Steven "POS" Colbert

Fox News has had a Stable of female molesting quasi rapist bastards on the air for Decades and it did not bother the tender sensitivities of the Trump Cuck Squishes that are a whining and a setting their hair on fire...weak sad Bimbos :badgrin::banana::badgrin::banana::badgrin::banana::badgrin::banana::badgrin::banana::badgrin::banana:
I am pretty sure the media did that when they accused of him of making fun of a disabled reporter and compared him to Dylan Roof.

Counterpunching is now "smash mouth" to you goobers.

You are very fragile ...maybe just maybe a "safe space" can be readied for you...because baby you ain't seen nothing yet

The irony is that every Democrat under 30 is 100% physical and mentally impotent, and that is literally the only reason "safe spaces" exist.

Now that Fox is finally dying off, the right wing will be free to obliterate your pathetic defenses without constant pacification, and all you have is a bunch of retards in superman underwear to look to for help.
Do you think you have a leg to stand on opposing me on that?

I think half of all comedians should be right wing lunatics.
are you under the impression you post impressively ...are you Fucking Kidding me a pathetic Trump loving Goof LOL A Pussy like you Loved it when the Orange ShitGibbon was Racially taunting Obama that he was not American and has a fake Birth certificate ...the Orange Anus even Insinuated that Obama had murdered a State Official to cover up that he was Not American cheered that did you not ..fuck off weakling LOL
I didn't give a fuck about Trump until 2015, goober.

He is a battering ram.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
Does Colbert exercising his 1st Amendment rights make you feel less Safe, Snowflake?

No, but it would be nice to return to the days when even the talk show hosts that opposed the sitting POTUS were not so dispicably crass.
I'd like to return to the days when our president was NOT an uninformed, inarticulate, say January 18, 2017...

Wouldn't you?

And return to Obama, no thanks.


couldn't wait for the end of THAT nightmare, I will tell you.

Yeah yeah, heard this one before.
You guys come up with a chart with a historic, or near historic low due to a stock market purge, and guess what happens? The market moves into a growth mode, which always happens regardless of a president, and suddenly the lines on the chart lurch upward. Wow big surprise.
The truth of the matter is, the economy and jobs grew at a very slow rate, and we are still recovering.
I am pretty sure the media did that when they accused of him of making fun of a disabled reporter and compared him to Dylan Roof.

Counterpunching is now "smash mouth" to you goobers.

You are very fragile ...maybe just maybe a "safe space" can be readied for you...because baby you ain't seen nothing yet

The irony is that every Democrat under 30 is 100% physical and mentally impotent, and that is literally the only reason "safe spaces" exist.

Now that Fox is finally dying off, the right wing will be free to obliterate your pathetic defenses without constant pacification, and all you have is a bunch of retards in superman underwear to look to for help.

You are like some kind of Right wing Fairy Right LOL weakling
Do you think you have a leg to stand on opposing me on that?

I think half of all comedians should be right wing lunatics.
are you under the impression you post impressively ...are you Fucking Kidding me a pathetic Trump loving Goof LOL A Pussy like you Loved it when the Orange ShitGibbon was Racially taunting Obama that he was not American and has a fake Birth certificate ...the Orange Anus even Insinuated that Obama had murdered a State Official to cover up that he was Not American cheered that did you not ..fuck off weakling LOL
I didn't give a fuck about Trump until 2015, goober.

He is a battering ram.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.

Letterman was as bad or worse than Colbert....CBS is CNN without the hot sauce.....both are crap and worthy of boycott. I admit I still watch "Survivor" but from a pirate streaming site with no commercials. :eusa_shifty:
I reminded Sean Spicer, that Colbert at least did not say Trump resembled a sebaceous secretion in the folds of the foreskin of Male Billy Goats not Roger Aisles, the real farm animal Billy goats... I have no idea what this is used for and I could go the rest of my life without finding out not google

In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.

Or any other place that doesn't have the US Constitution, right?

I bet you're just pleased as punch about the constant lies,racist memes and calls to assassinate President Obama.

Bottom line is, the First Amendment stays. Suck it up, cupcake.

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I didn't give a fuck about Trump until 2015, goober.

He is a battering ram.
and you are bent over in front of him with your hands gripped to your ankles proudly saying "Thank You sir and May I please Have another" :badgrin: weak ...sad ....Bimbo
Do you even have the slightest idea how pathetic you are?

I defend him because he serves MY agenda, just like when you defended Obama.
It's about the mistake we made in not calling obama Reggie Love's cockholster.

Dayum. Had we but known that it was acceptable!

Don't act like you care about what's acceptable; you'll just embarrass yourself.
Its acceptable for Bill O Reilly to be degrading and humiliating women with masturbatory phone call featuring plenty of mouth breathing and for Roger Aisles to be demanding Sexual Favors like some demented sophomoric Billy Goat on steroids ...........
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.

Or any other place that doesn't have the US Constitution, right?

I bet you're just pleased as punch about the constant lies,racist memes and calls to assassinate President Obama.

Bottom line is, the First Amendment stays. Suck it up, cupcake.

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For the last time, retard; the first amendment does NOT defend anyone calling to assassinate the president, ever.
besides what Colbert was doing was a demonstration of Locker Room banter is all:banana: he was being sarcastic ...besides its what is in Colbert's heart not his words themselves...:badgrin:
I defend him because he serves MY agenda, just like when you defended Obama.
and I mock you because that serves my agenda of making fun of as many Trump rubes as possible :asshole:
And you are making a complete joke of yourself in the process.

Trump supporters(especially the young ones) are far more angry and radical than Trump will ever be. It is totally a great idea to just keep kicking that beehive when the entire right wing establishment is in shambles....

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