Steven "POS" Colbert

There was a time this would have been horrible, but our culture has devolved to the point now where it's just more noise.

It's not like anyone is trying to get along or actually improve things, anyway.

Colbert's words certainly do reflect the hatred of the Regressive Left.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
Does Colbert exercising his 1st Amendment rights make you feel less Safe, Snowflake?
How about you exercise your ass to a job line?
Sooooooo fifty posts later, anyone have any clue yet what this thread is about?
I'm guessing it's Colbert's two-minute tirade Monday night:

‘Trump’s mouth is only good as Vladimir Putin’s c*ck holster’: Colbert brutalizes Trump in 2-minute blitz
Stephen Colbert on Monday defended fellow CBS host John Dickerson against Donald Trump after the president told the renowned journalist he refers to the (award-winning) news program “Face the Nation” as “Deface the Nation.”

“Donald Trump, John Dickerson is a fair-minded journalist and one of the most competent people who will ever walk into your office,” Colbert began during his opening monologue on “The Late Show.”

Colbert noted Dickerson has too much “dignity to trade insults with the president of the United States to his face,” adding “But I, sir, am no John Dickerson.”

“Here we go,” Colbert began, before ripping into Trump.

“Mr. Trump, your presidency? I love your presidency, I call it ‘Disgrace the Nation.’” Colbert said. “You’re not the POTUS, you’re the BLOTUS. You’re the glutton with a button. You’re a regular ‘Gorge’ Washington. You’re the presi-dunce. But you’re turning into a real prictator.”

Colbert said Trump “attracts more skinheads than free Rogaine,” has “more people marching against [him] than cancer,” and talks “like a sign-language gorilla who got hit in the head.”

Going all-in against the president, Colbert added: “Sir, the only the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”

Watch the takedown below, via CBS:
such entertainment eh? Him and Howard Dean ought to share rants.
President Trump is tough enough to take a comedian's rant, don't you think?....or do you think Trump is a snowflake?
where did I say he couldn't take it? Doesn't make what colbert any less tasteless, vile and unamerican. And the fact that he reminded me of Howard Dean's rant. Especially to say cock in front of a live audience that may have had children in it. what a piece of fking work
Ahhh, so you don't know if Trump is offended, it's you who are. No problem. The situation is easily fixed by changing the channel or simply turning off the idiot box.
yes I am. again, I find it unacceptable to say the word cock on live tv in front of children. fking piece of work. No class, loser.
Does Colbert exercising his 1st Amendment rights make you feel less Safe, Snowflake?

No, but it would be nice to return to the days when even the talk show hosts that opposed the sitting POTUS were not so dispicably crass.
I'd like to return to the days when our president was NOT an uninformed, inarticulate, say January 18, 2017...

Wouldn't you?

And return to Obama, no thanks.


couldn't wait for the end of THAT nightmare, I will tell you.

Yeah yeah, heard this one before.
You guys come up with a chart with a historic, or near historic low due to a stock market purge, and guess what happens? The market moves into a growth mode, which always happens regardless of a president, and suddenly the lines on the chart lurch upward. Wow big surprise.
The truth of the matter is, the economy and jobs grew at a very slow rate, and we are still recovering.
Recovering from what? (Go on......say "Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux"'ll feel better)

You wanna compare Obama's numbers to those of the last POTUS for whom you cast two enthusiastic votes?
Sooooooo fifty posts later, anyone have any clue yet what this thread is about?
I'm guessing it's Colbert's two-minute tirade Monday night:

‘Trump’s mouth is only good as Vladimir Putin’s c*ck holster’: Colbert brutalizes Trump in 2-minute blitz
Stephen Colbert on Monday defended fellow CBS host John Dickerson against Donald Trump after the president told the renowned journalist he refers to the (award-winning) news program “Face the Nation” as “Deface the Nation.”

“Donald Trump, John Dickerson is a fair-minded journalist and one of the most competent people who will ever walk into your office,” Colbert began during his opening monologue on “The Late Show.”

Colbert noted Dickerson has too much “dignity to trade insults with the president of the United States to his face,” adding “But I, sir, am no John Dickerson.”

“Here we go,” Colbert began, before ripping into Trump.

“Mr. Trump, your presidency? I love your presidency, I call it ‘Disgrace the Nation.’” Colbert said. “You’re not the POTUS, you’re the BLOTUS. You’re the glutton with a button. You’re a regular ‘Gorge’ Washington. You’re the presi-dunce. But you’re turning into a real prictator.”

Colbert said Trump “attracts more skinheads than free Rogaine,” has “more people marching against [him] than cancer,” and talks “like a sign-language gorilla who got hit in the head.”

Going all-in against the president, Colbert added: “Sir, the only the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”

Watch the takedown below, via CBS:
such entertainment eh? Him and Howard Dean ought to share rants.
President Trump is tough enough to take a comedian's rant, don't you think?....or do you think Trump is a snowflake?
where did I say he couldn't take it? Doesn't make what colbert any less tasteless, vile and unamerican. And the fact that he reminded me of Howard Dean's rant. Especially to say cock in front of a live audience that may have had children in it. what a piece of fking work

Do children not have cocks then? :popcorn:

This place is SO informative.
I'm sure they have penis's some of them and others have vi-jay jays. So, what's your point? remember, it's ok to prick your finger, but's not ok to say finger your prick on live tv. just saying, can we get to a society that protects the children again? I know you want to kill all the babies, but hell, in here at least keep it civil.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
Does Colbert exercising his 1st Amendment rights make you feel less Safe, Snowflake?
How about you exercise your ass to a job line?

Damn, dude.....that's cold.....what did I ever say to you?

(.......oh...yeah.....that pre-op tranny thing.....ok)
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
Does Colbert exercising his 1st Amendment rights make you feel less Safe, Snowflake?
How about you exercise your ass to a job line?

Damn, dude.....that's cold.....what did I ever say to you?

(.......oh...yeah.....that pre-op tranny thing.....ok)
The bad news is you get a job you will have to give up drug dealing, looting and riots. The good news is you can keep the fat white women!
yes I am. again, I find it unacceptable to say the word cock on live tv in front of children. fking piece of work. No class, loser.

What are your kids doing up at 11:30 at night?
It isn't what I said, perhaps you should learn to read. I bet you think those shows are live? hahahahahahhahha what a stupid fk. They're taped in the afternoon. in the event you didn't know.
Last edited:
yes I am. again, I find it unacceptable to say the word cock on live tv in front of children. fking piece of work. No class, loser.

What are your kids doing up at 11:30 at night?
It isn't what I said, perhaps you should learn to read. I bet you think those shows are live? hahahahahahhahha what a stupid fk. Their taped in the afternoon. in the event you didn't know.

Still, it airs late at night when impressionable young children should be in bed.
yes I am. again, I find it unacceptable to say the word cock on live tv in front of children. fking piece of work. No class, loser.

What are your kids doing up at 11:30 at night?
It isn't what I said, perhaps you should learn to read. I bet you think those shows are live? hahahahahahhahha what a stupid fk. Their taped in the afternoon. in the event you didn't know.

Still, it airs late at night when impressionable young children should be in bed.
again, it isn't what I said, so have a nice day and quote the quote I made.
I'm guessing it's Colbert's two-minute tirade Monday night:

‘Trump’s mouth is only good as Vladimir Putin’s c*ck holster’: Colbert brutalizes Trump in 2-minute blitz
Stephen Colbert on Monday defended fellow CBS host John Dickerson against Donald Trump after the president told the renowned journalist he refers to the (award-winning) news program “Face the Nation” as “Deface the Nation.”

“Donald Trump, John Dickerson is a fair-minded journalist and one of the most competent people who will ever walk into your office,” Colbert began during his opening monologue on “The Late Show.”

Colbert noted Dickerson has too much “dignity to trade insults with the president of the United States to his face,” adding “But I, sir, am no John Dickerson.”

“Here we go,” Colbert began, before ripping into Trump.

“Mr. Trump, your presidency? I love your presidency, I call it ‘Disgrace the Nation.’” Colbert said. “You’re not the POTUS, you’re the BLOTUS. You’re the glutton with a button. You’re a regular ‘Gorge’ Washington. You’re the presi-dunce. But you’re turning into a real prictator.”

Colbert said Trump “attracts more skinheads than free Rogaine,” has “more people marching against [him] than cancer,” and talks “like a sign-language gorilla who got hit in the head.”

Going all-in against the president, Colbert added: “Sir, the only the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”

Watch the takedown below, via CBS:
such entertainment eh? Him and Howard Dean ought to share rants.
President Trump is tough enough to take a comedian's rant, don't you think?....or do you think Trump is a snowflake?
where did I say he couldn't take it? Doesn't make what colbert any less tasteless, vile and unamerican. And the fact that he reminded me of Howard Dean's rant. Especially to say cock in front of a live audience that may have had children in it. what a piece of fking work
Ahhh, so you don't know if Trump is offended, it's you who are. No problem. The situation is easily fixed by changing the channel or simply turning off the idiot box.
yes I am. again, I find it unacceptable to say the word cock on live tv in front of children. fking piece of work. No class, loser.

Where are the children that heard him?
such entertainment eh? Him and Howard Dean ought to share rants.
President Trump is tough enough to take a comedian's rant, don't you think?....or do you think Trump is a snowflake?
where did I say he couldn't take it? Doesn't make what colbert any less tasteless, vile and unamerican. And the fact that he reminded me of Howard Dean's rant. Especially to say cock in front of a live audience that may have had children in it. what a piece of fking work
Ahhh, so you don't know if Trump is offended, it's you who are. No problem. The situation is easily fixed by changing the channel or simply turning off the idiot box.
yes I am. again, I find it unacceptable to say the word cock on live tv in front of children. fking piece of work. No class, loser.

Where are the children that heard him?
any in the audience. you know where it was taped? do you know there were none?
President Trump is tough enough to take a comedian's rant, don't you think?....or do you think Trump is a snowflake?
where did I say he couldn't take it? Doesn't make what colbert any less tasteless, vile and unamerican. And the fact that he reminded me of Howard Dean's rant. Especially to say cock in front of a live audience that may have had children in it. what a piece of fking work
Ahhh, so you don't know if Trump is offended, it's you who are. No problem. The situation is easily fixed by changing the channel or simply turning off the idiot box.
yes I am. again, I find it unacceptable to say the word cock on live tv in front of children. fking piece of work. No class, loser.

Where are the children that heard him?
any in the audience. you know where it was taped? do you know there were none?

Fuckwad, you made the assertion.

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