Steven Spielberg's movie about Lincoln is pure bullshit !!!!!!!

Every other country in the world got rid of slavery without a civil war . . . . How much would that cost compared to killing 600,000 Americans when the hatred lingered for 100 years."

~ Ron Paul to Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" in 2007

How true

None of those countries had traitors breaking away just to preserve their right to own and rape other human beings
Wow. That link is one of the most twisted gyrations of historical revisionism and logical fallacies I have seen in some time.

As if the South was ever going to end slavery peacefully. Yeah, right. I want what that dumb shit is smoking.

as if the o/p would ever use a legitimate source. lol.
One of the biggest lies in history is the idea that the CW was fought to free the slaves. How can that possibly be true when there were 4 northern states that allowed slavery during the entire war and when General US Grant was a slave owner during the war and so to Lincoln's second vice president Andrew Johnson.?

Revisionist Bull

The Civil War WAS fought over the issue of slavery. Refer to the South Carolina declaration of secession:

"The right of property in slaves was recognized by giving to free persons distinct political rights, by giving them the right to represent, and burthening them with direct taxes for three-fifths of their slaves; by authorizing the importation of slaves for twenty years; and by stipulating for the rendition of fugitives from labor.

"We affirm that these ends for which this Government was instituted have been defeated, and the Government itself has been made destructive of them by the action of the non-slaveholding States. Those States have assume the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection."

Avalon Project - Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union

The statements of the Vice President of the Confederacy:

"The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institutions—African slavery as it exists among us—the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution."

Cornerstone Speech by Alexander H. Stephens
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Suspended habeas corpus, jailed political dissidents. Dude was a tyrant.

I bet that none of that will be discussed in the FICTIONALIZED account.


Why not? It is fairly common knowledge Lincoln suspended habaeus corpus. Look, even DiamondDave heard about it!

I wonder if these same people whined when Bush did it, and called him, what was it...a tyrant.

Probably not.

Linclon, like most White Americans at the time, were pure racist.

AS WAS THE ENTIRE WORLD! As a mater of fact all the tribes in Africa were also racist.
So your point is what, racism is a only an American phenomenon?

One must respect the man for his accomplishments during the period of time he lived, this historical revisionist bull shit needs to be laid to rest.

The enslavement of an entire race in perpetuity(meaning that their children were born into slavery) required the demonization of that race in America, IMHO that level of demonization was not seen in other places.
One of the biggest lies in history is the idea that the CW was fought to free the slaves. How can that possibly be true when there were 4 northern states that allowed slavery during the entire war and when General US Grant was a slave owner during the war and so to Lincoln's second vice president Andrew Johnson.?

You dipshit White Nationalists never fail to crack me up with this fantasy. :lol:

You obviously never read their declarations of secession.

Declaration of Causes of Secession

Those four states alone mention slavery no less than 82 times!

Here's Mississippi:
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world.

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(Or, How a Real Statesman Would Have Ended Slavery)
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

"Every other country in the world got rid of slavery without a civil war . . . . How much would that cost compared to killing 600,000 Americans when the hatred lingered for 100 years."

~ Ron Paul to Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" in 2007

The new Steven Spielberg movie about Lincoln is entirely based on a fiction, to use a mild term. As longtime Ebony magazine executive editor Lerone Bennett, Jr. explained in his book, Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream: "There is a pleasant fiction that Lincoln . . . became a flaming advocate of the [Thirteenth] amendment and used the power of his office to buy votes to ensure its passage. There is no evidence, as David H. Donald has noted, to support that fiction". (Emphasis added).

In fact, as Bennett shows, it was the genuine abolitionists in Congress who forced Lincoln to support the Thirteenth Amendment that ended slavery, something he refused to do for fifty-four of his fifty-six years. The truth, in other words, is precisely the opposite of the story told in Spielberg’s Lincoln movie, which is based on the book Team of Rivals by the confessed plagiarist/court historian Doris Kearns-Goodwin. (My LRC review of her book was entitled "A Plagiarist’s Contribution to Lincoln Idolatry").


Something that Lincoln refused to do for 54 of his 56 years? He should have been waiving a sword, consutling congress and releasing slaves at the age of 3? How *dare* he not take a stand at the age of 3. I might find it more intriguing if Lincoln were not castigated for things he did not do as a toddler.
Suspended habeas corpus, jailed political dissidents. Dude was a tyrant.

I bet that none of that will be discussed in the FICTIONALIZED account.


Why not? It is fairly common knowledge Lincoln suspended habaeus corpus. Look, even DiamondDave heard about it!

I wonder if these same people whined when Bush did it, and called him, what was it...a tyrant.

Probably not.


You mean like we did with Gitmo?
Judging the man by today's standards is pretty ignorant.

Lincoln did suspend habeas corpus and lost in court over it. He ordered Southern sympathizers in Maryland to be temporarily rounded up and detained out of fear that secessionists would interfere with troop movements.

As far as I know, he did not waterboard any of them.

Regardless, this by no means negates everything else he did nor diminishes his greatness.

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Suspended habeas corpus, jailed political dissidents. Dude was a tyrant.

I bet that none of that will be discussed in the FICTIONALIZED account.


Why not? It is fairly common knowledge Lincoln suspended habaeus corpus. Look, even DiamondDave heard about it!

I wonder if these same people whined when Bush did it, and called him, what was it...a tyrant.

Probably not.


Don't forget his other constitutional violations *cough* Clement Vallandigham *cough*... government confiscation of property.. the list goes on...

I personally think Lincoln is held in abnormally high regard because of the tragedy of the assassination.. people want to gloss over his flaws and violations in some attempt to not tarnish the fallen... we have seen it many times
One of the biggest lies in history is the idea that the CW was fought to free the slaves. How can that possibly be true when there were 4 northern states that allowed slavery during the entire war and when General US Grant was a slave owner during the war and so to Lincoln's second vice president Andrew Johnson.?

Revisionist Bull

The Civil War WAS fought over the issue of slavery. Refer to the South Carolina declaration of secession:

"The right of property in slaves was recognized by giving to free persons distinct political rights, by giving them the right to represent, and burthening them with direct taxes for three-fifths of their slaves; by authorizing the importation of slaves for twenty years; and by stipulating for the rendition of fugitives from labor.

"We affirm that these ends for which this Government was instituted have been defeated, and the Government itself has been made destructive of them by the action of the non-slaveholding States. Those States have assume the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection."

Avalon Project - Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union

The statements of the Vice President of the Confederacy:

"The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institutions—African slavery as it exists among us—the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution."

Cornerstone Speech by Alexander H. Stephens

Strange, I don't see anything about slavery here.

Whereas, The laws of the United States have been for some time past and now are opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the Marshals by law :

Now, therefore, I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution and the laws, have thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call forth, the Militia of the several States of the Union, to the aggregate number of 75,000, in order to suppress said combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed. The details for this object will be immediately communicated to the State authorities through the War Department.

I appeal to all loyal citizens to favor, facilitate, and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity, and the existence of our National Union and the perpetuity of popular government, and to redress wrongs already long enough endured.

I deem it proper to say that the first service assigned to the force hereby called forth will probably be to repossess the forts, places, and property which have been seized from the Union, and, in every event, the utmost care will be observed, consistently with the objects aforesaid, to avoid any devastation, any destruction of, or interference with property, or any disturbance of peaceful citizens in any part of the country; and I hereby command the persons composing the combinations aforesaid to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within twenty days from this date.

Deeming that the present condition of public affairs presents an extraordinary occasion, I do, hereby, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution, convene both Houses of Congress. The Senators and Representatives are therefore summoned to assemble at their respective chambers at twelve o'clock, noon, on Thursday, the fourth day of July next, then and there to consider and determine such measures as, in their wisdom, the public safety and interest may seem to demand.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this fifteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-fifth.
One of the biggest lies in history is the idea that the CW was fought to free the slaves. How can that possibly be true when there were 4 northern states that allowed slavery during the entire war and when General US Grant was a slave owner during the war and so to Lincoln's second vice president Andrew Johnson.?

You dipshit White Nationalists never fail to crack me up with this fantasy. :lol:

You obviously never read their declarations of secession.

Declaration of Causes of Secession

Those four states alone mention slavery no less than 82 times!

Here's Mississippi:
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world.

The fact that Southern States seceded over slavery in no way proves that the Northern States fought over slavery. Unless, of course, you think we fought WWII because Germany was being oppressed by Europe.

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