Steven Seagal launches Aikido centre to train "russians" for military service

If two equally talented men got into a fight, one trained in Aikido and the other trained in any relevant martial art used in MMA, it's almost certain that the Aikido fighter would get crushed, save some miracle.

The Aikidao operates on surprise. On the first attack, it certainly will be affective. In a street situation, it is very affective because most fights will end if the initial attack ends so abruptly.

Anyone with any degree of levels of Martial Arts will not find them facing each other since that's completely against the Crede. Usually. Case in point is Steven Seagull who is a bully.
ROFLMAO. If Russia is actually using fake martial arts then they are even more of a joke than we thought.

An Aikido Master is to martial arts what flat earth is to science.

Maybe Seagull is actually a secret plant to make them even more ineffective...
It's a defensive martial art. It depends on the other person to be the attacker and then it defends. But it can't be the aggressor. As for the comparison to the other Martial Arts, if you are going to attack and keep attacking then your worst nightmare would be an Aikido master. But if you are going to carefully do your attack, it's one of the weakest.
Aikido isnt not a real martial art. You wont find an example of it being used anywhere in a real fight. Go ahead, look it up. You will find nothing.
Most Martial Arts don't make it past the Dojos front door for usefulness. MMA is a different animal and I use Animal in it's correct meaning. MMA doesn't really use a lot of defensive moves but it does use a ton of offensive ones. Aikido is "Pretty" and only defensive. MMA is brutal and offensive. I don't know of many Martial Artists that can exist in a MMA fight if that is all he's bringing to the table.

I know you know it all so I won't "Discuss" it further with you.
"MMA isnt defensive". It really annoys me when people who dont know a thing about fighting start saying shit like this. Where did you come up with that? Did you watch a couple fights and now you think you can make that claim?

MMA is the MOST defensive martial art ever!!!!!! They work on their stances, their guards, take down defense, checking kicks, submission defense and foot work like no other martial art in history ever has.
Depends on a lot of variables.
No it doesnt. Go find the worlds greatest aikido master and put him up against an amateur boxer or a good high school wrestler. The aikido scrub is getting his ass handed to him 10 out of 10 times.
The Aikidao operates on surprise. On the first attack, it certainly will be affective. In a street situation, it is very affective because most fights will end if the initial attack ends so abruptly.

Anyone with any degree of levels of Martial Arts will not find them facing each other since that's completely against the Crede. Usually. Case in point is Steven Seagull who is a bully.
Aikido has NEVER been effective against anyone other than compliant students who fall the most the master touches them. Aikido doesnt work.
Russia has its own martial arts, which includes variations of Aikido already.

Self Defense Sambo​

This kind of Sambo is about defending yourself. In it, practitioners are taught to guard against weapons. Most of the moves that are taught include using the attacker's aggression against them, which is similar to what is done in both Jiu-Jitsu and Aikido. Spiridonov's influence is strong in this style of Sambo.


Combat sambo (Russian: Боевое Самбо, romanized: Boyevoye Sambo). Utilized and developed for the military, combat sambo resembles modern mixed martial arts, including forms of striking and grappling. Combat sambo allows regular punches, kicks, elbows, and knees, as well as soccer kicks, headbutts and groin strikes, in addition to throws, holds, chokes and locks, except for a standing or flying wristbar
Russia has its own martial arts, which includes variations of Aikido already.

Self Defense Sambo​

This kind of Sambo is about defending yourself. In it, practitioners are taught to guard against weapons. Most of the moves that are taught include using the attacker's aggression against them, which is similar to what is done in both Jiu-Jitsu and Aikido. Spiridonov's influence is strong in this style of Sambo.


Combat sambo (Russian: Боевое Самбо, romanized: Boyevoye Sambo). Utilized and developed for the military, combat sambo resembles modern mixed martial arts, including forms of striking and grappling. Combat sambo allows regular punches, kicks, elbows, and knees, as well as soccer kicks, headbutts and groin strikes, in addition to throws, holds, chokes and locks, except for a standing or flying wristbar
Sambo is NOT related to aikido in any way.
No parts of it are related to aikido. Have you ever actually watched combat sambo? There is no aikido anywhere. :cuckoo:

Already posted about it. There are several Sambo styles, dumbass, not just one. Seagal's course just focuses on a few similar tactics, so it fits in there well. Any grappling and wrestling style of martial arts will have similarities.
Already posted about it. There are several Sambo styles, dumbass, not just one. Seagal's course just focuses on a few similar tactics, so it fits in there well.
You posted something that said it was "similar". Do you know what they are referring to when they say "similar".

Aikido (in theory but not in practice) uses an attackers forward momentum to take him down, but a bunch of martial arts do that. Wrestling was the first art to do this which predates all martial arts. Sambo does this through "collar grabs" effectively, unlike stupid aikido.

Being similar doesnt = related to.
You posted something that said it was "similar". Do you know what they are referring to when they say "similar".

Aikido (in theory but not in practice) uses an attackers forward momentum to take him down, but a bunch of martial arts do that. Wrestling was the first art to do this which predates all martial arts. Sambo does this through "collar grabs" effectively, unlike stupid aikido.

Being similar doesnt = related to.

Very True, its great if you want to be a gymnast.
Its not even good for that. All aikido can do is give you the confidence to think that you can win a fight, which is great as long as you dont get into a fight. Youre getting your ass handed to you if you do.
You posted something that said it was "similar". Do you know what they are referring to when they say "similar".

Aikido (in theory but not in practice) uses an attackers forward momentum to take him down, but a bunch of martial arts do that. Wrestling was the first art to do this which predates all martial arts. Sambo does this through "collar grabs" effectively, unlike stupid aikido.

Being similar doesnt = related to.

lol Russian martial arts derive directly from Asian forms. Being similar doesn't=unrelated either.
"MMA isnt defensive". It really annoys me when people who dont know a thing about fighting start saying shit like this. Where did you come up with that? Did you watch a couple fights and now you think you can make that claim?

MMA is the MOST defensive martial art ever!!!!!! They work on their stances, their guards, take down defense, checking kicks, submission defense and foot work like no other martial art in history ever has.

They you will lose in less than 3 seconds. Be defensive.

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