Steven "POS" Colbert

....Where did you think total shit channels like Lifetime came from?
The Constitution of the United States of America and American Capitalism.

Nope, ABC.
I don't think thats demeaning... it just points out that they have curly hair that sticks to velcro. Now of course I don't go around telling that to everybody because the issue of race is very sensitive in this country. I think we could all use a bit of a thicker skin, but its also important to know the temperature of the environment, and this topic is currently a very hot one.
Agreed on a thicker skin, but the fact remains, as you admit yourself, it can be seen as demeaning to black kids.

John Donne wrote "No Man is an Island". It's a great poem, but idealistic since, in many ways we all are islands within our own minds. In another thread the pros and cons of being able to read minds was discussed. IMHO, it's the next step in evolution and our advancement as a species, but others though the loss of individuality would do more harm than good.

If we could read each other's minds, then people could see whether or not a comment by another was malicious or not. Since we can't read minds, your logic in being careful where you tell black jokes makes sense because some people could take it the wrong way.
Reminds me of a movie I saw a while back called "The invention of lying" where the characters lived in a world where people were not able to lie. They just said what was on their mind. It was an interesting and entertaining watch. Check it out if you haven't already.
Haven't seen the movie, but just moved it up in my Netflix que.

Not lying is one step, but being able to actually read everything in another person's mind, "mind meld" in Trekkie talk, is a step above simply telling the truth since words, as we've discussed, can be misunderstood regardless of intent.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
You can also call him Steven "Highest Rated Late Night Show" Colbert
That just means Liberals stay up later than Conservatives.
Or know how to set the timer on their VCRs. ;)
It actually takes significantly more than that, but you wouldn't know, because you are not intelligent.
I'm content to let the members of this forum decide which of us is educated, fact-based and intelligent and which is an opinionated asshole.
I've had plenty of disagreements with both of you, but its not even close... Divine at least displays some sense of objectivity and an ability to present a thoughtful argument. PTBW just comes off as an angry partisan troll
You literally don't know how to properly apply the "partisan" label to someone on a political forum, and you want to claim you have some kind of authority to judge intelligence?
Sorry if you don't understand what I'm talking about... I think its pretty clear for those that have conversed with you.
The only time I ever talk about Hannity or Fox or Republicans specifically is when I am mercilessly bashing them, and you think that qualifies as a partisan Republican?

There are several different definitions of partisan. This is the one I assign to you

prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.
synonyms: biased, prejudiced, one-sided, discriminatory, colored, partial, interested, sectarian, factional
"partisan attitudes"
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
Does Colbert exercising his 1st Amendment rights make you feel less Safe, Snowflake?

/---- Free speech is a one way street for liberals. You are free to agree with them.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.

They always threaten to leave the country but never do.

I reckon it's all a part of their pathological progressive lying.

They simply can't help themselves.

/---- Give an actor a script with free publicity and he will say anything even if he doesn't believe it.
That's not a fair inference. Nowhere did Dragonlady mention women or being feminine.
In a straight relationship, who does the cocksucking and who does the pussy eating?

So, if someone mentions fellatio, it's misogynistic, unless they mention fellatio in the context of two guys, then it's homophobic?
Mentioning fellatio, by itself, isn't either just as mentioning cunnilingus is neither homophobic nor misogynistic. However, using it as an insult can be, as Colbert did, homophobic.

You and I, two straight people (I presume) of opposite genders can discuss our joy of oral sex all we like and it's not demeaning to men, women, straights or gays. At most, it would only offend prudes. You could even say women perform cunnilingus better than men and that isn't demeaning to gays, men or women. OTOH, if you call a woman a pussy-eater as an insult, that, indeed, is demeaning to lesbians since you consider a woman who eats another woman's pussy to be an insult.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
You can also call him Steven "Highest Rated Late Night Show" Colbert
That just means Liberals stay up later than Conservatives.
They don't work.
Since when is 11pm at night late?
I'm content to let the members of this forum decide which of us is educated, fact-based and intelligent and which is an opinionated asshole.
I've had plenty of disagreements with both of you, but its not even close... Divine at least displays some sense of objectivity and an ability to present a thoughtful argument. PTBW just comes off as an angry partisan troll
You literally don't know how to properly apply the "partisan" label to someone on a political forum, and you want to claim you have some kind of authority to judge intelligence?
Sorry if you don't understand what I'm talking about... I think its pretty clear for those that have conversed with you.
The only time I ever talk about Hannity or Fox or Republicans specifically is when I am mercilessly bashing them, and you think that qualifies as a partisan Republican?

There are several different definitions of partisan. This is the one I assign to you

prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.
synonyms: biased, prejudiced, one-sided, discriminatory, colored, partial, interested, sectarian, factional
"partisan attitudes"
None of which fit me.

From an American political context, with only 2 viable political parties, I am the furthest thing from a partisan that you can get.

If you want to insist that having an ideology makes you a partisan, then you are an idiot who doesn't understand what the word "partisan" means.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
You can also call him Steven "Highest Rated Late Night Show" Colbert
That just means Liberals stay up later than Conservatives.
They don't work.
Since when is 11pm at night late?
When you have to get up for work at 5:00 am.

I stay up until about 12:00 regardless, but I am definitely not normal in that regard.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
You can also call him Steven "Highest Rated Late Night Show" Colbert
That just means Liberals stay up later than Conservatives.
They don't work.
Since when is 11pm at night late?
It's only late for people who work for a living on jobs that begin at 8 or 9 AM. :)

OTOH, people who know how to time shift their shows don't have a problem with it......also a great way to skip commercials. I've rarely watched anything live for over 6 years. It's all either recorded or streaming.
That's not a fair inference. Nowhere did Dragonlady mention women or being feminine.
In a straight relationship, who does the cocksucking and who does the pussy eating?

So, if someone mentions fellatio, it's misogynistic, unless they mention fellatio in the context of two guys, then it's homophobic?
Mentioning fellatio, by itself, isn't either just as mentioning cunnilingus is neither homophobic nor misogynistic. However, using it as an insult can be, as Colbert did, homophobic.

You and I, two straight people (I presume) of opposite genders can discuss our joy of oral sex all we like and it's not demeaning to men, women, straights or gays. At most, it would only offend prudes. You could even say women perform cunnilingus better than men and that isn't demeaning to gays, men or women. OTOH, if you call a woman a pussy-eater as an insult, that, indeed, is demeaning to lesbians since you consider a woman who eats another woman's pussy to be an insult.
I believe carpet muncher is the proper term...
That's not a fair inference. Nowhere did Dragonlady mention women or being feminine.
In a straight relationship, who does the cocksucking and who does the pussy eating?
Kinda depends how limber one is....
LOL. True, but pleasuring one's mate has a transcendental effect not achieved with masturbation...oral or manual.
I suppose, I could never bent that far...
I've had plenty of disagreements with both of you, but its not even close... Divine at least displays some sense of objectivity and an ability to present a thoughtful argument. PTBW just comes off as an angry partisan troll
You literally don't know how to properly apply the "partisan" label to someone on a political forum, and you want to claim you have some kind of authority to judge intelligence?
Sorry if you don't understand what I'm talking about... I think its pretty clear for those that have conversed with you.
The only time I ever talk about Hannity or Fox or Republicans specifically is when I am mercilessly bashing them, and you think that qualifies as a partisan Republican?

There are several different definitions of partisan. This is the one I assign to you

prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.
synonyms: biased, prejudiced, one-sided, discriminatory, colored, partial, interested, sectarian, factional
"partisan attitudes"
None of which fit me.

From an American political context, with only 2 viable political parties, I am the furthest thing from a partisan that you can get.

If you want to insist that having an ideology makes you a partisan, then you are an idiot who doesn't understand what the word "partisan" means.
I just showed you the definition I put on you. You may not subscribe to a particular party but you are on the far-right and you show blind prejudice towards anybody on the left and anybody with an opposing point of view as yourself. You have a closed mind and a loud mouth and zero credibility behind the things you say.
You literally don't know how to properly apply the "partisan" label to someone on a political forum, and you want to claim you have some kind of authority to judge intelligence?
Sorry if you don't understand what I'm talking about... I think its pretty clear for those that have conversed with you.
The only time I ever talk about Hannity or Fox or Republicans specifically is when I am mercilessly bashing them, and you think that qualifies as a partisan Republican?

There are several different definitions of partisan. This is the one I assign to you

prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.
synonyms: biased, prejudiced, one-sided, discriminatory, colored, partial, interested, sectarian, factional
"partisan attitudes"
None of which fit me.

From an American political context, with only 2 viable political parties, I am the furthest thing from a partisan that you can get.

If you want to insist that having an ideology makes you a partisan, then you are an idiot who doesn't understand what the word "partisan" means.
I just showed you the definition I put on you. You may not subscribe to a particular party but you are on the far-right and you show blind prejudice towards anybody on the left and anybody with an opposing point of view as yourself. You have a closed mind and a loud mouth and zero credibility behind the things you say.
I admire the "far right" and ally with them on causes I care about, but I am actually on the left side of the spectrum.

I oppose the contemporary left because they are hypocrites , not because I give a shit about Reagan.
Sorry if you don't understand what I'm talking about... I think its pretty clear for those that have conversed with you.
The only time I ever talk about Hannity or Fox or Republicans specifically is when I am mercilessly bashing them, and you think that qualifies as a partisan Republican?

There are several different definitions of partisan. This is the one I assign to you

prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.
synonyms: biased, prejudiced, one-sided, discriminatory, colored, partial, interested, sectarian, factional
"partisan attitudes"
None of which fit me.

From an American political context, with only 2 viable political parties, I am the furthest thing from a partisan that you can get.

If you want to insist that having an ideology makes you a partisan, then you are an idiot who doesn't understand what the word "partisan" means.
I just showed you the definition I put on you. You may not subscribe to a particular party but you are on the far-right and you show blind prejudice towards anybody on the left and anybody with an opposing point of view as yourself. You have a closed mind and a loud mouth and zero credibility behind the things you say.
I admire the "far right" and ally with them on causes I care about, but I am actually on the left side of the spectrum.

I oppose the contemporary left because they are hypocrites , not because I give a shit about Reagan.
Glad we got that straight.
That's not a fair inference. Nowhere did Dragonlady mention women or being feminine.
In a straight relationship, who does the cocksucking and who does the pussy eating?
Kinda depends how limber one is....
LOL. True, but pleasuring one's mate has a transcendental effect not achieved with masturbation...oral or manual.
I suppose, I could never bent that far...
Another reason to really, really appreciate chicks into yoga.



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