Satan: Ooooh You're gonna hate Fridays.
They poke fun at stereotypes. I think its ok to tell them and laugh at them if it is good natured. Back to context and intent.
Thus perpetuating the stereotypes regardless if it's intentional or not.

Usually cultural norms is not an excuse. How many colored jokes do you tell? Be honest. If none, why not?
I got a few... Depends on the audience... How do you stop black kids from jumping on the bed? Put velcro on the ceiling... So sue me :)
and you don't see that as demeaning to black kids? Do you tell these at work? If not, why not?
Do you honestly think CBS would allow a conservative on their channel that is as partisan and foul as Colbert?

Apparently conservatives can't get a conservative network up and running to put such shows on the air except fake Faux News. Why is that?

Because the market determines it, and conservatives, other than whining and bitching about others to their captive audience, don't make for profitable television. Otherwise they'd be doing it all over the place. Conservatives aren't the creative lot in the human population and creativity is what is required.

Don't agree? Then put together a 'conservative network' and get to it. Nobody doing it so you'd have the niche all to yourself.
Conservatives are too passive and defensive to make effective political propaganda(and that is why someone who is technically a leftist will end up doing it for them).

Conservatives can never get over the idea that someone is being hurt somehow by there being an unapologetically partisan network that appeals to ALL aspects of the right(yes, even the "far right"). It is in the nature of the conservative to only use violence when they are threatened.

Fox only further pacified Conservatives(technically tolerating scum like Juan Williams and Jehmu isn't even being pacified any more), and that is why it is a GREAT thing that Fox is dying now.
Can't handle opposing opinions I see... Makes sense that you like to bath in your ignorance and not seek objective debate to formulate your own opinions. Carry on Mr. Puppet, you grow more and more comical to me every day
CBS, NBC, ABC and all their shitty little variants cluttering up my channel selection can't handle opposing opinions, not me.

Colbert would be curled up in the fetal position permanently if my "ignorance" ever became a television network.
Start a YouTube channel and live stream.... See how you do. Let your brilliance shine! If you are any good then it will go viral. I bet you might even get to double digits if you get your family to subscribe!
I literally have double digit followers without videos, and my original account had hundreds.

I doubt you could get 5 followers using a channel without videos.
It actually takes significantly more than that, but you wouldn't know, because you are not intelligent.
I'm content to let the members of this forum decide which of us is educated, fact-based and intelligent and which is an opinionated asshole.
I've had plenty of disagreements with both of you, but its not even close... Divine at least displays some sense of objectivity and an ability to present a thoughtful argument. PTBW just comes off as an angry partisan troll
Sometimes being able to joke and laugh about things that are controversial and otherwise offensive is a form of combating the offensive nature by being able to laugh at it. It is commonly used in stand up by comedians. We need to be careful to not grow such thin skins that we take offense to everything that is said, while still seeking compassion, awareness and empathy for those we might be offending.
Yes, I understand comedy. Like these jokes I alluded to before. Do they demean gays or not?

How does a gay man fake an orgasm?
He throws hot yogurt on his gay lover's back

One day a guy dies and finds himself in hell. As he is wallowing in despair, he has his first meeting with the devil...
Satan: Why so glum?
Guy: What do you think? I'm in hell!
Satan: Hell's not so bad. We actually have a lot of fun down here. Are you a drinking man?
Guy: Sure, I love to drink.
Satan: Well you're gonna love Mondays then. On Mondays that's all we do is drink. Whiskey, tequila, Guinness, wine coolers, diet tab and colas. We drink till we throw up and then we drink some more! And we don't worry about getting a hangover because you're dead anyway.
Guy: Gee, that sounds great!
Satan: You a smoker?
Guy: You better believe it!
Satan: All right! You're gonna love Tuesdays. We get the finest cigars from all over the world and smoke our lungs out. If you get cancer no biggie, you're already dead, remember?
Guy: Wow... that's awesome!
Satan: I bet you like to gamble.
Guy: Why yes, as a matter of fact I do.
Satan: Cause Wednesdays you can gamble all you want. Craps, Blackjack, Roulette, Poker, Slots. If you go bankrupt... you're dead anyhow. Do you do drugs??
Guy: Are you kidding? Love drugs! You don't mean...
Satan: That's right! Thursday is drug day. Help yourself to a great big bowl of crack, or smack. Smoke a doobie the size of a submarine. You can do all the drugs you want, you're dead, who cares.
Guy: WOW! I never realized Hell was such a cool place!
Satan: You gay?
Guy: No! Of course not!
Satan: Ooooh You're gonna hate Fridays.
They poke fun at stereotypes. I think its ok to tell them and laugh at them if it is good natured. Back to context and intent.
Thus perpetuating the stereotypes regardless if it's intentional or not.

Usually cultural norms is not an excuse. How many colored jokes do you tell? Be honest. If none, why not?
I got a few... Depends on the audience... How do you stop black kids from jumping on the bed? Put velcro on the ceiling... So sue me :)
and you don't see that as demeaning to black kids? Do you tell these at work? If not, why not?
I don't think thats demeaning... it just points out that they have curly hair that sticks to velcro, it creates a funny image of kids stuck to the ceiling. Now of course I don't go around telling that to everybody because the issue of race is very sensitive in this country. I think we could all use a bit of a thicker skin, but its also important to know the temperature of the environment, and this topic is currently a very hot one.
Apparently conservatives can't get a conservative network up and running to put such shows on the air except fake Faux News. Why is that?

Because the market determines it, and conservatives, other than whining and bitching about others to their captive audience, don't make for profitable television. Otherwise they'd be doing it all over the place. Conservatives aren't the creative lot in the human population and creativity is what is required.

Don't agree? Then put together a 'conservative network' and get to it. Nobody doing it so you'd have the niche all to yourself.
Conservatives are too passive and defensive to make effective political propaganda(and that is why someone who is technically a leftist will end up doing it for them).

Conservatives can never get over the idea that someone is being hurt somehow by there being an unapologetically partisan network that appeals to ALL aspects of the right(yes, even the "far right"). It is in the nature of the conservative to only use violence when they are threatened.

Fox only further pacified Conservatives(technically tolerating scum like Juan Williams and Jehmu isn't even being pacified any more), and that is why it is a GREAT thing that Fox is dying now.
Can't handle opposing opinions I see... Makes sense that you like to bath in your ignorance and not seek objective debate to formulate your own opinions. Carry on Mr. Puppet, you grow more and more comical to me every day
CBS, NBC, ABC and all their shitty little variants cluttering up my channel selection can't handle opposing opinions, not me.

Colbert would be curled up in the fetal position permanently if my "ignorance" ever became a television network.
Start a YouTube channel and live stream.... See how you do. Let your brilliance shine! If you are any good then it will go viral. I bet you might even get to double digits if you get your family to subscribe!
I literally have double digit followers without videos, and my original account had hundreds.

I doubt you could get 5 followers using a channel without videos.
wow, hundreds!! thats really impressive. I think you got a future kid. Keep it up!
It actually takes significantly more than that, but you wouldn't know, because you are not intelligent.
I'm content to let the members of this forum decide which of us is educated, fact-based and intelligent and which is an opinionated asshole.
I've had plenty of disagreements with both of you, but its not even close... Divine at least displays some sense of objectivity and an ability to present a thoughtful argument. PTBW just comes off as an angry partisan troll
You literally don't know how to properly apply the "partisan" label to someone on a political forum, and you want to claim you have some kind of authority to judge intelligence?
Conservatives are too passive and defensive to make effective political propaganda(and that is why someone who is technically a leftist will end up doing it for them).

Conservatives can never get over the idea that someone is being hurt somehow by there being an unapologetically partisan network that appeals to ALL aspects of the right(yes, even the "far right"). It is in the nature of the conservative to only use violence when they are threatened.

Fox only further pacified Conservatives(technically tolerating scum like Juan Williams and Jehmu isn't even being pacified any more), and that is why it is a GREAT thing that Fox is dying now.
Can't handle opposing opinions I see... Makes sense that you like to bath in your ignorance and not seek objective debate to formulate your own opinions. Carry on Mr. Puppet, you grow more and more comical to me every day
CBS, NBC, ABC and all their shitty little variants cluttering up my channel selection can't handle opposing opinions, not me.

Colbert would be curled up in the fetal position permanently if my "ignorance" ever became a television network.
Start a YouTube channel and live stream.... See how you do. Let your brilliance shine! If you are any good then it will go viral. I bet you might even get to double digits if you get your family to subscribe!
I literally have double digit followers without videos, and my original account had hundreds.

I doubt you could get 5 followers using a channel without videos.
wow, hundreds!! thats really impressive. I think you got a future kid. Keep it up!
Hundreds from only going on hostile channels and challenging the best arguments until my comment is top rated.

Again, you couldn't hope to get 5 followers that way.
Do you honestly think CBS would allow a conservative on their channel that is as partisan and foul as Colbert?

Apparently conservatives can't get a conservative network up and running to put such shows on the air except fake Faux News. Why is that?

Because the market determines it, and conservatives, other than whining and bitching about others to their captive audience, don't make for profitable television. Otherwise they'd be doing it all over the place. Conservatives aren't the creative lot in the human population and creativity is what is required.

Don't agree? Then put together a 'conservative network' and get to it. Nobody doing it so you'd have the niche all to yourself.
Conservatives are too passive and defensive to make effective political propaganda(and that is why someone who is technically a leftist will end up doing it for them).

Conservatives can never get over the idea that someone is being hurt somehow by there being an unapologetically partisan network that appeals to ALL aspects of the right(yes, even the "far right"). It is in the nature of the conservative to only use violence when they are threatened.

Fox only further pacified Conservatives(technically tolerating scum like Juan Williams and Jehmu isn't even being pacified any more), and that is why it is a GREAT thing that Fox is dying now.
Can't handle opposing opinions I see... Makes sense that you like to bath in your ignorance and not seek objective debate to formulate your own opinions. Carry on Mr. Puppet, you grow more and more comical to me every day
CBS, NBC, ABC and all their shitty little variants cluttering up my channel selection can't handle opposing opinions, not me.

Colbert would be curled up in the fetal position permanently if my "ignorance" ever became a television network.
Why do you watch them? Haven't figured out the ON/OFF switch thingy yet or are the batteries in your remote dead and your welfare check hasn't arrived this month?
They own every channel, dumb fuck.
I don't think thats demeaning... it just points out that they have curly hair that sticks to velcro. Now of course I don't go around telling that to everybody because the issue of race is very sensitive in this country. I think we could all use a bit of a thicker skin, but its also important to know the temperature of the environment, and this topic is currently a very hot one.
Agreed on a thicker skin, but the fact remains, as you admit yourself, it can be seen as demeaning to black kids.

John Donne wrote "No Man is an Island". It's a great poem, but idealistic since, in many ways we all are islands within our own minds. In another thread the pros and cons of being able to read minds was discussed. IMHO, it's the next step in evolution and our advancement as a species, but others though the loss of individuality would do more harm than good.

If we could read each other's minds, then people could see whether or not a comment by another was malicious or not. Since we can't read minds, your logic in being careful where you tell black jokes makes sense because some people could take it the wrong way.
Apparently conservatives can't get a conservative network up and running to put such shows on the air except fake Faux News. Why is that?

Because the market determines it, and conservatives, other than whining and bitching about others to their captive audience, don't make for profitable television. Otherwise they'd be doing it all over the place. Conservatives aren't the creative lot in the human population and creativity is what is required.

Don't agree? Then put together a 'conservative network' and get to it. Nobody doing it so you'd have the niche all to yourself.
Conservatives are too passive and defensive to make effective political propaganda(and that is why someone who is technically a leftist will end up doing it for them).

Conservatives can never get over the idea that someone is being hurt somehow by there being an unapologetically partisan network that appeals to ALL aspects of the right(yes, even the "far right"). It is in the nature of the conservative to only use violence when they are threatened.

Fox only further pacified Conservatives(technically tolerating scum like Juan Williams and Jehmu isn't even being pacified any more), and that is why it is a GREAT thing that Fox is dying now.
Can't handle opposing opinions I see... Makes sense that you like to bath in your ignorance and not seek objective debate to formulate your own opinions. Carry on Mr. Puppet, you grow more and more comical to me every day
CBS, NBC, ABC and all their shitty little variants cluttering up my channel selection can't handle opposing opinions, not me.

Colbert would be curled up in the fetal position permanently if my "ignorance" ever became a television network.
Why do you watch them? Haven't figured out the ON/OFF switch thingy yet or are the batteries in your remote dead and your welfare check hasn't arrived this month?
They own every channel, dumb fuck.
"They"? You mean liberal ***** or the fucking Jooos? Both?
Conservatives are too passive and defensive to make effective political propaganda(and that is why someone who is technically a leftist will end up doing it for them).

Conservatives can never get over the idea that someone is being hurt somehow by there being an unapologetically partisan network that appeals to ALL aspects of the right(yes, even the "far right"). It is in the nature of the conservative to only use violence when they are threatened.

Fox only further pacified Conservatives(technically tolerating scum like Juan Williams and Jehmu isn't even being pacified any more), and that is why it is a GREAT thing that Fox is dying now.
Can't handle opposing opinions I see... Makes sense that you like to bath in your ignorance and not seek objective debate to formulate your own opinions. Carry on Mr. Puppet, you grow more and more comical to me every day
CBS, NBC, ABC and all their shitty little variants cluttering up my channel selection can't handle opposing opinions, not me.

Colbert would be curled up in the fetal position permanently if my "ignorance" ever became a television network.
Why do you watch them? Haven't figured out the ON/OFF switch thingy yet or are the batteries in your remote dead and your welfare check hasn't arrived this month?
They own every channel, dumb fuck.
"They"? You mean liberal ***** or the fucking Jooos? Both?

ALL of the channels that aren't PBS, CNN(and HLN) and FOX variants are variants of the big 3.

Where did you think total shit channels like Lifetime came from?
It actually takes significantly more than that, but you wouldn't know, because you are not intelligent.
I'm content to let the members of this forum decide which of us is educated, fact-based and intelligent and which is an opinionated asshole.
I've had plenty of disagreements with both of you, but its not even close... Divine at least displays some sense of objectivity and an ability to present a thoughtful argument. PTBW just comes off as an angry partisan troll
You literally don't know how to properly apply the "partisan" label to someone on a political forum, and you want to claim you have some kind of authority to judge intelligence?
Sorry if you don't understand what I'm talking about... I think its pretty clear for those that have conversed with you.
Can't handle opposing opinions I see... Makes sense that you like to bath in your ignorance and not seek objective debate to formulate your own opinions. Carry on Mr. Puppet, you grow more and more comical to me every day
CBS, NBC, ABC and all their shitty little variants cluttering up my channel selection can't handle opposing opinions, not me.

Colbert would be curled up in the fetal position permanently if my "ignorance" ever became a television network.
Start a YouTube channel and live stream.... See how you do. Let your brilliance shine! If you are any good then it will go viral. I bet you might even get to double digits if you get your family to subscribe!
I literally have double digit followers without videos, and my original account had hundreds.

I doubt you could get 5 followers using a channel without videos.
wow, hundreds!! thats really impressive. I think you got a future kid. Keep it up!
Hundreds from only going on hostile channels and challenging the best arguments until my comment is top rated.

Again, you couldn't hope to get 5 followers that way.
And thats what makes you a winner!
I don't think thats demeaning... it just points out that they have curly hair that sticks to velcro. Now of course I don't go around telling that to everybody because the issue of race is very sensitive in this country. I think we could all use a bit of a thicker skin, but its also important to know the temperature of the environment, and this topic is currently a very hot one.
Agreed on a thicker skin, but the fact remains, as you admit yourself, it can be seen as demeaning to black kids.

John Donne wrote "No Man is an Island". It's a great poem, but idealistic since, in many ways we all are islands within our own minds. In another thread the pros and cons of being able to read minds was discussed. IMHO, it's the next step in evolution and our advancement as a species, but others though the loss of individuality would do more harm than good.

If we could read each other's minds, then people could see whether or not a comment by another was malicious or not. Since we can't read minds, your logic in being careful where you tell black jokes makes sense because some people could take it the wrong way.
Reminds me of a movie I saw a while back called "The invention of lying" where the characters lived in a world where people were not able to lie. They just said what was on their mind. It was an interesting and entertaining watch. Check it out if you haven't already.
....Where did you think total shit channels like Lifetime came from?
The Constitution of the United States of America and American Capitalism.

It actually takes significantly more than that, but you wouldn't know, because you are not intelligent.
I'm content to let the members of this forum decide which of us is educated, fact-based and intelligent and which is an opinionated asshole.
I've had plenty of disagreements with both of you, but its not even close... Divine at least displays some sense of objectivity and an ability to present a thoughtful argument. PTBW just comes off as an angry partisan troll
You literally don't know how to properly apply the "partisan" label to someone on a political forum, and you want to claim you have some kind of authority to judge intelligence?
Sorry if you don't understand what I'm talking about... I think its pretty clear for those that have conversed with you.
The only time I ever talk about Hannity or Fox or Republicans specifically is when I am mercilessly bashing them, and you think that qualifies as a partisan Republican?

In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
You can also call him Steven "Highest Rated Late Night Show" Colbert
That just means Liberals stay up later than Conservatives.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
You can also call him Steven "Highest Rated Late Night Show" Colbert
That just means Liberals stay up later than Conservatives.
They don't work.

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